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    Tuesday, April 13, 2021

    Star Trek Online Remember When The Game Threw The Borg At You IN THE TUTORIAL?

    Star Trek Online Remember When The Game Threw The Borg At You IN THE TUTORIAL?

    Remember When The Game Threw The Borg At You IN THE TUTORIAL?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:57 PM PDT

    Cryptic, as cool as Sevens dual Tetryon rifles are - can we get Sevens dual phaser rifles as a lobi item or something?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    When your rocket wins and you did not get glitched out of the competition.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    This has been said many times before

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Just got an afk penalty because I was bugged in Model Rocket Launch TFO.

    Cryptic fix your stuff.

    submitted by /u/SideEfficient
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    An ancient relic of a forgotten time

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:41 AM PDT

    What in the unholy hell is going on with SRO prices nowadays?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    Very Rare Superior Romulan Operatives used to be about 100-200k EC a pop, nowadays they're up to 9-15m EC each.


    Just what?!

    Has inflation gotten that bad?

    Are they way harder to get now or something?

    submitted by /u/TiffanyGaming
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    I know lockbox ships will probably never be account unlocked, but they should be account bound

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:26 PM PDT

    To be clear:

    NOT what I mean = Account unlocked = able to claim them on every character and every character can use at the same time.

    What I DO mean = Account bound = single copy that can be transferred between characters but can only be used by one character at a time.

    I understand "account unlocked" will probably never happen. However "account bound" seems like a completely reasonable request IMO.

    submitted by /u/trekgasm
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    Federation - best starting faction for RP?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    I recently returned to STO after a long hiatus. Played through the Discovery intro and the TNG intro so far on different toons.

    I was actually a little disappointed in the new TNG intro, it just felt disjointed because it doesn't fit with the shows. A cadet getting thrown into a command position and facing off against some Klingons and then a huge Borg attack, the whole story just felt disjointed to me when I played through it.

    So then I tried the Discovery intro and it actually felt like it fit better with the show and the whole 'getting flung into the future' thing works for it.

    Now I'm thinking about giving the TOS intro a shot but I'm wonder if it's as disjointed as the TNG intro. Is it actually good? Or does it end up being wonky and not really fitting like the TNG intro plays? If so I'll probably just stick to the Discovery intro on my next character.

    submitted by /u/wafflestation
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    Have the devs ever explained why battlezone timers are wrong?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    I've noticed this issue with the Terran and Dyson Space Battlezones. In the wave/horde style battle after taking down the three bases/planet killers we're told to fight off terrans or voth for 5 minutes. But the countdown timer is pretty much fake; it counts down from 5 minutes too slowly, so the actual length of time fighting is closer to 7 or 8 minutes.

    I don't have as strong of views on time gating as others do, but it's a little annoying to have a slow timer. Have the devs ever said why these timers are slower than the dozens and dozens of other timers they give us in missions?

    submitted by /u/DubiousTanavast
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    So I'm down at the Ol' Eridon Nebula...

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    And up comes mission 4/7 in the chain. Great, I've been waiting for this to spawn for me. Oops, I'm short a technician. Np. I'll just head to the bridge of this Ferengi D'Kora and get one. Boom, 3 minutes later I'm exiting my ship with everything I need. It's still 19 minutes until the sector update, everything's good. The mission isn't spawning. Why isn't the mission spawning?

    I know this isn't the case but does anyone ever feel like there's an algorithm designed to fuck with players a little? Trying to finish these chains has been like this for me on all my toons.

    submitted by /u/EmergencyReveal
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    Returning to the game after many many years, any recommendations?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Hello guys, I am returning to the game after quite a while. Last I played, the Romulans had just been released. I have a lot to catch up on, and to be honest barely remember anything lol. Can anyone recommend some things that I should get started on that are very important? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/SolShadows
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    What's causing Random orbital Strikes on ground maps?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:58 PM PDT

    Over the last few days, I noticed that whenever I'm on a ground map on my Klink, I get an occasional blast that's like the Orbital Strike engineering captain ability, which I know I'm not using at the time.

    I don't usually do ground TFOs, so I'm not sure if it's my character or if it's one of my BOFFs. Usually, it's on an enemy I'm focused on (often when using the Sword of Molor, meaning it strikes right on top of me).

