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    Saturday, April 10, 2021

    Star Trek Online When you're not included in the rocket launch competition...

    Star Trek Online When you're not included in the rocket launch competition...

    When you're not included in the rocket launch competition...

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    I started a Klingon Recruit and just got my favorite Klingon ship and here she is (apologies for it not being my usual standard but I am having issues with my editor :( )

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    Coming back after a bit and having a couple of questions regarding inventory and duty officers

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    EDIT : SOLVED! Thanks for the replies. I hope that if any old-timer like me encounter this issue will find this post as solution.


    i recently started playing again after a few year hiatus.

    I noticed that my lvl 51 KDF toon can't send duty officers, which is odd since i'm pretty sure they were already active at that level, but idk if they changed something (but hovering over the button it says that i should have them active by lvl 11). If anyone could tell me how\where to fix it, it would be awesome.

    Second thing i seem to have a bunch of people in my inventory and i have no idea what to do with them (see screenshot below)... again, if someone could tell me how\what to do with it it would be awesome.


    submitted by /u/Ther0
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    Vorgon Cruiser, Alliance Shield.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:35 AM PDT

    Sonic Shower Thought: Allow players to forgo rewards from a TFO, to prevent that TFO from going on cooldown.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    This doesn't have to be anything crazy, just a menu option like difficulty to select if you want to receive rewards for the TFO. If you chose to not receive rewards for the TFO, the TFO doesn't go on cooldown.

    This is similar to the idea of when in a premade HSE, players can leave the TFO after the Queen is defeated but before scanning to prevent the Queue from going on cooldown.

    This is specifically for players who no longer need the rewards from TFOs but don't want to wait the 30 minute cooldown to enjoy their favorite Borg TFO again.

    Also as an extra, add something in game to track the number of times a TFO has been played, and / or its rewards forgone.

    submitted by /u/79215185-1feb-44c5
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    How do you hail star fleet to report

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    I am a new player and I can't figure out for the life of me how to hail star fleet to report

    submitted by /u/ArmedSeaturles
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    My Mixed Dimensions ships came in way earlier than expected! Though that isn’t how you spell Ulysses guys...

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Legendary Jem’Hadar Pack ideas?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    So, I've seen some posts about future pack ideas, and see that some are forwarding the notion of single-ship-plus-fluff packs for the 2409 Feddies. This makes some sense, but while I disagree with some ideas as to which ship would be included (the Oberth is not "legendary," sorry), it makes me ask a more important question:

    What do you do for the Jem'Hadar?

    Of course, the most legendary ship (both in canon and in the history of this game) is the Bug ship. And of course, you're lying to yourself if you don't think that a Legendary Bugship will come at some point. The JHSS in Mudd's doesn't matter, because "T6 capable" was a thing for those that don't remember. Cryptic will absolutely eat their own lunch, in favor of "the new hotness." They did it before, literally, with this ship.

    My wish for the ship itself is like many others... 5/2 layout, Pilot or Miracle Worker primary, Vanguard Wingmen... all of that seems like a given. Again, my question is for this discussion: what do you do for a faction that STARTS at near-endgame? You can't offer a level-up token. It makes zero sense. Cryptic has to know that. So, what do you offer instead?

    It's not going to be much, as the rest of the pack is "fluff." Sure, you could throw in some small stack of BTA keys, and/or some T6X upgrades... but that is a bit boring. Most of these legendary packs offer themed items, so here is a list of potential themed items:

    • Vanguard Polaron space weapons: This is probably the most "pie in the sky" item, mainly because a proper DomPol revamp was cut from VIL "because of time." (Yes, I'm bitter about it still, LOL.) Since you can't get a level-up token, you need something "worth it" in its place... and a full Dominion-themed space weapon suite with PROPER CANONICAL VISUALS would be nice. Now, I call it Vanguard Polaron because it is new, but if you just want to fill out the existing DomPol variant, I can live with that!

    • Holographic Odo bridge officer: This is probably the second-most "pie in the sky" item, but that is mainly due to the passing of Rene Auberjonois. I'm not sure if Cryptic would have permission to use his likeness on a BOFF, at least without his family's permission. Maybe I'm wrong, and because he is already in-game, then they can go for it... but this would be a nice addition. Sure, you could throw in a Weyoun in place of Odo, but again, I'm thinking "new fluff" here.

    • A "friends of the Dominion" BOFF pack: Now, I'd take another three JHV BOFFs, allowing you to slot six instead of three... but, if that doesn't happen, then a pack with a Dosi, Wadi, and Karemma would be kinda interesting.

