• Breaking News

    Friday, September 10, 2021

    Star Trek Online Strange New Worlds' new uniforms. Who's betting these'll be Lobi like the rest?

    Star Trek Online Strange New Worlds' new uniforms. Who's betting these'll be Lobi like the rest?

    Strange New Worlds' new uniforms. Who's betting these'll be Lobi like the rest?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    [Joke] r/sto in recent weeks/months.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    In an alternate timeline, Cryptic gave away the Lower Decks uniforms for free this week to celebrate Star Trek Day

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    Even if they had still put the ship in the box (lame, but expected), giving away the uniforms would have been a nice gesture. Unfortunately we are not in that timeline.

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Looks like we got a small glimpse of the Terran-ified look of the new Starfleet interior kit. I'm guessing they built the flexibility into the kit for just this purpose; redressing sets for mirror counterparts with minimal work

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    STO Making the Most of What You've Got!

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    The reception of new (and existing) ships is very reliant on where they fall on the meta with desirable features. This is a quick look at what we already know, why some full-spec sucks compared to others, and how small changes here and there would increase viable diversity. Or essentially, where the simplest (code-light & just variable) changes can be found to change it, without giving large increases to existing meta builds.

    Note: this post will look at some key areas of weakness, in detail, presuming some general knowledge of STO meta and shorthand (such as Boff = Bridge Officer, as regards to the abilities you can assign to Starship Stations for use in game) It will also focus on Space as that is where the bulk of monetization and endgame building is found. Not every change here would be required, but a half dozen from each section would give more incentive to at least try new builds.

    Tl;Dr: Yet another 'ideas' post but focussed on buffing 'weak' options in hull configuration, consoles, abilities, specializations. Rather than wanting every ship to be Fullspec MW and to a degree, Command ships with 5/3 & lots of Tac consoles. There's a lot of scope to make Engineering and other specializations more attractive without having to re-design things in a code-intensive way or power-creep things that are already strong.


    To start, obviously, the concept of 'the Meta' is not unique to STO, and YouTube creator JoshStrifeHayes has covered what the situation is like across the broader MMO genre. However, there is a bit of a difference in STO with the game being monetized by new ships that are vulnerable to being seen as sub-par depending on where they fall in the meta we have. So, more than most MMOs it is in Cryptic's best interest to address this to allow them to release diverse ships and give them all a decent chance of selling well (rather than releasing 5/3 MW/Command battlecruiser #113)

    STO also has a strong advantage for making changes as it has a primary focus on co-op small group play, there's no endgame raiding scene, and the PVP scene while it has a few dedicated members would also benefit from any shake-up that might get more people involved. So changing the meta has significantly less risk than it would have in a more competitive or hardcore raiding focussed game.

    The latest Parliament class and it's reception, the L-D'Deridex and to a lesser extent the L-D7 all show a similar pattern of "this ship is great but…" because they don't conform to the 'right' Full-specialization, or console layout.

    Taking the Parliament class specifically, this is a culmination of almost all of the worst of modern hull weaknesses except specialization. 4/4 weapons, commander engineer, only Lt tac/universal, only 2 Tac consoles (before MW) and Cruiser mastery package.

    The problem here is that we have a number of factors; seating, console slots, full-spec, weapon layout, that are treated as equal from a design standpoint, but aren't equal in practice. Various factors such as STO's quick time-to-kill, even on large enemies, makes lots of abilities and equipment weak (the Inhibiting SecDef vs Deteriorating, Intel arrays etc) The key imbalances are:

    · Engineering consoles have few uses and are generally where you put your universal consoles with perhaps 1-2 exceptions

    · Engineering seating is also limited to 1 or 2 key abilities (Emergency power to weapons) especially the Cmdr slot

    · Shield and Engine subsystems lack purpose, especially compared to Weapons

    · Rear weapon slots have lower damage potential/usability than Fore weapon slots

    · Intel and Pilot specializations are very weak in hulls and Boff abilities.

    · Starship mastery types Cruiser versus Battlecruiser for example are widely imbalanced

    The obvious counterargument is that these things are not weak, but Tactical consoles, seating and the MW spec in particular are too strong, so it's easier to nerf those.

    The problem with that is that nerfing things that people have spent a lot of money on (or put time into) leaves an incredibly bad taste and would invariably hurt spending. It also still wouldn't make any of the alternatives 'good', just relatively 'less bad'.

    Buffing these systems, seats and options will make both existing and new releases more exciting, and increase sales on items that would otherwise be passed over. This is because they will have the 'new & shiny' flavour of possibility without having to invent a whole new specialization or add a new game feature that has to slot into everything else.

    All of the suggestions below (except where specifically noted) rely on changing numbers or adding effects which already exist as the goal is to minimize what changes would be required at a technical level.

    Engineering – The Warp Core of the Problem

    Probably the single biggest hurdle to ship layout diversity is the lack of effectiveness for both Engineering Boffs and consoles. Dedicated tanking is very niche as a gameplay style (we'll look at shields separately in a moment.) Focussing on engineering, options are limited a lot by the fact that subsystem power is only desirable in Weapons (or Aux for sci builds) and with rising Torpedo popularity, even that is questionable.

    A number of Engineering abilities and consoles are dedicated to raising these power levels, these need more relevant effects, and or the power levels need to be desirable on their own.

    First variable, the console or ability itself:

    · Subsystem Power consoles: add +Subsystem MAX power to the console, this would only need to be a couple of points if it could stack with both itself and other MAX increases, otherwise design with a large MAX increase with the idea being 'limit to 1 of each Subsystem you want to improve'

    · Emergency Power to Shields: Add large drain resistance for the duration

    · Emergency Power to Engines: Clear movement impairing debuffs every 3/2/1s for duration or grant immunity to same. Improving inertia would also help this feel better, there's even the option to simply combine with Aux to Damp

    · Other Engineering Consoles: Another option for engineering consoles would be to simplify and combine effects of existing consoles (as was done with combining Ctrl power and Ctrl res for SCI) combining EPS Flow rate with Power Levels, and combining Hull Regen and Resistance would be a quick and effective option.

