• Breaking News

    Thursday, July 16, 2020

    Star Trek Online TOS movie-era captain: "Ohhh, so you're from the future? I guess that's why your uniform is different and your ship looks so much more modern." Me, in my TWoK uniform on the bridge of my Excelsior:

    Star Trek Online TOS movie-era captain: "Ohhh, so you're from the future? I guess that's why your uniform is different and your ship looks so much more modern." Me, in my TWoK uniform on the bridge of my Excelsior:

    TOS movie-era captain: "Ohhh, so you're from the future? I guess that's why your uniform is different and your ship looks so much more modern." Me, in my TWoK uniform on the bridge of my Excelsior:

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:45 AM PDT

    Now that's a view I do respawn for!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Guys, what do you think of my build?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    A more appropriate Pilot Bridge

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    Attempt at recreating J'Ula, Akar, and generic House Mo'Kai warrior using Aliens

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    All of the "New" Starships on the Second Lower Decks Poster that could be seen in STO

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    I was scrolling through my feed earlier and came across the poster for Lower Decks. Upon closer inspection, I noticed several new ships that could be added to STO that I hadn't seen any discussion on yet.

    Lower Decks Poster with circles marking the new ships

    Let's get the obvious one out of the way. The California Class, USS Cerritos, is highlighted in the upper right hand corner and is the most likely to come to STO first. Below that we have another Starfleet ship. It looks like it has a pointed saucer attached to a short pointed neck, not dissimilar to the Galaxy's neck, with pylons pointed down and away from the primary hull.

    Next is an Orion ship, which looks to be confronting the Cerritos and the ship below her. Although it could be a Romulan Warbird, it doesn't look like a Romulan ship and gives off more of an Orion feel. Below that, it looks like a new shuttle that is a mix of the Galileo from TOS, The standard Type 8 Shuttle, and the Discovery Era Shuttles. It could also be an existing shuttle that I couldn't find on Memory Alpha. Either way, we should probably get a revamp to shuttle/fighter combat before we get more of them added to the game

    On the other side, it looks like we have the standard B'Rel class Bird of Prey. I don't see anything new with it, outside of it being animated. Underneath the B'Rel we have another Starfleet ship. It looks like a saucer with pylons coming out of the center of it and TNG style nacelles, but outside of that, I can't make out anymore details on it. The last ship on the poster is the model as the ship sitting below the Cerritos.

    Based on this poster, it looks like we can expect at least five new ships from Lower Decks Season 1.

    The California Class and two new Starfleet ships, and one new shuttle for Starfleet captains, and one Orion ship for KDF Captains.

    Edit: The Cerritos is a California Class Starship.

    submitted by /u/boogieman624
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    When Cobra joins the KDF! The Baroness with Storm Shadow, Zartan, Destro, and Zanya

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    Obtaining Android BOFF

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    How does one obtain their Android Bridge Officer from Elsa Mora? (I have a Lifetime Subscription.) I don't see it in the Special Officers tab. Do I need to be a certain rank? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Marroon_Clampett
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    Legendary T'Liss prefixes

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    I have the Legendary T'liss and I use it on my Fed and my Fed-aligned Romulan. I really like it, but I noticed the absence of several registry prefixes. For my Fed, there's just U.S.S. and for my Romulan there's just R.R.W. and U.S.S. . I think I remember reading somewhere that the ship was supposed to come with I.R.W. and A.R.W. as well. Is this true or am I making this up? If so, please correct me, and if not, it would be nice if this was fixed.

    submitted by /u/Iliketrains1701
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    She may not look like much, but she's the most important ship in any fleet. Presenting the USNS Binary Stars

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 07:56 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Just wondering If there are any dual pistol variants in the new ba'ul weapon boxes ?

    submitted by /u/ncvine
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    The most beautiful scene in sto i think.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    "Lost" ship slot coupons from the legendary starship bundle

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Last week someone in the forums noted that the ship slot coupons from the 10th anniversary legendary bundle had automatically been used from inventory.


    The bundle came with 10 ship slots that were delivered as 5 coupons that would grant 2 slots each. They were account bound, so even though they were all delivered to the character that claimed the bundle, they could be used on different characters later.

    Except now when the character that had them logged in, they were all automatically used and the 10 slots all added to that one character.

