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    Thursday, August 26, 2021

    Star Trek Online This post isn't about dilithium sinks or the state of the game, enjoy a nice picture of an Ambassador class

    Star Trek Online This post isn't about dilithium sinks or the state of the game, enjoy a nice picture of an Ambassador class

    This post isn't about dilithium sinks or the state of the game, enjoy a nice picture of an Ambassador class

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Ten Forward weekly 8/25/21

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    • Having lots of discussion internally over keeping the tokens as drops, but lowering the drop rate.
    • Don't expect a change soon. Have to see how this change effects the dil economy before they make another change.
    • Vanity shield promotion isn't kept around all the time because more people go of it if its limited time, so that helps the economy more.
    • Decision to go forward with the token change came somewhat suddenly after having spent time getting it ready to go beforehand. Blog would have gone out a week earlier had Kael known about it. Doesn't think announcing the change the day before was the best approach.
    • Vanity shield event likely to happen again since they know people like it.
    • As an example of how long concepts can take from idea to coming out, Kael mentions Al Rivera was talking about cloning L'rel, and having J'ula do her face turn, around 3 years ago. Maybe slightly earlier then that.
    • Ship development process is a couple weeks long for each team working on it(art team spends a few weeks on it, systems team spends a few weeks making the stats, etc)
    • New systems, like new ways to spend dilthium, takes a few week for systems, and about a week from programmers/UI artists to make the interface to buy it.
    • Temporal Recruit will be in time for Star Trek's 55th on September 8th.
    • Someone asked if it was possible for a Mudd's bundle with DSC Section 31 and Mirror ships. Kael said its possible, but wouldn't happen soon.
    • Talked about the Red Alert event errors. Jared(producer) scheduled the Red Alert. Kael and Thomas did their normal things not knowing it was a one week event, so put up the blog/loading screen for the longer Red Alert Event, instead of the shorter one, since they had only been running the longer ones recently.
    • Mentioned that since remote work started about half the team has moved to Texas, and there are no plans to go back to the physical studio any time soon, which has caused communication issues.
    • QA is looking over the blog as well.
    • Ship release schedule, and the number of ships coming out, changes year to year, but theres almost 30 ships planned for this year(not for the rest of this year, this year in total)
    • Kael has asked about Competitive marks in PVP matches. Recalls they weren't put into PVP possibly to prevent people from cheesing the marks with the ways you can cheese PVP. Though hes not 100% sure thats the reason.
    • Someone asked about an Italian translation for STO. Kael says thats on Perfect World who have cut down localization on their games.
    • Someone asked about the Nova. Always a chance for a new Nova. ship interiors unlikely unless they are used in a mission for the same reasons we know.
    • Cryptic has generally moved to putting out higher quality stuff, instead of as much stuff, for awhile now.
    • No word yet on playable DSC Andorians or Tellarites.
    • Some of the people who were on Magic Legends did come back to STO.
    • Working on fixing a few known broken ship animations.
    • We can shoot new ship/systems ideas to the devs, but due to legal reasons they can't read most of them.
    • L'rell will be the contact for new Klingon missions going forward.
    • Kael will ask about making some of the old toys/novelty prizes from lockboxes available somewhere else.
    • Kael will asking his superiors at Perfect World why Egyptian players can't play the game.
    • Eisenberg class coming soonish? Not that long, but longer then some may want.
    • No plans for a Mirror Recruit event.
    • Will ask about being able to buy away the patrol cooldown(someone suggested it)
    • A Star Trek actor pitched a story idea to Cryptic. It was something they were already thinking of, and they will be in the upcoming arc.
    • Next actor showing up isn't new to STO, but we haven't seen them in awhile.
    • Next story arc is going to be the story arc for the considerable future
    • Early Fall 2021 is a "good estimate" for the next story arc
    • TOS rerun will be simulations on consoles(based on KAel saying yes to something a user asked)
    • Will pass on ideas to see if T5 ships that can't go T5U be given the ability to upgrade, and removing the Obelisk/Dyson fused weapons, with dil.
    • No new alien races involved in the upcoming story
    • They are in negotiations for representation in Star Treks 55th anniversary event
    • Some stuff is happening to character models
    • Winter ship will not be Breen or Fek'Ihri
    • Picard 2385 uniforms are closer then they were before
    • Have considered upgrading crafting for more then just dil sinks, since they want R&D packs to be worth something other then the ships you get out of them. Keeps coming up in meetings, but their other stuff happens and it gets pushed to the side.
    • Will pass on XBO graphics issues
    • Keal doesn't expect new fleet projects for awhile
    • Will ask about transcendent jacks/swears for Winter event
    • Will check on the Delta Recruit admiralty Rank 10 box not being openable now due to pass tokens being made dil
    • Fixing GPL is a lesser priority to fixing dil, since GPL isn't breaking the economy being the way it is
    • Will ask about putting discount coupons in the Phoenix Box
    • Kael says making the dilithum refine amount account wide is a good idea, but he has no idea if it would happen
    • Will look into Warriors of the Empire/A Day Long Remembered missing VA
    • Someone asked about "special zen" that could be taded between games. Kael said that would require permissions above even their CEO's head
    • Someone suggested an ship upgrade that gives us a ensign specialist slot. Kael said it might be a good idea
    • Kael once had an April fools joke weapon idea called the Photonic Temporal Warhead(PTW) where the more GPL you spent on it the more damage it did
    • No plans to revamp Romulan storyline to bring it more in-line with Picard
    • Originally there was canon reasoning behind not having Roms in Fed uniforms. Since that has changed maybe Cryptic can change it in-game.
    • someone asked about weekly ship rentals for Dil. Keal really likes the idea, and thinks it would be good for the health of the game, but guesses it would take a lot to implement
    • Will likely get stuff from Prodigy, but may take a while, like Lower Decks stuff, due to its animated nature.
    • Cryptic is working on Lower Decks stuff right now, but Kael can't tell us what
    • Kael has campaigned on getting the Bonnie Kin mission added as a Halloween event, but Cryptic wants to remaster it before they do so
    • Might be possible to increase stack limit on batteries
    • Ultimate tech upgrades in the Phoenix Pack on epic is an interesting idea
    • The newspapers in the lockboxes was an idea someone had that they thought was funny, so they did them.
    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    Returning player stuck at lvl 65.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 06:29 AM PDT

