• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 18, 2021

    Star Trek Online Zen Charge Bonus, 50% Lobi Store Sale!

    Star Trek Online Zen Charge Bonus, 50% Lobi Store Sale!

    Zen Charge Bonus, 50% Lobi Store Sale!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:03 AM PST

    Cryptic: Please fix your QA on patches - you broke the game AGAIN

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:31 AM PST

    The incompetence of the patch team has got to stop. Every update/patch for as long as I can remember has introduced new (or returned old) bugs. Today you fix the fleet donations but somehow managed to break DOFF recruitment at the personnel officers and also broke the security officer.

    You need to stop copy/pasting old code and actually test every system before releasing a patch.

    I was considering buying some Zen today but after yet another patch that should never have made it live I just wont do it. I will not support this game any longer until you fix your mess and stop releasing broken patches.

    submitted by /u/jtzako
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    DOFF missions at various NPCs result in a blank DOFF mission that can't be started (with workaround)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 08:59 AM PST

    Platform: PC.

    When you try to start DOFF missions at the Security Officer NPC (consign prisoners, turn over captured changeling, turn over contraband) or your faction's recruitment officer (Recruit Sci/Eng/Tac/Civ DOFFs or Exchange officers), you are treated to a blank DOFF mission that doesn't take anything and can't be started.

    Workaround: If you then go to your "Personal" tab in the DOFF missions, the entry will be listed correctly there and the mission can be started. It's annoying but not truly gamebreaking. Would still appreciate a fix.

    submitted by /u/AeternusDoleo
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    PSA: Buy the pack on the toon you want the 6 ship slots on.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:38 AM PST

    The slots go directly to that character.

    submitted by /u/Ahab626
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    Reminder: the Klingon Dahar Master Pack is a good bargain

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Since a lot of people are new to the KDF faction, want ships for their KDF recruits, and can't afford/don't want the Legendary Pack, I'd like to nudge people towards the Dahar Master pack, instead.

    It is on sale for 4000 Zen and comes with three T6 ships:

    The Negh'Tev (A variant of the canon Negh'var)The MatHa (maybe the best Raptor in the game, and one of the best ships)The Naj'sov (A pretty awesome Klingon science vessel)

    Each of them normally costs 3000, and there is also a (small) list of bonuses included. It's certainly a good alternative pack for people starting with the KDF. It's also a good way to support more KDF content without breaking the bank.

    submitted by /u/ShaanitheGreen
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    Next PC event

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 05:05 PM PST

    In todays ten forward Jeremy said doing a 10 ship bundle this year was not "reasonable". Ok. Well guess what else is not "reasonable"?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 09:55 PM PST

    Charging the same price for a 4 ship bundle as you did for the 10 ship bundle. So spare us your talk of what you think is "reasonable", k? 😒

    edit: ok, I need to respond to a "point" some people keep making, that "the devs don't set the price". Ok, fine. We get that. But you know what? Even if they don't, when they clearly know that most people think it's overpriced, how about thinking just a little bit about the things you say about it?

    submitted by /u/trekfangrrrl
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    I, For One, Am Incredibly Thankful for the New Anniversary Pack

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:31 AM PST

    So, this anniversary is probably my favorite that I haven't experienced so far (I'm on console and so March seems the likely timeframe in which I'll get to make my Klingon recruit)

    • I get to make a Klingon orc and they're a recruit

    • PC players are doing an amazing job of beta testing it

    • The event ship is bawler

    And for the icing on the cake, Cryptic has released a bundle that I have almost zero interest in ever buying. Basically, between the 3 ship coupon in December, the release of the remastered Luna and the Temporal pack on the Mudd market, I have the things I want.

    Do I want a d7? Yes. Did Cryptic include it in the bundle? Hell no.