    This is obviously not how things should work, right? I do not see that there is any response from Cryptic, though, and I have not seen any mention of it in patch notes.

    Has anyone had this happen and was able to get a resolution?


    submitted by /u/tanek_09
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    Bugged - Misson: Afterlife - Assault on Boreth

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:15 AM PDT

    Good day,

    I started a new KDF toon not long ago and cruising the Episodes from the start.

    But at the mission Afterlife, Assault on Boreth, you need to clear 3 groups of Fek'lhri horde.

    The problem: I can do 2/3 but the last is so near the planet, i can see them, target them but i cannot shoot at them, flying around them to change the angle of attack does not work. The group is located to the right side of the ship when warping in the system. Night side of the planet.

    Leaving the mission and comeback - does nothing.

    Dropping and restarting the mission - Same thing, group is too near the planet, cannot shoot them.

    Even if enemy is targetted, i can't use any skills that affect the target.

    I'm stuck at this mission.

    submitted by /u/Spaceland99
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    When Shon tells you to lay low after Khitomer but you still have patrols and TFOs to do

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Any Word on "A House Divided" for Consoles?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Perhaps I'm just an abysmally bad newshound, but I can't find a definite declaration anywhere for when the new episodes/Klingon model updates will arrive.

    It's safe to assume the general one-to-one-and-a-half month stagger in release, no?

    submitted by /u/Angstrom_Wither
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    Oops! All Locators!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    The game is very near unplayable today.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    New patch, new problems, why am I not surprised? Logged on today (took a long time to do even that) only to be met with freezing loading screens, lag and rubberbanding even more intense than usual, and the game falling apart upon entering any new area.

    I went to the Defera invasion zone to kill Borg for an Endeavor. Finally got through the loading screen, went down to where the Borg are, couldn't do anything. I moved, it warped me back eventually. My character was getting stuck in every animation and frozen in weird directions. I used abilities, they didn't activate but went on cooldown anyway. I attacked, didn't register, didn't do any damage, and my weapon disappeared every few seconds. I see other players running around attacking normally, it wasn't like the whole game was frozen or anything. Finally, after a few minutes, the game suddenly lagged really hard and the Borg started attacking me and I could attack them again. It's as if I wasn't there until the game finally fixed itself and realized I was in it.

    What in god's name is going on over at Cryptic that the game is being kept in such a sorry state of disrepair?! My computer is running as smoothly as ever, my internet is at normal speeds and stable, no other game or program has problems like this game does, everything else runs perfectly fine. This is the only game I play that is so utterly broken that I just have to close it down and hope it runs a little less horribly the next day.

    EDIT: Tabbed out to make this post, tabbed back in to find the game STILL LOADING a new zone, stuck going up 0.01% at a time. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GAME?!?!!?!

    EDIT2: Started a mission to do my next Endeavor, same thing but in space. The NPCs are moving around and attacking like normal, but I'm stuck in place. Can't move, can't attack, abilities not working.

    EDIT3: After restarting the game, my computer, and my internet connection multiple times, the game is finally playable. I'm actually able to move and fight again, albeit with constant rubberbanding like usual.

    submitted by /u/ODST_Parker
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    Admiral Jack Thomas, USS Ark Royal, and staff

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    Half Way There! Another 225 to go!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Best Served Cold; Captured Transports stop moving and the entire TFO becomes uncompleteable.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    Just had this happen; the 20th transport was captured but refused to move. And because there's no timer on that section the TFO was just permanently stuck.

    submitted by /u/JohnGazman
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    An old Alienware giveaway good for new players still has some keys

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    As the title says, I discovered that an old Alienware giveaway from last season still has some keys. This giveaway gives you a title, an experience boost and a Golden Tribble, also known as a Rivera Tribble (https://sto.gamepedia.com/Tribble_(riv))). This tribble doesn't have overwhelming boosts, but it is helpful for that new player having difficulty in ground combat due to it giving a 1% boost to all damage, a +1 all damage resistance and a +0.01 health regen. It can give you a slight boost until you get equipment and weapons with set bonuses and reputation traits with more umpf. Anyways, here is the link. https://na.alienwarearena.com/ucf/show/1924225/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/star-trek-online-age-of-discovery-spore-engineer-pack-key-giveaway?replyPage=8

    submitted by /u/stormtaker0955
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    Sentries over Sunrise

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 04:38 PM PDT

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