• Breaking News

    Friday, February 12, 2021

    Star Trek Online As a member of the 450 Club...

    Star Trek Online As a member of the 450 Club...

    As a member of the 450 Club...

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:08 AM PST

    Can we get "The Dog" as a pet, it's just a normal dog, promise... Normal dogs hover and spit lightning right?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:00 AM PST

    The creator of the Enterprise-F/ Odyssey-class (contest run by CBS/Cryptic) was on my Pod this week to chat about the controversy around the contest, her design making it into STO, and he settles the debate on if she is canon or not. (MP3 is inside)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:26 AM PST

    Thanks for keeping track of XP and awarding missing points to the 450 club

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:23 AM PST

    Our hands need this: Auto-queue console Powers!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:05 AM PST

    Many PC or keyboard players are unaware of this, but on console, we can auto-queue console.and class powers to go off at the start of battle, when our shields and hull reach a certain level of damage or to go off after every cooldown.

    My question to u/AmbassadorKael is if the data supports that console players are less inclined to use the manual clicky powers as opposed to the ones that go off automatically?

    If so, can the range of auto-queue consoles and Captain powers be extended to include more if not all of the powers? Less strenuous on our hands playing with controllers and allows us to incorporate more diverse builds.

    submitted by /u/priforce
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    Fearless (And Brainless)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 07:33 AM PST

    Recent posts from Kael and Geko for those that missed them

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 02:49 PM PST

    These posts were made today in threads that are no longer on the first page or dropping fast, so I wanted to make sure those that missed them had a chance to see...

    CaptainGeko said:

    Species were chosen long ago. Over 10 years ago. Although we have added a few over the years, and hope to add more in the near future, it isn't a small task.

    To be a bona fide species you can choose as a playable captain, that species should be a member of that faction (with few reasonable exceptions). We wont just add a species because someone thinks its "cool". It must make sense in the fiction. Alien Gen is there for you to role play weird one-off species you want to make your own fiction for.

    We don't add new species often simple because it is very expensive for our character artist to make. To make the the body (remember, you can see them in a bathing suit), the multiple head options, all sliders, and support all existing clothing, it can take 3-6 man months for art alone. That same artist is also making all you favorite guns, gear, celebrity likenesses, bosses (ground), props, deployables, critter groups, clothes/armor, etc. So to get a new species, we lose out on a lot of asset development. There has to be a strong reason, and we have to have confidence there is a strong demand before we add a new species.

    To address your examples: Hirogen - unlikely. Canonically, they are a violent clan-based society. It makes little sense for them to join the Federation. You could make an argument for them for Klingon faction, but the return on investment is likely low.

    Deltans - Visually uninteresting IMHO. We have only ever seen one ASAIK. They are bald humans with a complex libido. Make an alien gen that looks like a bald human and call yourself Deltan.

    Vorta - Would only make sense for Dominion Faction. We considered it, but the story we have for that faction makes zero sense for a Vorta. I believe Vorta ears are in Alien gen, so have at it.

    Founder - We actually started work on them as a premium species, but they are super complex. Lots of FX, anim and power work to make them work. I hope to see this happen one day. There is nothing on the near schedule as to when this might ever happen.

    Benzites - already exist as playable species - with or without the space-harmonica.

    Kelpian - We were asked not to do Kelpians at first by CBS for story reason, but they are fair game now. But they wont be the first Fed Disco species you will see in the game. We already have Disco male Andorians as NPCs in the game, so we are closer to making that a reality. So you will see them first one day. And after that, I personally want Disco Saurains. No timetable or promises for any of those.

    Kazon - Same answer as Hirogen. Not likely. Also, I highly doubt the return on investment to make those mad-max reject chicken heads playable would be worth it (dont @ me, I'm just having fun).



    Another Geko post:

    I'll add that making some of these as one-off Boffs is a lot more reasonable. We can grab existing NPC costumes and turn them into a boff easily. The trade off is that you cant change their clothes, so their visuals are locked - like we did with the Breen Boff. But many of the more desirable species as Boffs (like Hirogen) have very outdated art and wont pass current art review standards.

    Also, I really want a Tzinkethi and Hurq Boff, but since they are not on a human reg/skeleton, they dont support the full range of humanoid animations. So you couldn't equip them with weapons or BOff powers.


    AmbassadorKael said:

    Lemme see if I can help make this make sense.

    Tl;dr: everything is on a case by case basis.

    Every piece of feedback is collated by me or by QA and passed on to the right people, whether that's production or the individual developers (or, in the case of bug reports, verified then passed on). In the case of things like the forums/reddit overwhelmingly saying, "I won't buy that," well that's a huge cause for concern and something that we talked about when it cropped up last year for the ten ship bundle. But...in the end, it sold really well, and people still ask every day when it will be available next.

