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    Friday, April 9, 2021

    Star Trek Online Ambassador Kael is asleep upvote U.S.S. Kael NCC-214

    Star Trek Online Ambassador Kael is asleep upvote U.S.S. Kael NCC-214

    Ambassador Kael is asleep upvote U.S.S. Kael NCC-214

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    Uhh... I think I already have that one?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 01:46 AM PDT

    That Face When STO Teases T6 Oberth But You Get This Thing Instead...

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    Ten Forward Weekly 07.04.2021: Delta Recruits

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    Links: Twitch, Facebook

    Topic: Delta Recruits

    Guest: Senior Content Designer Jesse Heinig

    To those who were waiting for this: sorry.

    • Recruitment events were created mostly for retention, as opposed to attraction, although the fact that new players could be attracted by it were also considered while forming the list of tasks.
    • When Andre discovered that they have all those recruitments laying around, he decided that they should be rerunning them "as often as possible", because such big feature that took significant time to do shouldn't be only run once.
    • In preparation for Temporal recruitment rerun, there are some changes to TOS experience that are being done.
    • Jesse repeated that yes, the old DRs would also be updated to modern standard.
    • There would be updates to DR storyline, because some of the old content became aged, outdated and sidelined, so while they still want to keep it available, they won't be pushing us to it.
      • Breen arc was the most prominent issue here, as it was very important to DRs, being its conclusion point, but as the first expansion it's really showing its age. Now it won't be part of the DR campaign.
      • Now DR would be more strongly tied into the events happening during the Delta Quadrant and Iconian war arcs, as before there were no resolution to the preparation efforts characters made.
      • Cutscenes, both intro and outro, are updated to modern Westin standards.
    • Some reward updates:
      • Reaching lvl 60 would award some reputation "goodies" predominantly for fleshing out reputation gear, like marks and salvage.
      • Admiralty progression rewards added, campaign requirement tied to characters' faction, with U.S.S. Voyager admiralty card as the final reward.
      • All big rewards are still available on any faction, but each faction still have small rewards for their unique arcs.
      • "Optional" arcs are now excluded from the progression (Breen, Spectres, Nimbus).
      • On the other hand, there are now recruitment tasks in missions up to and including the Iconian war.
    • They're planning the rerunning of the other old recruitments. (As said earlier - Temporal next.)
    • Jem'Hadar and Starfleets of the past are obviously excluded from the DR.
    • Featured episodes rerun seems unlikely to happen at all.
    • It took Jesse month of dedicated time to update the recruitment.
    • Were they making STO with current knowledge and experience, they would've made Boffs more of a characters, both mechanically and in terms of personality, but the current system is waaaay too deep-rooted.
      • Jesse thinks that current system could be improved and is trying to find the time for it (for an example he pointed at training manuals that require too many steps to use).
    • They can't make mobile doff or management app, as they don't have team capable of creating it.
    • There wouldn't be any new costume rewards to go with updated DR.
    • Nothing is preventing DIS-style klingon from being DR.
    • Mike refused to comment about the recent Oberth image.
    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    Newbie to STO

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I am a newbie to Star Trek Online after finding an enjoyment in watching all of the series during this pandemic we have been living in. As an adult casual player though I find it hard to invest tons of time into this game and have been trying to find good sources of current information about how to build my captain, and my starship to keep my away team alive in the ground, and all the souls on my vessel in good condition as we travel the quadrant...

    Can you veteran players point me in the direction of who you think gives good information for someone like me so I can use my time well as I begin my new adventure?

    submitted by /u/Kha05
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    cant wait to get my hands on the Jovian class but something feels a little Ḭ̶̧̙̍́̈́n̸̥͍̳̏͒̊̄d̶̨̢̼̤̊o̷̧̺͑c̸̩̥̟͊̅̕ͅt̸̲̙̻̅̉̆͜r̷̃͜i̵͙͝ņ̶̫̼͓̈́͊͝ä̸̱̳̠̙́̍͠t̶̻̥̠́͝i̶̲͇̠͘n̵̠͚̠͓͛̀̕g̵̰͉͉̾́̈́ about it

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:02 PM PDT

    Upcoming Delta Recruitment Event.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    So looks like the Matha Raptor in the C-Store lists is as part of the Delta Operation Pack. Wonder how much the pack will be at launch then.

    submitted by /u/ginobaldelli2
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    What do you think the Federation "Level Boost Legendary" will be?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:26 AM PDT

    With the new D7 going along with the KDF level boost it's inevitable we'll get a boost for 2409 Federation characters which, I assume, is the most popular character choice.

    The thing is we've had so many Legendary Fed ships already that we're running out of desirable ships to entice people to pony up the 12k Zen. I doubt many people buy the booster for anything but the ship, and see the rest as a bonus.

    Do you think they'll re-use a ship from the 10th Anniversary bundle (the Legendary Odyssey seems like the obvious choice), a new Legendary version of a ship we've already had, or something new like a Legendary Miranda?

    submitted by /u/Freemind62
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    Kaplan F17

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 04:18 PM PDT

    Looking for items/equipment that spawn more entities

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    As the title indicates, I'm looking for items or equipment that create additional ships or persons. To be clear, I'm looking for things that remain in-play as semi-autonomous entities for a minimum of 60 seconds. Swarmer Matrix is cool, but the swarmers despawn very quickly, and things like destructable torpedoes are not even to be thought of.

    So far, I've got, in Space, turrets, aceton assimilators, fighter squadron (device) hanger pets, Fleet Support, Pirate Distress call, and the assimilation matrix.

