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    Wednesday, July 7, 2021

    Star Trek Online I'm so glad I saved a stack of malfunctioning holo-disguises for the Risa dance party!

    Star Trek Online I'm so glad I saved a stack of malfunctioning holo-disguises for the Risa dance party!

    I'm so glad I saved a stack of malfunctioning holo-disguises for the Risa dance party!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    He's fine

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:21 AM PDT


    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    [Xbox] Can we get the Ability Auto-activation Delay looked at please? It doesn't delay activation on any Ability at all.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    /u/ambassadorkael , the 10 and 20 second auto fire delays are not working on Xbox with all abilities firing off at the start of combat regardless of settings (other than manual). Can we get this looked at please?

    Also, having your buffs/debuffs and cooldowns visible on console would be tremendously helpful as well.

    submitted by /u/Midniteoyl
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    How to farm lots of Lohlunat Favors during the Risa Summer Event- Walkthrough

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    Note: I'm writing this under the pretense that you as the player have 5 toons, as that seems to be the maximum. If you have less than 5, you can always fill in the gaps with building sandcastles.

    Let's start with everybody's favourite, the Horga'hn Hunt. With an Impulsive floater and a lot of practice, you should be able to get your time for one completion down to about 2:10. My record for the Hunt is 2:02. Loading time to flip toons averages out to about 37.5 seconds, and with four of these flips, that's 150 seconds or 2:30. Add everything up, and you come out to 13:20 of your 15:00 minutes, which leaves you with about one minute and forty seconds to head over to Sovak's Camp, pet your Risian Tribble (make sure you stay away from other players so you don't buff them as well), and catch your breath. You'll appreciate the small break. (Approx 500 Lohlunats)

    Do Biathlon #1. Obviously, you want to complete this as quickly as possible so you, ya know, win. If you're using an Impulsive 88/80 board as you should be, and you get good, your run time should be in the 1:30-1:35 range. My personal best is 1:25, which is the record for the 2017-2020 era. Sinclair holds the record for the 2021 era (new "superboosts" were added in 2021) at 1:24. Regardless, don't goof around when you've completed the race. Grab your flag, and transport yourself directly to the hotel transport pad. (Approx 50-75 Lohlunats)

    Immediately run Flying High #1. You should get at least one in before Sovak calls you to come hunt artifacts. Ignore him. Flip toons, and run four more Flying Highs. If the courses cooperate with you and you've been using an Impulsive floater, you should have between 2-3 minutes showing at the top right of your screen when you've done all five. If you do indeed have at least 3 minutes showing, head over to the Promenade and do a Sandcastle. If not, head to the Promenade anyway, pet your Risian tribble, and get ready to race. (It's worth noting that the Risian Tribble is the only tribble that will buff your board and floater speed for racing.) (250-270 Lohlunats)

    Making Waves #1 and Biathlon #2. Again, complete these as quickly as possible. If you're using an Impulsive 88/80 board as you should be, and you get good, your run time should be in the 1:20-1:25 range for Making Waves. My best time is 1:13. Sinclair holds the record here too at 1:12, set in 2017. If you need tips on how to run the races, you can check out my tutorial and video, though, not all races will go quite that smoothly now that STO has added random superboosts that will shoot you into orbit (or into the face of an arch like you're Wile E. Coyote slamming into a fake painted tunnel) should one hit on a ramp. You may want to go do a Sandcastle in between the two races but, that's really pushing it. However, just like before, don't goof off when the Biathlon ends, but immediately beam over to the Events Coordinator. (100-195 Lohlunats)

    Just like before, immediately run Flying High #2. Again, you should get at least one in before Sovak calls you to come hunt artifacts. Just like before, ignore him, flip toons, and run four more Flying Highs. This time however, you will probably have between four and five minutes left on the clock, so immediately head to the center of the Inner Caldera so you can shut Sovak up after you've done your fifth Flying High. (250 Lohlunats)

