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    Sunday, July 18, 2021

    Star Trek Online I'm so tired of this. Remembering the good old times, when traits could only be changed by paying zen.

    Star Trek Online I'm so tired of this. Remembering the good old times, when traits could only be changed by paying zen.

    I'm so tired of this. Remembering the good old times, when traits could only be changed by paying zen.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    How come the Lost Dominion Storyline isn’t main Story content?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Like it's not in the different chapters so you can completely ignore it. And it's seems pretty important to the overall plot, or at the very least the Gamma Quadrant and Hurq storyline. It has Loriss, who shows up later, the Female Changeling being freed, and Captain Shon being promoted to the Enterprise F. So why isn't it a part of the main story? It just seems odd to me.

    submitted by /u/BeastBoom24
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    So, as I wait out this latest unwarranted Leaver Penalty, I want to ask something here. What is it about joining a queue event that leaves me with a 50/50 chance of being disconnected?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    I can sit in-game for hours and have no issue. Join a queue event though and it's anyone's guess as to if I will come out the other side or not.

    Some times it's not even 50/50. Today's run has been more like 10/90, with the latest disco resulting in me being teamed, but still in sector space. Until it booted me from the team and penalized me for "leaving".

    Other times I can run several queues and have no issues. It's also not just queues. Going to my bridge is always a risk.

    submitted by /u/Apoxeon
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    As someone who is familiar with STO but not Star Trek as a TV Series, which should be watched first?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 11:34 PM PDT

    I grew up to my grandfather watching Next Generation and when I got into STO I grinded until I got the Enterprise-D, but I've always wanted to sit down and watch Star Trek as a series. I expect to eventually watch both, I don't see any problem with the effects of either, but I want to know which one people would recommend for the overall story. I love STO, and the Kelvin movies are pretty awesome, but I've always been torn between where to start.

    Edit: wow this blew up! Thanks to everyone so far!

    I also encourage the comments! If you have a specific choice please elaborate, each aid my decision!

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    submitted by /u/atlasargomuse
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    Expanding delta-quadrant ships

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 08:11 PM PDT

    This year is the 20th anniversary of the finale of Star Trek: Voyager. Granted opinions on the show are mixed to say the least, but one thing that Voyager did was introduce a ridiculous amount of new species and starships courtesy of the show's premise allowing them to do some new stuff.

    Delta Rising, while controversial in the game due to the introduction of specialization ships, tier 6 ships, a host of bugs and the original slog between level 50 to level 60, had a nice story and some fun missions in it. Having playable Talaxians and a host of Delta-quadrant ships was a great start to exploring the Delta quadrant in STO, but I think there's more room to expand.

    Ships like the Akritirian patrol ship and Kobali ship are just so neat and served as ships for other species because the episodes could be a bit rushed and the budget for a ship on screen for twenty seconds didn't need to be too high showing us that the races of the Delta quadrant had shared technology to some extent.

    I honestly think this kind of works to the game's benefit, though. Think about it - a Reptohumanoid vessel could also come with the alternate Vidiian ship hull configuration and a host of materials to represent the Reptohumanoid, Vidiian and Dralian uses of the CGI model.

    Then there are also great standalone designs like the Devore Warship and the massive Kazon/Trabe mothership.

    I think it's about time we revisited the Delta quadrant, get away from the Klingons and Klinons and get some more 'third party' ships. Some of these mentioned here, like the smaller Kobali ship and the Kazon mothership already exist as models in the game, too!

    I just think there's a lot to dig into that was sort of left behind on the dusty shelf way back in 2014 and would love to see more truly alien vessels.

    It'd also be nice to get some other Delta-quadrant races like the Turei, Hirogen, Hazari and Kazon available as Boffs, and some of their features added to the aliengen toons to expand the possible race recreations for them.

    submitted by /u/MightyVanguard
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    Please let our boffs stand in their selected stances on the login screen

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    Sometimes when there is a bit of lag your character and crew will show up in their selected stances (from the character editor) before they they are forced into the default poses:


    Could we please just let them stand in the stances we have selected for them instead of having them forced into those strange poses? Or at least have an option?

    submitted by /u/stocostumes
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    Figured out why I'm liking my Gamma Recruit less than others.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    It's the Jem'Hadar. I've just never wanted to roleplay one, because as a species, they're interesting and tragic, but as individual characters, they're boring. Probably because they were designed to be interchangeable. They're like the Borg that way; outside of a small range of variance in appearance, they're identical, especially when it comes to personality, motivations, desires, flaws (or lack thereof, in the case of a homogenized culture) - basically, the building blocks of individuality. This worked in DS9, because the Jem'Hadar were the cannon fodder you didn't feel too bad about killing in great masses. Hell, they liked dying! They considered themselves already dead, so it's totally okay to kill them by the thousand!

    Similarly, the Bog are already "dead" by virtue of assimilation (even though they're too often rescued and restored), and their aims are likewise inhuman and murderous, so our heroes killing them by the million was no big deal. The Borg are great cannon fodder, because they're the ultimate faceless evil, mindless on an individual level, multitudinous, and beyond redemption (except when they aren't).

    So, like the Borg, the Jem'Hadar are an interesting species. But the only way to make them interesting as individuals is to makes them less... Jem'Hadar. With one exception, every one of them with any significant airtime was only interesting because they weren't like other Jem'Hadar. A Jem'Hadar child, a mutant Jem'Hadar who kicked the Ketracel habit, Jem'Hadar who disobey - the less Jem'Hadar they were, the more interesting. Just like Seven of Nine; they had to make her less Borg to be interesting, because being part of the faceless horde isn't very compelling, unless the story is about why they're part of the faceless horde, and you can only do that once.