    They didn't even make the B'rel upgrade a must have, making my normal t6 b'rel no less optimal than it was before

    Whether or not the powers that be in Cryptic intended it, they introduced the best bundle they could have for me not to buy and made this entire anniversary great. It's one of the few times that Cryptic has done something disappointing but hasn't managed to make me want to stop playing

    Keep up the good work and don't screw up the D7 Legendary bundle (fingers crossed since they'll likely lose a lot of money on the current bundle)

    submitted by /u/BeyondDoggyHorror
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    20% Ship & Bundle Sale

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:36 AM PST

    Just take my money, gameprint! Bajoran Shield on Temer Raider

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 09:21 PM PST

    20% Ship and Bundle Sale!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:54 AM PST

    What is this effect?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 11:33 PM PST

    Is it just me or does it look like Gowron got nasty with a Nausicaan Princess?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 07:35 PM PST

    Lifetime Subscription on console going away for maintenance/fixing

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST

    I've had it from the first day on console--what's going on with it where they need to take it down for now? Does anyone know?

    For reference:


    submitted by /u/Direwolf016
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    When did the Vaadwaur get cloak-tracking tricobalt torpedoes that chase you FASTER if you go to full impulse?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 11:16 PM PST

    Fifteen toons, many who've run ambush ships, and this is the first time in memory that I'm seeing these things. It's... kind of jarring.

    submitted by /u/Elda-Taluta
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    Bug Report: New patch broke effect icon resizing keybinds.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:42 AM PST

    Hey, I know this is a relatively minor issue comparatively, but the recent patch broke the keybinding option to resize the scale of effect icons (the little tags that show what buffs/hazards/effects are on your character and/or your target). Every time I try to use the command, it throws "Unknown command "GenSetEarlyOverrideFloat" in my system chat.

    This is somewhat important to me as they are normally so tiny that it's very difficult to identify what they are. I (and many others) have for several years now been using keybind commands to upsize these to make them easier to see.

    Hoping to get some visibility (heh) on this issue, so that Cryptic can help out those of us that can't afford PremiumTM Eyesight.

    submitted by /u/XcaliberCrusade
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    Believe it or not, I'm currently cloaked

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 12:49 PM PST

    I got my title from the bet I did with keal, thank you ambassador!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 05:03 PM PST

    Ten Forward Weekly 17.02.2021: 2021 Legendary Bundle Ships

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 06:45 PM PST

    Links: Twitch, Facebook [1:35]

    Theme: 2021 Legendary Bundle Ships

    Guests: systems designer Jeremy Randall and lead ship and UI artist Thomas Marrone

    Stream started with Thomas' cat lazing around and Mike's (named "Chatty") attacking the camera.

    Also, Thomas had nice "Captain Proton" shirt.