    Second variable, subsystem power effect:

    · Shields: Again we'll look at shields in the next section, but a quick fix would be to add drainRes scaled to subsystem power, and increase the effect of high/low shield power level on max shields

    · Engines: Relatively simple, increase the effect of high/low subsystem power on turn rate. Could also look at adding ctrlRes

    · Auxiliary: Relatively okay with how it impacts Science abilities but could really benefit from a pass to see other abilities (especially Eng and Specialist) that could be given scaling from Auxilliary. Increasing 'proc' chance of weapons would make it much more desirable to DEW builds.

    · Weapons: (As pertains to Science vessels and torp boats) Tie SecDef damage and Torpedo reload speed to Weapon power. This leans towards nerf territory though

    The Engineering Commander Slot:

    Arguably the weakest slot in game and a big burden for Engineering focussed ships to overcome. Directed Energy Modulation is good but part of the problem with this skill is simply that it doesn't show clearly that it is affected by Weapon subsystem power. Otherwise, the common choice here is Reverse Shield Polarity III, a decent survival ability that is largely independent of what you've put into your build's shields but with a hefty cooldown.

    · Emit Unstable Warp Bubble: Reduce cooldown and either increase flight speed debuff to keep enemies in it longer, or add a short duration hold initially.

    · Extend Shield: Very weak as shares Cooldown with RSP and requires manual targeting, add auto-targeting from Command: Subspace Interception, and increase the range to 10km in line with more modern abilities

    · Auxiliary to Structural: Reasonable as is, but adding Hull Regen especially for the higher ranks

    · Boarding Party: Since removal of 'Crew' as a stat this ability is laughably bad, replace the effect with a reduced damage/speed debuff, with %age chance for disable with a duration tied to skill level.

    · Eject Warp Plasma: A reasonable ability on fast ships, but counterproductive on slow ships with weaker turning. Improve the AOE size (ideally in line with ship size, or simply tie to Max Hull)

    · Aceton Beam: As a single target damage debuff the cooldown is just too long, especially as a commander level ability

    Shields – Like Hull, But Worse

    This section is a little different as it's more of a weak mechanic than something that affects some ships more than others. The issue with shields is that they are almost always less effective than your hull at keeping you alive so if you want to invest in survivability there's just always more attractive options than improving your shields.

    The Borg in particular are a problem because of their rampant and extremely potent shield drain. Shields (particularly with high shield power) need to either be able to weather this drain or resist it if you gear for it. Which they just don't.

    In a sense, putting full power to shields with a good MKXII shield (normal) or MKXV shield (advanced) feels like it should give you a good level of base survivability.

    Simple Solution: Simple numbers problem, increase the HP of shields, their resistance and crucially their drainRes in proportion to Shield Subsystem Power.

    Alternative more complex solution: Let shields differ from hull by letting them absorb a set amount of damage in a fixed time, but if taking ___Dmg in past X seconds, the facing drops & is offline for a minimum duration, say, 10 seconds but could depend on Shield power/restoration to reduce this base number. This would set shields apart by making them excellent for absorbing fire while you reposition but weak if you are constantly taking damage from a set direction. [This would be a code heavy change compared to others but would make shields more interesting than just a second flavour of raw HP]

    Weapon Slots – First and Foremost

    Simply put, fore-slot weapons deal significantly higher base damage and therefore have huge damage potential compared to what can be equipped in rear slots. Along with the current favour of torpedoes and dual beams (and has always been the case with cannons) means that rear slots are universally weaker and often used for filler and set completion to complement fore weapons. Aside from increasing the damage of turrets simple options would be:

    · Cannons: Let single cannons be equipped rear and expand the arc to allow a 45-60 degree broadside

    · Beams: Allow an extra Omni to be fitted

    · Torpedoes: Allow torpedoes to fire at an available target if the currently selected target is not within firing arc

    Intel Full Spec – The Smart Choice is to Pick Something Else

    The oldest specialization is showing its age, time to kill has rendered the ship mechanic virtually useless and the abilities leave a lot to be desired almost across the board. The Gather Intelligence mechanic is too slow and not impactful enough, and inbuilt mask energy signature is simply nothing compared to the additional console slot of a Miracle Worker. Given the power of Miracle Worker Boff abilities, and especially the console slot, there is a lot of potential to improve Intel and not come close to overshadowing MW fullspec

    · Signature Masking: Simplest option would be to replace the faux cloak with an additional level of cloak compared to what a non-Intel base hull would receive, Cloak -> BattleCloak -> Enhanced BattleCloak -> Faster cooldown Enhanced BattleCloak

    · Alternative to Masking: Replace masking with a bonus to weapon pen tied to AUX

    · Gather Intel: These stacks need to be gathered faster and automatically be gathered on your current target, every 0.5s without having to find space to click another ability would be a big QoL improvement and see this get used a lot more often. Or alternatively, gather even slower, but apply stacks to self during combat that can be applied to any target once you've built up 15 in a more similar manner to Temporal Specialization


    With the exception of Intel Team and Override Subsystem Safeties these are some of the worst abilities available and have plenty of room for improvement

    · Evade Target Lock: Should be at least a cone AOE as reducing damage from a single foe is rarely relevant

    · Intelligence Team: Room here to let it finish cooldown on the ship's cloaking device or even allow a standard cloak to be used in combat

    · Subspace Beacon: This needs to provide a buff to self when triggered or have an effect like Photonic Shockwave with -Repel on the location where you hit the recall

    · Viral Impulse Burst: Remaining power in non-engine Subsystems should be lower, and 0 at Rank III

    · EMP Probe: The effect is strong but it is not reliable enough in a chaotic combat environment, needs an increase in AOE radius (tied to CtrlX and Aux) and probably a faster pulse speed.

    · Ionic Turbulence: Similar to above it struggles with area of effect, and for NPCs the OutOfControl debuff lockout should be removed, at Commander level this compares incredibly poorly with Gravity Well

    · Kinetic Magnet: Potentially useful but ruined by the fragile effect, there's probably room to let this knock shields offline for a few seconds on initial application

    · Subnucleonic Carrier Wave: This was clearly balanced around PVP and needs a strength boost vs NPCs. Change the chance to add recharge time to a flat block enemy abilities being used 100% for a fixed duration tied to rank, the cooldown is also ridiculous for a Boff ability and should be no more than 1 minute.

