• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 11, 2021

    Star Trek Online Saw my Endeavours for today and my first reaction was...

    Star Trek Online Saw my Endeavours for today and my first reaction was...

    Saw my Endeavours for today and my first reaction was...

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 04:55 AM PST

    I feel like this can't be said enough - Vote/Show YOUR Opinion with your wallets.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 12:34 AM PST

    STO needs a wake-up call and the only way Developers or the higher ups in Cryptic will listen is if we vote with our wallets in not buying their crap anymore. Its the one true way and means to make companies listen.

    Simply complaining and making posts and giving stars/silvers and whatever else to a post won't cut it, we literally have to stop spending money on STO for them to listen.

    submitted by /u/Mezoteus
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    Klingon revamp makes Delta-Recruit reward for 'Vigilance' unclaimable.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Don't know if more people than a handfull even care, but it annoys me that Cryptic again took the probably easiest route for this issue.
    They removed the 'Vigilance' story arc repurposed some of the missions making it hard, or by now maybe impossible to finish said arc. This would have lead to the problem, that existing Delta-Recruits were not able to get the 'Finish all Arcs' goal. So Cryptic simply deleated the Vigilance arc from the goals. Already a somewhat witless solution but for the sake of compatibility acceptable. But with that deletion they also x'd the unlock for those that already had it. And this is what I cannot understand. Once it's account unlocked and the flag is set, why does the later removal of the possibility to unlock makes your unlock go away.
    It just annoys me.

    Here is a bit more detailed take in the bug report forum: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/comment/13649707

    submitted by /u/In-dy
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    Can we talk about the bugs?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 03:51 AM PST

    Can we talk about the bugs?

    I'll preface this by saying that this isnt a Cryptic hate thread or attempting to be a Debbie Downer but just a genuine question of WTF is going on?

    Anybody who has played STO for a significant period knows full well the number of small bugs that have just become part of the woodwork & seen almost jovially as part of the games charm. From glitchy graphic issues to long standing mission bugs weve all seen the "Its a feature" gag in zone chat.

    An this isnt to single out STO, ALL MMOs have minor bugs/glitches. Its just par for the course & even more so with an ageing game.

    BUT & a big BUT

    The current state of patches in STO has been abysmal, nearly every patch introduces new issues often while attempting to quash another.

    In the months running up to the anniversary you integrated the traits into the loadout system & since then the games been flaky as hell. It feels like a luke warm fart in the server room could take out the game at any moment & that someone in there is squeezing real hard.

    Personally the KDF event has been a lot of fun, its been a while since I redid some missions & building a different character is refreshing. Again though nearly every facet of what you introduced is messed up in some manner. From the rewards to targets themselves its just a fragmented mess of frustration for all concerned & currently you add to it every single patch.

    As said initially though this isnt a hate thread & despite the criticism (including this) you receive on social media you do know you have a captured audience right? People LOVE the game, from Trekkies, SciFi nerds to new fans et al youve got us & if we havent jumped ship already its pretty clear were here to stay.

    Look this post has gone on long enough & I still havent covered half of what I wanted nor in a way I envisioned so I'll just cut to it before I bore you all to death.


    u/ambassadorkael u/CaptainGeko

    TLDR: Whats going on with all the bugs & can we have some clarity on the issue

    submitted by /u/Jimbo1982
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    [Mission: Frenzy] D'tans office for the mission still has the Omega Force officers there. But one is assigned to standing on a chair, the other on the table.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:27 AM PST

    Over 70% Critical Hit In Space?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 05:59 AM PST

    I've recently come back to the game after about a two year break and have been trying to knock the rust off of my game. In space, I'm running a T6-X Vengeance with a Disruptor beam build. I'm consistently parsing 110k - 130k DPS and 35% Crit Hit rate on a PUG ISA and I'm okay with that. What is confusing me right now is that I'm seeing other builds running over 200k with a 70% + Crit Hit rate. How are they getting it that high? Thanks for your advice in advance.

    submitted by /u/xxGrumpy_Owlxx
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    Updated Legendary Ships

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 06:27 PM PST

    It's so strange that we can't play as the Vorta

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST

    I know that Cryptic has previously made some kind of vague "that's not really our vision for the Dominion" statements regarding the Vorta. However, you'd think it would be in the company's interest to add as many race options as possible just to a) keep people playing, and b) keep people rerolling (since unlocking all those inventory and ship slots is a great source of income).

    Moreover, given that the tools are presently in the game to create a "Vorta" for the Federation, the limitations seem even more absurd. Even if you don't want players rolling official Vorta, wouldn't just adding the alien race to the options for the Dominion be a cheap end-around that doesn't require additional development time, and doesn't violate some bizarre internal anti-Vorta doctrine at Cryptic?

