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    Saturday, August 22, 2020

    Star Trek Online Risian Science Vessel optical bug

    Star Trek Online Risian Science Vessel optical bug

    Risian Science Vessel optical bug

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    With their shattered hulls we'll add a new ring around Gon'Cra.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    DPS Comparison: Regular Elite Scorpion Fighters VS Squadron Elite Scorpion Fighters

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    DPS Comparison: Regular Elite Scorpion Fighters VS Squadron Elite Scorpion Fighters

    Since the Elite Scorpion Fighters Squadron was the only one of the new squadron hangar pets that could be easily obtained via Reputation System, I decided to run my own tests on it.


    • Test scenarios: System patrols "The Ninth Rule", "Wanted", "Trouble over Terrh"), "Gone Dark"
    • Difficulty: Advanced
    • Ship used: Voth Bastion Flight-Deck Carrier
    • Hangar pets: 1 hangar bay of regular Elite Scorps & 1 hangar bay of the new squadron Elite Scorps
    • Player Faction & Career: Federation Engineer

    Control points/remarks:

    • No pet boosting personal traits slotted, such as Holographic Mirage Decoys or Wing Commander.
    • No pet boosting ship traits slotted, such as Coordinated Assault or Superior Area Denial.
    • No pet boosting consoles equipped, such as Swarmer Matrix.
    • No hangar pet related Duty Officers in Active Duty.
    • Both hangar pets were fully deployed before starting the engagement in each patrol scenario.

    DPS Sum for each Hangar Pet by scenario:

    The Ninth Rule


    Trouble Over Terrh

    Gone Dark

    Comments on results:

    • In all scenarios, the regular Elite Scorpions edged out over its Squadron counterpart by between 4.7% to 26.24%.
    • My expectation going into this test was that these Squadron pets would have roughly the same performance as their regular counterparts, so these results are slightly disappointing to see but good to know.
    • Of course, can't tell if this is consistent across the other Squadron pets. I have also seen some anecdotal reports that Elite versions of these squadron hangar pets perform worse than the Normal versions. (EDIT: One sample of said report here)
    • EDIT: Also, while it's visually cool to clutter the skies with legions of fighters, it's also a bit silly that only one of each squadron of six is ever firing at any given time. Like the other 5 fighters in formation are just slacking off. XD
    submitted by /u/DilaZirK
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    Advanced Scorpion Fighter Squadron

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this has been answered or not, but is there any reason why this item isn't available for my KDF Romulan to use with the new carrier?

    submitted by /u/OxPower86
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    Ideas for an amusing storage Fed Fleet?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    So I have my main Fed fleet, which is doing fine, and part of good Armada. So storage is full and shared out. However I keep running out of account and fleet transfer storage between my Alts and Alt accounts.

    So I got an Idea to just build out a Second Fed Fleet myself just for storage of my Alts shared stuff (loot boxes, Tribbles, boffs, etc). An almost pointless idea I realize but I want to move ahead for 2 reasons.

    1st: The idea intrigues me. Its to be a No Level Fleet with 5 useless characters. Only upgrades being considered are storage as needed.

    2nd: I think I can build it pretty easy. I have 5 alt accounts, with spare cash and zen, and plan to leave the fleet at level 0.

    So I just need to decide what type of useless characters to build, how high do I need to level them, and a name for it.

    My first Idea was a Talaxian Fleet Liaison on my Main Account (And they have been started), and then 4 Pakled Engineers. I just imagined them going "Yes! We move stuff, cause We are Strong!" And the Talaxian going "Of course you are, now, let's get back to work."

    Only problem with this is 4 near identical Pakleds are going to be boring to level, even to level 15 or whatever, and I won't be able to easily remember what account I'm on (I had this issue with several Orion alts on the KDF side). So I was looking for other ideas.

    I've already built 2 Ferengi alts on the alt accounts, so not really interested there, but maybe I could transfer one over to be Fleet XO. And I've already built Human, Klingon, Borg, Bolian, Vulcan, Cardassian, Joined Trill, Orion (Alien), Andorian, Romulan, Reman, Catian, Jem'Hadar and now Talaxian Fed Characters.

