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    Saturday, July 4, 2020

    Star Trek Online Because it is the YEAR OF KLINGON, here is thewfirst Klingon trailer Cryptic released a decade ago!

    Star Trek Online Because it is the YEAR OF KLINGON, here is thewfirst Klingon trailer Cryptic released a decade ago!

    Because it is the YEAR OF KLINGON, here is thewfirst Klingon trailer Cryptic released a decade ago!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    The Khitomer Discord makes sense.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    I just finished the episode and was a bit confused about what just happened. The "twist" felt a bit jarring and rushed. The more I mull it over, the more it makes sense. Think about it.

    Who is J'mpok? He's a warhawk. He challenges and "killed" Martok when Martok refuses to take the Empire to war. J'mpok then conquers the Gorn. When Federation protests, he goes to war with them too. An alliance with the Orion Syndicate expands the Empire. For the first time in decades the Klingon Empire is resurgent. He gets to be remembered as the Klingon Chancellor that returned the Empire to glory for generations. It's all gravy and bloodwine.

    Then the worst thing possible happens, peace. The machinations of the Iconians are revealed and the Empire suddenly has to ally with the Federation and Republic. The end of the Iconian War leaves the Empire depleted. Worse yet, Martok is found alive and well.

    This presents a problem for J'mpok. It undermines his rule that the "rightful" Chancellor and war hero has returned. He could battle Martok again but now it would mean risking his position. It would also make him look fearful of Martok, not a sign of a strong Chancellor. His best bet is to let Martok get killed on the frontlines with the Tzenkethi.

    When the Hurq appear J'mpok uses the Alliance for cannon fodder. He keeps the Empire out of the fighting for the most part. Shedding Klingon blood for the Dominion is not his goal. Further depleting the military might leave the Empire incapable of defending Klingon territory or putting down a Gorn insurrection. If the Hurq make it to Klingon space the Empire will need every ship. Plus Martok may become bug food.

    J'mpok's maneuvering comes at a price however. Doubts about J'mpok grow. Martok isn't dead yet and he seems to be leading Klingons to victory after victory. Sooner or later J'mpok will face a challenge for leadership. Openly attacking anyone opposed to him runs the risk of uniting his enemies. They would rally to Martok and potentially put an end to J'mpok's reign.

    Salvation comes when J'Ula arrives and foments dissent. The civil war she starts provides J'mpok the perfect chance to wipe out his enemies. No one would blame him for putting down traitors to the Empire. It also neutralizes Martok at least temporarily. Always the loyal soldier Martok has no choice but to support J'mpok. He can be the savior of the Empire and crush his opposition at the same time. Ever the opportunist, he involves members of the Alliance in hunting J'Ula and House Mo'Kai. He plans to let them fight it out so that when the dust clears J'mpok and those loyal to him will remain.

    At least in theory. J'Ula is a patriot, if a misguided one. She ultimately wishes to unite the Empire for her war on the Federation much like T'Kuvma did. This makes her reluctant to take certain actions against non-military targets. As a fail-safe J'mpok forms an alliance with Aakar. Aakar informs him where J'Ula is hiding and he specifically sends Martok to investigate.

    When Martok and J'Ula are in the same spot Aakar seizes the mycelial superweapon and fires it to wipe them all out at once. No one would think the Chancellor of the Klingon Empire would commit genocide against allies and his own people. It would be one more thing he could pin on his enemies.

    No doubt he would call for Martok to be avenged and rally the Empire to his side. The fact that the Alliance harbored J'Ula would give him a reason to pull the Empire out of it. There could even be some planets along the Klingon/Federation border that would need to be 'secured" for the Empire. At last he could resume what he started, why he became Chancellor. Conquest.

    J'mpok never changed. The twist was that the player believed J'mpok was an honorable man. I mean he gave us all those mission rewards, how bad can he be? In truth he did what he has always done, look out for himself.

    submitted by /u/SteelCrucible
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    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 05:51 AM PDT

    When do we get that new Lower Decks ship?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: I like the NPC Jupiter Class Dreadnought

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    How many people is there on a Bird of Prey again?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 01:18 AM PDT

    Got lucky with my personal endeavors

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    (This is a Joke) Oh hey, we got a new class of Negh'Var

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 12:27 AM PDT

    (This is a Joke) Oh hey, we got a new class of Negh'Var

    Unofficially, I'd like to call it the Negh'Ative-class.


    I know this fix is as simple as "just go to the ship tailor", but... I dunno... I kinda like it this way.

    submitted by /u/asardetemplari
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    So, any ship can use Sentry Mode

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    Why are the A.F.S. Khitomer and the I.K.S. Rotarran AFK?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    They provide like minimal help and pretty much no help at the beginning of the Best Served Cold queue. I'm considering reporting them as bad players.

    submitted by /u/stoRedditor
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    We need alternate maps for planetside social zones – San Francisco looks so beautiful in the evening!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 10:39 AM PDT

    Day of Honor: Robert O'Reilly and J.G. Hertzler!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    Day of Honor: Robert O'Reilly and J.G. Hertzler!

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    New Klingon Visuals

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Hello! Quick question to r/sto:

    Do the new updates to Klingon visuals and models carry-over to the player's current Klingon toon(s) and BOFFs automatically, or does the player have to go in and update their toon's/BOFFs' look manually?

    Sorry if this question was asked already and missed it; I've only been able to catch pieces here and there. The new/updated content is visually beautiful, so I'm excited to dive into it!

    submitted by /u/Direwolf016
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    We've come a long way...