    I mean, I get it - creating an official new race with somewhat unique attributes would take time. But adding the knock-off alien "Vorta" to the Dominion probably wouldn't take more than a few hours (if that?). Besides, aren't the Dominion technically an empire of thousands of different enslaved/cooperative species? Doesn't the addition of the alien race to their roster just make sense in general (and does it make less sense than Federation players creating Fed-aligned "Vorta," if this is such a sticking point in terms of lore)? Color me confused.

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    U.S.S Hannu waiting for its shake-down after refit.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:18 PM PST

    Account-wide rewards from klingon recruitment

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 06:40 AM PST

    Edited to clarify.Sooo, there are a couple items that do seem to be unique to the klingon char that did the recruitment.


    • bath'let - can be claimed on other chars, CAN reclaim if discarded
    • VR duty officer (Adat'Pa) - can be claimed on other chars, can be reclaimed
    • UR duty officer - CANNOT claim on other chars, CANNOT reclaim on recruit or others
    • kit module - can be claimed on other chars, CANNOT RECLAIM if discarded neither on recruit, nor on others
    • starship trait - can claim on other chars
    • ground trait - can claim on other chars
    • bridge officer - cannot claim on other chars
    • ship - can be claimed on other chars, CAN reclaim if discarded

    Are those to be accessible to the rest of the account, or just specific to the recruit?

    Also, how do I RECLAIM those if I lost them? Discarded the kit module because of the white rectangle bug, and now I cannot find where to reclaim it.

    submitted by /u/zoleman
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    I'm not seeing this talked about but the Klingon recruit now seems to have trackers for everything.

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 02:44 PM PST

    It's nice seeing how many more enemies i have to kill to get the next achievement. I'm not seeing this in patch notes but maybe i am just not seeing it.


    submitted by /u/necromagiks
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    Still receiving "You cannot change the species of the character" error messages.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 01:56 AM PST

    This is for changing the appearances of BOFFs, no matter how modest the change. There is a "fix" circulating that involves changing the away team loadout and logging out, but this bug has been appearing for at least 6 months. This however is ridiculous, and I no longer see the point in trying to personalise my characters anymore. Please fix this.

    submitted by /u/JacquesGonseaux
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    There appears to be Georgiou-class ship in the new Star Trek: Kobayashi Maru game

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:56 AM PST

    Star Trek: Kobayashi Maru has a ship with nacelles and pylons just like the Georgiou-class in STO.

    submitted by /u/Nukara
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    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:46 PM PST

    Ten Forward Weekly 10.02.2021 - Legendary Ship Changes

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:13 PM PST

    Link: Twitch, Facebook

    Theme: Legendary Ship Changes

    Guests: none.

    Since Jeremy Randall wasn't able to come, Mike just quickly mentioned the changes and then went off to play some TFOs and talk with the chat.

    • There'll be another emergency patch this week, probably on friday, to fix the multitude of bugs that there are right now.
    • Legendary flanking changes:
      • There'll be general ship flanking buff, so raider flanking would have +33% (improved would have +40%).
      • Leg. Excelsior would be a bit more manoeuvrable, but have a bit less hull.
      • Vor'cha would get 10 TR, same as regular.
      • B'rel won't get new consoles, but consoles themselves would be buffed.
        • Subspace Jumper would get armour pen upon activation.
        • Shield Destabilizer's shield drain was buffed.
        • Both "extra" consoles would be added into Stalth Fighter set with new 3 piece damage bonus that scales with engine power.
    • Mike thinks that universe from DIS S3 would make decent setting for Star Trek MMO.
    • Mike repeated that "any" ship from next event campaign would be character unlock.
    • There will be more legendary bundles this year, but no "big" ones.
      • Mike knows about one that he thinks may get us exited.
    • For ViL they wanted to make player able to summon his other ships, but ended up not working. They made endeavours instead.
    • Ships from LDS would eventually make it into STO.
      • Cryptic and Eaglemoss are thinking about what to do with visuals, as they look vastly different from regular ones.
    • No, Cryptic would not add "grilled kelpien" consumable.
    • Mike personally would love to see Badgey in STO, but there are no such plans right now.
    • If Mike understood things correctly, Kuumaarke might feature in next story ark (after Year of Klingon).
    • No update on DIS andorians or Fed orions.
    • No plans for new specialisations right now.
    • Holo Worf from legendary bundle would have STO-era look.
    • From what Mike knows, reason for cloak not being available on all fed ships is purely balance one.
    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    2 poll questions: Are you planning to buy the Anniversary bundle? and Would you have bought a full KDF legendary bundle?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Are you planning to buy the Anniversary Legendary Bundle?