    The Alt accounts do have Romulans, but no other Zen Store Races, so basic races are all I can choose from.

    I thought maybe use some of the remaining unused races (Tellerite, Rigelian, Pakled, Benzite, Bajoran, Betazed, etc) and make a fleet, but couldn't think a theme.

    I thought maybe, make a Lower Decks theme fleet as they would fit the theme of "less important" characters, but then I actually might care about them and spend more time on them that warranted for a storage fleet character.

    So to review guideline and limits.

    1. Fleet function is storage and will be 0 level (Unless some tier should leveled cheaply for some utilitarian reason?)

    2. A unique (compared my my other main alts) but sort of boring Liaison Fed character on my main account. (I have a Talaxian, but could make any race suggestion, free or Zen store.) Ships available from Basic, Rom, Imtel, battle cruisers, and Lifetime bonuses.

    3. The 4 Alts (to make the base 5 for a fleet) can any lifetime account Basic or Legacy of Romulas Races. Only basic and lifetime ships available.

    4. No ferengi suggestions, please. I could use one as a Fleet XO, but I dont feel like leveling another ferengi and they just don't seem right without D'Kora ships, which I dont feel like buying more of.

    So thats it. Thanks the read and hopefully suggestions.

    If you have any tips on what to do with such "useless" characters to make them more useful, or ideas or reasoning to do the same FDF fleet, I'm all ears.

    TLDR: I want ideas for 5 "less important" characters and a theme to build a 0 level storage fleet (Besides Ferengi).


    submitted by /u/Ordeiberon
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    Looking for TOS era RP group

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    I'm not necessarily looking to join a fleet right now, but I am looking for a consistent group of people who are about RPing in the old school setting. Shoot me a DM if you happen to be in one of these and are looking for folks.

    submitted by /u/Starmada9801
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    Could we get some separate Squadron upgrades for all of the other fighters, like the Kelvin Timeline Assault Drones?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    I quite like the Squadron design (lack of DPS not-withstanding, though I'm sure they'll do a balance pass on them to get them up to par) of overwhelming amounts of fighters and would very much enjoy seeing that applied to more of the in game fighters as a bonus alternative visual option to go with the current standard in game fighters.

    submitted by /u/Zageles
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    something seems off ... (Risian Science Vessel)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:06 PM PDT

    oooh ya, its all coming together

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    How do I get this sandcastle/monument?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:39 PM PDT

    Is it possible to do just space random TFO?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Just did some random tfo for the first time today and was wandering if there is a setting to do just random space tfo?

    submitted by /u/HippoWorldly
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    This sub kicks ass!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    Level 34 Ps4 player, relatively new to STO. I really love this game and this sub is really awesome, plus, very helpful & informed. I'm constantly surprised at how deep the game is, given its age. Anyway, thanks community!

    submitted by /u/Reel_Coyote
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    Who decides what is "offensive?"

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Since we're airing grievances I'd like to point out some stuff on behalf console players.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:17 PM PDT

    For YEARS on xbox and ps4 ship abilities like cloaking, saucer separations (or any sort of separation for that matter) and transformations have been broken and essentially unusable, you can activate all of them just fine but deactivating them or recalling separated parts of your ship is a roll of the dice requiring you to spam the button hoping something happens. I have never seen someone use a cloak while playing on xbox because they know that if they do they won't be able to do anything for the rest of the match.

    I read every blog post hoping they've listed that they fixed it but that still hasn't happened yet. There are many beloved ships with one of these mechanics, the Enterprise-D features a saucer separation the Prometheus and it's variants, the Odyssey has 2 saucer separations, both broken, section 31 ship can't switch between forms, literally every romulan and klingon ship features a cloak, all of them broken and I fully expect the ba'ul sentry ship to be broken when it finally releases on console too.