    · Transport Warhead: One of the more iconic parts of the show, reduced to the worst torpedo firing mode. The delay should be 3/2/1s depending on rank (perhaps doubled for Tricobalt) and it should have a damage boost comparable to equivalent T:HY especially as you are losing the effect of any AOE from the torpedo

    · Energy Weapons Surgical Strikes: Suffers the same problem as other specialist firing modes, lack of traits synergy (especially cooldown to duration ratio). Worse, using u/Eph289's energy weapon tool we can see that a single weapon with no other modifiers sees an increase of a whopping 6% damage when activating EW:SS III, compared to nearly 100% for the same weapon with Beam Overload (80% for CRfire) This ability benefits from more CritD but less from CritH, it at the very minimum needs to add CritD equal to the accuracy and CritH provided.

    Pilot Full Spec – Fun but Unimpactful

    This is a strangely mixed bag of fun components that are simply outclassed performance wise by other options. Like Intel this has a lot of room behind Miracle Worker before it would be close to overshadowing the favourite child. The fun factor adds a lot though and we can lean into that with a little more oomph to bring Pilot ships up to code with their sister ships.

    · Pilot Maneuvers: Fun but really needs to have a longer invulnerability frame and apply a lingering defence buff. This should stack a few times (3-4) provided a different directional thrust is used from the last

    · Missing passive: Unlike Miracle Worker's console, Intel's masking or Temporal mode there's no passive increase in output so there's space to add 10% rear arc damage bonus as a feel good upgrade for these nimble craft


    None of the Pilot spec abilities are particularly strong and there's room for improvement everywhere

    · Attack Pattern Lambda: Not weak until compared to other attack patterns, adding CritH (2/4/6) and/or CritD(10/20/30) would push this towards a comparable choice, especially outside Tac seating

    · Deploy Countermeasures: Feels like it has confused identity as its effects overlap (and with AP:Lambda) Replace the confuse with removing Player threat and reduce CD to 30-45s

    · Lock Trajectory: Hard to control in escorts but fun, remove the throttle requirement to activate to let fast ships use this at 25% throttle to avoid sailing out of the fight and make this skill have no cooldown to toggle on/off at will

    · Pilot Team: Automatically apply to self & own summoned pets/destructible torpedoes within 10km as this is a super fun but not DPS changing interaction that is fiddly to use in combat.

    · Clean Getaway: Honestly should be rolled into Deploy Countermeasures with the changes above as they share a lot of space. If keeping though increase range to 7.5km and add a turn speed buff to match the flight speed so it doesn't feel like it throws you out of the fight.

    · Fly Her Apart: Apply the bonus damage stacks immediately and let them persist for 10s afterwards as the delay makes this only useful outside of combat currently and is very questionable for a commander tier ability.

    · Hold Together: Reasonable survival skill, adding a bonus to damage output based on the hull restored over the duration for up to 10s after expiry would reward slotting it and using it wisely.

    · Reinforcement Squadron: These should be 4 (not the actual 5) fighters that form a V formation with the player and shoot targets in your (and their) front arc for the duration, matching player's speed and movement to get more out of them the better you keep enemies in your arc.

    · Coolant Ignition: Reasonable AOE skill with just way too long a cooldown and too long a delay before applying damage, reduce the cooldown to 45-60s and the ignition delay to 5/4/3 seconds the slow effect should persist but wear off once ignited

    · Form Up: Should benefit from a similar change to Extend Shields, retain the bonus but it stops stacking if you move apart from each other. A visual link between craft with a line of colour that changes if you are about to break the link would be a reasonable QoL change too.

    · Reroute Reserves to Weapons: Again, the same specialist firing mode problem of shared cooldown and lack of traits. Specialist firing modes should really see an increase in duration to 20s, or a reduced shared cooldown on standard firing modes to make them less actively harmful to your damage output.

    · Subspace Boom: Reasonable effect but missing the sound effect from the Seismic Charges of franchise that must not be named fame. Increase radius with rank and initial impact should add a 1s Hold + Repel to improve the look and feel.

    Temporal – A quick honourable mention

    Temporal specialization is reasonable with one exception, entropy stacks need a QoL pass. The simplest would be to grant the stacks to the user rather than the target and halve the rate that they build. This would be useful for encouraging Temporal ships to use their specialized seating which is a little rough as you need to use a builder and user to get the most out of Entropy which can be wasted if the target dies.

    Miracle Worker and Command – Left out

    Miracle Worker has some weak abilities but (at present) there's really no need to improve any of them as it's the most desirable spec.

    Similarly Command has plenty of room to make other abilities better *cough* Re-route form life support *cough* but has just had a balance/improvement pass, and is still competitive overall.

    Mastery – The Whole Package

    Starship mastery levels vary widely between different hull classes, but generally as damage output is far more desirable than defensive stats there are those that heavily favour defence (Cruiser) that fall way behind. In general any mastery package that only has 1, or 0 damage output improvements should see it's masteries increased by 25-50% to compensate for buffing the less desirable stats, or see revision to include an additional damage buffing mastery.

    submitted by /u/RisgyRheoli
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    First City questions.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    1. With the outcome of the Klingon civil War, why is J'mpok still hanging out in the Great Hall.
    2. Where are all the citizens? Before the redesign, First City was teeming with random NPCs. Now it's a ghost town.
    3. Will the Forcas III tournament ever come back?
    submitted by /u/ScubaTrek
    [link] [comments]

    The Legendary D'deridex

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 03:27 AM PDT

    DIL SINK IDEA: If it's a small ship, it's a frigate pet.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    There are a whole lot of great escort/frigate/raider/scout ship models in the game. I'd love to see Cryptic progressively roll out each of these as reskinned frigate pets usable on every ship with a hangar that can support frigates. I don't think you'd have to create anything new or elaborate, just drop the existing ship models on the existing pet code, with the same specs, and put them in the dilithium store.

    Defiants? Yes please!

    Mirandas? Mirand-yeahs!

    Jem Strike ships? Of course!

    BoPs? YOPS!

    Lukari Doritos? Sounds like fun!

    Kazon Heavy Raiders? Someone will want them!

