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    Wednesday, August 25, 2021

    Star Trek Online Dilithium sink idea: pay dilithium to unlock level 5 ship traits!

    Star Trek Online Dilithium sink idea: pay dilithium to unlock level 5 ship traits!

    Dilithium sink idea: pay dilithium to unlock level 5 ship traits!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    It gets really tedious after the first time unlocking a level 5 starship trait to have to unlock it on other characters if the trait is really good. Why not make it so that after leveling a ship to level 5 mastery on at least one character, you unlock the ability to pay dilithium to unlock those traits again on other characters? Make it a per character, per ship transaction. There's loads of great level 5 mastery ship traits this could benefit from, and it's not like they're going to stop making ships anytime soon! Even if it only applied to Zen Store ships, this would still be a great quality of life improvement, in my view.

    submitted by /u/nebshake90
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    GPL sink? I can afford a whole dang GPL bathroom!

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    So is this how you imagine new dil sinks borticus? I'm sure it was the best idea ever and the players loved it. ;)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    How to/not to: (implement game changes, deal with criticism, solve a real game issue)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    edit I don't know how paragraph breaks work, so I apologize for the textwall. You're either gonna read it or you won't, I just had to get it off my chest and put it out there to support the game I love. I'm not going to tag anyone because apparently those guys are hounded enough.***

    I will break down several of the key issues I see here, and hope to foster better understanding and clarity, both to the developers and within the playerbase. I had awhile to think on this and cool down until this evening when I could get home and make this post. We all have seen the literal s-show this has caused today and I think everyone needs to take a breath. I will from this point onward, identify where I am stating fact or opinion.

    Fact: You should never stalk, harass, belittle, or make personal attacks targeted at individuals over anything, least of all, over a video game. No one should be made to feel threatened because of the different opinion that someone else has about how a video game is run by the company that has rights to do what they deem necessary. Opinion: Kael and Borticus have a tough job already, but what isn't their job is to be hounded by assholes on the internet, so please don't do that. It undercuts the position when there are honest and true faith arguments against a decision that is made in this game that we disagree with.

    Fact: The dil/zen economy of this game is spiraling out of control. The cost of zen has been capped at 500 dil per zen, and had briefly even drained all of the zen out of the market for several reasons. New Mudd Bundles, oft requested ships in the C-store (I'm looking at you, Oberth) and a general lack of things to spend Dil on in the game have all led to this imbalance.

    Cryptic wants us to spend money on the game, it's no secret, and nothing they should be ashamed about. This is a company, there are employees, shareholders, and everyone has someone to answer to. If you want to cry foul about rampant capitalism, then grow up, cupcake.

    Fact: Why do we need a "Dil-sink"? The imbalance in the economy stems from not just the glut of awesome stuff to spend Zen on, but the relative LACK of things to spend Dil on, FOR A CERTAIN TYPE OF PLAYER. The new player has tons to spend their Dil on, from reputation gear, to phoenix boxes for upgrading gear, to fleet gear, and unlocking space trait slots, starship trait slots, or active duty officer slots. But the new player sitting on piles and piles of refined Dil hasn't broken the economy. Again, fact: A meaningful Dil-sink would allow every player, new and veteran, to either spend Dil, or purchase Zen to convert to Dil thru the Dilex to benefit their account or character.

    The Veteran, and I include myself in this category, sits on an ever widening pile of refined Dil, growing by as much as 8000 a day, times how ever many characters you choose to grind and refine on. I have no meaningful purchases to make with my Dil. I stockpile and the pile grows day by day.

    Fact: What makes a good "Dil-sink?" Something that a player should want to purchase. What makes a bad "Dil-sink"? Something that a player does not want to, or does not purchase. Simple as that. Now lets look at the recent Endeavour and Admiralty system reroll token changes. Previously these items were given a % of the time from participating in those systems. We've all re-rolled '3 Lukari TFOs', don't act like you haven't. I do most of my endeavors almost every day. I have maxed out all of the meaningful stats, space critH and critD, energy damage, exotic damage, all the good ones. About halfway on all the resist families, because who cares. I am certainly not going to worry about missing out on a few hard or annoying to do endeavors any day of the week, because I don't NEED the endeavor system anymore. I can't imagine anyone sitting on a pile of refined Dil needs them either.

