Star Trek Online Why r/sto was private on Aug 30 (or: how dare you deprive me of my video game subreddit, losers) |
- Why r/sto was private on Aug 30 (or: how dare you deprive me of my video game subreddit, losers)
- Starting on Star Trek Day, you'll be able to create a Temporal Recruit, and unlock rewards for your whole account!
- Appreciation
- Temporal Recruit starting Sep 8th
- I wish we had more calendar specific one act missions like Hearts and Minds on Friday the 13th. Each August 30th it'd be great to go back and sit around before the Bell Riots happened. We still have 3 more years!
- Klingon War? What Klingon War?
- Patch notes today?
- Can we have the new Stalker Squadron hanger pets unlocked for all ships just like the other 3 in this pic that was created as part of the new support carrier bundle.
- Nothing serious, just a little ol' funny haha thing for all you warrior-born's out there. Now, before you all call fake on this, the name was randomly generated by the game, and it's in Klingon so it's not rude! (Probably) ��
- The IKS HurDagh’etlh reporting for Duty
- This is fine
- Deciding on an Event Reward Ship
- hur'q vedrid hive dreadnought carrier
- Looking for a fleet - Xb
- Best overall lobi ship?
- Cycle camera distance. XB
- Ward repair ship on console.
- Woo hoo! RNGesus blessed me today.
- Legendary Scimitar Semi-Canon Romulan Republic Theme Build - Star Trek O...
- Lukari Anniversary Ship
- Creation Guide?
- Do you still get a free ship at level 61?
- "Classical server" for STO?
- Thanks to the event campaign, The Atlas Class U.S.S. Phoenix - K was commissioned yesterday, and now begins her voyage into deep space.
- USS Nostromo NCC-1809 entering service. Newly build ship with the best hardware in Retro look
- This reminds me, we need more Floor Trophies
Why r/sto was private on Aug 30 (or: how dare you deprive me of my video game subreddit, losers) Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:04 PM PDT As you almost certainly noticed, r/sto was inaccessible from approximately midnight 30 August to midnight 31 August, Eastern (United States) time. You may have been shown this image when you tried to visit it, as we intended, or you may have not seen anything of the sort due to reasons beyond our control. You may have seen this original action on many different subreddits, or reddit's incredibly flaccid response. However, just in case you haven't, let me recap. The SituationReddit is hosting a frankly staggering amount of misinformation, much of it actively dangerous to public health, regarding COVID-19 vaccines. I won't belabor this point, since others have summarized the issue much more eloquently. However, reddit's response to 692 individual subreddits calling on them to take action to quite literally save lives could be best summed up, I think, as #bothsides garbage, equating advocacy of cattle deworming medication with factual information on the scientifically and empirically demonstrated efficacy and safety of FDA-approved vaccines, and making impotent appeals to 'the good of our communities' in the face of the demonstrable and repeated history of incredibly ungood communities thriving on reddit... until those communities became problematic for reddit's bottom line, by way of media attention. What We Didr/sto, along with r/stobuilds and 91 other subreddits (at time of writing [and including the vast majority of other Star Trek communities]), went private. The specific mechanics of this action varied. r/sto and r/stobuilds chose to go private for a defined amount of time, as our communities are commonly used as resources to aid in enjoyment of the game. Therefore, we took our subreddits private for 24 hours, but did not allow any activity during that time. r/StarTrek and most of the others, by contrast (and to my understanding), have gone private until the mods there are satisfied that the issue is resolved (or, presumably, action is being taken to resolve it), but may be allowing individuals to request access to their communities. Just What in the Hell Are We Trying to Achieve, AnywaysContrary to most of the discussion and/or handful of rage-filled mod mails I've seen, the intent of our action yesterday was not solely to raise awareness. Awareness of the issue is, in one way or another, pretty damn raised. Put bluntly, our goal was press reddit to take action by generating media coverage, as that has been shown to be the only stimulus to which reddit reliably responds. Whether this will work remains to be seen, but we could not sit idly by while others attempted to drive change without being complicit if that change failed to materialize. First of All, How Dare WeYou may disagree with the aim, the method, the timing, or Talon allegedly having a desk. That's fine. You may, in fact, use this thread - and this thread only, within r/sto - to express that disagreement. Note, however, that if you downplay the seriousness of the pandemic, exaggerate or mischaracterize the risks associated with any of the vaccines, or suggest taking medications for off-label uses regardless of if you've found a totally reliable doctor on Facebook that says it's a miracle cure, we will ban you. That may seem totally unfair, and like censorship, and you may feel a strong desire to compare us to Nazis, or accuse us of fascism, authoritarianism, communism, or other -isms you don't fully understand. However, if you indulge in this desire in this subreddit, we will - shockingly - also ban you. I want to be very clear. This is neither a democracy, nor a free speech zone, nor ye olde town square. The mechanics of reddit itself make this a dictatorship. In spite of that, we have, I think, endeavored to make it a fair corner of the internet for those who approach it civilly. However, when people I know are dying because of the actions of others that happened to believe this sort of misinformation, it ceases to be civil to spread or defend it. If you feel like this is wildly unacceptable, you are welcome to pursue alternative communities. Spare us the diatribe, and just go. Actually, That's FineIf you're still here - and yes, even if you disagree, but know how to not be a dick while doing so - let me share some of the ways I think we could've done this better, since it's not like we're magically above reproach just by virtue of being too We were late to this particular party, and not even fashionably so. Due to a whole bunch of