    This isn't just something small that can be forgiven and ignored, a very large portion of the ships in the game do not work right and if these issues and any other are going to get fixed they need to be brought up at every opportunity, assuming cryptic/pwe want our money that is.

    submitted by /u/JimbobXBubbaloo
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    Created some new Uniforms for my fleet, I've had positive reviews from my Officers. Sorry for bad quality, out of Screenshot Space

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 01:40 PM PDT

    What is the meaning of this intence bass?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    Swimming Motion Animation

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    On Risa, now; in the water, thinking about how it would be nice to have a swimming motion so we could "swim" around.

    It could open up new events, like turn the biathlon into a triathlon with swimming as the other athletic event.

    It could open up new Risa items for the vendor, such as flippers of different qualities that improve thrust and or maneuverability while swimming.

    I don't know, I guess I'm a little high & daydreaming. 😊

    submitted by /u/Maelstrom70
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    Deflector dish help

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    I'm an eng currently running a beam build flying the t6 fleet shepherd cruiser. Just trying to figure out what is the best deflector dish to use from reputation or otherwise wise, currently not reached the level to get fleet deflector from the fleet colony yet

    submitted by /u/Away_Ship_5272
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    Just tossing some latinum into the fountain..

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    I'm pretty big on the barbie aspect of STO. Devs, I'm wishing upon a star for a blue set phaser omni beam.

    Orange is great and all but I run blue phasers and really wish i could have two in the back.

    Maybe in an alliance rep?

    A girl can dream.

    submitted by /u/Kaylii_
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    How to Win STO Summer Event Risa Lohlunat Festival Powerboard Races

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    I get a lot of people on PS4 asking how I seem to win "all" the powerboard races during Making Waves and the Biathlon.

    No, shockingly, I do not use "cheat codes" like I was accused of last year. Honestly, the first trick is to luck into an instance that isn't going to rubber band you all over the place, and do things like mysteriously gluing you to ramps, throwing you onto the beach when you're flying through the fiery Biathlon checkpoints, or giving that all important first boost in the Biathlon to the person 1.5 lengths behind you.

    Secondly, use an 88/80 board because, simply, you'll never hang with the top dogs on a slower option. If you are a player who "needs" the 150 Turn Rate of the inferior boards for "more control", you have two options- either get the 88/80 board and learn to use it without the superfluous turn rate (AKA: Git Gud), or embrace mediocrity. As well, make sure you are using the Risian Tribble. It is the only tribble that will buff your board's inertia for the duration of the race- and before anyone asks, run-speed buffs have zero effect on the races, neither with the floaters nor the boards.

    The final trick is to practice. I have over 1,600 races under my belt, and spent the greater part of the 2017-2018 Risa events (and part of 2019 as well) using the powerboard instead of dancing or running down artifacts for Qwen & Sovak, just getting a feel for how to control it, understanding it's nuances, and running the course over and over to build muscle memory.

    The result, is that your Risian Empress now has a 92% First Place Rate, and a 97% 1st or 2nd Place Rate. My best times for each race are 1:13 for Making Waves and 1:25 for the Biathlon. The former is 1 second shy of the known record (1:12 set by Sinclair@N7_Kestrel in 2017) and to my knowledge, currently, my 1:25 is the record for the Biathlon on PS4, but 1:24 is definitely doable, so it may not be.

    Anyway, hope this helps a few people out.


    submitted by /u/AprilKollar
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    Badlands looking space attack

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Hey guys I'm just wondering about that crazy vortex looking move ppl use, it looks like one of the tornado looking things in the badlands where can I get it. Is it a science button or a console it comes off?

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Minimech79
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    Getting annoyed with Risa

    Posted: 22 Aug 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    Just a post confirming my annoyance with Risa last night, ended up shutting down my pc in anger.

    Power board race I got to the end and wasn't able to catch the 3rd place flag as was going to fast(smashing f as going past) went to go back for it and I get disqualified for going out of bounds (even though I've past the finish line)

    Then I go for the biathlon, and the time runs out before I can get to the end, literally out by 2 seconds...

    I know I've got the basic floater and power board but I'm not going to be able to upgrade with not being able to complete the races...

    submitted by /u/hedgeme91
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