    Reuse existing assets, add some great endgame space barbie content for the carrier and micro-fleet minded, and suck up that sweet, sweet dilithium like a Universe-class Mega Maid!

    submitted by /u/gamerpops
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    With the return of the Temporal Operative event, I've dusted off my Wrath of Khan uniform and...it seems it's maybe due for a remaster. Color palettes are off, material seems weirdly shiny, and it's missing the rear jacket belt loop (which I think it used to have years ago). Also, why not an admiral variant with the extra gold piping? I know the tailor needs a lot of work, and this is pretty low priority, but I think it's high time Cryptic showed some love to this iconic uniform.

    submitted by /u/Wald0_17
    [link] [comments]

    Removing Arc Linking

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Is there any word on if that Arc linking thing will ever go away?

    I always buy Zen though the Arc launcher, so the game should already know I did it years ago.

    submitted by /u/Vulcanalia
    [link] [comments]

    The Terran Update must be big, as there's a 2GB+ prepatch now.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:52 AM PDT

    A question to devs about Cold war and 2800 missions

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Why is there a level lock on cold war and 2800 when the stories themselves are precursors to everything that leads up to the iconian war? Not to mention finding out how the founder is brought back into the story. As a newer player its very confusing doing these kinds of stories (discovering the preservers, kinda a big deal) and having things out of order. What is so hard about not having them level locked?

    You expect players to be at least lvl 50 by the time they get to New romulous, but have locked away missions that would help us do that. The stories are good, pre iconian , but you have it as almost end game content... I dont get it 🤷‍♂️

    submitted by /u/IMEfan
    [link] [comments]

    Please, please, pleaseeeeeee let us have the NPCs sit in and not under their chairs in TOS interior chairs ������������������

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    We beg you
    We did all. We bought the Clarke Pack, we bought the Miranda Pack, we made Temporal Agents
    You fixed the Voyager Messhall. Why not this Chair bug which lasts like forever?
    Please. In the humblest way possible I'm asking you to please fix this
    It destroys the joy of running around in STO style so much ☹️

    submitted by /u/mah100bu
    [link] [comments]

    All Promotional Choice Box Starships Ranked! (2021 Edition)

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    This is an update to THIS post I made a little over two years ago, made upon request by a couple of fellow Redditors who messaged me. Seeing as most of us should be getting our rewards from this year's event campaign (which includes most of these ships), I figured it would be worthwhile to go back and update this. A lot has changed in the game since I made my original list, especially with regards to how many Promo ships are available (up to 26 now) and how the meta has shifted to favor different builds (particularly torpedo builds). Additionally, cross-faction flying is finally here and Legendary ships are a thing now, which means that some of these ships may see their placements change as a result. The criteria I looked at when making this list was primarily stats-based. If a ship had a strong/versatile BOff/console/weapons layout, I favored it higher than others. I also took into consideration the Starship Traits these ships come with, as some of them are quite strong. Gimmicks, such as cloaking devices, transformation mechanics, and specialist ship features (Innovation, Inspiration, Molecular Reconstruction, etc.) were also noted and factored into these rankings. Aesthetics were definitely considered as well, but took a back seat to the actual stats of the ships themselves. Anyways, let's get started!