    On the ground, I'm ignoring the basic BO abilities, and the basic Kit Modules (turrets, mortors, generators) because I already know those. I have the ability that beams down a security squad, and the Universal Kit Module - Assimilation. Also the Borg Combat Structure Kit, but that's not REALLY what I'm looking for.

    Any other items that I should look into?

    submitted by /u/jgzman
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    Trying to work out if this is worse than the time I was 5xp short on mastering a ship

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Are there any demorecord file editing utilities?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    I know you can edit the file directly in notepad, but that's tedious, and you have learn the structure as well (which has eluded me the few times I've attempted it). Does any software exist make editing them easier?

    submitted by /u/nuublarg
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    Dear fellow players: I apologize for the incoming nerf

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    I started playing again after a couple years off, and the Lorca console is, like the Leech before it, the universal meta console. When I first started playing the Leech was it. Just as I was able to afford to buy it, they nerfed it. Epic'd out my antiproton beams cause they were meta. Nerfed. Then I took a break. Came back a few months later and the Plasma consoles were the meta. I grinded my way to them and ... nerfed. Left for a while, came back and Feedback pulse was meta and ... nerfed. Left, came back to the game and found new life in the Klingon/Ferengi Admiralty ToD dil wonderfulness. Nerfed.

    So, here I am in a new meta world full of Lorca consoles, Dark Matter torps, and Tilly shields. I apologize in advance for the incoming nerf.

    submitted by /u/DrGrabAss
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    (XB1) Can't transwarp to Defera or Bajor

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    When I hold 'A' to bring up the Standard Actions menu, selecting Transwarp Destinations > Alpha Quadrant > Bajor doesn't do anything.

    Nothing happens on Transwarp Destinations > Alpha Quadrant > Defera either, but there is a seperate direct Transwarp Destinations > Defera System that DOES work.

    I really just want Bajor to work. Otherwise it's a pain having to fly there manually all the time.

    submitted by /u/plebotamus
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    Personal Endeavor: Shield Heal (Space)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:22 AM PDT


    So this one is part of my mix today. I loaded up the mission "Midnight" (I also needed to defeat Heralds, so two birds/one stone), and got most of the way through this one before I had to go off to Iconia BC. But it's frustrating. The ship I was using has both Science Team and RSP, and what progress I did make in the Endeavor seemed to have zero correlation with my activation of those abilities. I'd wait until my shields were down, hit ST, and nothing. Then later, for no discernible reason, the progress bar would jump.

    Am I having an atypical experience on this? If not, could someone tell me what the heck is going on here?

    Thanks, and have a great day.

    submitted by /u/IKSLukara
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    This looks kinda wrong

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:07 AM PDT

    Different day, different outcome - First Contact Rocket Launcher glitch.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    So a couple days ago when I got the glitch and couldn't do anything, it still gave me rewards and credit for the day.

    Today it gave me an AFK penalty.

    submitted by /u/ScubaTrek
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    Problem With Alien Heights

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 12:24 AM PDT

    Problem With Alien Heights

    So I'm like really OCD and this is really bugging me. I have three alien officers, only one of which has no problems. My alien engineer (to my right) is supposed to be 5'9" (slightly taller than I, 5'8") and my alien science officer (to my left) is supposed to be 5'2" and yet she looks a lot tinier. I've looked through the sliders countless times but I can't for the life of me find the problem so any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.


    submitted by /u/LaserCatsEmpire
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    Are you doing the latest event?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 08:27 PM PDT

    So are Cryptic ever going to finish T6'ing the old lockbox ships?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    I mean all that is left now is the Hirogen ships and thats it. I realise they want to do as many new ships from the new series as possible but it's got to be depressing for those that open infinity boxes to receive a T5U ship since there isn't even any variety anymore. Hell the booby prize mirror T5 ships are often more expensive on the exchange than the Hirogen escort these days. Come on guys finish what you started.

    submitted by /u/Seraphim1982
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    Is STO's customer service on vacation?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    I am having an issue using a free captain rename token I got I'm not quite sure where I got it I thought it might have been from the lifetime membership or possibly a giveaway but can not find the one that actually gave it to me I remember getting it and thinking I would never use it as I don't change my captains names ever. Well I decided to use it on my new discovery klingon but when I go to change the name the window pops up says free for the token but when I click on it the whole window closes and I am unable to change my name.

    I put in a ticket on Monday asking for assistant with this issue and they have yet to even look at the ticket. I understand they could be busy but 4 days going on 5 now without even looking at the ticket or even responding to let me now they are looking into it seems a bit excessive I have never had them take longer than 24 hours to respond to any ticket I have put in before.

    Does anyone have any ideas of how I may be able to resolve this myself any suggestions I can try or is this a long standing bug and rename tokens just don't work if that is the case though then they need to remove them from the c-store until the issue is fixed. I am not opposed to buying a rename token if I have to but there is no way I am willing to do so when it seems doubtful that it would work.

    submitted by /u/RJ_Dragon
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    Anomaly scanner not working as intended

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 09:03 PM PDT

    Just lately I've noticed on both my KDF characters that in space, the anomaly scanner won't show the red circle animation when you tap left d-pad, yet however on ground with the KDF characters it works fine, and on all my fed characters the anomaly scanner works as intended in space.

    I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this on the console.

    submitted by /u/Mrpellaeon
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    Suggestion: 2 new arm patches for Khitomer Uniform

    Posted: 08 Apr 2021 12:21 PM PDT

    With the return of Delta Recruitment, and the presence and impact of the Borg not only in Delta Rising but also Voyager as well, and the alliance with the Co-Operative, I suggest two new faction patches added to the Khitomer uniform top.

    The Delta Rising delta, and the Co-Op Borg faction emblem.

    submitted by /u/KellMG96
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