    • Cardassian ground weapon set (pistol and rifle): I know, it's not strictly a Dominion thing, but it is close enough. Think something very similar to the Bajoran weapons. Cardie weapons were, again, something cut (or forgotten about?) during VIL "because of time." The models and visuals are already in-game, so this is a slam dunk (unless, of course, you do a Legendary Galor...).

    • An epic Kar'takin: If you don't do the Cardie weapons, then this is even more of a no-brainer. And this was, AGAIN, something cut or forgotten about for VIL (sensing a theme, are you???). This also seems the most realistic of everything I have listed so far.

    • A never-expiring vile of KetWhite: Getting to the "grasping at straws" portion here... thinking of a ground device, once per character, that gives you all the benefits of White, without ever running out.

    • A unique costume of some sort: Really coming up empty here. Could be a Vorta-specific costume, or maybe the Founders robes. While I'm not sure about the latter, I learned that the former is actually already in game for free (thanks to running into someone at DS9 a few weeks ago). If those don't work, then maybe some costumes related to my "friends of the Dominion" BOFF pack... I dunno.

    COST: Obviously, the key is going to be the price. More obviously, I want to see the "juice being worth the squeeze." If Cryptic charges 12k Zen for this ship, then I don't think doing most of this list (including my space weapons idea) is unreasonable. Now, if they decided to do something closer to the Mirror Galaxy-X, then I could see more of the smaller items being stuck in there.

    Even if they made a L-Bug with Intel primary (YAWN, we have too many Intel ships right now), it would be a very good ship with a very good trait and console. I'd pay 6k Zen, no sale, for the ship by itself, no fluff. But, I don't think they'll do that, and I'm seriously doubtful we'll get something as cheap as the Gal-X again.

    So, what are your thoughts? Anything I've overlooked? Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/mhall85
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    What could possibly go wrong.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Is chroniton an "exotic" energy type? Is that why it's not one of the Cyclical Modulation energy types?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:58 PM PDT

    Character is invisible in tailor

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    My sister just started playing STO, and she's made a 25c Federation unjoined Trill. She's been getting on well, but she has run into an issue. Whenever she tries to change her outfit, in the character customisation screen the main window on the right where the character appears is blank expect for the occasional visible sliver of brown. We have tried changing the costume, zooming in and out, changing the lighting settings, even closing and reopening the game, and we can't find any way to make it work.

    submitted by /u/Albert_Newton
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    Fleet store transfers

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:03 PM PDT

    I'm going to delete a couple rarely used characters for delta recruits, but each of them have a couple hundred thousand fleet credits I need to spend. The only thing I've found that I can buy and transfer to alts appears to be DOFFs. That's fine, but am I missing anything?


    submitted by /u/IMissSWG
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    Star Trek Online - DSC Starfleet - Here Come The Cardassians | EP 26

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    Klingon recruit outro?

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:32 PM PDT


    So, yesterday i have finished the klingon recruit story, but i feel it is incomplete. Ok, now i know who was giving me tips on the enemies of the empire, but i still don't feel being done with it.

    Is it because the Klingon Civil War is not finished or I missed something?

    submitted by /u/Puhi97
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    Plan to buy the KDF Captain bundle, but wait for delta event on April 15 to claim it

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:54 PM PDT

    Is this a feasible plan? I have the dilithium/zen via all my alts.

    submitted by /u/soulcatcher357
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    Cyclical Modulation starship weapons: a meet-in-the-middle solution

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    The Cyclical Modulation tech already exists for ground weapons, why not apply it to a set of space weapons - cannons, turrets, dual beam banks, beam arrays… with unlimited usage on a ship - no "one at a time" thing.

    There's those that want customized-color beams. As Kael said a week or two ago on TFW, the hue shaders were pulled at the request of CBS (since phasers are supposed to be blue or orange, etc.)

    Cyclical Modulation weapons, I think, would be a good way to meet in the middle; instead of on the melee control, instead the cycler would be in the Tactical Officer menu; so they wouldn't have to deal with implementing a hue shader - somehow - on console, since it uses existing tech, and folks who want to custom-color their weapons have that capability (to an extent).

    The catch is all the energy weapons would be on the same cycler, so they'd be all firing the same type.

    Since the originals were part of a Borg-themed event, maybe these could be a Borg-themed Event Campaign III, Part 4 or 5.

    Just an idea.

    submitted by /u/The_Trekspert
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