    Fact: Few Whales are new players, and most Whales are Veterans. But most Veterans are not Whales. This is an important difference to distinguish. This Endeavor token change does: not provide any meaningful benefit to a veteran player. That is simply a fact. It does provide a potential benefit to the newer player who is still grinding up the endeavor system and hasn't been told that one Endeavor re-roll token is not the best investment of his 2500 REFINED Dil. It only hurts the player who is needing to grind endeavors, and was otherwise saving his precious few reroll tokens to not do Lukari TFO endeavors. If your decision causes me, as a veteran, to weigh my options about if I try a tough endeavor that I don't really need, or go play something else for the rest of the evening... then you've already lost.

    This next section is going to be, let's just say what it is, directed twards Borticus.

    We double back to the REFINED Dil comment from just now. Borticus said via twitter: "I understand the knee-jerk reaction of saying it's too high. I agree that it LOOKS high, for how the items are used." Opinion: Firstly, sir, this is the reason for the title of my post. PR101, don't immediately criticize the (seemingly wide-held) opinion of your detractors by calling it 'knee-jerk'. You sound pompous and arrogant by starting to explain your position by crapping on everyone disagreeing with you. You are posting on behalf of your company in a professional capacity and should really conduct yourself in a more businesslike manner.

    Back to 'REFINED'; Borticus went on to say "1 in 4 chance to get a Token from an Endeavor Box - From 4 boxes, average Dil Ore earnings = ~3.5k" 1 in 4 for a reroll token, fine, I am not going to dispute that. Fact: by no estimation can I agree that I have ever averaged 3.5k unrefined Dil for 4 boxes. Not even close. Daily I send all my endeavor boxes to my alt with the lowest unrefined Dil, and RARELY do I ever get more than 1000 dil. Or nothing. Certainly not even close to 3500 dil. As many have already stated, nobody buys that figure. In the humblest way possible to say, I'm pretty sure we've collectively opened more endeavor boxes than you have. Furthermore REFINED Dil is not Unrefined dil. I get the reasoning for the Dil daily refine cap, and we're not here to argue that. It serves an economic and player engagement and retention purpose. But to equate the spending of 2500 refined dil to the DUBIOUS amount of 3500 unrefined dil really doesn't make the clean point I think you think it does.

    Borticus from twitter: "Without removing the free option, the opportunity for this to be an effective sink is gutted."

    Then it's a bad sink. The internet people are a fickle bunch. Never take away, only give. Dil sink should be something added to purchase, not taking away something already freely given because you changed your mind. Was it a mistake to give reroll tokens from the boxes in the first place? Maybe, but it's too late, the toothpaste is already out of the tube. Find something else. Create. "Players have been begging for effective sinks." Strongly agree.

    "This is what they are going to look like." Sure hope you reconsider that decision.

    "They're going to impact your ability to earn/spend/stockpile Dilithium - that's their purpose." The Endeavor reroll token change does not impact my ability to earn, spend, nor stockpile Dilithium. It just doesn't. In that regard it has been an abject failure. Fact.

    Now how do we move on from here? Compliment time: the vanity shields sold for Dil was a tremendously great Dil sink. I bought a Ba'ul shield, of course because it is black. A friend of mine who is a new player can't wait to buy some Zen to convert to Dil and get himself a couple of the vanity shields when you decide to sell them again. Great job! That was a creation of an opportunity to spend Dil for new players and old. Let's have more of those! Next, 300,000 refined dil to account unlock a character bound ship? Sure, let's try that next. Opinion: that would be something that would entice a Veteran with some expensive ships to dump Dil and fly it on their many dil farming alts, entice the new player to buy keys or a ship off the exchange just to be able to fly it on whatever character they want. Entice the Whale to spend Dil on his many awesome LB and Promo ships to fly them across his account.

    These are the kind of changes that can spark renewed interest in the game from an increasingly upset playerbase. Add. Imagine. Create. Please stop trying to take. Fact: We want to give.

    If anyone made it this far, I thank you for coming to my TEDtalk. We all love playing in the house that Gene built, and let's all try and take a deep breath as we move forward. We love this game. The devs love this game. We all just want what is best for this game. We speak up like this, not just because we perceive decisions as ruining our fun, but actively detracting from the game we all love. And that hurts, but let's not get distracted from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.

    submitted by /u/Planetgrimbull
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    The fundamental problem: Borticus doesn't get it

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    This tweet:

    Without removing the free option, the opportunity for this to be an effective sink is gutted. Players have been begging for effective sinks. This is what they are going to look like. They're going to impact your ability to earn/spend/stockpile Dilithium - that's their purpose.



    This tweet shows the fundamental problem we have: Borticus views dilithium sinks as a penalty.


    But that is absolutely not what the intended goal should be. Dilithium sinks should be things people actually want to spend their dilithium on. Cool/shiney/new things people want to have.


