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    Thursday, September 17, 2020

    Star Trek Online Can we please have vanity shields account wide unlocked, pretty please 🙏

    Star Trek Online Can we please have vanity shields account wide unlocked, pretty please ��

    Can we please have vanity shields account wide unlocked, pretty please ��

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Most of us have done it. Opened a lockbox vanity shield on a toon with a theme in mind on a certain ship and everything. Then started a new toon with a different ship and thought the discovery/s31 vanity shield would suit this theme but the realisation that it's gonna cost the price of a ship to get it because the shield you have can't be moved on to your new toon.

    submitted by /u/Jordanomega1
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    That’s not right, you don’t know your own ships! (Tweet)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Kael: "So many people in our game want to be so violent to our villans, it's always the most disturbing part of my job"

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:56 AM PDT


    Kael has said stuff like this before, but I've had about enough of him blaming this community and I'm about to set this straight once and for all.


    Kael: do you even play this game?


    This game is literally "kill kill kill. shoot shoot shoot. destroy destroy destroy". That is the game your company made. We didn't make it or even ask for it to be that way; you guys did.


    And 99% of those ships/NPCs we are killing aren't "super even space natsis", they are typically just average joe soldiers. We didn't ask to kill them, your game is just made that way.


    Then, when we actually do come face to face with the disgusting monster who has actually orchestrated all of the killing or genocide or whatever, then you suddenly have a problem with the player's reaction?


    Why is it you don't have a problem with YOUR company designing a "Star Trek" game where the core objective of every mission is "kill pretty much everybody", but you only have a problem when your community actually wants to visit justice on the horrible monster behind the entire thing?


    Just stop it Kael. Stop it. If you have a problem with all of the violence, talk to your own company about the game they are making. But stop constantly suggesting there is something wrong with the community here. It's really old and tired at this point. Just stop it.

    submitted by /u/trekfangrrrl
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    "Server Not Responding" Minigame bugged?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    The "Server Not Responding" Minigame isn't granting any rewards. Is there a minimum score you need to get (my high score so far is 250 seconds), or is this a bug?

    /s obviously

    submitted by /u/Silvicusrex
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    My Gagarin in the TFO (zoom in to the name)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    From the Archives: The Old ESD

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    My own Khitomer Alliance Headcanon Uniforms!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    Upon my initial playthrough of 'House Divided', I was surprised to see where the narrative within STO was going in regards to the whole 'Khitomer Alliance' situation. Particularly the fact that it seems to be it's very own splinter faction now that we have Alliance uniforms to go along with our shiny new hybrid battlecruiser!

    Regarding that battlecruiser by the way, when I first saw it I was all like 'OK...isn't it a little too early in the lore for something like that?' Like, wouldn't something that resembles a joint Starfleet/Klingon starship be the result of the Klingons gaining somewhat of a 'Surak' figure in order to convince the proud warrior culture society that 'honor' could be satisfied in other ways, eventually leading to the Klingons joining the Federation? (that happened in one future timeline, by the way, the Klingons joining the Federation part I mean).

    But after learning about what the Khitomer Alliance seemed to be about, an alternative to the Federation where participants can still be who they are without giving everything up to satisfy Federation membership stipulations, I became genuinely impressed with where STO's narrative might be heading.

    Hence I came up with my own headcanon for what the Khitomer Alliance uniforms entail!


    • Each faction is allowed to take something of their culture with them, Klingons and Jem'Hadar might get a bit of their armor and Romulans can wear things like belts and sashes.
    • The 'faction patch' goes a little something like this - 'We respect that you hail from insert faction here but you are serving on a insert faction here starship and you will conduct yourself as one would on a ship such as this. Kind of like how the officer exchange program worked in early TNG.

    Finally, the color configuration of the uniforms was DELIBERATELY inspired by another fairly well-known space opera franchise that eventually had a faction featuring a similar political situation to my take on the Khitomer Alliance.

    Anyone care to take a guess as to which one it was??? ;)

    submitted by /u/xMosh101x
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    Ten Forward Weekly 17.09.2020: House Divided on PS4

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Link: Twitch, Facebook

    Theme: House Divided on PS4

    Guests: None

    It's been a while... Is it almost 3 month? Sorry. First I got time constrained, then I realized that reddit (and internet "discussions" in general) is detrimental for my mental health (overflowing hatred) (it's not even what people believe in, but how they do it). Meant to return previous week, but there were no TFW then.

