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    Tuesday, February 2, 2021

    Star Trek Online This day extracts a heavy toll

    Star Trek Online This day extracts a heavy toll

    This day extracts a heavy toll

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:43 AM PST

    My senior staff meetings require a shuttlebay, not a conference room

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:50 AM PST

    I want to go to the moon.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:17 AM PST

    The special Phoenix Prize Pack event returns! You can get a free Prize Pack every day, and the packs have a chance at an Experimental Upgrade Token!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:01 AM PST

    Kael's recent comments about T6 versions of certain ships

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:33 AM PST

    Kael made a few recent comments on the official forums that I wanted to share here for those that don't read both:

    Kael's comment below:

    Man, oh man.

    There is so much sarcasm and such dripping from the OP that I almost don't want to respond. But since people are paraphrasing my words, I should repeat/clarify what I said elsewhere.

    It's very easy for places such as this forum and the subreddit to become echo chambers, and for us to not realize that it actually represents a smaller section of the player base - as does the comments I get on social media, or pretty much anywhere it's my job to check. It appears there is a large section of the STO playerbase that simply just...plays the game, and doesn't engage with it otherwise. This is fairly common in video games, and one of the reasons why we get a much bigger response to email campaigns than we do to anything on our blogs, forums, reddit, or social.

    This does not mean we don't care about what our most vocal and passionate players think. That would be a dumb way to run a business. It does that some business decisions are made around things that have proven to do well in the past. Individual, remade Federation ships in the C-store haven't done well in the past. That doesn't mean they're bad, nor that we would stop doing them. As I mentioned in the other post that's being paraphrased here, both the Oberth and the Nova are past the "conversations" phase and into the "work has actually been done on them" phase.

    "So why don't we have them?!" I hear you ask. Well, as I stated in the other post, the one being paraphrased here, as a free-to-play game, we have to make decisions about how to spend the developers' time based on what would give us the most return on that time. A great example of this is bridges - I've said a few times now that we only make new bridges for players if we are also making them for a mission, because then our Environment Artists can do double duty and make one map that does two things, instead of making two maps in double the time, one of which will only be seen rarely by a small subsection of the playerbase. Ships are the same way. The ship release schedule is put together to take the most advantage of the ships that will get the biggest section of the playerbase excited. Generally, the doesn't mean, as beloved as they are, ships that were background ships during a classic Star Trek series. Again, we've released a few of the "most clamored for" ships in the past few years, and they haven't done as well as some ships that I've been told "nobody asked for."

    This is the important part to quote me on: Does that mean we will "never" do these ships? Of course not, if nothing else, Thomas, Donny and Ian are too passionate about their starships to allow older ships to remain in their current state forever. But their time, and the systems designers who make the stats of the ships time, has to be allocated in a way that makes the most sense for the game as a whole.

    Does that make sense?


    Another Kael comment:

    Ok, a couple of things:

    1) If you think I'm not offering the opinions of the fans in every meeting, you are incorrect. Again, not listening to our most passionate players would be bad business. That is happening, even if you don't see it, and it's not just me.

    2) Bridges. Man. I too wish, ten years ago, someone had thought to stick a cool gameplay loop in there. Even five years ago. But we are where we are, now, and the work you're requesting would require pulling a Systems Designer and a Content Designer off of what they're doing now for likely three to six months. Those folks don't have the time. As I've said elsewhere, they started working on the final Klingon Civil War update before House Reborn even launched, and it'll take them the whole time until that launch to finish. Game development is a massive task even when you have a gigantic team. And we have a good sized team. :)

    Another Kael comment:

    Folks, I love you all, I swear. Please understand that I can't come here all the time to point by point refute everything you say. And when I do explain something in detail, posting giant essays about how wrong I am is not exactly helpful. :) Please trust that, while I can't tell you everything, I don't lie to you, and I may know a smidge more about the day to day internals of the game.

    Short responses: The post about bridges seems to understand that all of the work to make bridges viable would have needed to be done years ago, so, yay, I agree. I don't know that we'll ever FULLY bring the faction walls down. You'd still have to pick one at start, for example.

    I have NO idea where the idea that the team was "out of ideas" before Discovery and Picard happened. There was a whole arc planned with a new story after Victory is Life, as VIL was the ending of that particular story. But getting new shows obviously did change that. The idea that we look at player data but somehow don't look at how those players spend is...that's an interesting idea. :)


    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    After a fourty hour DOFF mission... I get this Guy.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:17 AM PST

    Star Trek Online: Eleventh Anniversary Tribute

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:25 AM PST

    Something tells me this officer's going to have problems with focusing on his job.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 09:17 PM PST

    The Ferengi always know the best spots to watch the exchange

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:52 PM PST

    Random TFOs No Variety

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:35 AM PST

    Aren't these TFOs supposed to be random with a large variety in TFOs? I just end up with the Borg space TFOs over and over again.

