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    Saturday, July 17, 2021

    Star Trek Online Showing some love for my favorite tough, little ship

    Star Trek Online Showing some love for my favorite tough, little ship

    Showing some love for my favorite tough, little ship

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Can't be watching Star Trek in a bar. Only wish I had my computer so I could play STO. Actually done it before, but its awkward playing computer game at a bar.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:14 PM PDT

    Stupid idea # 1,701 for dil sink.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    So I know I'm sick of the ideas for Dil sinks for the game but I had a shower thought.


    The default bridges suck and there are already a bunch of cool unique bridges locked to specific ships. Cryptic should charge us a nice sum of dil to unlock a bridge for a specific ship. Want a walker bridge on your Miranda cruiser done 38k dil.

    How about a lukari bridge for the risian love boat? Kinda cool.

    Also hanger pets let them be free if you own the ship let them be put in any hanger. I'd buy more of them that way! GIVE ME MY KELVIN DRONES ON MY FLIGHT DECK CRUISER.

    submitted by /u/Zeropointeffect
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    USS Everest - Refit and Back in Action!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Oof - New Romulus Storyline. I don’t recall it being this much of a headache!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Just wanted to gripe for a hot minute! I just came back into the fold after maybe a 5 year hiatus. Of course I rolled a new toon (TOS Fed) to relive the journey and reacquaint myself with the game. Before you read, I really enjoy this game. But today was rough.

    First - I had no idea the story was revamped and tossed you into New Romulus at level 30ish. So I was pretty stunned that the game took this strange turn from the Episodes I recalled. My gripes are the following (and I'm curious if anyone else agrees or experienced these).

    Half the loot I found or got I could obviously not use - it was for Admiral or higher. Most of the quest rewards were useless as well - the reputation system isn't even available to me yet. So the final mission gave me exactly ZERO rewards (towards the ground project).

    The quests seemed out of order. After doing each "instance" quest, I would receive another quest to go back and do it again simply to find the video messages. Annoying and time consuming but at first manageable. The mountain instance science enemies could wipe my team with one cast of radiation - maybe a scaling problem? But I didn't have to complete all the objectives.

    Then I got to the lava caves mission. First time I did it, it bugged out and spawned 2x groups of Tholians per wave at the end. I did not survive. Second run through, the Tholian captain fell through the floor. Third run was the winner. Then the episode sent me back, and I ran through…. Only to find I had to actually complete the whole thing again to summon D'Tan.

    Then in the last mission (which I guess is the first of the Sphere chain) - my "Ops" guy bugged and never left my primary "interact" toolbar. The. Entire. Mission.

    Yeesh. I feel kinda jipped out of the experience of flying my Captain level science Cruiser - since this episode had zero space missions and moved me from 34-39. Anyone else feel this episode is way out of place now?

    submitted by /u/DhamonOA
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    I Ran Into My Favourite Surfer

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    I did not name my ship U. S. S. Geneva Suggestion for no reason, though.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 01:41 AM PDT

    I did a thing. This started with Kuumarrke. Here's how if u Wana know (link) https://photos.app.goo.gl/VE4TYkW1U4LcEXfJ6

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Screw the Yrridian’s. That is all.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    QoL suggestion: Making Floaters and Powerboard account bound instead of character bound

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    Here's a quality of life: Making Floaters and Powerboard account bound instead of character bound.

    What's the difference? A lot of players multi-toon. So when our main "upgrades" to a better Floater or Powerboard, it would be great to be able to pass the old one to an alt.

    submitted by /u/Lexers624
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    Detached legs are in fashion now. Do Chu Chu!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    Bless the Chu Chu gods!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    I had a break from STO and realized later ingame that the character got Weapon Idle animations. Damn thats badass guys. Keep it up cryptic.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Geko: more dil sinks coming soon

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    The Asteria encounters a Galor Class intruding Federation Space

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    Does Temporal Ambassador make sense for DSC/TOS/Dominion characters?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    I just completed Temporal Ambassador as my TOS captain. So, Daniels just plopped me, a captain of a Starfleet ship, into a future where Starfleet basically no longer exists and me and my crew are left to fend for ourselves, and somehow we get captured by the Tholians and they force us to serve them, right? But if my entire crew is also from the 23rd century and thus presumably we all still traveled to 2409 together, why do they act like they dont know who the frick I am when I meet them at this Tholain asteroid base? If they were never ever part of my crew, then how the heck did these 23rd century Starfleet people all end up in 2409 with me?

    Furthermore if your a Jem'Hadar and the Founders mean everything to you, wouldent you be happy about there being a timeline where the Dominion is dominating the entire galaxy, even if it meant you had to work for the Tholians forever? Wouldent you want to sabotage any effort to restore the timeline back to normal?

    Is there something I am missing, or is there actually this huge plothole in this mission when you play it as any captain from one of a few certain factions? Does anyone have ideas for headcanons to make sense of the mission? I would actually like to hear some creative ideas for how this would all be justified if any of you guys have wild imaginations and a bit of time to think.

    submitted by /u/ThePaperShield
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    (PC) Workbees vanity shield is missing in Risian Vendor

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    It's there if you go to the summer store through the event window, but not if you talk to the guy on the boardwalk on Risa. Got me very confused for a few minutes.

    submitted by /u/pleasebeatmeup
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    Star Trek Online - Klingon Civil War Story Arc [Livestream] | Stream #3 | 16th July 2021

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 08:53 AM PDT

    Section 31 Special Agent Mrelle with her crew in search of the protomatter bomb.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Steam Deck

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    So, does anyone think the Steam Deck will be able to play STO? Ideally I'm hoping it can right out of the box, but was wondering what the general concensus was

    submitted by /u/Demented1971
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