    So, today Mike was mostly just playing the game on console (and struggling with the controls), so no ground-breaking revelations, just small chat question.

    • More klingon updates are still coming.
    • Mike's happy to see Kagran being back.
    • Mike thinks that dialogue window on console looks better.
    • Company that does "key art" (what?) for Cryptic thought that Aakar's crazy eyes are a mistake.
      • o_o Glory to you O_O and your house.
    • "So many people in our game want to be so violent to our villans, it's always the most disturbing part of my job".
    • It's a bit painful hearing references to previous streams that I missed (I completely missed them).
    • Lack of Worf in House Divided content is a budget concern.
    • Custom warp animations (at least change between standard and disco) is in works, but no prognosis on when yet, other than not this year.
    • Mike is proud of House Divided cutscene, as it's their first motion capture one (specifically J'Ula).
    • Gender change from Champions Online is technologically difficult to implement in STO, it won't come earlier then next anniversary even at most optimistic.
    • They have general ideas, but no single grand multi-year plan.
      • For example they just ended with Iconian war, they weren't going for it from the very start.
      • That and want to quickly put something resulted it Discovery content being episodic.
      • The fact that there is general idea for original content is reason for newer episodes being more serialized.
    • Cryptic now have technical ability to have non-humanoid boffs.
    • "Spacebar macros terrify me. Jette set me up a ship once with spacebar macros and I just hit spacebar and suddenly everything was happening and it was terrifying, and then Romy (?) tried to talk me through the process of setting them up and man, that was anxiety inducing, more power to you guys who do it."
    • Borg faction is still "want to, but can't" thing.
    • Discovery klingons are much clother thing.
      • Mike finds is amusing that one of most complained about thing in DIS is also one of the most requested in STO.
    • Mike is annoyed that the respawn point in space may be unsafe.
    • Jette can't stream right now from wherever she is.
    • Apparently science advisor for Star Trek is also a gamer and recently started playing STO.
    • Mike liked the start of new season of Karmen Rider (or new Karmen Rider show? IDK).
    • There are no plans regarding the First Federation.
    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    How did that Vengeance DO THAT??!!!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    I watched a Vengeance this morning on PC take out the bases in a "To Hell With Honor" run faster than I could even fly to them. HOW DID IT DO THAT???!!!! It basically zipped in, one shot, and zipped out to the next!! I've never seen any ship do that, let alone a cruiser!!!

    submitted by /u/Mythrialus
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    Does anyone rember when we used to be explorers?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I was browsing the Eaglemoss website at canon and prototype Federation-aligned ships that aren't in the STO. In the past I'd be ecstatic at the thought of them eventually joining the game. But due to recent events, now I just think, "They'll be behind a lockbox anyway."

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    Shot in the dark here, but I claimed the Khitomer Alliance uniform on PC and it's straight-up gone. I've submitted proof to CS, been to the forums, everything. Is there *ANY* chance it'll come to the C-Store/Phoenix Box/etc. in the future so I'll be able to reclaim it, or am I just S.O.L?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    I know it'd be pure speculation, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Better than hoping for something that may never happen, you know?

    Thank you for your help!

    submitted by /u/OMFGitsBob
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    One game of Dabo for an Endeavor, and now I never need to play again.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    What happened to the upgrade weekend?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I was under the impression this weekend was going to be an upgrade weekend so I have been stocking up on upgrades but now it's showing up as a bonus dil weekend. What happened?

    submitted by /u/Thebomb0330
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    STO Event Calendar Updated - plus a special note from me

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    STO Event Calendar updated for the Dil and Upgrade Weekends for Console and PC, respectively.

    A special note:

    I have added Google Analytics to the site, and it will show me lots of great info, like number of visitors, time of day, geography, etc.

    So far, I've have a record on a single day of 271 (since installing GA recently).

    This is critical info. If we want to chagrin Cryptic for removing it (regardless of the unceremonious way they did it), we need to be able to say "it is heavily used and important to players".

    At 271, well, that's not a ton of players. I'm still glad people utilize it, and I won't stop just because the number is low, BUT, maybe Cryptic was being data driven?

    If THAT few use it (granted, that's only Reddit people, and only some subset of people that care about it), maybe Cryptic DID mine their usage data and find out, "Meh, hardly anyone really uses it. Sure THOSE folks'll be pissed, but in a cost-benefit, we can save the labor".

    So....I'd like you to use the hell out of it. :) I know some people have embedded it in their own external calendars, and GA doesn't consider that a "visit", so you are not being counted, FYI.

