• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Star Trek Online Had my Vengeance for around 900 days at this point. Today is the first time I noticed that doors close over the Deflector when you're under attack. I always thought it was just a texture error that made it disappear. I am an idiot.

    Star Trek Online Had my Vengeance for around 900 days at this point. Today is the first time I noticed that doors close over the Deflector when you're under attack. I always thought it was just a texture error that made it disappear. I am an idiot.

    Had my Vengeance for around 900 days at this point. Today is the first time I noticed that doors close over the Deflector when you're under attack. I always thought it was just a texture error that made it disappear. I am an idiot.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:11 AM PDT

    Let's take a breather and do more episodic missions again?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    The content last few years has been heavily focused on Story arcs and I don't really have so much problem on that.
    But something Cryptic should embrace are more 1-Episode stories.

    I for one love the "temporal Ambassador" and The Nexus missions, mostly cause they deviate from the main story arc and just focus on that typical Star Trek flair (Monster / bad guy of the week).

    submitted by /u/Ferren84
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    Time to get rid off ancient "in combat" mechanics ?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    First, I really don't like doing rant posts. But this is just getting really annoying.

    I understand that we can't progress/activate objectives when under enemy fire. That's how it should be.

    But how should we clear optional objectives in tfos like "Battle of Procyon 5" when each of our skills (or just our weapons firing...) aborts the progress ?

    Really, I can live with the enemy fire thing...but the "in combat/aborted by auto skill/shot thing is just super annoying.

    Ps: Anyone's allowed to link this to our ambassador, I have no clue how to do it. 😇

    Edit: Just old stuff like Azure, Procyon etc. New Tfos are fine.

    Edit 2: ...at least for consoles, maybe pc players can handle that issue better.

    submitted by /u/ModestArk
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    When mottos backfire

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 05:50 AM PDT

    Make TriCo Torps 360

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Hear me out. You know in old war movies, with a naval battle and all, how you get the big planes that launch torpedoes against the enemy battleships? Where do those torps launch from? Not from out the front, I can tell you that. More often than not, they drop from a rear bomb bay, and then move forward when they hit the water. At least, the ones that didn't need a running start.

    All the slower moving, destructible torps would benefit from having a 360 arc, so they can be placed in a rear slot and not take up space for something that actually needs a forward firing arc. Especially the Bioneural Warhead (it's basically a cruise missile), since it has a minimum range anyway, and when you drop it, it just kinda sits there for a second before going anywhere. The balance for this is already in place, since they're destructible, but if you need more, then have them move in the direction of the arc they're placed. Then they take time to turn around and track the target.

    Tracking, that's really why it never made sense to me that any torps were restricted to firing only when the target was in a given arc. We've seen how, in show/film canon and ingame, they can track for quite a long way away (#1, The Larch). Tactically speaking, yes it would make more sense to fire in the direction of the target since the torp takes less time turning around and tracking, but that's also time you could spend boring a hole in the enemy's shield arc.

    Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/cromkaygo
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    Found this high up at ESD. It's nice to see they bother with the little details.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    On requests: what is "realistic" and what is not

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:03 AM PDT

    Up front: I'm not telling anyone they can't ask for anything. You have free will and as long as you are following the rules, you do you.


    That said, I think this general topic needs some discussion. I know this may be "common sense" to many, but some requests are "realistic" (meaning they have a valid chance of actually happening) and others are not. Here are examples of both:




    1) a new ship. Why? Because there are already ship artists making ships all the time. That doesn't mean they will make the specific ship you want, but it's still a very "doable" type of request.


    2) a new costume. Why? Because there are already character artists making new costumes all the time. That doesn't mean they will make the specific costume you want, but it's still a very "doable" type of request.


    3) a new weapon. Why? Pretty much the exact things mentioned in the last 2 items.


    4) a new planet/location. This is definitely more complicated than the items mentioned above, but they are always adding new planets/locations in missions (like Excalbia, recently). So IF it fits into a story they want to tell, even this can be a realistic/doable request. Again though, it may not be the specific planet/location you want.


