• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 15, 2021

    Star Trek Online Day 23: the Romulans still do not know I'm A Miranda class

    Star Trek Online Day 23: the Romulans still do not know I'm A Miranda class

    Day 23: the Romulans still do not know I'm A Miranda class

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    15% Key Sale, and Key Ring Bundle!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    *insert getting ahead pun*

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    The Next L-GalX bundle should be a Legendary Vengeance

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    If you look at the value you end up getting from the L-GalX, I feel like the Vengeance is possibly in the best place to mimic that. Throw in the Kelvin Timeline Uniforms for the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans, some Kelvin phaser pistols, and maybe another thing or two, and I think you've roughly matched the value proposition of the L-GalX bundle, but Kelvin Flavored.

    It also seems an appropriate ship in the Kelvin universe to make a Legendary, since you've already got the L-Konnie from the L-10 pack, and as the Vengeance plays so prominent a role on the screen, it seems the right choice. After all, a MIRROR Dreadnought is technically a bad guy ship, so certainly they've found their workaround for selling those on the C-Store!

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/srstable
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    DSC Starfleet ship sound effects appear to be broken

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Warp in, warp out, and ship scanning SFX are no longer playing. The animations are there, but it's completely silent.

    Edit: Advanced phasers are also broken

    submitted by /u/MarshallMelon
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    Upcoming Dil "Weekend" starts on a Tuesday and lasts over two weeks ???

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 05:07 AM PDT

    One more Kael themed event ?

    submitted by /u/D-Pew
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    New Delta Recruit Unlocks

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    Ah yes, Gasko colonist

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 11:36 PM PDT

    Ten Forward Weekly 14.04.2021: Jovian Raider

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    Links: Twitch, Facebook [1:01]

    Guests: systems designer Jeremy Randall

    Topic: Jovian Raider

    • In regards to "unimplemented canon uniforms" - they're aware, they, remember, items are in backlog... but may not be priority. It artists aren't drawing them, it meant that they're drawing something else. Particular problem is that uniform should fit all various body styles.
      • They're still somewhat troubled about how best to implement Lowed Docks' art style ingame.
    • CBS hadn't send raider's model to Cryptic, they had to work from still "orthos" shots.
    • Strictly speaking, it's not "jovian", they're from Saturn, but Cryptic felt that they can afford the slight misnaming enough.
      • They didn't want to name the ship "titanic raider" because 1) they already made Titan recently 2) (humorous) "Titanic" has some unfortunate connotations.
    • They felt that they need to release tactical ship to balance classes.
    • Task to remake klingon tutorial bridge to be regular was put into schedule.
    • Lack of cloak on a prime intel ship is a deliberate design choice for a "lockbox weirdo".
    • Console, experimental weapon and trait are based around the fact that ship was used by scavengers.
    • Ship comes with pink tetryon weapons that aren't special in any way other than colour.
    • As a concept test, experimental weapon has passive stats.
    • Trait reuses Kobayashi Maru logic with giving out buffs.
      • You'll only see buff pickups that are intended to be for you.
    • They tend to release things in waves - "beam overload" wave, "space wizardy" wave, ets.
    • Jeremy is aware that Surgical Strikes need some love.
    • They're considering possibility of "refunding" some time for ability that places a mark (like "overwhelm emitters") if target from dies before duration ends.
    • XBox getting new promo event "soon".
    • They're doing steamlining and reevaluations about increasing max numbers of various slots, but not in a foreseeable future - the reason there are for current max limits is strain they put on servers.
    • Jeremy promised us that when they would create T6 Oberth, its internal name would be "Fatum class".
    • After another prompt about "evil races" and Jeremy's remark that we kinda already have gameplay-induced murderfest, they talked about the ludonarrative dissonance and that in actual story killcounts are much lower and not every defeat is fatal, ets., and would've they made game with current knowledge and experience they would've made visuals of ships merely going dead in space, launching escape pods and such, alongside with tweaking the gameplay itself.
    • Usually its easier to rebuild ship animation from the scratch, rather than adapt existing one.
    • No things to announce right now, but Lower Decks' ships are coming to STO sooner rather than later.
    • They don't have systems that allow characters to hold the items properly fully fleshed out, and it's made worse by characters coming in large variety of sizes.
      • Because of that, props are usually somewhat bigger than they're supposed to be.
    • If/when they remake Dyson destroyers to T6, they'd likely to retain same consoles, just would receive passives.
    • Items from "Angel's wake" lockbox were supposed to be added to the infinity lockbox alongside with the raider.
    • More DIS S3 ships are coming.
    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    PC Patch Notes for 4/15/2021

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    Arc link: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11487033-pc-patch-notes-for-4%2F15%2F21

    Delta Recruitment:

    • Delta Recruitment event returns, any newly-made 2409 Starfleet character, Klingon Defense Force character, or Romulan Republic character is eligible to become a recruit for the 28 days that this event runs!
    • The return of the Delta Recruitment event will see all new goals and rewards for Captains to discover.
    • Missions that are no longer in the episode journal will no longer have Delta Recruit tasks in them, but we've added new tasks to the New Romulus, Dyson Sphere, and Delta Quadrant story arcs.
    • Tasks that previously gave you marks have been updated so that you can claim all of the new kinds of Reputation marks that've been added since the first launch of Delta Recruitment
    • Reaching level 60 will now give Delta Recruit Captains even more marks and Reputation dilithium, as well as salvage.
    • We've added new rewards for completing your faction's Admiralty campaign, including a very special Admiralty card: The U.S.S. Voyager!
    • Existing Delta Recruits will be able to complete these new goals as well.
    • Rewards can be claimed immediately, from previously completed goals.

    For more information, please visit the "The Delta Quadrant Needs You!" blog at: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11485453-the-delta-quadrant-needs-you%21


    • Added additional server optimizations in a continued effort to improve performance and stability.
    • Infected, Cure, Khitomer Accord, Into the Hive Task Force Operations now offer choice of Fleet Marks or Omega Marks.
    • Resolved a typo in the description of "Shall We Not Revenge" (Starship Trait) that still indicated a stack size of 10, instead of the reduced size of 5 introduced in a previous patch.
    submitted by /u/jcarter315
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    No free Delta Recruit slot?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    Hopefully I'm being dull, but I'm not seeing a free slot claim for a new Delta Recruit. Should I be?

    submitted by /u/TheCommodore166
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    If Khitomer Alliance is anti-proton,

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    And with the Temer,

    we need an antiproton quad cannon, and a easy/reliable way to get it.

    And also, the same with Polaron, and a better way to get thee disruptor quad then 68k dil Per Character


    submitted by /u/KellMG96
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    What's Your Best Memory Alpha Crafting Story?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    USS Voyager Admiralty Card Stats from Delta Recruit

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    When is the new Type 7 skin coming out?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    On u/thomasmarrone's twitter feed, a few days ago it was announced that the new Andromeda revamp was complete, along with the new Type 7 hull material. On the actual post some comments stated they had access to the new hull material ingame, but when looking, there isn't any updated Andromeda skin or hull material. Tribble lacks the Andromeda model altogether. Has this just not been implemented into the holodeck server yet? When will it be implemented?

    submitted by /u/lasermech2
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    If... When a T6 nova class comes out it better be good. I love that design

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    A small question

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    I understand that the milestones for Delta Recruits has been changed to reflect other changes.

    Does anyone know if the new milestones are present before the stories converge?

    In order to get the new milestones, will I need three new characters, or can I just fill in the gaps on an old one?

    submitted by /u/balloon99
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    So close...

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    I was creating a new character, and it looks like one, maybe two background characters are out of uniform.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Delta Recommendations please!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 08:22 PM PDT

    Hello fellow Captains! With the Deltas being opened up tomorrow I am wanting to make 2 new toons, a Rom and a Fed, but am at a loss for what classes to put them on. Not played in a VERY long time so not wanting to use old characters except for DilFarms at this point so I can relearn at my own pace. I'm not looking to break a huge DPS barrier, I simply just want to have fun!

    I currently have:
    Fed - 1x Tac Lv65 (Unused), 2x Eng (lv65 and 49), 1x SciTemporal (Lv65 w/SciPilot Escort, HELLA FUN)
    KDF is being levelled
    ROM has 1x Lv65 Tac.

    Ships I have access to are: Andromeda, T6 Scimitar Bundle, T6 Command Starfleet Battlecruiser Bundle, Odyssey, Science Pilot Escort, Vastam, Valdore, Dreadnought Scimitar, Deihu, Morrigu and Vorgon Ryn'kodan. I do not currently have access to fleet ships (not in a fleet).
    As well as about 12mil EC, 183 Lobi and 160k Dil. Please note I am not looking to spend any real life money!
    Times are hard enough without blowing it all on an (In my opinion) overpriced store.

    From what I can remember, my ENG was a tank which was ok to play, not super fun. The science pilot escort is amazing to play! And I'd also like to try something like a cannon build or something that is simply so daft it works. My only requirement is that it must be able to do most PvE content without blowing up every 5 minutes >.<

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Zhyest
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    (Poll) Delta Recruit faction plans?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    I'm curious to know what people are planning to pick, I predict almost no one is going to make yet another KDF now. I'm torn between Fed and Rom at the moment.

    Also interested in races people are going to pick, please feel free to leave in comments.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/lantzhole
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    As a Fleet Admiral level 65, is there any way I can make NPCs refer to me as Captain instead of Admiral?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    I just want to be a Captain, and being called Admiral all the time reminds me that this game has you rise through the ranks almost as fast as Kelvin timeline Kirk. Oh, and that you're still commanding a starship just like you were as a Captain when you attain the rank of Fleet Admiral and should be behind a desk.

    submitted by /u/Albert_Newton
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