• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 8, 2021

    Star Trek Online ...so true...

    Star Trek Online ...so true...

    ...so true...

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    List of New Objectives for Old Temporal Recruits

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Here is a list of objectives that got added to Temporal Recruitment since it originally ran. If you have an old recruit some of these are probably already done.

    1. Reach T6 in any Reputation. Rewards Experimental Ship Upgrade Token

    2. Re engineer a Mk XV item. Rewards a large salvage pack and account unlock salvage bonus pool (10K).

    3. Spend 45 Spec Points. Rewards 3 Recruitment Tech upgrades.

    4. Rank up to level 60. Rewards 250 of Each Rep Mark, 20K Rep only Dil, 500K EC, 500K Expertise, 20K Salvage, 2x Temporal Agent Tech Upgrades.

    5. Finish the following story arcs: New Romulus, Solanae, and Ico War. Rewards per arc are 100 Fleet Marks, 1,000 Dil and 500K EC.

    submitted by /u/WaldoTrek
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    Michele Specht announced on her FB page that she's doing voiceover for Star Trek Online. Don't know if she's doing Krog, Loriss, Sh'marois, or someone new.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    For the 33rd Anniversary of Best of Both Worlds on Sept 24th, it’d be nice to get the Springfield Artillery Cruiser to finish off the Wolf 359 Family. Maybe add it in the NX family since it’s a similar structure/size?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Devs: As a friendly thought, if consoles are going to have the pass and token Dilithium sinks in, shouldn’t we get the vanity shield event?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    It seems only fair

    Edit: as a side note, I just realized that I got hosed a bit. I recently converted a lot of dilithium from my kdf recruit to help pay for the Legendary Miranda and figured that anything I had left, I would reconvert to dilithium when the conversion rate spiked due to the newish ship bundle. Jokes on me.

    submitted by /u/BeyondDoggyHorror
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    We're celebrating Star Trek's Birthday for the next two weeks, with a special in game museum of the Federation's history.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    At least now we can fly the FASA Anton Class. ;)

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    Temporal items are 30% off in the C-store, Zen Charge Bonus as well!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    What is your Temporal Recruit going to fly?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Something old? Something new?

    submitted by /u/noahssnark
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    Suggestion: Please give Tellarites a pink skin coloration and maybe some new beard options, justice for Pigs in Space!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    PSA: Recruit mark rewards benefit from bonus mark boost pools

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Most veteran players already know this, but since there's going to be a lot of folks rolling recruits for the first time, heed this well:

    All reputation and fleet mark rewards that recruits earn--both their own rewards, and the account-unlock rewards you can reclaim from your temporal contact--are boosted by bonus mark pools, if any. That includes Delta, Gamma, or Klingon recruit goals, if you earned any for your account--they all get the same benefit.

    This means that with a 20% boost active, the 250 marks of each type that your temporal recruit gets just for reaching level 50 becomes 300 marks--of every type. And since they added another 250 to Delta Recruits for a new goal of reaching level 60, there's a good chance that new goal will be on Temporal as well. Meaning that from these two rewards alone, you can clear 600 of every mark--just shy of what you need to get every rep to T5 without running a single TFO.

    I usually get the 500 Reputation Mark Bonus Pool items in bulk off the Exchange, though I wager that pretty soon the price will be rising a bit. Eating four or five of these will get a single new toon prepared for all they mark reclaiming they'll need to complete all reps, depending on how many unlocks you have from other recruitment events.

    Happy mark farming.

    submitted by /u/Amezuki
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    Any Star Trek Day giveaways?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    It being the 55th anniversary of the franchise, I was curious if the devs would be giving us and any gift or freebies.

    Does anyone know anything?

    submitted by /u/WoodyManic
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    Anyone getting this when using your level 65 boost on your temporal recruit?? Won’t let me do anything…currently stuck on this screen???