    But instead, he is taking away things that people previously got for free and wanting us to pay to get them back.


    This is the fundamental problem we face, and why we have this current situation. Borticus just doesn't "get" how this is supposed to work.


    Edit: while this post still has top billing I want to point out that I did not insult Borticus or make any personal attacks. I think he's wrong and is badly missing the point of this whole thing, but I'm not going after him on any personal level and I am definitely not encouraging anyone else to do so. By all means explain why you disagree with him/his ideas, but please do not attack him or the other devs on any personal level.

    submitted by /u/trekfangrrrl
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    [Idea] Admiralty, buy 1 time use ship packs with dil...

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Wouldn't it have been better to make 1 time use ship packs, like a random selection of 5 ships per 2500 dil spent than remove/change a perfectly working system?

    (no idea if anyone else has suggested this was to lazy to research the million posts on this subject)

    submitted by /u/oink_piggles
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    Bonus Marks Weekend 9/2 through 9/6

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    Bonus Marks Weekend 9/2 through 9/6

    Though the in-game calendar is sadly ol'-yellered departed, the upcoming weekend section of the Mission Journal has been an accurate. It seemed to come as a surprise a few weeks ago when I mentioned there was an upcoming upgrade weekend, so here's a highlight for those that may have missed it.


    submitted by /u/Gandlodder
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    Can we fix Odo's Flagship, please?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    The "Odo's Flagship" admiralty card is very clearly supposed to be an eng ship, but its class is science. Its engineering stat is 69, its science stat is 28. Its bonus is 4x critical rating from the engineering stat. This could be a really useful admiralty card, if it were classed correctly.

    We recently had the Risian Luxury cruiser misclassed as a science vessel, and that was quickly fixed. Any chance this much older bug could get a look?

    submitted by /u/Politirotica
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    True full carrier questions

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:51 AM PDT

    What are the highest damage/utility consoles available for carriers (deployable pets that gain buffs like omega attack pattern from duty officer)

    What are the highest utility/damage hanger pets currently? ( with various combos like sad, scramble fighters, super charged weapons)

    What sets give the most for summonables and hanger pets? ( iconian set, ancient oblisk)

    What traits effect pets and summonables? (Feel the weight of our presence, etc)

    What duty officers give the best regardless of price?

    What is a list of ships to buy to snag traits and consoles from?

    What is the best carrier currently? (Currently using vanguard fleet support carrier)

    Are mine laying pets viable?

    What skills should be used on a true full carrier?

    What is the optimal setup for a skill tree for doing a true carrier?

    Voth aceton mode...do you need to have effective threat reduction to make this trait take off?

    What damage resistance skills stack to help summonables and hanger pets do their jobs? What do not stack ? (Resonating pay loads, feel the weight of our presence, delphic torpedo, science abilities, doff augments) and is there a cap?

    Are their synergistic pet combos that could be game changing like pets that use attack pattern beta 3 and elite romulan scorpion fighters?

    Any other useful tips? I noticed even having non carriers sloting feel the weight of our presence added 50+ stacks just by having my carrier present. And resonating pay loads stacking to the sky. Reverberating shields and the micro quantum console made masses of enemies drop their shields and instantly pop)

    Hive mind and swarmers don't show on the parse...but seem to bolster feel the weight of our presence instantly. Anything cheesy that can be done?

    submitted by /u/Nativejoe012
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    Kael: Hey folks! Love you all, you know that. Whenever there's something that's legitimately upset the playerbase, there's always a few folks who take it on themselves to try and find me on a non-official or personal account to attack me further. Please don't be those people.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    A Dil Sink For Alt-aholics

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    Having a large number of characters in this game can be a chore sometimes, as those of us that have such can attest. And one of the greatest chores is getting Rep marks - even with T6 auto-sponsor, you still need Marks to do the Dailies. And those can be annoying to get on an undergeared character.

    We also need more reasons to use Dilithium, particularly for people that have metric tonnes of the stuff. Those people that do have metric tonnes, I believe, also tend to have most of it on one or two characters, while the rest languish in obscurity. I propose a win-win situation.