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Thomas , what did you do to my Negh'Var ...

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    I feel emascualted ... IN SPAAAAAACE !!!


    ... although I also have this slight urge to have this thing printed in 3D , with "Cryptic" ambossed on the base for the ship ... thingy ...

    submitted by /u/D-Pew
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    A small issue

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    I got some lobi crystals and decided to get the herald combat armor with the costume but I can see to find the pieces for it. I wouldn't mind some help trying to find the pieces in the tailor

    submitted by /u/The-Lizard_Wizard
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    J'mpok has good taste in starships. Can someone tell me the class of his ship?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Advanced and Elite versions of the 3 new TFO'S released?

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Will we see Advanced and/or Elite versions of the last 3 new TFO's that have been released?

    Mycellial Realm

    To Hell With Honour

    Best Served Cold

    Also, does anyone think that a Normal and/or Advanced version of The Battle of Korfez would be feasible?

    submitted by /u/ussdanube
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    A few things about The Khitomer Discord, and the Year of the Klingon

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Firstly, the good (bordering brilliant);

    The Background Music

    As soon as I beamed down to the Alliance HQ, it filled my ears. It was certainly not a piece I'd heard played before in STO, which leads me to believe it's a new arrangement. In either case, it just felt 'right' for the mission; accentuating both the intrigue of J'Ula's dealing, and the nature of the former Chambers of Conquest. A good choice, if not really 'Star Trek-y'.

    The Animation

    Yet another stunning display of why hiring a full-time animator was a sound decision. The cutscenes here (and in the prior mission) were some of the best in the game. I very much hope this trend continues towards a full revamp of all of the cutscenes in the game; with this supposed Year of the Klingon, we should be in high hopes...

    Khitomer Level Revamp

    The Chamber of Alliance has been absolutely beautifully crafted. The core Klingon aesthetics remain (gotta love those Klingon-insignia doors!), while it very much feels like an Alliance building. Along with the numerous glow-y consoles (can we please have these on our bridges, they're amazing), star maps, and other neat design features, the level designers truly have done a great job at flashing the place up. Next stop, Qo'nos?

    Scanning Revamp

    Replace every other scanning in the game with either the standard V-scan (getting rid of the 'difficulty' element), or this, please. It works so much better than all of the other janky implementations to date, and it actually looks rather pretty.

    Unfortunately, there are some (very, very!) minor grievances...;


    Much like how the development and announcement blogs routinely are inadequately proofed (or, well, unproofed), there are routinely similar examples in-game. Admittedly, I don't know how difficult it is to proofread stuff that gets put into the game; if it's anything like the old foundry, then I understand that it's neigh impossible to do perfectly, let alone 'well'. A few misspellings in a body of text might be understandable (though should still be corrected)... But seriously, someone's title?

    Text-versus-Voice Over

    One thing I can't as easily overlook is the mismatch between V.O. and the text. It's a recurring problem within STO, and thankfully, I only noticed one very minor example of it in this content drop. For the sake of those with hearing disabilities, and even those who just find it easier to read along, having accurate subtitle text is essential. You've gone out of your war to get these great voice actors to play their roles, the least that can be done is to show them that respect.

    The Case of the Scien-eering Cap-miral?

    I'm sure this is a recurring joke that I'm out of the loop of at this point, but really, if NPCs are being designed and dressed up to be put into levels, their uniform should be... well, uniform. Alas, it seems our departmentally-confused Caitian missed the uniform guide that was published a while back.

    All in all however, if this is the trajectory for the Year of the Klingon, then colour me impressed. You've turned a cynic into an optimist, for the moment. Please don't ruin that hope, and keep up the great work!

    submitted by /u/Levonscott
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    Elachi Qulash Frigate Second Chance Missing

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    With the Zen sale and Store discounts I found this the opportune time to buy out the second chance event items that I had missed.

    After a thorough search I realized that the Elachi Qulash Frigate had been removed from the Zen store. Not in the Phoenix box and only mentioned in the event reclaim tab, I'm disappointed at Cryptic.

    I wanted to give you guys money, you know the thing that you so badly want from us, for a ship that was essentially free.

    I'm disappointed Cryptic, I'm sure your use to hearing that though.

    I would like to see, in a better Zen store, those items left there so that when the player is able to, they can purchase it.

    Come on, it's easy, your doing it already with the mudds market and the new legendary packs.

    End rant.

    submitted by /u/betrayeduniform
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    Hello! I’m a returning player and had some questions / would like some recommendations.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    I love the looks of the Yorktown class, but I really would prefer the kit of the Endeavor. If I get the Endeavor, does it come with the Yorktown's customizations? I'm a sucker for the beautiful fed ships, the ones that have simple features, curved hull shapes, and look like they're going warp 9 standing still. But, I struggle to find ones that have both the aesthetics and the features (I'm particularly upset about the 10th anniversary event, all those beautiful ships locked behind 30000 zen).

    I main engineer, and I'm looking to get a new ship. I'm looking to fly something I haven't flown before. In the past on PS4 (I really wish we had cross-save) I've used both the guardian cruiser, and the Valiant, with beam boat and cannon builds respectively.

    Can anyone provide insight on the customization? Are there any other tactical engineers out there who could recommend a ship? Additionally, how many zen can I expect to spend if I go after a lockbox ship? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/_Hounds_
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