• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 5, 2020

    Star Trek Online I can't be the only one who sees this. Aakar looks very.. Shakespearean.

    Star Trek Online I can't be the only one who sees this. Aakar looks very.. Shakespearean.

    I can't be the only one who sees this. Aakar looks very.. Shakespearean.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    It's been a long road

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:36 AM PDT

    Whoever was writing Aakar, I appreciated your little nod to the TNG VHS Board Game

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:42 AM PDT

    An important message from my KDF characters to Kagran and Shon

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    Classic Enterprise, going places it shouldnt.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:03 PM PDT

    Made a phone wallpaper

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Got a bug where I can’t start the next episode, Quinn has no missions available and there is no “New Romulus” TFO available. Any help would be great

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    Possible new player

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Hey, ive always wanted to try this but i held off because i figured it was P2W and dead like DCUO. STO seems more alive and better recieved. Just want to know if its worth playing on Xb1, also whats the playerbase like these days?? Thanks

    submitted by /u/MrGlass23
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    How do I know whom I have bought from?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:14 PM PDT

    Hey just a quick question, I just bought 13 masterkeys off of the exchange for 6.2mil, This was obviously an accident, we've all done it. Can I tell who I bought them from so I can return them?

    If this was you, DM me a screenshot of the mail sent and I will return your keys no problem.

    submitted by /u/Mulic
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    A nice relaxing trip to the spa on Khitomer.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:12 AM PDT

    Seeing so many people utilize the character creation system to create recognizable characters from the franchise. Decided to go ahead and modify my new Betazoid bridge officer into the one and only Deanna Troi from the movie era! Can't find the ideal hair but the resemblance is there!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Took 2 years off..... And I'm lost

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    So my PS4 died right before my kid was born. I had just reached level 60 (KDF). I bought a new one and I'm back on (my fleet didn't even kick me out so either they're incredibly laid back or it's a dead fleet), but I'm completely at a loss as to what I should be working towards. I'm fairly sure I should start building up my compliment of Doffs as mine are pretty much all white. Any small help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance, I know most of you are vets.

    submitted by /u/uglyspacepig
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    Beam Overload / Fire at Will

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    Im looking for advice. If you had to pick the top three ships for Feds for a BO/FAW build what would it be?

    submitted by /u/Vibes501
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    Best Part Of The New Klingon Content So Far? The Stealthy Return Of An Awesome Actor!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:30 PM PDT

    Weekend repost: If you would like to try a Ba'ul Sentry and/or ANY lobi ship on TRIBBLE, let me know! (while supplies last)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    I humbly beg the mods permission to repost this for the weekend folks who may not have seen my post on Thursday!


    That said, if anyone would like to try out the Ba'ul ship and/or ANY lobi ship on TRIBBLE send an in game mail to captain@the.grand.nagus on TRIBBLE (not live) telling me which ship(s) you want and I will mail you back the ship(s).


    A few important notes:


    1) you may request both (1) Ba'ul ship and (1) lobi ship of your choice. This will be limited to (1) of each type per person so as many people as possible can have an opportunity.


    2) if you are requesting a lobi ship, be sure to name the specific ship you want to try.


    3) please note I am only sending out ships in replies to the mails I receive on TRIBBLE. Posting your in game handle in this thread or in a PM will not result in a ship being sent.


    4) to prevent my inbox from getting full, please do not reply back after I send you the ship. There is no need to send a "thank you" email, but there are 2 things I would appreciate you doing: upvote this post so other people can see it and post your thoughts or screenshots of the ship as replies to this thread.


    5) I will also send (1) Ba'ul vanity shield with each mail, so you can test that out on whatever ships you like.


    Ok, that's all for now. Live Long and Prospser!

    submitted by /u/The-Grand-Nagus
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    Suggestions for ship loadout.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    G'day everyone

    So after some grinding I finally got the sets of equipment I wanted and loaded them out on my ship. This being:

    Quantum Phase Set

    Trilithium Laced Weaponary Set

    Assimilated Borg Technology set

    Now that I have these, I want some opinions on how to further improve my ships loadout. Here is a link to the picture of my current loadout.

    These are the current steps I want to take:

    Go all Phaser damage. Remove the Heavy Disruptor Dual Cannon, replace it for a Phaser Cannon or Phaser Dual Heavy Cannon (Thoughts on what I should pick?).