    1. TZENKETHI TZEN-TAR DREADNOUGHT CARRIER: I feel like a lot of people are still sleeping on just how good this ship really is, especially with the recent changes in the meta. For starters, it's a full Miracle Worker ship that also has a Lt. Commander Command station. The Tzen-tar is currently the only ship in the game that can equip 5 Tactical and 5 Science consoles at once, while also being one of only three ships in the game (much like the Vaadwaur Juggernaut) that can equip up to 6 Tactical consoles. These factors, combined with its 5/2 weapons layout and the fact that it can run 2 Lt. Commander Science stations, make it a very strong candidate for energy weapons, torpedo, and SciTorp builds alike. Additionally, the ship is fairly tanky and rather agile for its size, and the two hangars are a huge bonus. The Starship Trait is somewhat gimmicky, but can be utterly devastating to enemies stuck in a Gravity Well. Subjectively, I also find it to be one of the coolest-looking ships in the game. The Tzen-tar has also been sold via the Lobi Store on a handful of occasions, meaning that it should be cheaper on the Exchange than many of the other ships on this list should you choose to acquire it that way. With the shift in the meta towards torpedo builds, I'd actually say this ship has surpassed the Vaadwaur Juggernaut and taken the top spot on this list!
    2. VAADWAUR MIRACLE WORKER JUGGERNAUT: Even though its been dethroned, there's no way this ship could possibly fall any lower than #2 on this list for me. The Juggernaut is a beast all around, being a full Miracle Worker ship that also has a Lt. Commander Intel station. Not to mention its 5/3 weapons layout and very high hull and shield modifiers. It can equip up to 6 Tactical consoles, being one of only three ships in the game that can do so. Its Starship Trait is superb and easily one of the best available for energy weapons builds. This ship's special gimmick, the Juggernaut Array, is also insane! Even if you aren't built for Polaron damage this thing can regularly one-shot entire groups of enemies if aimed properly. The only things this ship can't do well are exotic damage and torpedo builds, and its only real downside is how slow and sluggish it is to fly. It's not the prettiest ship either, but aesthetics are subjective after all. Even though torpedo builds are all the rage now, the Vaadwaur Juggernaut it still reins supreme for energy weapons builds!
    3. D7-CLASS MIRACLE WORKER FLIGHT DECK CARRIER: Between the two Discovery-era Flight Deck Carriers, this one edges out the DSC Connie ever so slightly. While both ships have 100% identical stats, the DSC D7 has the advantage of a Battle Cloak and a superior Starship Trait. Seriously though, The Ruin of Our Enemies is an EXTREMELY potent Starship Trait that works with any build as long as you can kill things quickly enough. Both ships are very durable and versatile, being full Miracle Worker ships with Lieutenant Command stations and the ideal 5/3 weapons layout. The hangar pets these ships come with are decent and can be equipped on any ship, and both ships unlock the Advanced Phaser and Disruptor weapons for purchase, which are on-par with Spiral Wave Disruptors in terms of damage output. These weapons can also be unlocked if you own the Legendary DSC Connie as well, so do be aware of that. The DSC D7 is really just a beautiful ship, effortlessly blending modern sensibilities with a classic Star Trek design.
    4. COURAGE-CLASS COMMAND SCIENCE DESTROYER: Yes, the toilet ship is actually extremely good! In fact, I would go as far to say that the Courage-class is the best Science Destroyer in the game, which it should be given its astronomical price tag! It is a full Command ship with a 4/3 weapons layout, so obviously its quite powerful for torpedo builds. The Courage-class also has the higher hull modifier than any other Science Destroyer. The transformation gimmick all Science Destroyers come with allows it to swap between being a Science Vessel or Destroyer, which combined with its flexible, Command-heavy BOff seating makes the ship quite strong for SciTorp builds as well. This ship also features a built-in Battle Cloak, which is always nice to have. Its Universal Console is decent, and its Starship Trait has the potential to be a strong option for exotic builds if played correctly. The Courage-class also comes with a new Experimental Weapon that scales its damage off your maximum hull, which means it can get quite powerful with the right setup. Obviously the aesthetics are the weakest point of the ship, but I'd say that everything else it comes with makes this ship very powerful indeed!
    5. SECTION 31 COMMAND HEAVY BATTLECRUISER: I have to admit that I really underestimated this ship when it was first released. In terms of stats, it is a full Command ship with a 5/3 weapons layout and rather high hull and shield modifiers. It's got a good amount of universal seating to allow for build flexibility, as well as a built-in cloaking device (called Dark Mode here). Its innate Swarm Mode mechanic is actually INSANELY strong, effectively serving as a free Experimental Weapon for the ship that out-parses most of them to boot. Its Starship Trait is a bit gimmicky, but fun to use for Section 31 theme builds. Overall this ship has aged extremely well, as it is now one of the best ships to fly in the torpedo build meta that proliferates STO today. I also really love the aesthetics of this ship, even though they're not particularly unique.
    6. INQUIRY-CLASS BATTLECRUISER: Essentially a super-powered, premium version of the venerable Avenger/Arbiter-class, the Inquiry-class is a very strong ship, no doubt about that. Being a full Miracle Worker ship with Lt. Commander Intel seating and a 5/3 weapons layout means this ship is S-tier when it comes to energy weapons builds, just like the Vaadwaur Juggernaut is. I'd say the Inquiry-class is also a much better-looking ship than the Vaadwaur Juggernaut, which is something to consider as well. The Universal Console this ship comes with is solid, though not game-shatteringly amazing, and its Starship Trait is very similar to Emergency Weapon Cycle, but will always lose out to it unless your ship has an abundance of Engineering seating and you can cycle EPtX abilities effectively. There's really nothing to dislike about this ship stats-wise, though the fact that it has a grill for a deflector still annoys me. The only reason it's not higher up is because the Juggernaut still out-performs it and the other ships offer more potent overall packages or are very strong torpedo platforms.
    7. CONSTITUTION-CLASS MIRACLE WORKER FLIGHT DECK CARRIER: Just barely losing out to the DSC D7, the DSC Connie brings with it all the same stats, perks, and advantages the former ship provides. In fact, the only thing this ship loses compared to its Klingon counterpart is a Battle Cloak. Like its KDF sister ship, the DSC Connie also has decent hangar pets and unlocks Advanced Phaser and Disruptor weapons for purchase. It is a full Miracle Worker ship with a 5/3 weapons layout as well, and while its Starship Trait may not be useful for damage output like the DSC D7's is, it is an INSANELY strong survivability trait regardless. Much like the DSC D7, the DSC Connie is a great modern take on the most iconic starship design in sci-fi history. Although there is a Legendary version of this ship now available and that has knocked it down slightly, I find that this version of the DSC Connie is still far superior for most builds.