    Similarly: players on here posit a lot that if we just put every ship in the C-store, or if we sold bundles that were only for Klingons/Romulans/Dominion, we would sell a lot. The sales data doesn't support this. Players don't come out in droves to buy single ships, and non-Fed ships don't sell well.

    Does this mean folks on here and the forums are liars? Of course not. It DOES mean that there are a lot of folks who disagree on what they want, and simply don't post here. And if we were truly cynical, we wouldn't make ships for other races now that anybody can fly anything, but the team works really hard to make sure things like the second Recon Bundle get out, even if they aren't as giant sellers, because we want to make sure the people who really DO want the alien experience can still have it. It's also why we've spent a bunch of time updating the Romulan and Klingon starting experiences, in the hopes that we'll get more players interested in those races.

    Now, as for the stats. Once again, huge outcry. One again, reported to the folks who can do something about it. And in this case, Geko and Borticus took a look at the stats and said, "Yeah, that's valid, we can improve these in these ways," and then they went and did that. Geko specifically asked me to go through and collate every piece of feedback about the ships' stats to present to them, after I brought up my concerns in a Leads meeting. Which I did.

    So, the long and short is: every time there's an outcry or upset players here, I report on it and we discuss it. The response changes each time. If there's validity to it, or something we can do (adding Lobi to the bundle, for example - by the way, you didn't hear it from me, but 500 Lobi WILL be enough to buy a new ship the weekend the bundle goes live, so that's now a six-seven ship bundle, depending on when you buy), we execute on it. It would be stupid not to listen to you guys, because you're our most passionate fans and we like you, even when you make weird memes of Geko or call for me to be fired every day. :) I've said over and over that I love this community because I do. And we DO listen. But that doesn't always mean that we will do every single thing that you ask, because that would also be a bad idea. We have to look at the whole picture, including data from folks you might never see on here.

    Does that make sense?


    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    I feel far less powerful whenever I hit level 40 and up

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:44 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    I'm still a fair noob in this game but I have several character above level 40 now, but none higher than 58. I feel pretty solid in space combat up until level 30, the enemies get harder and the fights last longer but from 40 and up I just keep getting defeated at least once a fight. Is it a fact that the enemies just get harder from that point on or what?

    I'm a F2P player btw but its eating me up that I must be doing something wrong.

    Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/SebRessiv
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    Hey Cryptic! Typhoon yet?! Mirror Typhoon?! T5-U Typhoon?! Legendary Typhoon?!

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:24 PM PST

    Warbird size

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:50 AM PST

    Hi all,

    I was looking at this image on the STO wiki and noticed it is missing a lot of warbirds such as the Aelahl, Kholhr, Deleth, Laeosa and miracle worker warbirds (amongst many others).

    I'm a stickler for getting the scale ship I want when I'm paying real money. Does anyone know if there is a more up to date version of this comparison image or another website with a better guide?


    submitted by /u/Selfish-Gene
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    Suggestion for Content Implimentation

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    Just a thought here but what if you took the abandoned ships and instead of it just being: "here is some crafting supplies."

    You used existing assets to create scenarios for investigating the abandoned ships?
    You could have them appear randomly around the map or you could go on patrol missions for them.

    They are designed to be completed solo but you can bring along a party if you wish.

    Generate 50-100 names of different ships so you don't know what you are getting till you get on board.

    Scenario 1:
    Unknown Radiation Contamination

    You are beamed over but a unique radiation effect wave slams into both ships prevent transport until it is cleared. You must work to understand the radiation with science, engineering, and tactical officers being encouraged instead of all 1 officer type. Each room of the ship does have a resource node but you also are taking radiation damage while outside the hallways of the ship so you had best work to make sure you can leave before you expire and lose all the resources you could have gained.

    Scenario 2:

    Borg Zombie Virus

    This should be self explanatory. The crew on board is dead, hence why no life signs are detected but borg nano machines have reanimated them. Fight your way through waves of them to claim your resource prizes, fight through all 10 waves to claim a larger reward at the end and find a cure to salvage the whole ship.

    Scenario 3:

    Lost in Space

    Upon being over, a force wave sends the ship hurtling through space. You have limited time for oxygen to figure out how to contact your mother ship to find you. The only communication working on the ship is tight beam, so you need to figure out where you are to send a message to the mother ship. Scattered around the ship are resource nodes so it is a race to get the nodes. Science Officer specializations encourage to make this scenario easier. Science officers need fewer astrometic clues to get the communication in the right direction.