    And now we come to,




    1) bring the foundry back: why? For all the reasons it was removed in the first place. Also see #3 below.


    2) most(key word) ideas involving a new exploration system: I hate to say it, but this game isn't built for that kind of content. Any ideas that involve adding a complex system from a totally different game with a totally different engine to this game are not realistic. This also falls into the next category...


    3) any major change that would require all or most of the devs to stop all of their current projects to work on the proposed idea. Why? This should be common sense, but this game has a "business model" of selling ships and every so often putting out new episodes/patrols/TFOs for people to play using their new ships. Any idea that would halt those normal releases for any extended amount of time is unrealistic because it throws their business model out of whack and jeopardizes their income.


    4) any idea (such as swapping factions or species or genders) that apparently conflicts with the basic code base/way the game was designed. Why? Because, based on what they have told us, the amount of time/work that would be required to make changes to fundamental systems that were not designed to be changed is not realistic and/or would potentially break other things. Also see #3 above.


    5) piloting ships from the bridge: see #3 and #4 above.


    6) anything that would not meet a basic cost/benefit test. Asking for an obscure item (even some of the TYPES of items mentioned in the "Realistic" section above) that has very little interest would probably not be worth the development time/money if it would not have a large enough customer market.


    I know there are many more examples but that's what jumps to my mind at the moment. Feel free to add your own examples and I can toss a few good ones into the OP.


    So that's my 2 cents on this. Again, I know this may be "common sense" to most people but it clearly isn't to all. And while people are certainly free to ask for whatever they want, at least realize that some requests have a decent chances of happening while others will almost certainly never happen for good reasons.

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Discussion: How do you think Cryptic is going to "fix" this event dilithium problem?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:16 AM PDT

    Many people have now posted about not getting the bonus dilithium amount from the event daily. That problem is now known and apparently widespread.

    The question to consider now is how are they actually going to "fix" this problem? Do they just fix the bug and forget about the people who already missed out on the amounts for the last 2 days (or however long this goes on) or do they need to actually give those reward amounts to people?

    Also, what about people who have bonus pools that would have multiplied those rewards? For example the Ferengi TOD provides a 50% bonus pool to all dilithium rewards, meaning if someone should have gotten 10k from their daily they really would have gotten 15k.

    How do you think Cryptic should address these issues?

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Event Campaign II Questions

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Hi. I was wondering how long this will still be active and how do you gain process in this event? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/DominoQK
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    So what do you guys think of the Red Angel Suit?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    So I just got it last night. I have it fully upgraded but I'm trying to figure out who this would actually be good on. Heres my issues I'm facing

    -I cant really see myself replacing the Disco rep armor with the red angel.

    -The cool down on the red angel suit feels too long for what it does.

    -I dont know what class this suit excels with (its focus is survivability so I'm thinking an engineer that focuses on turrets or mines)

    -I cant see myself replacing the fleet armor or even the herald or hunter lobi armor.

    -Basically the suit is fun, but it just feels like something that would be good for leveling and that's it (similar to the terran combat armor).

    submitted by /u/ryoten34
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    Bug did not receive dilithium from event daily

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I finished the event daily a few days ago and have been doing it everyday since for the extra dilithium today should have given me 11,000 dilithium but I did not receive it at all. The daily did complete and now shows tomorrow's progress should be 12,000 dilithium.

    submitted by /u/RJ_Dragon
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    I've been seeing other MMORPGs premiere movie & tv show trailers in-game. Would anyone be interested in having an STO zone to see early previews for Disco, Lower Decks, et cetera? Movie night was a tradition on the Enterprise...

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    What’s the Strangest Toon you’ve created/seen?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Just wondering

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/griffyndour
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    Is anyone else having this problem?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    Cloaks, transformations and separation mechanics, like saucer separation, aquarius escort, summon heavy attack craft and deploy sheshar assault craft are all bugged (at leased when I try to use them). I can't have them return to the ship and when they're destroyed they usually just sit there and I can't use them again unless i get really lucky spamming the button or map transition.

