• Breaking News

    Friday, July 3, 2020

    Star Trek Online PC Gamer: "Despite its terrible UI, lockboxes and hard-to-parse progression, STO is still one of the best Star Trek games, even if you're looking for something singleplayer. "

    Star Trek Online PC Gamer: "Despite its terrible UI, lockboxes and hard-to-parse progression, STO is still one of the best Star Trek games, even if you're looking for something singleplayer. "

    PC Gamer: "Despite its terrible UI, lockboxes and hard-to-parse progression, STO is still one of the best Star Trek games, even if you're looking for something singleplayer. "

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:53 AM PDT

    The UK government has been advised by the house of Lords that Loot boxes should be regulated and that this could be implemented "in a matter of weeks."

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 03:03 AM PDT

    A House of Lords Committee has published a report on Gambling Harm, which highlights evidence that loot boxes cause gambling problems or exploit problem gambling, and calls for the Government to extend gambling legislation to cover loot boxes.

    The report stresses that the Gambling Act does not need amending to allow it to cover loot boxes; ministers already have the power to make regulations to do this, so it could be done in a matter of weeks. [emphasis mine]

    Link to petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/300171
    Press release: https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/406/gambling-industry-committee/news/147122/time-to-act-to-reduce-gamblingrelated-harm-says-lords-report/
    Full report: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld5801/ldselect/ldgamb/79/79.pdf

    submitted by /u/martinux
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    Dear ship artists, I have a bone to pick with you!!!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Dear STO ship artists, I have a bone to pick with your work. See, the ships you make look really good. So good, in fact, that when I am trying to play missions I am constantly distracted by how cool the ships look and find myself stopping what I'm doing to zoom in, rotate the camera, and take screenshots. How am I actually supposed to play the game when I am constantly being distracted by looking at the ships??? :)

    submitted by /u/trekfangrrrl
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    Has anyone found a workaround for being locked out of TFOs on a 9 year old character?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    So while I see some of the logic in making TFO access dependent on completing the tutorial, the tutorial mission isn't replayable from the mission log, so on my main, who existed before the tutorial was even a thing, back when Klingons started at the level cap (was it 40?) and had none of their own story missions - how exactly do I get the game to recognise me as being able to do TFOs again since this new patch? Do I need to create a new toon on the account and complete it with them? Is it character-based, in which case I'm really screwed? I know some of my newer alts have completed it. How do I get my TFO access back?

    submitted by /u/Sunyavadin
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    Am I the only one who forgets the intended purpose of their ship and goes rushing into a fleet of Borg cubes?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    You know that Mycelial weapon seems far less impressive when you can get away from it with a brisk jog

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    That mission sort of made that weapon seem far less destructive than what the story seems to want it to be, as once fired it seemingly gives people plenty of time to get away, realistically the only people who were causalities were people caught directly around the blast radius which wasn't really all that big and people injured by the prior and current Klingon attack if you didn't save them.

    A spread of Photons or a liberally applied amount of phaser/disruptor fire onto the planets surface would very well have done much the same amount of damage and might very well have resulted in more causalities, heck, I think the ground force attack did more damage, it was honestly just a tad comical for me, I didn't feel threatened by this "all powerful weapon" whatsoever.

    "FIRE THE WEAPON, DESTROY THEM" "Sir they are walking away... At a brisk pace and some are casually beaming out" "No CURSES, FOILED AGAIN"

    It just seems silly when you compare to say, previous villains like Species 8472, who had the capability to blow up planets if need be.

    submitted by /u/Zageles
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    [BUG] Cannot reclaim Fluidic Tribble - Unable to complete transaction

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Martok the entire Kihtomer Discord mission (possible sound warning)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 01:14 AM PDT

    I have made a conscious decision not just to weeb, but to weeb obscurely.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Can we have the Landry hair style please?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Can we have the Landry hair style please?

    At first I thought it's a special hair style designed with Landry, until I noticed the Bajoran captain also have the same hair style. Is there a way to use it on my own toon? The ponytails we have are not that good.


    submitted by /u/cal_the_inquisitor
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    Ba'ul Melee Drone DPS Test (Compared Against Other Drones)

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    Ba'ul Melee Drone DPS Test (Compared Against Other Drones)

    TL;DR - Ba'ul Melee Drone bad, though not quite KIDD bad.

    In my ongoing efforts to find the more drones for my Engi Capt's drone squad, I thought I'd give the Ba'ul Melee Drone a spin.

    I ran this test in a gauntlet scenario, specifically the story mission The Undying on Nimbus III (EDIT: Advanced difficulty). Here are the sums of each drone's total DPS in said mission:


    As can be seen, the Ba'ul drone somehow performs even worse than my Support Drone.