    It started right around the time I added Anchor of Gre'thor to myself and my engineer, (also gave him Molten Terrain at the same time). Also right around that time, I had some weirdness with my traits, so I had to re-do them all, so maybe I added something there that wasn't there before.

    I'm not saying I dislike the effect (more kaboom is always good), but I am curious what's causing it.

    submitted by /u/PuckmanMCS
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    So Cryptic, when are we getting this ship?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    How do I make dylithium ore into refined dylithium

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    Infinite Kobayashi Maru

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    EndeavourGameOn - Twitch

    The last stream I did we ended up trapped in the Kobayashi Maru TFO until we all got destroyed by warp core breaches. Hoping this next stream goes just a little better. I thought the TFO was supposed to end when the KM hit 0, but it never did when we ran it, it was quite an interesting time.....

    Might try to give it another shot at 8 eastern if any of you guys want to check it out

    submitted by /u/EndeavourComputers
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    Finally returning to the game after about 5 years!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Finally returning to the game after about 5 years!

    Hey people! Be kind to me I don't use reddit at all and am probably making a post that has been done a million times..I could really do with some help!

    Background... Skip if you're not interested..Back in the day when the Dyson Sphere was relatively new (I think), I fell in love with the T5 Heavy Strike Wing Escort. Loved the look of the Akira class. The fighters were a fun addition and the torp point defense console was great to use in a pinch, plus it just looks super cool to see a barrage of torpedo's flying at the enemy. Around this time grinding out the Fluidic Antiproton weapons I discovered DHC's.. My oh my.. They hit hard. I was too. I had no issue flying on each target letting out a barrage and moving onto the next one.I spent the many hours after that getting the best ones I could at the time. Trying to max out my CrtH and CrtD's, fell in love working out the hardest hitting DPS I could find, shocking my buddy with how quickly I could put damage onto him and kill him in a split second. This started a rivalry of spending a bit of money trying to out play each other... Oh those were the good old days.... Going from rainbow damage to actually easily completing Elite events..Then I made the decision everyone has made at some point... I made a Rom with a Scimitar... I loved the single target DPS, and tried my best to max it out, buying plasmonic leeches and other bits and bobs. They then released the delta event and T6, which is when I moved onto other things. Barely even scraped most of the fleet items and events. I still don't even know anything about Intel officers..

    Now I'm back.. Stuck with a T5-U Scim (haven't upgraded to X), low levelled weapons and items (I had moved to beams to get better overall DPS from FAW), completely away from the meta. Going through all the new missions but hell, trying to do the Iconian War on EASY was hard!! I was getting killed left right and centre.I'm just not enjoying the size of the ship now though.. Such slow turning speeds, and you almost have to stop completely to get all hits on a target.. I think that's more of a 10km issue being at the centre of the ship in the game but who knows, I just seem to always be directly on ships without knowing it. I'd love to give cannons a go again, but don't mind trying DBB's. Probably would wanna run an Akira torp boat at some point for the memes but probably will need to buy the T6 version for that...

    So currently I've got equipped:4x APBA CrtDx2 ( thrust / dmgx2/ crth)Grav Photon torpOmni APBAAncient APBADyson Proton weapon

    Counter command DeflectorRomulan Advanced ImpulseElite Fleet Reinforced Core [amp, oload, singa,sss, wcap]Rom Cov Shield

    Bio Neural infusionZero point energyPolaric modulator (added today because flight speed)Plas leechShield absorptive freq genAssim moduleProton part stabiliser4 Antiproton mag regs (3 green 1 blue :s / 1 extra is in bank)Advanced Rom drone ship.

    I'll attach some photo's of all the other bits, just so this isn't bigger than it needs to be...

    I probably want to spec more into tactical..


    Yes these abilities are trash xD I have read up a tiny bit about using APB builds etc..

    Current rep situation really needs some work.. You can see where I noped out.

    Pretty sure these are all trash too, haven't got the good boi's

    And the R&D I got to.. Can't remember why..

    So there's where I am at the moment.. only about 600k EC to my name, not sure what to do next!

    Thanks for the help!Be gentle please!

    submitted by /u/FlarmBlarg
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