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    Wednesday, April 14, 2021

    Star Trek Online my art of my Admiral Suknel and Captain Shon (first post hello)

    Star Trek Online my art of my Admiral Suknel and Captain Shon (first post hello)

    my art of my Admiral Suknel and Captain Shon (first post hello)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:43 AM PDT


    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:54 AM PDT

    Couldn't resist.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    All the destiny bridges (FED destiny bridge pack) have bugged consoles on the aft section of the bridge. All lower consoles have grey rectangles instead of LCARS. Please fix these awesome bridges!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:49 AM PDT

    Thomas Marrone: Finally got the Andromeda revamp into the @trekonlinegame game engine today!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    Starfleet has really relaxed its personal grooming policy....

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    A story in 2 missions

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 03:26 PM PDT

    Next camping event - add one epic pheonix token?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/Beard_Of_Borg
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    The Romulan Story Line is INFURIATING

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:33 AM PDT

    Bear in mind, I have two 65 feds and a 51 KDF, two of which have been freshly leveled since I cam back... but OH BOY are the Elachi missions for the Romulans some of the hottest dumpster fires this game has to offer. Yes, they are challenging, I'll give them that. But there are so many questionable game design choices and blatant bugs it just murders me.

    I mean, who decided that NEW PLAYERS would be kitted to take down the Elachi walkers? That's something that's been complained about for years yet nothing has been done. Granted, I'm certainly not new but I dont have the credits to spare right now to buy gear for a level 25. But that entire mission seems designed for level 50s and doesn't scale properly (similar to Ragnarok, except you are actually meant to be level 50 by the time you reach Ragnarok.)

    But the real kicker is, I have had to restart TWO SEPARATE MISSIONS due to doors shutting on me or respawns being put in the wrong place. Installation 18, when you are required to capture the Elachi, some of the AI leave the room to flank you. Except when you follow them outside and kill them the door locks on you and locks you out. Combine that with the Cry Havoc portion of Devil's choice respawning you on the other side of the locked door if you die on the third set of incubators... it's no wonder the only people who play Romulans are the ones desparate for SRO on their Boffs.

    TL;DR these missions have been out for years and yet only the space sections have seen rebalance and fixes, yet the ground/shuttle missions are the ones that make me want to lock myself in engineering and set the warp core to go critical.

    submitted by /u/HunterLee2600
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    Can shield tanking still exist in the current game? Feels more "Star Trek".

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    Bit of a preface: Last played as a Tac back in 2012/13, T5 Tactical Escort Retrofit with a heck of a lot of the Borg STF gear. Pretty much AP Borg Cannons, a little bravery and a lot of spread. A true glass cannon.

    I felt like playing a Star Trek sandbox again and so I'm back on a new Eng character.

    I played almost all the classes in FFXI for many years and, while I understand that sort of mentality is the polar oppostie of STO, I am still a Paladin at heart, balancing survivalbility with just enough damage to hold the attention of enemies.


    While I am mostly aiming for the likes of the Stormbreaker and Dragonscale, using in-slot-meta items such as the Disco set (once I get to that level of rep) and the Fleet Deflector, I do look around for other ways of doing stuff.

    A lot of the super-high gear, such as DPRM and DOMINO are most likely out of my reach, so alternatives must be found. Or, slightly different play styles. Some unusual, some simply wouldn't work, but fun nonetheless.

    I'm a "mostly solo" player who does everything on Advanced currently, including team play when I want a quick boost of Marks. I'm not against trying some Elite stuff later, at least solo, just for the self-challenge.


    And that brought me to "Shield Tanks".


    In todays Party Environment a lot of builds are focused around the Borg line of TFOs, on Elite, as benchmarks. Borg being Borg shields mean very little to them, practically tissue paper, so everything is built around Hull Tanking.

    But can Shield Tanking still work today? Or have the other races taken notes and they too rip open shields like a knife through butter?


    To me Shield Tanking just feels more "Star Trek"; where ship crews do everything they can to eek out any more power from their shields, as a well placed photon torpedo would be lights out for any ship with their shields offline.

    What gear (such as older Reputation items, Fleet items etc) could make this work, and for what content? Does anyone care about that content anymore?

    submitted by /u/KashouWannabe
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    It's kind of a California class

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:14 PM PDT

    Let's go to the moon!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    *sigh* Borg stole all my traits again.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    Why can't I make a Liberated Borg toon?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    I got the lifetime sub but I can only make a liberated romulan, for some reason the KDF and FED ones aren't there (the Talaxian race is there if that matters). Is it a bug? Can other people make one and it's just me or what?

    submitted by /u/Stewil1265
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    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:49 PM PDT

    Since the ship team has been faithfully restoring a number of the hero ships for a while now, is there any discussion amongst the devs about remastering other elements of the engine/game like environment models, character engine/models (non-bespoke actor characters), space environment/planets, etc?