human factors, we only had a few hours of discussion time between learning of this planned action and having to make the call on our participation. In addition, we moved the go-time up three hours, from midnight Pacific to midnight Eastern, in order to have more moderators around for at least the initial wave of "what the hell's going on." Because of the heavily compressed timescale, we did not have time prepare an announcement post of any kind before flipping the switch. That was, frankly, a mistake, but I'm not sure we could have done it much differently within the time available. Also, as alluded to in the preamble to this monster, reddit's own technical shortcomings exacerbated our attempts to communicate this. The 'private subreddit' notice sometimes uses the description we set, and sometimes does not, depending on platform, browser, and phase of the moon. Even when it does, the UI of the page itself strongly implies that private must mean that you can ask us for access, with no capability for us to control this. If I were a conspiratorial sort, I'd say reddit designed this functionality specifically to punish moderators who use the private switch as protest, because they couldn't've done a much better job if they'd tried. This drove a great deal of confusion in the community, with gut-check 90% of the mod mails we received during the shutdown asking for access as though it was a foregone conclusion that it was available to at least some people. Just to be clear, again, it was not. Nobody was talking about you behind your back, I promise. Are You Even Still Reading ThisFrankly, if you are, I'm impressed, and thank you. We understand that this action was sudden, possibly inexplicable and confusing, and very likely to be controversial. I do want to highlight, before you go, that the vast majority of communications we received during the shutdown were quite civil. The response was mostly positive, but even those who disagreed mostly did so with a high degree of understanding and empathy. We want to thank the community for living up to the high standards of civility and thoughtful discussion that you set every day in our subreddit, under challenging and unclear circumstances. And now, back to your regularly scheduled shitposting. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Aug 2021 09:12 AM PDT
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Posted: 31 Aug 2021 08:03 AM PDT Just wanted to say I appreciate that Cryptic puts up client patch files at the beginning of the maintenance period so they can be downloaded and applied while the server is still unavailable. STO patches haven't been the burden that they've become for some games, but still, I'm glad that someone at the head end has spared a thought for us at the bottom of the pipeline. [link] [comments] | ||
Temporal Recruit starting Sep 8th Posted: 31 Aug 2021 09:09 AM PDT | ||
Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:26 PM PDT
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Klingon War? What Klingon War? Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:26 PM PDT This is a bit of a rant/personal opinion post regarding early-game content in STO. Let me start off by saying that I have been playing the game off and on since 2011. For all of its faults, I have never not loved Star Trek Online and its in-game lore and storylines. In this redditor's opinion, many of STO's plotlines are better than those found in the post-Nemesis novels and canon material. That being said, the Federation-Klingon War (2405-2409) has continued to be a massive disappointment to me. I can't blame you if you have no idea what I'm talking about, it feels like its in-game content lasts all of about an hour. By the time the game starts, the fourth war between the UFP and the Klingon Empire has been raging for four years. Unknown numbers on both sides have died, Federation territory is occupied by a relentless enemy that has threatened the very existence of the Federation throughout their shared history. It does not take long for new players to experience the bloodshed, as their training cruise gets interrupted by Klingon raiders. After a brief distraction by the Borg, the player takes the fight to the Klingons, dashing the hopes of conquering Gorn, saving a freighter, evicting Klingons from a monastery, keeping war-winning weapons out of Ambassador B'vat's hands and...wait...that's it? But...where did B'vat go? What about the war? Why am I now being sent to deal with Cardassians? And now Romulans...and now Borg...okay, what about the actual all-out war going on? Oh. We never go back to that, not until emerging threats force its cessation. Am I the only one who is rather disappointed by that? Do not get me wrong, I am not saying the Cardassian, Romulan and Borg episode arcs shouldn't exist, that they should be replaced or shortened. However, a mission or two in between these arcs reminding us that there is a major conflict continuing would have been nice. Klingon players do not fare much better, with their early-game content being more of a mini-civil war, other than the raid on Mars (why is THAT not a bigger deal? I'm not sure Fed players even hear about it.) Before you know it, the war is forgotten, never mentioned again by in-game characters. As J'ula puts it "and now we build ships with them." Of course, I've been playing long enough to remember "Past Imperfect" and the final end of B'vat. As well as the other 5 or so story missions that were removed for "revamping" and were never heard of again. Are we ever going to see those again? Other missions were simply moved out of the arc, like Spectres. The war used to be a pretty sizable part of STO, and I wonder how many newer players are even aware. I wonder how many were there when the "road to 2409" played across loading screens, giving background on the war's causes. I'm not sure that information is even available in game anymore, if it is I'm not aware of where to find it, other than that dumb trivia quiz. I don't really count patrol missions or task force missions where it's kill a few waves of Klingons/Starfleet, as those aren't really story content. It would be nice if a little work could be put in to that early-game lore and content, even if that work consisted of simply replacing those missions that were removed. I don't know about y'all, but fighting the Klingons/Starfleet will forever be more interesting to me than those edgy, glowy, spooky bois. Even a few lines of dialogue during later arcs, a few snappy comments between Federation and Klingon characters would be good instead of the collective forgive and forget. That's my two cents on early STO content. I'd be interested in hearing how the rest of you feel about it. tl;dr: I remember when the Federation-Klingon War was a bigger deal than it is now, and I miss it. Maybe Cryptic will put the pulled missions in a lockbox or a $400 legendary bundle with sparkly targs. That'd be cool. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Aug 2021 05:54 AM PDT I've not seen anything on here or the forums. Thanks, folks. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:03 AM PDT