    So, if you are so inclined, tell your friends. Tell your fellow players (anyone not in our Reddit community especially). Tell yo' mama and yo' side piece. If the number doesn't go up, that's cool, but if the number goes to an extreme, we can provide Cryptic with hard data. Not with bitching and moaning, but cold, hard, analytical data that would show the truth. We can say, unequivocally, "Look, here is the number of unique visitors, ergo, the number of players likely to use it in-game. PUT IT BACK." Nicely, of course. :)

    As always, I'm open to suggestions, or constructive feedback. Especially if I miss something or get the dates wrong. I want this to be a valuable resource for players.

    submitted by /u/CaesarJefe
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    Patch Notes 17/9

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 01:45 AM PDT


    • Resolved an issue that could prevent Captains from being able to attack one group of enemies over Boreth during the Klingon mission, "Afterlife".
    • Resolved an issue that would sometimes prevent progression during the "To Hell with Honor" TFO when the reactors were destroyed too quickly.
    • Resolved an issue with Shield Distribution Duty Officers that enhance Draw Fire sometimes applying Weapons Malfunction Resistance, instead of Weapons Malfunction to attackers.
    • The effects of the "Abalative Hazard Shielding" console will now be correctly removed if the item is unequipped while they are active.
    • Orion Cutpurse Fighters (all ranks) may now be used by Klingon-allied Romulans and Jem'Hadar, in addition to KDF.
    • Added the option to Hide Team Status UI.
    • Added a duration indicator to the tooltip of the Karfi's Phase Shift console power.
    submitted by /u/WoodyManic
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    Paradox Temporal Dreadnought Size?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    I am eyeing this as a future Lobi ship buy. I know this ship to be big, but not sure just how big exactly.

    Around the size of a Kelvin Intel Dreadnought (Vengeance)?

    submitted by /u/DilaZirK
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    Inquiry with s31 vanity shield shot

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:42 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a post someone put up with a screenshot of the inquiry with a s31 vanity shield . Can't seem to find it

    submitted by /u/Jordanomega1
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    A Vaadwaur Tech Soldier isn't just good enough. We need a Borg with Boolian cannon and a human Temporal Agent with a Na'Kuhl set. That will show those pesky Voths who's the boss.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 04:36 AM PDT

    What is the best and most effective way to farm dilithium?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    For traits like pedal to the medal that require full throttle for weapon bonus is that the same as full impulse? How can you have full impulse during combat? It's deactivated. Does it just mean a full bar to the top when the full impulse arrows are greyed out?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    Im on ps4 btw.

    submitted by /u/EternalOutcast
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    Looking for a crew...

    Posted: 17 Sep 2020 02:21 AM PDT

    I posted recently about fleets... I'm sorry for not replying to folks on here but been busy with RL... Tends to happen, and I know most of you understand that, so We're likely good there, but I digress...

    My XO, T'Preea, our friend Flo and I are looking for a new crew to run with in both Space and Ground!!! T'Preea is our Ground leader, and she's got some folks lined up there, but on the Space side of things, I'm looking for folks to maybe join up in our small-time fleets... Also, any Armadas with an open Beta slot who can help us with holdings would be welcome, and I would be more than happy to help manage any fleet that needs it, as I do have a wealth of experience in that department... Again, sorry for anyone who I haven't responded to lately on here, but it's due to RL issues... Looking for mainly FED, but have a KDF too...

    Bill Walker@stryker0125 or ReQ'LaW@stryker0125 are my primary toons for each faction... HMU in game or on here for info, and I have discord as well... Will drop that info to anyone interested...

    Bill Walker, Commander of the Firewolf Concordat ReQ'LaW, Supreme Commander of the 215th Shadowhawk Division

    submitted by /u/BelreyneFirewolf
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    Obligatory allow BOffs to use the Temporal Battlesuit thread

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    It's been how many years now? They fixed the gamma one, so hopefully some day?

    submitted by /u/OMEGAkiller135
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    Console Play and Ask with Kael!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2020 04:42 PM PDT


    Live about now....

    Twitch Link;


    Update for "Temporal Ambassador" regarding 'Map Failed' Bug;

    In a previous fix it was meant to be "fixed" but it keeps saying on Console 'Map Failed',Kael is looking in to it and promises a fix in the nearby foresible future!

    !! Twitch ended a couple minutes ago but remains active to watch !!

    submitted by /u/RoseFlowerPrincess
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