    8. AMARIE-CLASS SMUGGLER'S HEAVY ESCORT: Another really powerful ship that I rarely see anyone fly. This ship is one of the tankiest Escorts in the game, and has a very strong, well-rounded Bridge Officer layout. The 5/2 weapons layout is always a plus, and its console layout is solid as well. Its Starship Trait is incredibly strong for a torpedo-focused build, and the Experimental Weapon it comes with can hit like a truck! The Universal Console it comes with also has a really short cooldown, and can be very potent with the right build too! What truly makes this ship special though is its unique interior, complete with Exchange, Bank, and Mail access. While the latter feature certainly isn't unique, the Amarie-class combines it with great stats and a badass "muscle car" aesthetic to boot. The only thing that would make this ship even better is if it had a Battle Cloak, honestly. It is important to note though that this ship is now part of a Mudd's Market bundle as an account unlock, which depending on sales may be the more economical way to get this ship.
    9. CONSTITUTION-CLASS TEMPORAL LIGHT CRUISER: If this list were based solely on nostalgia factor alone, this ship would be at the very top without question. The TOS Connie is the ship that led many of us into space for the first time, and the sheer impact of that cannot be ignored. Though this ship used to be the worst of the three TOS Promotional ships, recent changes in the meta have actually made it the best since its the only one with Command seating. Its Universal Console and Starship Trait are both decent, but can easily be replaced with better (and cheaper) alternatives. The existence of the Legendary Connie is interesting though, as I don't feel it completely invalidates or overshadows this ship like what happened to the other TOS Promotional ships. If anything, I'd say that the TOS Connie is better for torpedo builds, while the Legendary Connie is superior for energy weapons builds.
    10. JANEWAY-CLASS COMMAND SCIENCE VESSEL: One of the newest additions to this ever-growing collection of ships, the Janeway-class is overall fairly underwhelming. It is one of only two Command Science Vessels in the game, though it has a 4/2 weapons layout which makes it better for SciTorp builds. It also has a built-in Battle Cloak, which is nice. Its Starship Trait is rather underwhelming though, as is its Universal Console. The ship isn't my cup of tea from an aesthetics standpoint either. The Janeway-class is by no means a terrible ship, but I find that there are much better options out there for exotic damage, torpedo, and SciTorp builds that are more affordable and easier to acquire. I still place it here on the list due to the fact that it's better at what it's built for than other ships below it.
    11. KRENIM ANNORAX SCIENCE DREADNOUGHT: When this ship was first released, it was the undisputed king of exotic damage builds. It was also the first ship of its kind, as Science Dreadnoughts were unheard of before its debut. Unfortunately, time wasn't so kind to this timeline-killing behemoth, and its claim to the throne has been challenged by a number of ships since. Despite this, the Annorax is still the best Science Dreadnought in the game by far and is certainly no slouch in the exotic damage department either. Its Starship Trait does have good potential, but there are better options out there if maximizing DPS is your goal. I personally have a soft spot for this ship, as it was the first Promotional ship I ever got. The Annorax is definitely still viable and performs well, only it has a lot more competition now.
    12. T'LISS-CLASS TEMPORAL WARBIRD: This TOS-era Warbird is a very versatile and strong candidate for a multitude of energy weapons and exotic damage-based builds thanks to it being a full Temporal ship and its extensive Science and Tactical seating. It has the advantage of having 3 Lt. Commander BOff stations, a rarity on T6 ships, and a 5/2 weapons layout. The Lt. Commander Pilot station is a nice addition, and makes this ship even more agile than it already is. The T'liss is also one of only a handful of ships in the game that comes with an Enhanced Battle Cloak, allowing you to fire torpedoes and use most BOff abilities while cloaked. The Starship Trait it comes with is decent, but somewhat redundant if you already have Emergency Weapon Cycle. However, the existence of the largely superior Legendary T'liss means that this ship has fallen a bit in the rankings, as that version of the ship is much better at being a torpedo stealth bomber than this one is.
    13. VULCAN EXPERIMENTAL SCOUT VESSEL: This ship is one of the newer additions to the Promotional ship roster, and it's certainly an interesting one. Stats-wise, it's easily the best Scout Vessel in the game, thanks to its 4/2 weapons layout and it being a full Pilot ship with a Lieutenant Miracle Worker station as well. This also makes the ship unique, as it is the only Science Vessel-type ship in the game to have access to Pilot Maneuvers. Its Starship Trait is nothing special, though it could potentially be useful in PvP environments. Another thing to note about this ship is that it comes with a rather powerful torpedo that deals high damage and has only a 4-second reload time. This could make the ship more desirable for those interested in torpedo/SciTorp builds. Overall, the Vulcan Experimental Scout Vessel is a very good ship with a lot of gimmicks to make flying it interesting, and is very competitive with other Science Vessels. It is also included in a Mudd's Market bundle as an account unlock now, which depending on sales may be the more economical way to get this ship.
    14. D7-CLASS TEMPORAL BATTLECRUISER: The TOS D7 just barely loses out to the T'liss simply because it is a bit more generic overall. It is still a very capable ship, don't get me wrong, and the fact that it has a Lt. Commander Intel station is great for energy weapons builds. The TOS D7 sacrifices a bit in maneuverability and exotic damage shenanigans for increased durability, Cruiser Commands, and an extra aft weapon compared to the T'liss. Also like the T'liss, the TOS D7 is a full Temporal ship and has 3 Lt. Commander BOff stations, though it uses a slightly less powerful Battle Cloak. Its Starship Trait is the same as what the T'liss comes with, so decent but not great. Make no mistake, the TOS D7 is a formidable ship in many ways. However, I feel that this ship has now been completely overshadowed and outclassed by the new Legendary D7, which means that the TOS D7 has dropped drastically here compared to where it was before.
    15. JEM'HADAR STRIKE SHIP: The very first T6 Promotional ship to ever be released, the JHSS suffers from a lot of the same issues the Annorax does. While the ship possesses very good BOff seating and is one of the most durable Escorts in the game, it is certainly showing its age. Many of the newer Escorts in the game outclass the JHSS, especially the Pilot Escorts and even the Amarie-class, which also comes from the same Choice Box. By far the biggest claim to fame for this ship is its Starship Trait, which can turn CRF builds into absolute monsters that rend the galaxy asunder! Its Universal Console and the set it belongs to are also fairly strong, and was made equippable on all ships many patches ago. While the JHSS is still a solid ship, it has unfortunately fallen behind as the years have passed. This is yet another ship that is now included in a Mudd's Market bundle as an account unlock, which depending on sales may be the more economical way to get this ship.
    16. JEM'HADAR RECON SHIP: The second version of the T6 Bug Ship to be released, this version has all the same advantages and downsides as its slightly older brother. The only real difference between the two is their BOff seating, as the Strike Ship has Lt. Commander Intel and Lieutenant Command while the Recon Ship has Lt. Commander Pilot and Lieutenant Intel. I personally placed the Strike Ship higher as the high-level Intel station is more useful for damage potential. Honestly though, choosing between the two ships is a decision based on personal preference more than anything.