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Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:34 PM PDT
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The IKS HurDagh’etlh reporting for Duty Posted: 31 Aug 2021 02:54 AM PDT
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Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:53 PM PDT
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Deciding on an Event Reward Ship Posted: 31 Aug 2021 07:58 AM PDT Hi all, this is another 'help me decide on a ship' post. I'm expecting to finish the event campaign in the next day or so, and have somewhat narrowed down my ship choices. 1) If I were to get a Jem Hadar ship, do I need to unlock it on my JH toon before I can use it on my other toons? I have the Vanguard Raider, which I did have to unlock. 2) If I go with the Lobi or T6 Box, I'm trying to decide between the Mirror Constitution Warship, the Freedom Frigate, or the Mirror Engle Class, the Son'a Intel Battlecruiser, or the Jem Hadar Recon Ship 3) If I opt for the T6 Coupons, I am looking at the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship or the Kolasi Siege Destroyer or one of the Cardassian Intel ships (I have the Detapa Escort) Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] | ||
hur'q vedrid hive dreadnought carrier Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:09 AM PDT Is this ship worth it ? I love carriers and am looking into what ships from the promotional box to get and I am leaning twords this one. I would like to hear some feedback though thank you. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:00 AM PDT I'm a returning player who never really got into the game properly but I've now hit 65 and really enjoying it so I'm now looking for a fleet to join on Xbox. I'm in the UK so looking for something with active players in and around that time zone. Nothing too serious just a casual player interested in PVE. I've tried the in game fleet finder and it's just a mess so giving a go on here lol Any help appreciated :) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Aug 2021 04:56 AM PDT I've recently come into around 971 lobi crystals, and I need help deciding. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:32 PM PDT Does anyone know if "they" changed the Cycle Camera Distance on XB? Or am I just buggie. Cause at the furthest distance I should have a good FOV in sector but instead Im looking down my ships tailpipe. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:02 PM PDT Any tips on making this work on console ? I'm running it for the Voth battle cloak but I can't activate it before I die because the respawn screen pops up over the ability tray. Does it not work on console or am I missing something ? [link] [comments] | ||
Woo hoo! RNGesus blessed me today. Posted: 30 Aug 2021 10:27 PM PDT Picked up my free Phoenix box today, because you can always use a Phoenix upgrade or two. Except, I got me an Epic token! The question is, what to get - When I opened the store, all the options except for the 2x Ultra Rare Tokens, were greyed out, so I think I have all the ships in there - I have most (if not all) of the T6 ships from the events over the years (I think my first event ship was the Nandi, and I haven't missed one since). So do I hang onto it on the off chance they ever put something new in there, or do I break it down to two Ultra Rares? I've only used one X-Upgrade, so I'm sitting on a few of those already. Are there any T5s in there worth breaking an Epic token for? I don't have many of the ones listed, but is there something I'm really missing out on by not having? [link] [comments] | ||
Legendary Scimitar Semi-Canon Romulan Republic Theme Build - Star Trek O... Posted: 31 Aug 2021 06:20 AM PDT
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Posted: 31 Aug 2021 02:56 AM PDT I completed this event when it was live and claimed the ship. However it is greyed out in the events tab saying I needed a character to have completed the event. I've submitted a ticket. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Aug 2021 01:50 AM PDT Hi, like many others im wanting to recreate some of my favourite Canon characters and was wondering if their was a guide to making them since the ones I make usually look nothing alike their RL counter parts. [link] [comments] | ||
Do you still get a free ship at level 61? Posted: 31 Aug 2021 01:34 AM PDT So I hit level 61 and places have said you get a free token or coupon for a ship at the zen store. Is this still true? If so where so I find said coupon because I think I've checked every possible tab combination. Also I'm playing on console if it matters. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 31 Aug 2021 03:09 AM PDT Some other games have "classical" or "legacy" servers, which present older builds of the game in question to play. Josh Strife Hayes has made a video detailing the concept: I must say an older build of STO might appeal to me. What about you? Edit: Or, failing that, a parallel build on a separate server that sort of recreates an earlier stage of the game, by removing certain things as indicated in the video, while keeping all the missions and TFO's? [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:24 PM PDT
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USS Nostromo NCC-1809 entering service. Newly build ship with the best hardware in Retro look Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:20 PM PDT
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This reminds me, we need more Floor Trophies Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:20 AM PDT
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