    Edit: Apparently this has been an issue for years on console. https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/5b4jap/saucer_separation_reconnect_ps4_bug/

    submitted by /u/JimbobXBubbaloo
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    What is there to do with Dilithium?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    The only real use i see for it right now is Phoenix Lockboxes and astronomically small amounts of Zen if you can only refine 8000 a day.

    submitted by /u/NucleusBrain
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    Am I missing something or did the game just cheat me out of my bonus event dilithium?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    Pics: https://imgur.com/a/S8VTD6v

    As you can see, I already completed the event and got the Red Angel suit. And today I should have received a bonus of 9k dil on completed daily credit.

    I decided to do 2 patrols, each worth 1 credit. And on completion of my 2nd patrol...no 9k dilithium (see pics).

    Am I missing something here (no pun intended) or did the game just cheat me out of my event bonus amount?

    What makes it even worse is I have a 50% dilithium bonus pool from the Ferengi TOD mission, so that 9k would actually have been 13,500.

    Edit: if this thread does actually get seen by a dev I'd like to also direct their attention to the fact that the medical bundle is not actually available, like Kael said it was.

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Medical Nanite Generator

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    Recently, I've seen numerous players with what I THINK is either a trait or a passive, called 'Medical Nanite Generator - Active'. It sounds like a SCI-FED only thing, but I've seen ENG and TAC Captains with it.

    I've tried looking it up on Google for ages and had no luck, it just keeps linking me to either the Task Force Omega/Honor Guard trait 'Medical Nanites', or the Undine Medical Generator thing.

    I hope someone is able to help me.

    submitted by /u/TholianTerminator224
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    One of my favourite ships. Such a nice little beauty

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    A question about using lower tier ships

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    So I have a level 65 fed captain, and I have bought a Light escort (The NX class) and a Constitution Cruiser for flying around with ships from the shows. Since they're low level, they're pretty weak in T6. Is there a way to make them somewhat combat capable for casual play, or I should just only use them when I specificly want to fly the show ships? (I don't have upgraded/powerful weapons yet, just wondering if it would be possible to make the ships usable when I get better weapons)

    submitted by /u/Davinovich
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    Even as an engineer; this my favorite ship and favorite interior.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Shower Thought: The Odyssey uniform has been in service longer than the Sierra one.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    STO was released on February 2nd, 2010. Odyssey was made the standard uniform in Season 9.5 on July 17th, 2014. So that's about 4 years of service for the Sierra, and then about 6 years for the Odyssey.

    Feels weird, I always think of the Sierra as the "old" uniform in my head and the Odyssey as the "new" uniform when its really been standard for longer than the Sierra was (well, Sierra, Antares, and all the variations in-between).

    Been playing this game on and off ever since Defera was the newest set of missions. Time flies by real quickly huh? I wonder if the devs will ever take a shot at a third uniform pass, though I suppose that would need to wait until after the Year of the Klingon.

    submitted by /u/decigrey
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    Clicking Boff Powers

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    I used to play STO back in its beginnings, got to about 800 days, and then that was enough for me! I recently started playing on PS4 as it was free however not for me, it wasn't how I remembered the game so back to PC (where I half upset myself how much I'd spent on ships for them to now be all outdated that T6 is a thing...).

    Anyway I remember this being an issue back in the day, but whilst flying around I can't activate Boff powers reliably, I can be clicking like a mad person, and yet nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong here? It's pretty annoying to be flying at mobs for all my Boffs in the 'Nah we won't bother working today, we're off on the holodeck picking daisies.'

    Also, I like the idea of pilot maneuvers being activated on a double press of the direction keys, however, I find this going off all the time; is there a way to make it a triple press?

    Just for clarification as I didn't make it clear, I'm on PC.

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/Significance_Silver
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    Next Generation Admiral's Uniform

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 07:07 PM PDT

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