    In terms of combat behaviour, the Ba'ul drone kinda lazily hovers towards the faces of foes, then pauses for a second before finally swiping at them. While the hit usually results in foes getting knockbacked, the attack frequency is simply too low.

    On top of that, it is very fragile, being able to take only 3 or so Gorn swipes before getting KOed. That's almost Dot-7 levels of squishy.

    Disappointing. No wonder this thing was going for so cheap on the Exchange.

    Side note 1: Mark and rarity of drones used:

    1. Seeker Drone: Mk XV Ultra Rare (There's no additional benefit past Very Rare, so this was wasteful on my part)
    2. Explosive Drone: Mk XV Epic
    3. Echo Papa Drone: Mk XV Epic
    4. Methuselah Drone: Mk XV Ultra Rare
    5. Ba'ul Melee Drone: Mk XV Epic
    submitted by /u/DilaZirK
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    We're all just that dude in the background

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    Could we get some sort of option to match the color of our energy weapons?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    It's a small thing, and I sometimes enjoy having various colors of beam or cannon on my ship... but sometimes it really makes it difficult to make a ship feel cohesive when at present, at least if you want to include set weapons.

    Example: You go through the effort of decking out a ship with say... blue Andorian phasers, but you want to include the prolonged engagement set... Now you've got an awkward broadside of 6 blue and one orange phaser.

    Ymmv but I find it often irritating. I mind it less with 360 beams as their use of the turret fire points makes them feel like a different weapon system entirely than the regular beam banks... but most set beams aren't 360s.

    Another example: Say you want to use red Terran Disco phasers, but you're fond of the Discovery Legends space weapons set. Suddenly your ship clashes badly any time you're firing your dual beams...

    It's not a huge deal, but it does irritate the space Barbie perfectionist in me.

    So what I'm hoping for is, you can select one weapon on your ship to set color for every other energy weapon on that ship. It wouldn't affect the shape of the weapon attack, just the color. I know it's possible at least for the default energy weapons as in beta there was a bug that let you change weapon color using a Champions Online command for power color customization.

    It'd be an option not a requirement, to be clear, sometimes you can do interesting things with mix and match weapon colors. Just... sometimes it doesn't fit what you want.

    Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/mistformsquirrel
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    Guess who's coming to dinner..

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    Render sketch of an alternative bridge for Ba'Ul Sentry Vessel

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Kelvin Survival outfit, male color bypass

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 10:05 PM PDT

    So if anyone else loves the Kelvin survival outfit, but hates it that the male open jacket doesn't match the pants/closed color palette - you can use the Alliance uniform to pick the colors from the same palette as the pants/closed jacket, and when you change the Alliance jacket to the Kelvin survival open jacket, the colors will stay.

    submitted by /u/jer5488
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    Calendar "compromise"?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 08:21 AM PDT

    Full disclosure: I never used the calendar so I don't really care about it. But it seems like some do, so how about this as a compromise:

    The game already has the ability to have a button open a web browser out of game. Clicking the top 3 buttons on this menu (from the character select screen) will do it.

    So if the 'problem' with the calendar was they couldn't update it without patching the game, how about just maintaining a web page calendar and adding an in game button that takes you to it?

    Won't this solve both "problems" of giving the people that want it a calendar and also allowing Cryptic to be able to update it any time they want?

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    The OG

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    Klingon hairstyles

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 12:42 AM PDT

    With all the nice new tweaks Klingons got, my one wish is more hair options. At the very least, can the hair be imported from Martok, Worf, and Alexander for player use?

    submitted by /u/celestialteapot
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    What would one need to max out ground run speed?

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    So far, I've come up with: Jem'Hadar tactical captain with command specialization, Ketracel-White, motion accelerator kit module, Delta set bonus, winter boots, close quarters combatant and physical conditioning traits, and furious footwork ground skill choice. Footwork is situational, though.

    What other speed boosts are there?

    submitted by /u/pancritic
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    Summer Event 2020

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Does someone know on which date it starts exactly?

    submitted by /u/XG704mer
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    Barbie BOFFS

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I have just caved and bought the formal outfits and want to equip them on my BOFFS but they are not showing up as options?
    am i looking for the wrong thing?
    is it even possible to equip the outfits on BOFFS or have i just wasted zen?

    cause my Gorn needs a dapper suit to go with his top hat dammit

    EDIT Seems BOFF outfits are allowed by some sort of random whimsy by cryptic and formal wear is not permitted for BOFFS! thanks for the help guys!

    submitted by /u/OneHammeredWerewolf
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    GamePrint 4” Ross & 5” Glenn!

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    Character customization help

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I am looking for help with making my character look as close to kaga from Azure lane.

    submitted by /u/sapphire_moons
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