    Now comes the tricky part. You have five minutes left on the clock for the Artifact Hunt. You can squeeze in one, possibly two hunts before the Dance Party starts, and you definitely want to do the Dance because of the new Chu Chu bonuses, right? Wrong. For my tastes, the Chu Chus just don't crit enough to warrant doing the entire Dance for a measly 100 Favors. Instead, do all five Artifact Hunts now, but, ONLY TURN THEM IN TO SOVAK DURING THE BONUS PERIOD. As I said above, you can get one, maybe two in before the clock runs out. If you do, turn them in while the bonus is still active. The remaining three or four, just wait and turn them in when you do Flying High #1 during the ensuing cycle. It is also important to note here, that as you finish with each toon, send them to the southwest location where the first Horga'hn will appear to the left of and in front of the hotel (on the mound, close to the bird), pet your Risian Tribble, park your captain there, and flip to the next toon. You'll be glad they're parked and already buffed when the next Horga'hn Hunt begins. When you've completed your fifth Artifact Hunt, you should have enough time to head over to the dance floor and complete the Three, Five and Ten Dances for another 50 favors. (250-300 Lohlunats)

    Making Waves #2. Nothing much to add here. Place in the race and get ready to start the cycle all over again. (50-75 Lohlunats)

    Obviously, there's a lot left up to how things shake out, and whether or not you choose to do the extras I've mentioned, but each cycle I usually end up with 1,600 Favors for 90 minutes. 500 for the Horga'hn Hunt, 300 for the Races, 500 for the Flying Highs, 250 for the Artifact Hunts and 50 for the Dance Party. If you feel like you've found a better way, or feel like I missed something, let me know in the comments below. - The April

    submitted by /u/AprilKollar
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    All of them hit me at once. Please tell me there is a way to counter this, please.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    Why does Kolez look different in the dialogue box?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Can't select abilities.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    Any verdict on the new Summer Kit & Module?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Has there been any verdict among those who know what they're doing if the new Summer Kit and Module this year is worth getting?

    Last year's kit was fantastic, and has been a staple since. I was thinking of getting the new kit for an Alt rather than last years' if it's any good.

    submitted by /u/Freemind62
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    Kael: "A good Dil sink is something that people will want to spend Dil on over and over. The Phoenix Upgrades were a great idea for this reason. So what's something you would pay a lot of Dil for to have access to over and over? More like a service."

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:42 AM PDT


    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:19 PM PDT

    Kudos to the designers of the Mogai / Morrigu / D'khellra. Beautiful Ships!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    Just wanted to throw down a short post to thank the designers/ship builders who made the Mogai, Morrigu and D'khellra class Romulan vessels.

    Finally reached T6 Reps with my Delta Rommie, so unlocked the fleet versions of the Mogai and D'deridex. I'm having a surprisingly hard time settling on a 'look' in the Ship Customization window for each. (The chonkiness hunched and aggressive look of the D'khellra has grown on me over the last couple days of flying R-TFO's, especially with the Reman shield as a Vanity shield, and I think I prefer the interior connecting 'column' to the D'deridex's empty interior...).

    Spoiled for choice!

    submitted by /u/AngrySTOer
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    ProLonged Cannons

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Is this worth replacing an elite fleet cannon for? It's not DHC and I do have the dynamo console equipped

    submitted by /u/vekkares
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    issue getting dil vouchers

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    I recently completed the tour of dutys for the klingons and ferangi but can't find the vouchers anywhere.

    submitted by /u/Johnnybulldog13
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    A little breakdown on the Lohlunat Favor events on Risa

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Made a quick video on the Lohlunat Favor giving events that are running over the hour on Risa.


    submitted by /u/burnoutmax81
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    Officer Training Manuals via Risa Vendor

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    Relatively new to officer training manuals. I see they come in levels such as seismic agitation 1/2/3.

    Do you need to buy all 3 manuals to train an officer? Don't want to waste my lolnuts. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ISSdiscovery
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    Any idea why my R&D trait is not showing up?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Any idea why my R&D trait is not showing up?

