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    Saturday, July 24, 2021

    Star Trek Online Ground Endeavors Maxed

    Star Trek Online Ground Endeavors Maxed

    Ground Endeavors Maxed

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 06:38 AM PDT

    Player attitude is part of the problem

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    I don't doubt that I'm going to get blitzed for saying this, but I'm feeling frustrated and blunt this morning. So here goes:

    I have found the player base of Star Trek Online to be increasingly unpleasant, openly hostile, or - at best - indifferent to the game and other players. And that's hurting the game as much as or more than any mistakes or missteps the devs make.

    While I 100% agree that the devs are partly responsible for the current condition of the game, I feel that some of the fault must be laid at the feet of the player base as well. Because like it or not, Cryptic is still making money on STO, which means players are still spending money on it.

    That's a voluntary thing. And it's not necessarily a bad thing, because Star Trek Online is quite unique in the MMORPG world, and has the potential to continue for years to come. Yes, I agree that the Lockbox mechanic is abhorrent, and I think the developers would both make more money and generate more goodwill by putting those items in the Zen Store, that's not the point of my post (which yeah, I admit, is a rant).

    Here's the point: the vast majority of players I encounter every day don't seem to be interested in the game beyond getting the latest and greatest thing, or maxing out their DPS and showing off how quickly they can blow through a TFO without any help. Yes, this is indicative of an imbalance in game mechanics...but people are still taking advantage of it, and always will.

    The few character biographies I still see - yes, I am a role-player - rarely have anything to do with the actual Star Trek property. I've encountered immortal vampire fairy princesses, managers of Space Denny's, and more "woke up in this world" characters that escaped from Isekai manga and anime than I care to count. The last time I saw a bio that was actually for a Starfleet (or KDF) starship captain was a month ago.

    Zone chat - no matter where you are, but especially ESD (and currently Risa) - is a cesspit of trolls, political arguments, and if you're very lucky two or three minutes of actual conversation about the game and/or Star Trek. Don't even bother trying to ask for help there.

    I occasionally hang around ESD and tolerate the Zone chat not to participate, but to try to help any new players who try to ask questions there. Because the ridicule and intentionally bad advice I see people getting is a horrible thing for a new player to experience.

    Fleets - I gave up on my dead fleet several months ago - are now a terrible thing to join. The few that are still interested in fostering community are either tied up in long-term RP stories that are too dense for new players to easily enter, or are completely focused on DPS maxing to the exclusion of anything else, including any socialization. The rest just want fresh blood for their Fleet Marks and Dilithium, often locking newly joined members out of Fleet stores until a baseline of donations has been reached, then bumping the player out of the fleet without giving them access.

    I feel bad for new players who are just discovering STO for the first time. Not because the game mechanics place any of the content beyond their reach...aside from Lockbox ships and (currently) Zen Store ships, everything in the game really can be easily accomplished or acquired FTP. The basic game is solid, and for new players who aren't jaded by years of repetitive content, the storylines are pretty well-written and well-told. Many of them are fun enough to play more than once.

    No, I feel bad for new players because they're being met by an existing player base that is, in my experience, frequently unpleasant, sometimes openly hostile, and often just looking to take advantage of them.

    Star Trek Online is home, but it doesn't feel like one anymore. We need to do something about that, or nothing the devs do will keep this game alive. I wish I knew what, but I'm one person who's been struggling to connect with other players without success.

    Wow. That was more than I intended. I need to catch my breath now.

    TL;DR: Star Trek Online still has the potential to be something special and positive...but only if we, the players, clean up our collective act. Because while the devs misstep and make mistakes, that's only half of the problem. The currently ugly player base is the other half. The devs can't fix that...only we can.

    Edit to add: I'm thrilled to hear that some people have experienced the opposite of what I have. I'm also a little jealous, and wondering what time zones you're in. I imagine that might have an impact on things.

    submitted by /u/magusjosh
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    STO Lore in a nutshell

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    SUGGESTION: Add a DS9 Dahar Master / Blood Oath themed pack containing Kor, Koloth and Kang's DS9 outfits. Creating the next best thing using available outfits just isn't the same. (Bonus points if their hair and beard styles are added too!)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    The I.K.S Mupwl' Nach (Hammer Head)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    I wanted to play "The Centre Cannot Hold" but got thrown into "Blood of the Empire". As a FED character.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I wanted to play "The Centre Cannot Hold" but got thrown into "Blood of the Empire". As a FED character.

    This is one of the most game breaking bugs/glitches I ever witnessed in this game.

    So I wanted to begin the Klingon Civil War Missions with my Caitian char and transwarped to Q'onos, and pressed "Begin: The Centre Cannot Hold." One Loading screen later, I wasn´t in the great hall, I was in orbit of Q'onos fighting Fek'lhri- I wasn´t even spawned at the Beginning of "Blood of the Empire" but in the middle. I thought I forgot a mission revamp or something and just played the mission, but was already confused why I could fire on the Klingon Ships as well. The same thing continued on the ground, I killed Fek'lhri and Klingon hordes up until "protecting" Chancellor J'mpok- which I could attack as well because he was coded as a enemy. I wasn´t able to beam out normally, and couldn´t proceed with the mission because I couldn´t talk to J'mpok. After logging in and out, I was still on the same map, as seen below.