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:53 AM PDT

    Star Trek: Online YEAR OF THE FERENGI

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Klingons in the tutorial before they should be

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Anyone get this? I just created my TOS toon, left the bridge to go to the armory, decided to explore by going back around...and there were 3 enemy Klingons seemingly very out of place. They initiated combat, I despatched them (no NPCs seemed to care) and then proceeded as normal to the shuttle bay.

    I'm guessing that's a bit of a mistake, Cryptic!

    Edit: I've gone back to the ship for the proper Klingon assault, and there now appear to be over a dozen TOS NPCs just milling about like it's a normal day while Klingons shoot around them.

    submitted by /u/TheBeardedSurfer
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    Temporal Recruit - stuck on choose faction screen

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Just created a temporal recruit and used the L65 boost in the new pack. I'm now stuck (even if I restart the game) on the choose faction screen with no way to exit it and it won't accept a choice. I'm guessing I've shot myself in the foot here and will need to contact support?

    Platform: PC.

    submitted by /u/sloane31
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    Witch hats coming for Halloween?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    TOS Captain's vest: If we're doing the Mirror Universe, it's time to go all out -- I want the right to bare arms

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    I see alot of folks flying Jem' Hadar, Federation, klingon, Breen, Hur'Q, Romulan and a few iconian ships but never anyone flying the best carrier in the game Obelisk 1

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    Be Cautious on opening the Legandary TOS bundle if you bought it/going to buy it.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    So RL cake day tomorow, splashed out on the legandary TOS bundle for the event as have some extra energy credits. I'm in 23c space dock, finished the tutorial and redemmed the pack. Got boosted to 65 and retrived my Miranda, got a celbaratory splash screen and then for some reason it goes to the Romulan choose faction splash screen and I can't progress, have to alt-F4 to close the game. On the forums it seems a few others have the same problem though don't know if its effecting everyone. Got a ticket in but just a freindly warning you may want to sit on your bundle until it's fixed if you got one.

    submitted by /u/spookydom
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    Anyone elses old Temporal agent recruit unable to complete New Romulus?

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    My old Temporal recruit has already played through all the content and was able to receive all the new rewards except for New Romulus. Even though I already played through the storyline, it doesn't register as complete for me.

    submitted by /u/publuvr12
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    Patch Notes for 9/8/21 | Star Trek Online

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:28 PM PDT

    I came for the Carrot... Why are you hitting me with a stick???

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    I always thought that the endeavour system was a great way for the game to get people to end time in the game. So, if nothing else I want to log in everyday just to grab my endeavour points.. Then I saw where someone posted the idea for reroll tokens for dil.. I thought yes!! That would be good, since I am always out of them..But, instead of using them as another carrot, i.e. if you're out,no problem, grab some more. Nope, nstead someone decided to hit me with the stick... Now you can only buy them!! Well, think I will pass.. Also, just to be that guy.. I spent 20 years in the Casino industry, big part of my job was player developement. So, get them in the door, teach them how to play (educated players are more comfortable spending more) then get them to come back as often as possible. So, the endeavour system is great for the get them to come back.. But now there are negative feelings towards a great tool that helps give people a reason to come back.. plus it impacts your newer player base more than your Veterans.. Not good. So, I truly feel this has become nothing but a dil sink..(as in... "Don't do that.. It" s just a dil sink).. Hope we get one that can go in the favor of us all??? NERF IT. Just like plasmonic leach, feedback pulse, Ruin, Agony field generator......... Give back the rewards and let us buy extras.. Would be a win, win.. Cause let's face it. Even as dil sink this alone won't fix the dilex. But as a dil purchase option many of us would be happy with it.. And use it.

    submitted by /u/Covid_sucks_2021
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    PS (Console?) can skip cutscenes!

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Hold down `O`, and you'll see a timer in the top right corner. When it counts down, you'll skip the scene.

    submitted by /u/MyHammyVise
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    In case anyone hasn't seen the Starfleet Museum yet, with all the hero ships on display, here's what it was like last year.

    Posted: 08 Sep 2021 08:25 AM PDT

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