• Breaking News

    Friday, February 5, 2021

    Star Trek Online Finally got my baby...

    Star Trek Online Finally got my baby...

    Finally got my baby...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 05:18 AM PST

    The Zhat Vash helmet is that precious last piece of the kitbash puzzle for me with Thorne's armor. It's just PERFECT.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 01:19 AM PST

    hey everyone beware of malicious links in steam chat and in game chat in sto are causing sto/criptic accounts to get stolen

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:17 AM PST

    hey all i and a frend of mine have noted some people are stealing sto/criptic accounts via steam with some malicious limke that look like giveaways this needs to be dealt with (ASAP) \best regards jtsd53753

    submitted by /u/Jtsd53753
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    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:53 AM PST

    What’s wrong with eight beams!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:59 PM PST

    450! Competition is over and there will be no further need for screenshots like this on this subreddit ;)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:12 AM PST

    STO's Lead Ship Artist ThomasTheCat joined Andrew Probert (creator of the Galaxy-class, D'deridex, etc.) on my Pod this week =) Also, some talk about how we might see that vertical D'deridex in-game and more. Listen here: shiptalkingpod.com/links (link and image w/ more info inside the post)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:39 AM PST

    Everyone is asking for a T6 Oberth and here I am desiring something else...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:35 AM PST

    Which deleted mission would you bring back to the game?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 05:38 AM PST

    Do you think there's any chance of some of the old missions that have been removed from the game being returned?

    A friend told me there are a lot of missions that have been taken out of the game for various reasons including one about Q and the Borg (State of Q). Granted that mission looks a bit dated compared to some of the newer missions that have been released but the idea of Q popping up in a mission sounds fun to me.

    Are there any other older missions you feel should be returned to the game?

    submitted by /u/SaltyPill1337
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    Steam Scamming or Account Stealing Going On

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:12 AM PST

    Everyone I have been seeing in a bunch of different Steam chats people posting links to steal accounts or scam people. I have reported it and a bunch of different accounts on steam, just wanting other to beware of this going on in many different steam game chats.
    Reported 5+ Accounts today alone - want everyone to stay safe.

    submitted by /u/Reo184
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    Season Theme Proposal: Deep Space Expedition

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:08 AM PST


    I do not enjoy the content that is related to Discovery, and it feels like it's to a point that it consumes all other content as the 25th Century is lost to the 21st Century's latest fad. I am not the only one who thinks this, especially with the latest episodes that show subpar writing and questionable decisions. However, if there was one thing everyone agreed was an incredible decision, it was the remaking of the Fek'hlri story arc, and that is important to note here. I hypothesize that these new player numbers are from the Fek'hlri arc, not from the Discovery content, considering how past Discovery content did not reach Victory is Life's numbers. That should be a good indicator of where our interests and priorities lay, and they are not with the downward spiral many of us - perhaps not all, but many of us - see.

    All of this is to say that there are ways in which Cryptic can win back its player base among the people infuriated with the latest decisions made. Through these struggles, inspiration came to me and gave way to the genesis of this concept. That concept takes familiar content and provides Genesis to it to continue the 25th Century's endgame - the Deep Space Expedition, and it is my hope that this could be one of those ways to do so.

    The Basics of the Deep Space Expedition

    The concept of the Deep Space Expedition is to take the old Exploration system and repurpose it for viable endgame content. The in-story reasoning for this depends on the faction involved. For the Federation, it will be to seek out new life and new civilizations, as was the motto of the Enterprise throughout the years. For the Klingon Empire, it will be to expand itself after the events of the Klingon Civil War. The Romulan Republic would carry both reasons in attempting to build up the strength of the Republic. For the Dominion, they would not have stake in this nor reason to be a part of the expedition, but they would send their Jem'Hadar to do so as monitoring of their progress.

    It would take the form of a Reputation system that gets its marks from randomly-generated missions using a revamped version of the Genesis Engine. Instead of clusters, however, zones would take the form of any deep-space border, in a sort of "unified" adventure zone. Exploring systems would reward Exploration marks, with varying difficulties awarding greater amounts of these exploration marks. Advanced and Elite difficulties would award "Unknown Samples," which serve as the elite marks of the reputation.

    The "Big Bads"

    One major point that would make the Deep Space Expedition different however is there would be no one main antagonist. Instead, tiers I-V would have a different race and faction that needs to be dealt with, whether by force or by diplomacy. These do not have to be as distinct as the factions that have come before. These would be the reputation missions that unlock for each tier and in growing as well as hostility. Tier I's faction would start as docile and small, up to Tier V's faction would be aggressive and vast. These would also take place in areas that all three factions could feasibly have their borders at, which would be near Tau Dewa, so that content can be streamlined. Tier VI would have a unique mission as incentive as a form of epilogue that would have the Alliance make a unilateral peace treaty with the races from I-V properly cemented.