    So I started a random TFO to leave the map and got returned to sector space after I was done.

    So not only did I get thrown into the wrong mission, I also got thrown somewhere in the middle of it, and also It was a mission my character isn´t even able to play normally. Explain yourselves, Devs.

    submitted by /u/NucleusBrain
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    The Fed ship from Prodigy!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Total time played

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    for a long time ive been using a lot of different stores to get the game... steam, arc, epic... and now im wondering how long have i played in total on my account... i know theres a chat command for it... but it only shows the time on a specific character... is there a way to get a total playtime for the entire account?

    submitted by /u/National_Fan_2254
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    Don't mind me, just using the new Risian Luxury Cruiser to drag some Orion ships around. Love that module btw

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    MassivelyOP interview: Talking ship design with Star Trek Online’s Donny Versiga

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    Tumerboy: "Still some work to do (detailing/trims/decals/etc.), but here's where the Brig stands now. Opinions on Light vs. Dark?"

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    Star Trek Online - Klingon Civil War Story Arc [Livestream] | Stream #Final | 23rd July 2021

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Disco Refit Vanity shield on KDF

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    Does the discovery refit vanity have the same effect as the original disco vanity on a KDF? (the cool pattern)

    Is the effect only on KDF ships or only on KDF characters?

    submitted by /u/prometheus8888
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    T5 or experimental upgrade?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 01:32 AM PDT

    I've just acquired an Ultra Rare Phoenix prize pack, unsure what to spend it on, do I go for a t5 ship or the experimental ship upgrade tokens?

    Many thanks for your time and responses

    submitted by /u/trekfan247
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    Boff training, Something I would dump Dil into

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    not a new idea but with the influx of new toons I have boff training is a PITA. I am sure people don't mind buying and training specific abilities, and that option would still exist.

    for me, it's a chore that I hate with avengence. seriously, I can't overstated how much I hate this process.

    I would love a "train all" button (or a manual) that takes Dil only (well EC too if that's gotta be part of it) but no XP.

    basically, you buy a manual from the Dil store or trainer that trains all the bog standard skills under each profession, space and ground.

    there would be one of these for each specialisation as well.

    so say I have a freshly minted eng boff who I have given a MW and temp ops specialisation.

    I buy my train all engineering, MW and temp ops manuals. apply them to my boff and they are now fully trained in all those abilities for both space and ground (excluding lockbox, mission reward and crafted manuals).

    I could fully train my crew so quickly. yes some abilities I would never use, but did I mention? this is an element of the game I dislike intensely.

    everytime I roll a new toon or pick up a new boff I would buy these.

    wishful thinking I know, and rant over.

    submitted by /u/Thefacthunt
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    Why do I play this game that kicks me out every 10 minutes?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    Another FED Science Destroyer?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:35 PM PDT

    The Courage class has me scratching my head. That's the FOURTH t6 science destroyer FED has gotten, while KDF, ROM or JH have... none.

    Like at least make an alien ship so I can keep my character looking like they belong to their faction.

    I really don't like this trend of a whole type of ship being used by a single faction with no alternative. Especially as it's gone on for years no with no sign of being solved. t6 Dyson Science Destroyers would be a bundle I'd buy in a heartbeat.

    submitted by /u/refugeeinaudacity
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    Questions about ship design thread?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    Not expecting Thomas to respond to these on here, possibly on the next stream. On TMP ships, why is it each design created (Columbia, Georgiou) have different nacelle designs than say the Miranda/Constitution and Excelsior/Centaur? I can see Columbia has influence from the Oberth for it's nacelles, but the Walker's variant is throwing me through a loop on it's Nacelle inspiration. For 2409 ships, why is there three different styles, and not a cohesive uniform pattern? I understand the early launch designs (kill them), but what caused the change in going from Andromeda/Pathfinder/Valiant to the Archon/Resolute/Buran style for all ships coming forward? (Except the Grissom, it's in a delta rising style 2410's design). Is it supposed to reference the Great White Fleet, with all the hulls being black and white with huge orange buzzard caps? Is there a way we could remove the federation logo off the ships? It's a pet peeve flying my odyssey/galaxy and seeing a big blue target on my hull. If anyone has anything else, don't be afraid to comment.

    submitted by /u/griffyndour
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    is UR Exotic Particle Field Exciter Mk XII [EPG] a bug?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    I ask because I crafted one, it came out like this and I swear to God when I upgraded it it turned from EPG to DrainX. Now I have another and I'm afraid to upgrade it again.


    submitted by /u/starkruzr
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