    Would you have bought a full KDF legendary bundle?


    submitted by /u/trekgasm
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    Fix for contributing doffs, endeavor XP past lvl 450 and EC ships(shuttles) in the works, maybe still this week!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:49 PM PST

    Klingon Recruits got progress bars!

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 03:00 PM PST

    I noticed this afternoon that we've got progress bars on the Klingon communicator for the various recruitment tasks. Most seem accurate, or at least close enough. Endeavors is completely bugged out, showing the max across the board. I'm also showing 0 random queues which is wrong. I'm worried that it's not the progress bar, and the game just hasn't been counting any of the random queues that I've done. Anyway, mostly good news!

    submitted by /u/swamarian
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    So what is the deal with Cryptic's selective logic about the forums/reddit being a 'vocal minority'?

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 07:07 PM PST

    Whenever they make some dumb mistake like the not doing a true KDF legendary bundle and people throw a fit, people trot out the tired line about the forums/reddit being a vocal minority that doesn't really represent the playerbase.

    But then they make changes to the stats of the ships in the new bundle based on the very feedback from the forums/reddit. So whats the deal with this selective logic? If you are making changes to the ship stats based on the feedback you got on the forums/reddit, than that is proof that you think their feedback is representative enough to act on!

    submitted by /u/trekgasm
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    [BUG] Can't redeem Phoenix tokens for prizes I don't already have

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:03 AM PST

    I'm trying to spend a VR token on the Mirror dual pistols, it keeps telling me "I need to have the right token or not already own that item". I only have the mirror agony rifle already, and I'm not willing to delete that just to test and see if that's what is blocking me from the pistols.

    submitted by /u/cromkaygo
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    Actually, It Was Adding The Legendary D-7 To This Bundle...

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 12:32 PM PST

    Anniversary Single Ship Bundle Ideas

    Posted: 10 Feb 2021 01:23 PM PST

    So there's been a lot of... discussion... over the past year regarding the old and new Anniversary bundles. One common request is that they be split up so you can buy individual ships. It looks like Cryptic isn't too interested in doing this, but they have released other Legendary ships in single ship bundles which seems to split the difference a bit.

    I was thinking about what if they took the 10th Anniversary ships, and put them in their own bundles along with a bunch of old and new related items like they did with the Mirror Galaxy Pack? So I sat down with the list, and tried to come up with ideas for what should be in these bundles. I've tried to stick to a few guidelines with my choices which are to try and stick to the theme of the ship, pull together some of the items already in the game plus ONE new item for each bundle, and try and keep each bundle to have a similar "value" of items.

    With my new items I stuck to one per bundle, and tried to keep them sort of small, stick to Cryptic's practice of not making new bridges outside of Episodes,and try and keep it with a 5-6000 Zen price in mind. So without further ado here's what I came up with:

    TOS Constitution: 23rd Century Bundle, TMP Admiral Uniform, *NEW* TMP Uniform

    Discovery Constitution: DOT-7 Drone (kit module & Pet), Section 31 vanity shield, Section 31 Badge, *NEW* Discoprise Uniforms (w/ Spock's new earmuffs),

    Kelvin Constitution: Kelvin Uniforms, Survival Suit, Kelvin Admiral Uniform, Kelvin Phaser Ground Weapons, *NEW* Kelvin Environmental thruster suit.

    Glenn/Crossfield: Discovery EV suit (lobi), Disco Full Auto rifle (lobi), Black Alert Tribble, KIDD Drone kit module, Red Angel Suit, *NEW* Starfleet Landing pod space Pet

    Defiant: Deep Space 9 Pack, *NEW* Cardassian Ground Weapons Pack

    Galaxy: TNG Season One & Three Uniforms, Galaxy Bridge, Type 7 Shuttle, *NEW* TNG Type 2 "Dustbuster" Phaser

    Voyager: Voyager/DS9 Uniform, Voyager Bridges, Talaxian Player race option, *NEW* Type 9 Shuttlecraft

    NX-Class: Enterprise Uniform Bundle, MACO Uniform, Phase Pistol, MACO Rifle, Enterprise 3 piece Lobi space set, *NEW* 22c EV Suit

    Odyssey: Odyssey Long Jacket, T5 Aquarius Light Escort, *NEW* 25c Type 1 Phaser*

    Sovereign: First Contact EV Suit, DS9 Admiral Uniform, Geordie LaForge Hologram BOFF, *NEW* Federation Mission Scoutship Shuttle

    What do you think, and what are your ideas for cool bundles?

    submitted by /u/Freemind62
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