    The Rewards

    Set rewards would depend on the tier in question, and what each race has to offer to the table as far as technology goes. Tier I would offer the the ground set shield and the space munitions console. Tier II would offer the deflector dish to the space set and the space munitions torpedo. Tier III would offer the ground set weapon and the space set impulse engines. Tier IV would offer the Warp Core and Singularity Core and the space munitions energy weapon. Tier V would offer the ground set armor and the space set shields, standard fare, and set bonuses would be the alliance's developed synergies between them.

    The Damage Type here would not be a hybrid, but would instead be straight proton. This is a controversial decision I realize, however proton has always been an enigma of a weapon type. Rarely do we get "straight" proton weapons. This would show how far that research has come in being able to properly harness proton energy, and also give new flare to those looking for something new cosmetically. To compensate for being a pure damage type instead of the hybrid Protonic Polaron, instead of 25% on critical, the proc would be 40% on critical.

    The Fleet Holding

    Fleet holding would take the form of a relief station that would be just on the edge of the area near Tau Dewa. It does make me a bit ashamed to admit, but this is the area that I have the least amount of ideas for, aside from giving support to Proton damage in tactical and offering critical chance consoles and critical severity in order to make Proton viable in the metagame. However one other service that it could provide is in giving discounted commodity purchases that increase higher in tier as projects.

    Re-Implementing the Genesis Engine

    It is no surprise to many that Cryptic has difficulty with accessing and utilizing old code. The Foundry is the biggest example of this, and the same fate may have been the reason for the Exploration system's removal. However unlike the Foundry's system, the Genesis Engine is not run on Star Trek Online's servers. It merely generates them, and in this sense it could be easier to use in making randomly-generated missions. However, it would need to be updated to be better than its counterpart in adding a bit more scenarios and refurbishing some of the assets used by the engine. I know this would be demanding on the art team but if it's updating pre-made assets, there may be an advantage there.

    Edit: I also include the programmers in this in that it would be demanding on them to re-create old code, and I apologize in advance for my forgetting to say this and acknowledge.

    Ideas for Lockbox, Lobi, and Promotional Rewards and Ships.

    Don't. Not this time. It is no surprise to anyone that Cryptic loves the money it gains from its bundles, gambling and the like. I am not suggesting for them to be abandoned, because that's simply impossible for Cryptic to do. However, having an expansion not have a lockbox to accompany it would go a very long way to helping us believe in the sincerity of Cryptic's efforts to treat its players right, and having something unconditional would make a great number of people happy.

    Final Thoughts

    As can obviously seen, this is incomplete in so many areas that as a proposal at most it's meant to catalyze more fine-tuned ideas. I urge others here to also generate ideas and comment. The more we create ideas, the more that they can be used for content that could benefit us all. Even if those ideas contradict or are in opposition to the proposal here, I would welcome it. It may be wishful thinking but I think with support we could change the course of the game to one we all desire.

    submitted by /u/Digital_Blue_Sky
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    ST:O Giveaways & Promotions - February 2021

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:20 PM PST

    With the release of the final installment of Year of the Klingon, Cryptic has given out a lot of keys for a number of different packs.

    **To Redeem Codes**: https://www.arcgames.com/en/code-redemption

    **PC Promotions*\*

    Alliance Reborn Strike Wing Bundle & Alliance Reborn MatHa Bundle Giveaway:

    - Massively: https://massivelyop.com/2021/02/04/star-trek-online-house-reborn-sweepstakes/

    House Reborn Klingon Personnel Package Giveaway:

    - SteelSeries: https://games.steelseries.com/giveaway/1507754604/star-trek-online-klingon-personnel-package-giveaway

    - Alienware Arena : https://na.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/2149405/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/star-trek-online-pack-giveaway

    **Microsoft Xbox Promotions*\*

    Rise of Discovery Pack: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/star-trek-online-rise-of-discovery-xbox-pack/9nbdp9vm0lng

    House Divided Exclusive Verdant Ba'ul Weapon Pack: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/star-trek-online-house-divided-exclusive-verdant-baul-weapon-pack/9nslq49h53cz

    Awakening Verdant Pack: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/star-trek-online-awakening-verdant-pack/9pfgwn3s64jq

    I'll do my best to keep this up to date. If anyone posts contests/giveaways that I don't have here I'll be sure to add them above.

    submitted by /u/ccthrawn
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    PSA: If you use a captain retrain token, be sure to set all your space traits *in* space

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 03:22 AM PST

    I re skilled one of my KDF captains who badly needed it and set all the space traits while I was on Qo'nos- on the planet- and when I beamed up to my ship to double check the traits, sure enough all of my space and starship traits were blank again.

    So heads up to anyone swapping out space traits or doing a re-skill of your captain, make sure you set the space stuff up while actually in space. (Idk if sector soace works or not, it saved them in orbit of Qo'nos just fine though)

    submitted by /u/IngloriousLevka11
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    Hey Cryptic, if y'all need ideas for a new Lobi raider, can we get the Nausicaan Raider from Enterprise?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Recent Negativity

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 07:51 AM PST

    I have been part of this board for the last year or more since I came back to the game. I've been watching and reading a lot of it, post a few times myself. But lately more and more I see so much negative stuff. I understand we are all under great deal of stress with what's going on in the world around us. I hate it, I hate how this is making people feel but I've chosen to try and focus on the positive from everything I can.