    Scenario 4:

    This ship might work again

    Engineer Specialization encouraged to make this easier. You beam over and find the ship was abandoned due to radiation that is no longer present. You must locate various pieces of the engine, core, and EPS Conduits inside the Jeffery's Tubes to find the missing pieces of the ship and figure out what is damaged to bring the ship back online. This is less combat threat/health threat and more a puzzle with a maze like design. You could design several mazes and randomize the starting point to keep the player on their toes. Engineers need less parts. These mazes should be actually hard with parts hidden in various places; players can give up at anytime by returning to their ship.

    Scenario 5:

    Embedded Unexploded Torpedoes

    Tactical Officer Specialization Encouraged. The nearby nebula has rendered many torpedo detonators inert. This ship has been struck with a dozen unexploded torpedoes. if you can disarm them you might be able to salvage the ship. Be careful though, messing up a disarm might cause an explosion and vent you into space. Each torpedo has it's own minigame to solve it, tactical officers need less points or can ignore some of the minigames to get this done faster.


    submitted by /u/AwesomeTheory
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    Interview: Star Trek Online Senior Environment Artist Nick Duguid - MMO Bomb

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 08:40 PM PST

    Question: How do you choose bridge officers to keep?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:15 AM PST

    My KDF recruit isn't even to level 30 yet, so I know I have time to figure things out. Up to now, though, I have paid zero attention to boffs and have just shoved most of them into the candidate roster which is now full.

    Maxing out the boff backlog is a good reason to start paying some attention, so I'm wondering what methods people use to whittle down the list.

    For instance, how much do traits matter?

    My plan has been to go over the list of skills, determine which candidates already have most of what I want, which could be useful for manuals, etc. But I never paid much attention to traits. Now we have the recruit boff with a really useful trait for stealth and ambushes, so I'm wondering if I should start from good traits and build up from there.

    Thanks in advance for any tips or info on what has worked for you.

    submitted by /u/tanek_09
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    Too late to join the crew? (new player)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:08 AM PST


    I tried STO then it first originally launch but was not impress so I never really played it. I just noticed it still alive.. and more than that it seems to be thriving.

    Is it too late for new player to join the game? I mean.. will it take months to be at least good enough? Also, is it pve friendly? I am not a big fan of pvp.

    Last question..

    Anyone tried to play this game in VR with some mods by any chance?

    submitted by /u/VRider75
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    Patch Notes for 2/12/21

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 07:29 PM PST

    Any idea as to what this means?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 09:22 AM PST

    Anyone else think we need a Grudge non combat pet.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:56 AM PST

    I mean the topic says it all but I could go for having a queen to worship in game ;)

    submitted by /u/djstrik3r
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    To the guy who saw his endeavours today... So did I

    Posted: 11 Feb 2021 11:58 AM PST

    Fleet Rahhae Recon Warbird can't be purchased?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:43 AM PST

    I'm sitting on 5 fleet modules, and wanted to pick up the Rahhae mostly for looks, though the lt. cmdr uni/intelligence isn't bad since I like to run OSS. However, I can't find it, though I know it was in ship acquisitions at some point, because I've been eyeing it, and it's listed as an option on the wiki. So, does anyone know where it went?

    submitted by /u/dese1ect
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    Questions about Anniversary Bundle

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:08 AM PST

    Like many other STO players, who have expressed themselves through Reddit, Facebook and Twitter, I have been surprised and disappointed by the announcement of the Anniversary bundle. Many were expecting a Legendary Klingon ship bundle, albeit a smaller size (perhaps 5-6 ships) than last year's 10th Anniversary Federation bundle. I have read all the comments with interest, watched the last ten forward stream (wasn't able to participate live as I usually do) and noted the changes that have been made following player feedback.

    I appreciate the responses that community manager /u/ambassadorkael has provided to the community through the various channels. There are a few questions on my mind that I haven't seen others ask so I'm submitting a very rare reddit post in the hope that Kael or others might see it and respond.

