• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 27, 2021

    Star Trek Online Not included in the patchnotes, but there's a new Scimitar model in this update!

    Star Trek Online Not included in the patchnotes, but there's a new Scimitar model in this update!

    Not included in the patchnotes, but there's a new Scimitar model in this update!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    This week, PC Captains can get the Freedom Class in the Lobi Store!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    New and improved D'Deridex model!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:16 AM PDT

    Crossfield Refit Nacelles are detatched again in this patch

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    The oldest Oberth

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    Tour the Galaxy in the RXS Galaxy Express

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    U.S.S. Reed Captain's Log, Commander Stephen Edwards, Stardate 99163.4

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    Captain's Log, Stardate 99163.4

    We're arrived at the Hfihar system, and are in orbit of the mining world here. Our orders, to surreptitiously find out why the Remans chose this place as a target for their attacks. It's a magnesite mining colony, run by a Ferengi whose annoying nature came across even through a grainy viewscreen.

    This system isn't in a very good condition. We had to fight off some Orions to get here. I just hope there isn't a syndicate presence on the world.

    The Ferengi in charge has asked me to limit the number of people I bring down, so I'm taking Tarsi alone. Can't help feeling like I'm walking into a trap.


    ...In other news, I've decided to evacuate the mining facility. This world clearly isn't administered in any way by the Romulan Star Empire, and Madran's been mistreating his workers in a way that was hard to witness during my short stay on Hfihar. So I'm going to transport them out. I've got Ops and Engineering collaborating to increase our mass-transport capabilities. There's only a couple hundred people down there, and they'll be packed together and all on the surface for now, given the mine's collapsed. We can get them all. I'll bunk them in spare quarters, cargo bays if we desperately run out of space, and we'll take them to New Romulus, with an advisory to keep an eye on them. Some could be spies.

    I'm probably going to get flak from Command for doing this, but Sela just tried to commit genocide on Vulcan, so there's not much more hostile our relations with the Star Empire could get. And Madran won't get help from the Ferengi Alliance, because Nagus Rom has clamped down on exploitative behaviours and isn't going to antagonise both the Federation and the Republic for the sake of a slaver who was working with the Tal Shiar.

    I'll take whatever punishment I get. I don't care; those people are more important than the pips on my collar.

    Edwards Out.

    Historical note: Four days after recording this log, Commander Stephen Edwards was promoted to the rank of Captain.

    submitted by /u/Albert_Newton
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    Freedom Class in Lobi Store

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    New Screen Accurate Scimitar Skin! Future Legendary Scimitar? Star Trek ...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    Oh no guys! It's the ship from prodigy!

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 05:39 PM PDT

    [run] and [kperf]

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Hey folks. Wanted to start a discussion on getting my [run] up on my new Jem'hadar Vanguard. I'm thinking he's going to be my main "event" guy, so I'd like him to be super fast on the ground.

    Here's an old thread on [run] and [kperf] can certainly influence a lot of the [run]. The wiki is pretty horrible as I cannot find a list of things that improve [run] so I'm left looking at a 5 year old reddit thread.

    Do we have a list of +[run] somewhere?
    How come some people are soooo much faster than me when racing on Risa? I know most [run] modifiers don't work during that race and I have a superior board and jetpack. How are they so much faster?

    submitted by /u/Mentor_Bob_Kazamakis
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    Kinda liked the lighting on this Shot of the U.S.S. Asteria

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    Coming back after not playing since romulan expansion, wanna start over, is federation still the best in terms of content?

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 01:26 AM PDT

    When last I played, I played a romulan that went federation. Should I go straight federation now, or could I do a new romulan and get the same experience? I'm not concerned with the multiplayer aspect outside of social aspects, I mostly play for the lore and found the game to be a good solo MMO.

    submitted by /u/steveosek
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    Patch notes

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:39 PM PDT

    Which Federation T5 ship, currently without a T6 version, would you like to see have an updated T6/2410 version and visual?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    Question about Warrior's Blood trait

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    I completed the Klingon Recruit Warrior's Blood objective and claimed it several months ago, and the Improved Warrior's Blood objective last week. But I don't see it in my character's Traits tab. Does it appear somewhere else?

    The same is true of a Fed character that claimed the both from the Temporal Agent on ESD. It doesn't show up for him either.

    submitted by /u/Hinermad
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    Thinking about "decommissioning" alts

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    I have about 14 characters now, with about 5 "mains" and 9 characters of varying depth. I created these mainly because, for example, I was rewatching DS9 and wanted a Bajoran, rewatching ENT and wanted an ENT crew, etc.

    The issue is that it's becoming difficult to maintain that many characters, since I feel that if I have them I should play them. I'm thinking about deleting at least 5 of these characters (I'm not too concerned with keeping characters for the sole purpose of farming dilithium), and was wondering if there's an easy way to sell gear, transfer equipment, etc?

    The other option is to keep the characters, how do those of you with lots of alts keep them balanced?

    submitted by /u/theEdge1864
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    So which is it...

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    From the launcher news:

    ... Well, during this time period, you'll be able to exchange that Lobi for the Freedom Class Explotation Frigate!

    Gotta be honest, it took my brain a few moments to decide if it was supposed to be "Exploitation Frigate" or "Exploration Frigate", and the former was the default mental "autocorrect." I think a case could be made either way depending on your faction. ;)

    submitted by /u/iamtherealbill
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    In Today's New Annoyances: Suddenly Unskippable Cutscenes

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    Just did the Ragnarok mission (specifically The Battle For The Enterprise J ground battle section) and the cut scenes between Scotty and Chekov are now unskippable although they were last week when I did the same section for another endeavor. Be on the watch (not like you can skip it anyway) for other unskippable cutscenes!

    submitted by /u/person_of_uninterest
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    Junior Officer Week(end) ongoing.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    I didn't see an announcement or patch note, but Junior Officer event is happening on PC. Go get your free purple DOff and chase glowy things around the academy (if that's your thing).

    submitted by /u/Corpse_Cannon
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    Has there ever been a period in klingon history where they aren't trying to murder each other?

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    Seems like the struggle for power won't ever end with them. I always thought martok was gonna lead them some way or another. He seems the most leveled headed. Maybe i missed something

    submitted by /u/RoyalDivineFox
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    You know, Exploitation is the correct spelling, not Exploration. We don’t do that here, just War Crimes against everyone except J’ula.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Question regarding campaign and old event tokens.

    Posted: 27 Jul 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    I am currently at 2150/3500 meaning I need 27 days left. This event runs for 21/22 days so I'll be 6 short.

    I do however have 10 legacy tokens left. IF I was to use those tokens, would I get campaign progress so I could finish the campaign with this event?

    submitted by /u/nkeb42
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    Consoles that seem like they should go there, but don't.

    Posted: 26 Jul 2021 09:31 PM PDT

    There are a number of consoles whose descriptions either do not match their criteria, or ships which don't tick the boxes their names seem to imply they should.

    A couple examples I can think of:

    Molecular cohesion nullifier with a Vengeance, Legendary Odyssey, Cardenas/Buran class (all "starfleet dreadnought" by name). This one I understand, as there may not have been other starfleet dreadnoughts when the console came out, and it likely means galaxy dreadnoughts, though it does not seem to specify that, at least last I checked.

    Enhanced inertial dampeners with the legendary defiant (A full-spec pilot ship) this one I don't understand. It works on raiders, raptors, escorts, and pilot ships so why does it not work on the pilot defiant?

    What other oddities like this have y'all encountered? Not a bugs per say, but oversights in restricted consoles?

    submitted by /u/Jotaro_Lincoln
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