    17. MIRROR CROSSFIELD SCIENCE DESTROYER: On its own, the Mirror Crossfield is a very strong Science Vessel with some awesome damage potential. However, the fact remains that aside from some slightly altered BOff seating, slightly different stats, and the transformation gimmick, it is virtually identical to the Crossfield-class Science Spearhead, especially with regards to aesthetics. The Science Spearhead is also much more affordable and easier to obtain, which is very important to note. Its Starship Trait is a decent option for energy weapons/exotic damage hybrid builds, but there are better ones out there if damage is your main goal. Its Experimental Weapon is also nothing special, being easily outdone by more affordable options. Now that we have a Legendary Crossfield and a 32nd Century Crossfield in the game too, I'd actually say that there's not much point in getting the Mirror Crossfield anymore unless you really like the BOff layout. Owning the Legendary Crossfield gives you everything this ship comes with anyways, even the Mirror Universe visuals.
    18. LA SIRENA HEAVY RAIDER: One of the new additions to the Promo Choice Box since my original post, The La Sirena is interesting, to say the least. It has a lot of things going for it, including Improved Raider Flanking, a 5-1 weapon layout, and Pilot Maneuvers. It's also fairly customizable and is rather tanky for a Raider, and the Lt. Commander Intel station can be strong for energy weapons builds. In terms of downsides, its Experimental Weapon is actually one of the worst in the game, its Starship Trait is underwhelming, and its Universal Console is more of a fun/gimmicky thing than anything. I guess my biggest gripe with the La Sirena is that there's nothing particularly stand-out about it. There's very little this ship can do that other, more affordable options can't, which makes it difficult for me to recommend it unless you're a big fan of how it looks. Nevertheless, it places here because it definitely offers more than the other ships below it.
    19. FREEDOM-CLASS EXPLORATION FRIGATE: One of the newest additions to the lineup of Promotional ships, this ship is unique in that it is one of only three Frigates in the game. Stats-wise the Freedom-class is good, but it certainly isn't groundbreaking in any way. Its Starship Trait seems like it could be useful, but is fairly situational and definitely won't assist you in the damage department. I placed it higher than the rest of the ships on this list purely because the ship itself is more versatile and practical than the others. Outside of this, I would say that it is one of the weaker Promotional ships overall and a fairly minor upgrade if you already own the Qulash Frigate. This ship was also very recently sold via the Lobi Store for a limited time, so it should be the cheapest ship to buy off the Exchange out of all the ships listed here.
    20. VALKIS-CLASS TEMPORAL HEAVY DREADNOUGHT WARBIRD: I have a love-hate relationship with the next three ships on this list. As it stands now they are essentially larger and slower Flight Deck Carriers with different Cruiser Commands. However, I do acknowledge that there is a certain novelty factor to them which makes them desirable. These monstrous ships are nothing to write home about stats-wise, though they are full Temporal ships. Their shared Starship Trait is utterly useless, which brings them down a lot compared to the other ships on this list. That said, I placed the Valkis highest because it is admittedly a good-looking ship and it comes with a Battle Cloak.
    21. DURGATH-CLASS TEMPORAL HEAVY DREADNOUGHT BATTLECRUISER: My personal favorite of the three Temporal Heavy Dreadnoughts, the Durgath is identical to the other two ships in every respect except for the fact that it has a standard Cloak. Aesthetically, I feel this one is the coolest-looking, but outside of that the choice between the three depends entirely on which one you personally find to be the prettiest.
    22. UNIVERSE-CLASS TEMPORAL HEAVY DREADNOUGHT CRUISER: While the Universe-class is the only canon ship out of the three Temporal Heavy Dreadnoughts and is one of only a few ships to bear the name Enterprise, it suffers from all the same weaknesses and drawbacks as the others. I placed this ship the lowest because it is by far the ugliest of them all and lacks a cloaking device of any kind.
    23. ELACHI SHESHAR COMMAND DREADNOUGHT CRUISER: Yet another ship that has suffered from old age, the Sheshar is a wholly average Dreadnought Cruiser in all aspects. It and the next three ships on this list are also the only Promotional ships with only one specialist BOff station, greatly limiting their potential. The best thing going for this ship is easily its Starship Trait, which can be very powerful on torpedo-based builds. Though I originally ranked the Command variant lower than the Intel variant, this has now flipped due to the aforementioned changes in the meta. This ship is in dire need of some upgrades though, and thankfully there is a precedent for it, what with the recent changes to the Temporal Science Vessels/Destroyers.
    24. ELACHI SHESHAR INTEL DREADNOUGHT CRUISER: This ship suffers from all the same downsides as its Command counterpart, only now it has fallen below it due to Command being the new hotness over Intel. If you really love the look of the Sheshar and plan to do an energy weapons build on it, then I'd still say this version is worth looking at. Otherwise, it would be best to stick to the Command version.
    25. HUR'Q VEDCRID HIVE DREADNOUGHT CARRIER: This ship leaves a lot to be desired, to be honest. For starters, it's the only Dreadnought Carrier in the game with a Commander Engineering station instead of Commander Tactical, which is bizarre. Additionally, the recent introduction of Flight Deck Carriers leaves the Vedcrid in this odd spot where it has the weaknesses of both types of Carriers and the strengths of neither. It's Starship Trait is useless, as knocking enemies away from you is annoying for teammates and reduces your own damage potential. Like the two Sheshar variants, the Vedcrid also only has one specialist BOff station, and while it is a full Command ship, that hardly makes up for the loss in versatility. The best thing the Vedcrid has going for it is its absurdly high hull modifier and passive shielding gimmick, making it a decent (though not meta) option for tank builds. If you win a Promotional Choice Box and want a Carrier though, you're better off going with the Tzen-tar most of the time.
    26. SON'A COLLECTOR SCIENCE DREADNOUGHT: Far and away the worst ship on this list, without a doubt. The Collector is easily the worst of the four Science Dreadnoughts in the game, being woefully outclassed by even the Annorax which comes from the SAME Choice Box. Its console layout is utterly terrible, and its BOff seating is abysmal. Seriously, what's the point of having ONLY an Ensign Temporal station, especially when Temporal BOff abilities are designed to combo off each other?! To top it all off, its Starship Trait is very gimmicky and not at all useful, and its built-in transformation mechanic is more trouble than it's worth. Even most C-Store Science Vessels outperform the Collector, which is a bad place to be for such an expensive ship. With all this in mind, picking this ship over any of the others honestly seems like a complete waste.
    submitted by /u/AlphaHydri
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    Temporal recruit/TOS character not allowed to fly to Edren IV to do mission.