    I know the engine is old and it's likely that there won't be much of an upgrade there for a while (if ever) but it would be amazing to see more environments and models across the game to get an update to a similar quality.

    Note: I know some main areas are much better than they used to be but mission content could use the kind of dedication and detail we see in the new ships.

    submitted by /u/snds117
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    Synth Wave Music Sounds Terrible

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:34 AM PDT

    Synth Wave Music Sounds Terrible

    Did my daily Synth Wave for the event and for once was actually listening to the music, It sounds like someone recreated Holsts Mars The Bringer of War on a cheap keyboard over the course of a weekend, It sounds terrible, It being "synthetic" music, Although it sounds like a 90's MIDI, Doesn't play out either, It sounds straight up bad.

    So I got the original piece that I have on a classical CD collection I have, Turned off the music ingame and played it in the background, Honestly so much better and really adds to the atmosphere.

    What was stopping Cryptic from using the original orchestral piece which is now free to use and just extend it ? It sounds sooooo much better than the thing they made.

    It's a minute too long for upload to Reddit and also I had to cut the bit rate down a bit as my upload speed is only 200Kbps so it would've taken actual days to upload anything of a higher quality.



    submitted by /u/TrekFan86
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    You can add ONE thing from another franchise to STO. What do you add?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    Let's say that the CEO of Cryptic saves the President from choking on a chicken bone, and as a reward gets one free pass on a Copyright infringement lawsuit. So they decide to add one thing from another franchise (an object, location, character) be it a book, game, movie, comic, or whatever into STO with no strings attached. What would you want them to add, and what would you do with it?

    Personally I'd add the TARDIS from Doctor Who. I know there's been some nods to it in the show, and the game, but I think it'd be great to have the real thing. With all the time travel that happens it'd be really easy to integrate it into a new story.

    There's already been some official Star Trek/Doctor Who crossovers so maybe its not completely out of the question...

    submitted by /u/Freemind62
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    Unable to transfer fleet marks

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    If I want to contribute to fleet projects with fleet marks I am unable to do so, it takes unreasonably long -I have waited more than 15 mins-. If I contribute dilithium it transfers immediately. Does anyone have a fix or knows about this problem? Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/King_ov_hell2
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    Things you never expected to be added?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    This is primarily aimed at longtime players like myself. What is something that's been added to STO that prior to it being added you would have never believed would ever be in-game?

    For example I remember how many threads there used to be on Cryptics forums about STO coming to consoles and how adamant the pc players were it would never happen (even when the PS4 & Xbox One came out.)

    submitted by /u/bajablastingoff
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    Duty Officers I'd like to have added.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 02:19 PM PDT






    Chef and Bartender

    Maybe new Risian doffs could be added via a Doff assignment during summer event.

    Law Doff updated to be space projectile officer or ground assault squad vs romulans.

    K-13 TOS Klingons artwork updated to look like TOS Klingons.

    Vindicta LDS Doff pack for Klingons.

    Sci Exocomp Doff (Peanut Hamper Nurse) , and an Eng. one (Fab. Eng?) to round it out

    Starfleet Mars Synth Reprogrammed

    Kelpien Doffs

    Edited: miner and Geo

    submitted by /u/KellMG96
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    What do you guys think the ending will be for the Endgame of STO?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    Lag from another dimension

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:17 PM PDT

    I am just gonna cut straight to this question: How bad is your lag? Mine is fucking game breaking. It is literally unplayable.

    I have NEVER in my STO life, experienced lag like I did tonight. Is it just me and my connection, or is this what the game is like right now? In 7 years playing, yes, I've had rubberbanding, and it's annoying. But it's never got me killed and had me just watching the screen as my ship drove itself and me unable to do literally anything.

    I was playing BotBS (which seemed like fun, it's just shooting all the things), but my throttle froze, the ships froze, and one minute I'd be flying backwards while my engines were at full throttle. Another minute I'd be moving at a speed no ship in the game can, waaay faster than any boost could do, and then I'd end up outside of the map exploding. At no point could I actually control my ship and contribute in any meaningful way. When I finally returned to Sol I was going to dock up. But no, my ship flew literally backwards, and then through Space Dock. What the living fuck is going on?!

    Is this just me? I need to know because I played on an ethernet connection for years with occasional minor lag. But recently, I've been wireless (I think my ethernet port is broken or something, I'm not sure). I don't know if that's the problem or this has been a recurring issue. I do know if this is consistent with a lot of people's experience, then I dodged a bullet. I was probably 24 hours away from forking over to get the Temer and the event buyout ($80!). But, if this is what is going on, then forget it, it's not fun to to play an unplayable game.

    submitted by /u/DrGrabAss
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