    • Has the pandemic and the remote working of the STO dev team impacted their ability to develop and release a large ship pack for the 11th anniversary? Is the current setup continuing to reduce the quantity of new content (storyline or ships/items) compared to pre-pandemic levels (this had previously been acknowledged by Kael in a ten forward)?
    • Was a Legendary KDF only pack considered at any point? If not, or was the decision to mix the bundle with fed ships being release next week driven by sales data that indicate KDF ships don't sell?
    • Sales data indicates that the 10th Anniversary pack sold well? Does any feedback or data indicate good sales were driven by the inclusion of ships previously only available through lockboxes or promo packs? If so, why does the pack being released next week only include enhanced versions of ships available currently in the Zen Store?
    • Is there a reason why the two pack options model from the 10th anniversary (1 with just ships and the other with ships and filler) is not being used for this new bundle?
    • Was the pricing for the 10th Anniversary bundle in any way intended to be indicative of pricing for future similar packs? Was this a special offer tied to the milestone of the 10th anniversary? It would seem clear that this was not meant to be indicative of future pricing but I think it would be helpful if this was communicated to the community.
    • Could any consideration be given to being able to use the 2 T6 coupons included in the new bundle for single ships in Mudd's Market? That would enhance the value of the pack a little. Also could the new ship restriction be lifted with these tokens for those of us who already own all the T6 ships from the Zen Store?
    • Could the discount level (25%) for the new pack be reviewed and increased to 50% or some level between the two (I think the 10th anniversary has been at a third off)? A higher discount is likely to increase sales given the lack of any lockbox or promo ships in this pack.
    • Perhaps more of a comment than a question. The D7 / K'Tinga is the KDF equivalent in iconic status to the Constitution 'Connie' for Federation. We know that Kronos One from STVI The Undiscovered Country (K'Tinga) has been created by the dev team - it was showed in a Ten Forward in the summer. We also know from the last interview given by Andre and Kael that the single / small legendary packs have sold well. There seems to be reasonable evidence to suggest that a Legendary D7 / K'Tinga pack is desirable and would sell well. Hints have been given that might suggest such a pack could be released later in the year? I would think the optimal time to sell such a pack would be now with the 11th anniversary (another comment Kael made is that more players logged on to STO after the new story content dropped than any time before Victory is Life). It seems that the company may well reduce the profits by withholding a D7 / K'Tinga product until April/May (not saying that it won't sell well at that time but now is likely to yield better results) If inclusion of the Connie helped drive sales of a larger pack, the logic follows that a D7 would drive sales of a new smaller pack?

    I appreciate that some of questions that we put forward can't be answered by Kael or others because of commercial sensitivity / business reasons. It would be helpful if you still (and this happens sometimes) could acknowledge them and communicate that they are not questions that you can answer or engage with.

    On a positive note, it's pleasing to see that stats were changed in response to player concerns and that the lobi has been added to increase the value (apparently, 500 lobi will be enough to obtain a ship during the sale period - although this would require a 45% sale).

    I think our Community Manager /u/ambassadorkael does a good job and tries very hard to engage and communicate with the player base. I don't think he is always helped by some of the decisions made by the management of the game (at either Cryptic or PWE). I would suggest that there are lessons that could be learnt around managing player expectations and the way in which products (e.g. legendary bundle) are announced and priced. I think rightly or wrongly, the playerbase has been led to believe that a legendary klingon bungle was going to be released. The pricing of the previous anniversary legendary ship bundle and inclusion of promo and lockbox ships has set up expectations that have been met with the offer from the new bundle. These expectations could have better managed in the intervening period and as decisions were taken about new bundles. For example, I think it is regrettable that Kronos One was shown in the summer if it would be nearly a year before it was released.

    I love the game, enjoyed the anniversary story content and am excited to see where things go next.


    submitted by /u/TreyDag
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    Is the Jem'hadar battleship from the DS9 episode 'Valiant' playable in-game?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 01:44 AM PST

    Just curious. I don't think it's the same ship as the Dreadnought Carrier... but they are similarly shaped. And I know there's an NPC-only ship named the Jem'hadar Battleship... though it seems odd to me that one of the iconic designs of the series wouldn't be available to players. Admittedly, I am not as knowledgeable about Dominion ships as I'd like to be...

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Farming gamma marks & carapace fragments?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:48 AM PST

    Other than the Gamma battlezone, is there any good way to farm Gamma rep currencies, especially the germanium carapace fragments? I've got an alt with a weird build that relies on almost everything from the Gamma rep, and I'm hoping to kit him out before the end of the upgrade weekend...

    submitted by /u/mrchaotica
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    Cannons: Scatter Volley sometimes goes into >50 seconds cooldown. Anyone else experiencing this?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 06:31 AM PST

    Login Help

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:07 AM PST

    So, I had just got STO through Epic Games and the account was linked through Epic Games. I was able to launch straight from there. But now I think with the new patch, it logged me off from the launched and is requiring me to sign in. The user name just says Owner and I have no idea what to put for the password. Can someone please help?

    EDIT: Its working now. I think it was just a launcher update problem with the new patch and system update. I'm in now and the patch is applying.

    Please ignore this post!

    submitted by /u/Sire_Shire
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