    Hey, I am a returning player who has recently got to 65 and am a little confused. I haven't joined a fleet yet so am unsure how the fleet ships work. Also where to start getting gear? I'm primarily a loner so tend to skip raids etc(hate being called out for low dps etc). I have bought the intrepid t6 from the store as I love that ship, again no idea where to get improvements or what to do now. Seems a lot of content and is a little overwhelming.

    If anyone can help I'd be thankful.

    Sorry forgot to add im on pc.

    submitted by /u/Michaeloco
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    Idea: Can we get updated versions of the old Lockbox Weapon Packs?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 02:52 AM PDT

    Idea: Can we get updated versions of the old Lockbox Weapon Packs?


    I have always wanted Cryptic to update all the old lockbox Weapon Packs to be the same standard as the newer ones.

    Here is a video that shows the difference of the Old vs New:

    Newer Lockbox vs Older Lockbox - Weapon packs

    Interesting fact: The Corrosive Plasma weapons pack from the Mudd's Market lets you choose what weapon you want, I would personally prefer this over the Lockbox weapon packs:


    submitted by /u/Cookie-clan-Predator
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    Lobi idea: Monthly R&D ships.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    I think it's a good idea they started putting the rare(?) promo ships in the lobi store, even if only for a limited time. Im hoping they continue the trend with the exception of the Connies...or maybe just charge alittle extra for one.

    Sadly I don't think they'll ever release the temporal dreadnoughts through the Lobi store, and as Im no longer dropping money on R&D boxes....I may have to give up my dream of ever owning a Valkis.

    submitted by /u/albannoch77
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    SciNoob & The Event Campaign

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    "It's 3am, I should get some sleep... wait, when did I buy the Somerville?"