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    So I used the boost, got my character all sorted, but then went to fly to the planet to do the mission. However, every single time I try transwarping there or flying there, I got a "Federation traffic control!" pop up and it instantly teleports me back, making it impossible to actually do the mission as I cannot reach the planet to start the instance.

    Edit: dropped mission, retook and hit transwarp after logging out and back in. It teleported me to modern day sector space, but in orbit of the planet and with the mission pop up. Weird though, how I got that in history version of sector space.

    submitted by /u/Kalavier
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    On the Parliament Class and Lootbox

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Keep in mind, everything here that is not a question is a matter of my personal opinion/take on the matter. You will have a different take or disagree with me on some points. That said, this is not the place to voice your bashing of New Star Trek, the Cryptic team, or flinging other targ and mugato dung around. Do that in your own personal space please. This is for an honest discussion on something that needs to be address.

    So, with the announcement of the Parliament-class Miracle Worker Cruiser; I felt the need to finally openly address a problem that is ongoing it seems. That is the reliance on lockboxes in Cryptic's economic model to generate income. This is just the straw that has broken the back of the camel now at this point. First, I will start with my problems with this ship and why I think a lockbox was a terrible idea before moving on to the questions I will aim at the team itself.

    Why the Parliament should not be a Lockbox promo in it's current state and in general:

    First, I will be addressing why the ship itself should not be in a lockbox. The Parliament has a 4-4 layout, two tac consoles, no Secondary Specialization, and no Lt. Cmdr BOff seating for powers. The first two items are not something that really matters too much normally. However; they are brought up because it is the latter two that make them stand out. Most ships in both the C-store and Promo have had at least two specializations and the lowest they get in tac is Lt. Cmdr normally. This would have worked so much better if instead of two MW seats; it had the Eng/MW Commander seat & a Lt. Cmdr Uni or Tac/Command seat. That change alone would have made the other three not much of an issue. At the end, this is a science-heavy support cruiser. As it is right now...this ship should have been a freebie for Star Trek Day yesterday or maybe earned as an event ship running the new Operation Wolf TFO and/or whatever related content 14-20 times.

    Now for the in general reasoning; it might have escaped the notice of you guys at Cryptic and if so I will help out in spelling it out. The general political and customer opinion on loot box mechanics is becoming very negative. You could not have missed what happened with Wargaming in the last few weeks over the Missouri and I fear that you guys might be heading for that kind of bruising both from us and in the game media if you continue down this path. We are now fearful you will do the same thing to the California class soon enough, or worse...the Eisenberg Class. Find a new model that makes you money in the long-term and won't alienate long-time players like me.

    Now for the questions and feel free to explain if these are not things you wish to talk about outside of the office due to legal contracts but I think we in the community are owed some answers here.

    1. Who gets final say in how something gets implemented in game and if it will be monetized? You guys, Perfect World, or CBS?

    1. When something is going to get monetized, what is the metric for deciding how to implement the monetization scheme (C-store vs. Lockbox vs. R&D/Doff Promo) that will be used?

    1. Has there been talk of trying to get away from the RNG-based monetization model at all due to the aforementioned current political and customer climate around it?
    submitted by /u/May-n-Nome
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    The Parliament MW Cruiser is inferior to the cstore Daystrom MW Cruiser

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    TLDR The Parliament is drastically inferior to a ship that anyone can get for free with a t6 coupon, the Daystrom Science MW Cruiser. To justify the rarity and extreme cost of the Parliament it's stats should be changed so that it is not beaten by an, essentially free, ship. My recommendation would be:

    • Lt Engineering to Universal Ensign
    • Lt Universal/MW to LTCmdr Universal/Second Spec
    • -1 Engineering Console +1 Tactical.
    • Possibly swap to 5/3

    EDIT Two very good suggestions:
    Make it a full science with science abilities. https://old.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/pl8d56/the_parliament_mw_cruiser_is_inferior_to_the/hc95dgo/

    Make it a multi-mission cruiser https://old.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/pl8d56/the_parliament_mw_cruiser_is_inferior_to_the/hc9gahh/

    Now due to the ship being called a Cruiser and it's 4/4 setup it's not fair to compare it to battlecruisers and legendaries but there is actually an existing ship that is the perfect ship to compare it to. The Daystrom Science Miracle Worker Cruiser https://sto.fandom.com/wiki/Daystrom_Science_Miracle_Worker_Cruiser

    • In a direct comparison the Daystrom has slightly better hull and shields but the Parliament counters that with superior turn rate. Of course in a 4/4 ship turn rate is not as important but still nice to have since many sci abilities require front facing so this is a nice upgrade.
    • Console wise the Daystrom is vastly superior with it's 3/4/4/1 compared to the 2/5/4/1.
    • Boff seating wise it's also superior thanks to its LtCmdr Universal vs LT.

    So here we have a $30 store ship, that if anyone has any T6 coupons laying around they can pick up for free that is superior to a $150+ gamble ship.

    Just for fun, both legendary cruisers still outclass it thanks to their 4 tac consoles and while both have very heavy tac or eng boff setups they both have dual spec seats, which the Parliament lacks.

    And if we compare to Battlecruisers, which is a little unfair, it's even worse.

    • The Fleet Shepard has less hull/shield and turn but has a 5/3 setup, and massively superior boff setup thanks to a ens science and ltcmdr tac and ltcmdr uni allowing for more eng, more tac, or science builds.
    • Donnie is a dual spec ship, has an even better boff layout, still has 3 tac consoles, better shields, better turn, and two hangar bays.
    • Inquiry is practically identical in basic stats but is 5/3, 4 tac consoles, and a massively superior boff setup with ltcmdr tac, ltcmdr uni, and ens uni. And again, dual spec ship.

    The Parliament is already outclassed by the Daystrom but when comparing to the Fleet Shepard or the Inquirty which people can get with their campaign reward it just makes it look even worse.

    Now I am welcoming any other suggestions but mine would be as follows.

    • Lt Engineering to Universal Ensign
    • Lt Universal/MW to LTCmdr Universal/Second Spec
    • -1 Engineering Console +1 Tactical.
    • Possibly swap to 5/3

    My justifications:
    These three changes would bring the consoles on par with the Daystom Science Miracle Worker Cruiser (a cstore ship) and give it a superior boff setup as well with the uni ensign and second spec. I also think swapping it to 5/3 would be warranted given the lockbox status but personally I can live without that.

    submitted by /u/neok182
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    Strongest scimitar build

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Which missions require you to fly a different ship?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    I had a mini-brainstorm which was to hit all of missions where you get forced into another ship early with my Temporal Recruit, which means way less Trait and DOFF station setting up when I go back to my normal ship. Off the top of my head:

    Doomsday Device (which I just did)
    Sphere of Influence
    A Step Between the Stars

    There's on in the Delta story arc too, right? What else is out there?

    submitted by /u/MyHammyVise
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    I couldn't not post this for 1 main reason. You never truly appreciate how tall Gorn are until you come across things like this gem. This is my Gorn B.Off. with maxed out height (8'7" iirc), stood next to my 5'12" Orion toon. Also the poor B.Off. stood behind him ������

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Without forking out money for the 10th anniv bundle, what's the best Defiant-like escort in the game currently?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 12:06 AM PDT

    I'm currently leveling a temporal recruit and amazingly in the six years of playing this game, have never flown the Defiant before. Absolutely loving it, probably the most fun I've had flying a ship. Up to now warships were probably my fav.

    Builds aside, as far as end-game T6 escorts go, what would be the highest-performing overall I could grab that would get me something along the lines of how I feel flying the Defiant? The 10th anniv bundle is out of the question for me, price-wise.

    submitted by /u/Callahandy
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