    Swap the Prolonged Engagement Dual Heavy Phaser Canon for a Dual Wide Arc Heavy Cannon.

    Swap the Prefire Chamber for a Phaser damage improver console.

    Now for the rest I have no clue what to do. Mabye get rid of the Martok console, put one of the universal there and get a second Phaser console? What kind of Science Console should I have? Any tips for this would be greatly appreciated.

    Some info: I am a Starfleet Tactical Officer, ship is a T5 Battlecruiser (The one with the VATA system) and my specialization is Temporal main and Commando secondary.

    submitted by /u/ChaosDoggo
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    Had a little KOTOR nostalgia flash today.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:54 PM PDT

    Faction sorting for character selection screen

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Hello fellow captains.

    I guess I'm not the only one that is a "little bit" annoyed by the ultra laggy character selection.

    While it is nice to see you ship and crew, it feels like my pspro is halfway dying in that screen.

    Ok, I might have a few chars more than the regular player but I can't be the only one wasting almost minutes to get to the bottom off the character list. If not crashing the game while scrolling down (with breaks for loading textures, to prevent crashing..🙄)

    Could we get at least a faction sorting in that screen ? Would help a ton.

    I know it is not a 5 min coding thing, but maybe someone of the team reads this at least. 😊

    submitted by /u/ModestArk
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    Doff Crit-Chances: Beginner's Luck > Expert?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Doff Crit-Chances: Beginner's Luck > Expert?



    What I don't like at all with doff crit-chances is that those who have hardly knowledge about the demanded topic have higher chances than experts.

    IMO, a critical success should only be reserved for specialist in the success list; or at least drastically reduced for non-experts. This should also help auto-assigning proper specialists where they are really needed.

    This formula here rather only asks for the most useful traits and not specialist types.

    submitted by /u/Jackorider
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    Found a blue room ...

    Posted: 05 Jul 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    Found a blue room ...

    Was heading from the warp-in point to the shipyards, and ended up there ...

    Blue Skies ... smiling at me... nothing but blue skes ... do I see...

    The borders of the map go beyond the map size, and are crossable into this blue realm.

    You'll reach the blue area just when you're hitting the border that triggers the known "Warp out"/"Dismiss" dialogue which just pops up for some frames.


    Warp out to sector map works though. Also you can just just fly back.

    submitted by /u/defchris
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    Strange experience at DS9.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    So I was tooling around space at Ds9 checking out all the other ships in the area when suddenly the sun went blindingly bright and my chat log said "We have engaged the enemy". Then nothing.

    What was that?

    submitted by /u/DJGietzen
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    Running Khitomer Discord as a Rom

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    In the Centre Cannot Hold, Rinna Khev is assigned to the AFS Khitomer with Van Zyl under Kagran.

    In the final battle in the Khitomer Discord where J'mpok accused us and Kagran starts shooting us, I wonder how Rinna and Tovan were feeling shooting each other's ships during that fight.

    • At least Martok instructed us to disable the flagships and not destroy them.
    submitted by /u/Joanne7799
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    Ba'ul Sentry Ship Unnatural/Stiff Flight?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    So I've been flying this ship for a couple of hours. It's a fun and pleasant ship, however I've noticed that it flies very unnatural compared to other ships of similar size and shape. It doesn't seem to roll at all when turning in either direction. It just banks at about 2 degrees. It's incredibly stiff and looks off, especially when cruising at high speeds. Other large ships such as the Tarantula and even the Borg Juggernaut have more angled turning. I don't think the stiff flame effects from engines help either. They don't change based speed and likewise. Just a flat particle effect with no variations.

    I myself have not seen the show so I can't vouch whether or not this is how they actually fly in show. Is this flight turning technically correct based on the show, or could the ship use a few artistic tweaks to make it stand out a bit more?

    submitted by /u/Nominative99
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    Voice commands in STO (PC)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    Just thought I would share this tip. If you want voice commands in STO you can get a program called VoiceMacro. I matched up about two dozen voice commands to match my ship/boff abilities in game. Makes it a lot of fun to issue orders this way. Just use a headset.

    submitted by /u/DJGietzen
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