    I was at first going to address my thoughts on what everyone is complaining about but that I just didn't see as working. So I felt maybe what we needed was to share some good things that have come out of this game for each us , so I'll get this ball rolling.

    I first started watching the reruns of the TOS with my mother back in the mid 80's. then I just progressed to watching TNG DS9 everything trek I could get my hands on. So after a break back into WoW with the wife I returned and started a character from TOS side of things and felt almost as if I was reconnecting with my mother sitting on the couch all those years ago. I've made a ton of friends on the game spent a lot of money (yeah more then I should have.) but it's brought me hours of countless fun and entertainment during these dark days.

    I guess part of this post is to maybe show the dev's if they read this board that yes the game isn't perfect but there are a lot of us out there who enjoys playing it and that we are thankful for the work they do to bring us that entertainment. I would love to see others post their positive experinces in the game.

    submitted by /u/wardensarecool
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    Free T5 Token was awesome...was able to do this...Haakona Advanced Warbird (T5, separation console & skin) combined with Fleet Ha'apax Advanced Warbird (T6). Cost me nothing and I LOVE this ship!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:33 PM PST

    When a Lifer hasn't logged in for 10 years

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:58 PM PST

    When a Lifer hasn't logged in for 10 years

    My buddy was able to recover his old Lifetime account today and he logged in to see his stipend that stacked up untouched over the years. I would say he'll be able to catch up rather quickly! Was too funny not to post.


    submitted by /u/aizenmyou
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    Is it worth me making a new KDF Recruit?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 04:58 AM PST

    With the Klingon Recruit event, hopefully, coming to console next month I've been wondering if it's worth me still playing my current KDF character, or waiting, and starting over with a new one when the recruit event starts?

    I stated playing the game early last summer, and played a Fed character and have now done all the missions and got to the endgame. Just before Christmas I started my first alt which is a Klingon, but I haven't played him much, and am only at level 15 having finished the first two Klingon story arcs.

    I'm not really interested in having multiple alternate characters in the same factions right now so with the bonuses to new characters maybe I could re-make my Klingon to be a recruit (and maybe even delete the original if needed), and just re-play the stuff I've already done.

    My worries are about the items I have on my Klingon. I bought the Klingon Elite Starter pack, but I don't know which of the items I could re-claim on my new alt. I know I can get the ship, but what about the Borg BOFF, or the Academy Uniform? Are the recruit bonuses worth losing these, and some of the Christmas event stuff I got?

    submitted by /u/Freemind62
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    Is Temporal Ambassador the only mission that rewards a ship?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:31 AM PST

    I know the Vault awards a ship slot and a shuttle token, but is there any other mission that awards an actual ship or permanent admiralty card?

    Just trying to build up the admiralty ships on my Jem'Hadar toons, since they don't get all the free ships from leveling up. I've been having a problem with running out of ships when I still have open slots.

    And yes, I've already claimed the Hope, the Sally Ride and the Appalachia. And I know I can get the Pastak from Time and Tide when I get around to it.

    submitted by /u/ScubaTrek
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    KDF Verne Temporal Science Vessel

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:20 PM PST

    Any other weapons like the Zefram Cochrane Shotgun?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:05 AM PST

    I recently picked up this shotty on a whim just to see what it was like, and have been pleasantly surprised by its overall stopping power, and the fact that it leaves expended cartridges all over the ground (like, if you stand there and shoot for a while, you can accumulate quite the little pile).

    I know the tommy gun is in the game as well (and a lot of people seem to swear by it), but are there any other 'traditional' kinetic weapons of this sort? I know it's not really 'Star Trek' of me to say so - but I wouldn't mind a pair of dual m1911s or something that I could just kite and spray with.

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Temporal Ambassador is fixed on Xbox

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:14 AM PST

    I transwarped to the Azure nebula to get to the Dyson Sphere, and hit the button to "Continue 'Threading the Needle'"... And it worked. Haven't seen this mentioned anywhere yet...

    submitted by /u/Politirotica
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    1. New winter shield request - Snow / Christmas visual shield!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:02 PM PST

    Every month, I will post this topic. A new winter shield, that would cover a star ship in snow and lights!

    submitted by /u/Beard_Of_Borg
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    How does kinetic damage work against tiny slivers of shields that ships immediately start to recover?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Let's say a torpedo is coming in that would do 2000 damage if it hit hull. If it hits shields, it would do 75% less damage, so 500.

    But it seems like even after lowering an enemy's shield arc, in less than a second it starts to recover.

    So what happens when the torpedo hits that sliver of shield health, say 100 health?

    Is the torpedo damage reduced to 500 because it didn't hit hull, so it then just deals only 400 damage to the hull after blowing through the sliver of 100 shields?

    If that is the case, it seems nearly impossible to ever score a torpedo hit against the hull that isn't reduced by 75% — not unless you fully disable the target's ability to recharge that sliver of shields.

    submitted by /u/Nemarus
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    Taking a few days off on risa

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:47 PM PST

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