    Just reached level 15 in science and the Particle Manipulator trait is not showing as available. I've logged off and then back in and still nothing, is this a known bug?


    submitted by /u/SayyadinaNox
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    Which kit is that?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    Which kit is it that creates this large shimmering orange/yellow field?

    submitted by /u/Hoss-Drone
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    Thinking of ways to make the T6 Galaxy at least somewhat better

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    I love the Galaxy. I always have, always will. It's the most 'comforting' Trek ship in my mind, not only because I grew up with it but because of how the interior was designed, the ASMR engine hum that is addictive to listen to, and the fond memories I have from watching TNG - even the really bad episodes.

    But the Galaxy has always been C-tier or lower when it comes to STO which is a shame. So I got to thinking what could give it a bit more flexibility even if they're not game-breaking massive changes.

    First, I started thinking about the 'Exploration Cruiser' class denotation. Because it's not a heavy cruiser, flight deck cruiser or battle cruiser I think it needs some kind of gimmick. Exploration to me seems like an excuse to give it sensor analysis - the Enterprise-D always seemed to have incredibly powerful sensors in the show so it seemed fitting. Having a built-in enemy debuff would at least increase its' effectiveness as a big, broadside-y cruiser.

    Then I started thinking that it seemed to be sent out to do all sorts of anomaly monitoring and science-y things, but the BOFF layout is criminally short on science potential. Granted, it is a cruiser, but I think if you swapped the lt. sci and the ltc. engineering slots it might make a difference. Having three science console slots but only a maximum potential of two ensign and one lt. level sci abilities make these a bit redundant. Being able to slot a maximum potential of one ltc, one lt, and two ensigns would at least give a bit more flexibility than being completely locked into slotting engineering abilities which are a fairly weak selection.

    Lastly I thought maybe giving it one hangar bay would be somewhat fitting given that they served as carriers during the Dominion war and have 3 hangar bays and a rather large load of shuttlecraft. It's probably my least favorite of these three ideas, but something that would at least keep it from being as boring as it is now. Again, being classified as an 'Exploration Cruiser' does give it some wiggle room in adding new features, given that the Galaxy is as far as I know the only ship chassis in the game that has that denotation.

    What do you think? What are some other changes that might make it more flexible or fun?

    submitted by /u/Bolt_Vanderhuge_25
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    Complete the swarm queue doesn't count

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 01:14 AM PDT


    I have jem recruit. This last days I am trying to complete swarm queue for the wide reward. I've already done more than 5 swarm and none counts for the reward. What's the deal? Bug?

    submitted by /u/theodiousolivetree
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    Prime Directive on Kobali Prime

    Posted: 07 Jul 2021 12:47 AM PDT

    I don't get it, The Vaadwaur is invading Kobali Prime cause of the big statis central containing hundreds of Vaadwaur, which Kobali uses to transform the Vaadwaur to Kobali.
    Ofcourse Vaadwaur is pissed and make a violent reaction when Kobali refuse to turn the statispods over.
    The Alliance helps Kobali against the Vaadwuar without knowing the real cause towards the conflict in the beginning. When we does find out, the Prime Directive is in affect (Not changing a alien culture).

    So, The Alliance is at war with Vaadwaur, protect Kobali Prime from being overrun. When Alliance finds out about the statispods, they just ignore it and continue to fight the Vaadwaur because they are the enemy (I suppose).
    So The Alliance is pretty much trapping themselves in a corner to ever make peace with the Vaadwaur because the Alliance has already accepted the fact that Kobali is transforming Vaadwaur citizen/soldiers to Kobali and hides behind the Prime Directive to... wipe Vaadwaur from the galaxy?

    How about ease the tension and give the Kobali an ultimatum to give Vaadwaur their people back or the Alliance will withdraw their support and hopefully be able to use it as diplomacy against the Vaadwaur.

    submitted by /u/Ferren84
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    Just having some piloting fun with my Pilot Warbird.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:51 AM PDT

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