    So, it's difficult to fashion anything compelling out of Jem'Hadar clay. Sure, they fit right into STO's maximum-death-and-destruction gameplay, but in terms of roleplaying, the intro makes sure you're a loyal cog in the machine, all your motivations boil down to "I was ordered to," and any non-canonical adventures - in which you might branch out from the one-note repertoire of Jem'Hadar life - are "simulations". What would make you interesting - individuality - is stripped from the story from the outset. The story is, you're the Jem'Hadariest Jem'Hadar who ever Jemmed Hadar. Your mileage may vary, I don't find that particularly interesting. In RPG terms, I'm not the GM, here. Cryptic is, and they're not giving me much to work with.

    submitted by /u/lotusmaglite
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    Gamma Recruit rerun

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    In the end, the only new transponder item was running Swarm 5 times on Normal for 100 Gamma Marks and 1 Elite Mark? With all the various bugs for other things like the Endeavor goals that were removed, seems like there wasn't much to it after all.

    ETA: u/noahssnark pointed out that there was a T-6X upgrade for the Tier 6 reputation completion - although that didn't really require any new activity if you had previously completed the reputations in the normal course of playing the new character the first time.

    submitted by /u/Veridical_Perception
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    when you have lucky day

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    Looking for fleet {Xbox}

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Hello. I am currently looking for a ACTIVE Fleet (I know that's a rough thing to say now days).

    Requirements: - Active, if the Fleet isn't active in just going to leave. Tired of joining al these completely dead fleets with ONE member getting on once a week. - Preferably fleet holdings minimum of Tier 4, some can be Tier 3 just not COLONY, and Starbase, and I think K-13 or Spire - Ability to purchase Fleet Provisions by at most the 2nd Promotion. - Starfleet/Federation Aligned.

    I am level 65 I play the game pretty often currently working on completing all mission and attempting to get my reputations up. I struggle with building ships, I feel like it's just a learning curve, but my ship does fairly good in most situations I've came across.

    Must have room for 4 Players in total! My family plays (Dad,Brother,Cousin,Myself) and I'm slowly convincing more! We aren't afraid of donations, we are looking to be apart of an active Fleet, and conquer space with other players.

    | Gamertag: Tragic OrNa |

    Feel free to message me letting me know you're ready to invite usually if I'm online I'm on not just idle. Don't try to invite if you don't meet the requirements I've posted. Looking forward to joining a new fleet!

    submitted by /u/TragicOrNa
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    Borg Exoskeleton costume on Boffs?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    My boffs can use the head cosmetic from the costume. But not the costume itself.

    Is it not possible for boffs to use it?

    submitted by /u/Romado
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    Risian kit always displays a breather..

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Please tell me how to get rid of the breather thing that shows when you use the risian kit, My idea was that my Risa toon was going to use the kit module it since he had a Risa theme, but he can't go around with a breather all the time .. ruins the immersion.

    submitted by /u/thestargazed
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    Game crash PS5 on Zen market for MONTHS

    Posted: 18 Jul 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    As titled says, for months now I cannot open the zen store. Every time it crashes the game. Playing on ps5, had this on ps4 before too, don't know if it's fixed there. Tried reinstalling, rebuilding the database. Filed a bug report, response was open a thread on the forums…

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/kei2371
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    I am still new to Star Trek Online and would like some opinions on this skill tree. I am aiming for versatility for my tactical toon. I need to know if this is adequate for PvE content. Is there anything I should change?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 08:05 PM PDT

    Interesting Dance Party bug

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    I did Dance Party last night but ended up joining late and knew I wouldn't be able to finish and get all the favors. I ended up logging off and going to bed before it ended. Next day I logged into the same character and ended up in the middle of another Dance Party. However because I originally logged off before it ended the mission never dropped so logging in the next day I ended up right where I had left on the counting. Just a odd tidbit I thought I would share.

    TLDR: If you log off during Dance Party and then log back in during a different Dance Party it appears you will not lose your progress.

    submitted by /u/WaldoTrek
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    Can anyone identify what that blue portal is?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Can anyone share the old missions with me please?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Usually lurk on here but after seeing some of the old/removed for revamp missions on YouTube, I have this urge to play them if anyone could share them with me.

    I started playing STO in 2015 and I apparently did play some of them back then but I can't remember playing them.

    I'm in the UK so if anyone is in a similar timezone and could share them, I'd be really grateful.

    Until then, I'll be living vicariously through my toon and sunning myself on Risa.


    submitted by /u/mucktub1986
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    Wibbly-Wobbly Jemmy-Hadary

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    Constant flickering on space and ground maps on a Dell XPS 13 9310

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    Risian Vulcanology Kit - Sleeper Kit of the Season?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 12:36 PM PDT

    Hey ho captains,

    Noticed there's a new Risian kit frame that makes captains immune to fire and toxic gas, but I haven't heard of anyone talking about it for ground builds.


    Has anyone tried it, recommendations?

    submitted by /u/KaiRam0079
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    Deferi Invasion Zone Crafting

    Posted: 17 Jul 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    I know crafting in the zone isn't going to be fixed. So, can we get these 3 items added to the Omega Rep store?

    • [Tunes Anti-Borg Device]
    • [Fractal Remodulator]
    • [Presequenced Frequency Randomizer]

    The other items from Deferi Invasion Zone already in the Omega Rep store

    • [Hypo - Adrenaline Trigger]
    • [Power Cell - Antiproton Carrier Wave]
    • [Shield Recharge - Plasma Resistance]
    submitted by /u/FinnNuwok
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