    Thus began a weekend of grinding up my first ever science-focused character that actually uses space wizardry as their primary offense. And like a delicious cookie; I've had my first taste and now I want more.

    I'm looking ahead at the event campaign reward, my budget for the month, and considering ship platforms. I'm currently flying the Legendary Crossfield because Temporal specialization is nice, but I'm not sure if I want to stick with her. I'm currently torn between using my event reward for the Verne, or tossing some money into the 31st Century Pack for the Eternal and grabbing the lobi to get the Iktomi for her trait. Verne feels more 'escorty' judging from her stats on the wiki (which is my preferred class) , but part of me also enjoys hangar bays.

    So Verne or Eternal: Is one a better place to hang my wizard hat and robes? Or are they both equally nerdy and I should go with whatever?

    submitted by /u/Taliserian
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    Temporal Recruit comes back for the 55th Anniversary a new Mudd Pack is also likely around then

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    Seems likely that a TOS theme would be appropriate

    I'm thinking




    The TOS Bridge Crew is already in Mudds so IDK about that

    other than that what else could it be?

    The T6 Walker is Discovery so shouldn't be but Thomas did a gorgeous TMP Skin for it which could work I guess.

    Naturally various other filler crap T6 Tokens, Epic Phoenix, etc

    Edit boobed on the wrong Dreadpack

    submitted by /u/sabreracer
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    Dilithium sink idea: pay dilithium to unlock corrections

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Every time an error appears in an official Cryptic communication, a crowdfunded community project for open donation is added in-game. When the community donations reach the target goal, a corrected version will be issued of the blog post, announcement, item description, or whatever else it was that contained the error.

    Under such a system, the dilithium exchange would hit record lows in short order with few if any other sinks needed. It would be the best dilithium sink ever, and the players would love it!

    This post was brought to you by your friends at r/ShittyDaystrom and r/Star_Trek.

    submitted by /u/DarthMeow504
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    Will Temporal Recruitment have a ship reward?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    Similar to how the Klingon Recruitment had the M'Chla Bird-of-Prey Refit as a reward, will Temporal Recruitment have this?

    submitted by /u/theEdge1864
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    Oh no I messed up.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Any way to unclaimed the heavy command cruiser? I already had one and just thought I would get a tradable box, but I apparently now have a ship I can't use. It was the fed/Klingon box. Anyway to undo so I can sell?

    submitted by /u/vekkares
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    Star Trek Online will have console maintenance tomorrow, 8/26, at 7am PT. Estimated downtime is 2.5 hours. You can find the patch notes here:

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    Nice stream from Kael tonight; give it a listen

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 06:04 PM PDT


    I know a lot of folks just prefer to read a breakdown, but I appreciate Kael's tone and demeanor in light of this week and would recommend folks actually give it a listen.

    He was in no way upset or blaming anyone for anything and I found his comments very professional and understanding of peoples concerns and frustrations.

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    How much dil would it cost to re-write the Klingon Civil War finale to result in K'nal of House Kang being chancellor?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Set up a community dil donation bin. Set a goal. If it's reached, we ship J'ula off to Vacation World and have K'nal of the House of Kang as Chancellor, Martok as Commander of the KDF, and L'rell as Empress/Mother.

    submitted by /u/mreeves7
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    bought a lifetime sub ages ago and came back to over 40k store money!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    so since its been so long i've no idea what to get, have gotten a few keys, and opend a few lock boxes but, am looking for some of the best things to get. ships, items ect

    submitted by /u/Nalpona_Freesun
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    Gul Zhador and his crew about to kick some Tzenkethi ass

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    When you’re just minding your business over Risa and your hull decides to just breach like it pays the dil sink bills…

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    PC: Unable to connect

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Keeps timing out when trying to login - anyone else experiencing this?


    submitted by /u/ShoulderCharacter129
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    With the eclipse intel cruiser, should I be focusing more on beam overload or surgical strikes for a beam build?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:32 PM PDT

    In the front I have a polaron dual bank beam, polaron omnidirectional beam array, and the rest in front and back are polaron beam arrays. All at least XII, some XV, all very rare quality. I'm an engi/Com captain, my I have one BOFF with fire at will 3(for AoE), but I also have surgical strikes 3 on one, and overload 2 and 3 on another. Which of those two should I prioritize for single target? I like my black octopus, I have it's mastery mastered.

    submitted by /u/steveosek
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    I Had A Fun Dream Last Night...