    • None of the trio had information about why bundle's pricing is what it is, as that's outside of their area of competence.
    • 10 legendary ships from 10th anniversary bundle nearly burned people out, but they felt that for such a date they should've done that.
      • Jeremy: "Ten was not reasonable."
    • Excelsior and Ambassador were chosen because they're Enterprise B and C, as they already have other Enterprises covered with previous bundle (except J).
    • Before they decided on general cross-faction flying for all ships, they were thinking about making cross-faction HMS Bounty to "test the waters".
    • Vor'cha was chosen because it was contemporary to Ambassador and Excelsior and Thomas just likes the ship's design in general.
    • They're unlikely to make dedicated T6 Kamarag, so they rolled it into Vor'cha.
    • B'rel was chosen because otherwise bundle was becoming way too eng-heavy.
      • That was one of main reasons D7 wasn't included in bundle.
    • T3 Ambassador and Kamarag were the first ships that were made by Jeremy.
    • Holographic Worf boff is an account unlock.
    • There would be more KDF legendary ships.
    • Vo'n'talk looks notably old and unrefined, especially with exposed piping running outside of the ship.
    • In another sad loss to Magic, Jette moved to their team. As such, those 4 ships are the last ones she made for the game.
    • L!B'Rel is 4/2 simply because B'rel retrofit and Kor are 4/2, simple as that.
      • They also mentioned that they're meant to be hit-and-run ships and thus would be good to have some aft weaponry to shoot during the retreat and that there are some good 360 weapons to even the odds compared to 5/1.
    • Raiders were initially envisioned as KDF sci ships.
    • About flanking: raiders either have cloak + normal flanking or no cloak and improved flanking.
      • Temer actually had normal flanking all that time. That was just persistent description error.
    • They took the opportunity to update the consoles as they was getting seriously obsolete by now.
    • Mike screwed up by showing us screen twice in a row, and since it was nothing major, he quickly resigned to showing it.
      • "Oh my god. Oh well. You know what? Here it is. Enjoy."
      • As such: next event is Storm the Spire and the Breach, with reward being "Molor's flaming sword".
      • New event campaign rewards are 2 T6 zen coupons, 1500 lobi or single promo/lockbox ship char unlock.
    • The fact that Qo'nos shipyard's model and interact space were different things is a sign of very old code.
    • They included Ch'Tang's and Qaw'Dun's consoles to L!B'rel because they really doubt that they'd ever do legendary versions of them.
    • Vor'cha was chosen to be K'Mpec's Qo'nos One because the first time we saw the ship, it was carrying him.
      • It, along with J'mpoc's I.K.S. Kri'stak, were made in the image of Gorkon's ship.
    • Thomas is surprised that it took that much to get "A good day to die" name on a trait. Jeremy said that there's already a personal one and they probably should do something about it.
    • Sometimes when they say "we did something by hand" they mean "we wrote the script that did that thing from the scratch", like for recent cross-faction unlock that modified each and every ship in game.
    • They chose DIS style for Excelsior because they felt that they exhausted every canon and reasonable design, so remembered how they TMP Shenzhou and made a reverse.
    • Generally higher-ups trust the design team to know what exact ships to make and don't interfere in that matter.
    • When they were designing "target that explosion" trait, they thought that they'd never make another Excelsior and just slapped it on the random ship. Now that they made Legendary Exelcior, they felt they HAD to put that trait on.
    • From what Thomas knows, while designing original Excelsior, Paramount wanted to make unusually-looking ship, so they designed ship with main Starfleet traits, but using japanese industrial design principle of the time.
    • Implementing ships from other ST games includes too much legal issues, as designs have their own owners, so Cryptic would rather use their own talents.
    • Horatio uses oval saucer to differentiate from other Ambassadors who have perfect saucers and twin neck to remind of STO designs like Odyssey.
    • Horatio was made by EC Henry.
      • Thomas likes Henry's work, particularly imperial Nebulon-B for SW.
    • Upon discovering that community disliked legendary Ambassador being that stimilar to OG one, they chose specs to be irregular combination. They knew that it probably wouldn't be meta.
    • New!L!Ambassador has cloak because it's a prime-intel ship.
      • L!Gal-X lacks cloak because it already has cloak console. Jeremy was unable to answer why L!Konnie don't have one.
      • Ships like Son'a BC were referred as "lockbox weirdos" with no further comment.
    • It was somewhat unclear from comment whether more prime-temporal ships are just coming or coming in foreseeable future.
    • "Ambassador Worf" holo-boff's traits: Aggressive, Superior Honor, Superior Photonic Lifeform, Warrior. Visuals not editable.
    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    Admirality ships of Leg Vorcha and B'Rel for Balruk

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 10:25 AM PST

    Promotional Ship Token

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:35 AM PST

    So, in the upcoming yearly rewards, one of them is a Promo ship coupon. Don't approve of it being character specific, but it is what it is. I plan to use it, just to get a ship I normally wouldn't consider.

    What ship would you choose, and why? Assuming you picked this reward. I'm leaning towards the Ferengi Quark Marauder. I actually love the look of Ferengi ships, and there are so few of them. Plus, it'll fit the personality of the Orion I plan to make as a KDF recruit, on the far flung day that I can do it on console.

    submitted by /u/Satsuki_Hime
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    The Kamarag and Vor'cha

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 09:09 AM PST

    After some testing, I have found that you cannot mix the Kamarag and Vor'cha is you don't own the pack. I Have both a Vor'cha and the Kamarag on a toon, but going to ship customization only shows their standard options, no Vor'cha on Kamarag, and no Kamarag on Vor'cha. Which means, it's exclusive to the 11th bundle

    submitted by /u/Admiral_Jetro
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    STO Admiralty Optimizer?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:17 AM PST

    With an admiralty week on the horizon.. did the Admiralty Optimizer ever get updated any more? Or is there an alternative available?

    submitted by /u/dhosein
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    Hey guess what else? They stealth killed the 'turn in contraband' mission

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 11:16 AM PST

    Just FYI.

    submitted by /u/trekgasm
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