    Without removing any other mark rewards anywhere, add a project to any rep - unlocking at T5 or T6 - to spend, say, 15k Dil and 100 Marks to get an Account-bound pack of 100 Marks to send to other characters. Reduces the grind for new characters, rewards older characters that have large stockpiles, adds a Dil sink, and encourages people to make progress on other characters - thereby increasing their demand for Dil by lowering somewhat the barrier to the gear they'd want to get. Put the projects on a daily cooldown per Rep, even, if you must. But it's something i suspect a lot of people would use.

    submitted by /u/Lord-Ice
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    Cryptic! I'll give you my dilithium for a Terran Typhoon! >.o

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    [PSA] If can't decide which ship to get with your Event Campaign reward, you can copy your character over to Tribble (test server) and test them all out.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    Hello! Just a tip for new players and a reminder for veterans that you can copy your character as many times as you want on the Tribble test server.

    This means you can test out any ships that you're interested in if you're having trouble deciding on your Event Campaign prize.

    Use this link to copy your character to the test server! Have fun!


    submitted by /u/VaryaKimon
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    What do you WANT to spend Dilithium on?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    Let's brainstorm a little. Write the first thing that comes to your mind as a player. What would you be willing to spend dilithium on? What feature, change, addition, item(s), anything. Let's do a list to show Cryptic that creating a dilithium sink doesn't have to involve penalties, nerfs and annoyances, like in some mobile game.

    For me personally:

    • Mission (replay) rewards or instant mission complete token - if Cryptic wants us to pay to skip, this is something I'd be fine with. I don't want to replay the same long and boring mission over and over again just to get all the mission rewards, like an item set, or a full set of weapons. Allow me to either buy the rewards for dilithium, or pay dilithium to automatically "complete" the mission so that I can claim the rewards. It's a perfect example of pay-to-skip. You don't have to use it, you can grind the mission as always, but the option is there if you just don't want to waste time.
    • New crafting items/recipies - the system is there and it's pretty much dead. Introduce new stuff that requires expensive components available either through dilithium or R&D Infinity Packs (you know, the worthless ones...). I mean, the system is there, so expand on it... Having new, unique or rare items would refresh the system for a change, so that players would use their rare components and craft more. I for one wouldn't mind Epic Quality Fighter/Hangar pets, much like building the Delta Flyer on Voyager.
    • Long term, new Fleet Holding with a new set of benefits and items that cost dilithium, aside from Fleet Credits.
    • Dilithium Store promotions - aside from bringing back Vanity Shields allow us to buy other (very) rare items otherwise unobtainable outside of gambing and the exchange. Like letting us buy a set of Lockbox weapons, including the Wide-Arc Cannons and Omni-Beams. For example, a set of 8 weapons of choice that are bound to character on pickup, so that you can gear your whole ship as you'd like.

    Write your ideas. If anything, just to show that there are a lot of better ideas than removing content that's already there...

    submitted by /u/SuavekS
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    Borticus: I understand the knee-jerk reaction of saying it's too high. I agree that it LOOKS high, for how the items are used. But this is how those systems reward Dilithium. So sinking it back in seemed to be the right call, for economic balance. We're still evaluating things, though.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    I thought the Phoenix prize pack event started the 24th?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    Neither onna on DS9 nor grym on drozana are where they're supposed to be. It's the 25th, wheres the even people?

    submitted by /u/steveosek
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    Question about consoles.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    Lorcas console or keep the vulnerability locators?

    submitted by /u/vekkares
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    Is there any reason to try and crit Admiralty missions without the pass tokens being rewarded?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    The only times I've ever noticed a difference on rewards for crits was on missions that awarded the one time ships, as you'd get an extra one with a crit. The only other reward was a chance for a pass token.

    So is there really a reason to crit on most admiralty missions?

    submitted by /u/SkyeQuake2020
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    Bug (PC): Romulan Admiralty Ship System Tier 10 Not Granting Rewards!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    After ages of going at it, I finally completed Tier 10 of Romulan A.S.S., on my KDF Romulan toon. I got the Zedenia A.S.S. card. Yet, the reward box itself will NOT open. It won't even display a choice and hitting 'accept' does nothing. Changing instances/locations makes no difference either.

    And I'm pretty sure I know the 'cause of this bug too.

    The Tier 10 box is supposed to reward 10 A.S.S. cards, the Voyager A.S.S. card and...wait for it...10 A.S.S. pass tokens.

    So, in all likelihood Cryptic's short sighted failure of a dilithium sink solution has broken the top tier reward for part of its Admiralty Ship System.

    Lastly, this incident just reinforced a point I'd made here in this Reddit last night too. Endeavor re-rolls and A.S.S. pass tokens are NOT mere freebies, but actual rewards for gameplay.

    NOTE: It should be clarified that this probably applies to all Delta Recruits upon hitting Tier 10 of their character faction's Admiralty Ship System (Fed, Klink, Rom).

    submitted by /u/Methos6848
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