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    I was me (my STO character) in a PVP, 5-on-5 version of the Arena of Sompek. Along with the other team, were hundreds of TNG Klingons fighting each other.

    I could even switch between my 2 weapon options, mowing down packs with the Tommy Gun, but then...

    Another player was about to finish off Be'lanna Torres (no I don't know why she was there, it's a dream) and I switched to my second weapon option.

    It was a Romulan disruptor that fired the Borg assimilation tubules like a taser! That player got Borgified and Admiral Jarok came over yelled at me lol.

    Just wanted to share with other STO fans. Is there even a PVP Sompek map? Perhaps this can be a future ground weapon, devs?

    Despite the ups and downs and legit criticism we have from time to time, I'm happy STO allows my brain to enjoy itself at night.

    submitted by /u/MuddsTreasure
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    Starship Loadouts? - Confused!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 04:06 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm on Playstation and I know we have the option to save a loadout for a ship.

    I'm a bit confused however on what a loadout actually saves!

    Can someone elighten me? I've had a look online but couldn't find anything crystal clear

    submitted by /u/j86southpaw
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    Thoughts and opinions on the Eisenburg class, how do you feel it should be handled to properly pay respect to Aron Eisenburg.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    This is someting that's come up amongst the devs themselves apparantly but i'm curious as to how my fellow players feel about it. Do you think something special should be done for an actor who put so much time and effort in for this game? Do you think it should just be another ship no different to the rest?

    Also since i can't poll the players ingame i may as stick up a poll here.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/MetalBawx
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    The timing of the phoenix box event is ironic

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:18 PM PDT

    With the latest dil sink controversy, there's a phoenix event. Let's remember that the phoenix boxes were the original dil sink. When they were first introduced, phoenix boxes were only available for purchase during the events. For the first few events, prices on the dilex took a nose dive. After awhile, there was barely a blip when an event happened, and then they just made Phoenix boxes always available.
    IMO, there were really two contributing factors to phoenix events no longer being a dil sink at that point. First, the drop rates on UR and epic tokens were really too low. People figured out it wasn't worth it. Second, with the first factor in mind, people already got all they wanted out of them and Cryptic was SUPER slow to add anything to them.
    Then Mudd's came. And nothing was added to Phoenix boxes again, making them only useful for the upgrade tokens at best. Mudd's didn't just stop anything from being added to Phoenix boxes, it took all the stuff that SHOULD have been added to Phoenix boxes and made them available as account unlocks for STUPID Zen prices. That probably caused the biggest swing in devaluing dil and increasing the value and demand for Zen.
    Now, the issues with Phoenix boxes not being a lasting dil sink were still there, but those could have been rectified. The entire Phoenix box/Mudd's store situation makes it VERY hard to believe that Cryptic actually wants to fix the dilex issue. If they really wanted to, they could do it VERY quickly.
    1. Make Phoenix boxes only available at certain times again.
    2. Increase the drop rates of UR and Epic tokens. Since these are character unlocks, the drop rates need to be much higher.
    3. Actually add things to Phoenix boxes in a timely manner.
    They can still keep using the scam that is Mudd's Market. People who want account unlocks for some of these things can continue to pay lots of zen for them. People who want one thing from a previous event for one character can also get it with increased UR and Epic drops. If Phoenix boxes weren't always available again, that would also increase demand when they are available. Bam. Existing systems become a dil sink again, players have a choice of how they want to acquire that item from a past event, and everyone is happy again (except the PWE bean counters).

    submitted by /u/JediGeek
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