    Right now I have amassed:

    • 45 Borg Neural Processors (Borg)
    • 3 Ancient Power Cells (Delta)
    • 2 Chrontion Buffer (Temporal)
    • 1 Germanium Carapace Fragment (Gamma)
    • 1 Iconian Probe Datacore (Iconian)

    It just feels so repetitive. Is this normal? I don't normally play Random.

    submitted by /u/waterportfolio
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    Warning: Claiming Improved Warrior's Blood prevents you from claiming the Bat'leth of Sto'Vo'Kor

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:49 PM PST

    If you claim the Improved Warrior's Blood trait before you claim the Bat'leth of Sto'Vo'Kor, the option for the bat'leth disappears and you can no longer claim it on that character. Claiming the bat'leth first and then the improved trait works fine.

    submitted by /u/thebigdonut
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    Has anyone encountered this visual bug during the new Klingon Tutorial?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:14 AM PST

    PSA: How to transfer Dilithium between Characters

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:00 PM PST

    So just a quick PSA for those who don't know.

    Many of you may be making new Klingon recruits and need to get some decent gear on them. Quite a few important pieces of equipment require a fairly substantial investment of dilithium, such as your locators, your rep gear, your deflector, your engines, your traits, your extra trait slots, and, of course, dilithium contributions to get fleet credits. And you probably, hopefully, have some excess dil on your other characters.

    So how to transfer that to your new recruit:

    1. On your character with lots of refined dil, open your the Assets tab of your Inventory and click on Exchange
    2. Make a trade for Zen at an exchange rate that will not be accepted. So, for instance, the exchange rate these days is around 500 dilithium to 1 zen. If you set it to, say, 300:1, then the offer will not be accepted. Set your "Total Dilithium to Sell" to however much you want to transfer, and then Submit the Offer to Buy.
    3. Then, change characters to whomever you want to receive the dilithium. Go to the same place as in (1) and click Cancel Offer and then Withdraw. Ta-da!
    submitted by /u/JuliennedPeppers
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    Kael: A simple request regarding klingon Legendaries.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:11 AM PST

    Please dont let this current Legendary bundle negatively effect future Klingon Legendary ships.

    If poor sales figures get brought up, remind them that it was half KDF, and half FED, therefore, it's not an indication of KDF ship profitablity.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/RaukkM
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    There are a lot of patrols out there... Can you play them all?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:25 AM PST

    The customer support is really THAT bad.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:33 AM PST

    Just contacted cs because I accidentally opened a lockbox ship on the wrong toon and asked politely for a transfer / repack. They basically told me to fuck off.

    I get it that it was "my" fault (even though there was some lag involved in the interface causing me to double press "A" instead of once), but their "help" was a spit in the face, especially considering that I've saved up for this ship for a long time. I honestly don't get how they can get away with such a low effort cs. For me personally this journey with STO is over.

    Farewell captains, hope to see you around in a future (and hopefully better) star trek game.

    submitted by /u/notMyDayZ
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    So close! Of course now I finally have an excuse to invest in melee.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 06:08 AM PST

    What the Klingon should have been.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 03:10 PM PST

    Can we get Mariner's blood-stained rusty bat'leth?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:00 PM PST

    Ridiculously easy (but boring) way to grind dil

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:25 AM PST

    Don't know how many of you guys know this, but there is absolutely ridiculous way to grind dil. Go to New Romulus and repeat Staging Area. 1st time of the day (20hrs cooldown) you get 1,400 dil, after that 720 every time. My fastest "run" was 1 min 41 sec. So 720 dil under 2 mins. If you take it slow, it can be done in 3-4 mins still. Anyway, just thought to report this here. Enjoy easy dil grinding!

    submitted by /u/tkvaisanen
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    Kael: "if ships like these were sold in the C-store with the canon visuals, but not-as-good stats as a promo box version, would that interest folks? And, on the same note, if you bought those ships, would you no longer want the promo box versions with better stats?"

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:17 PM PST

    Note: I had to edit the quote to make it fit the title. Full quote below:

    Hypothetical question, based on nothing but my own curiosity: if ships like these were sold in the C-store with the canon visuals, but not-as-good stats as a promo box version, would that interest folks? And, on the same note, if you bought those ships, would you no longer want the promo box versions with better stats?

    Comment from this post:


    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Can I just have my team back after a TFO?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 10:17 PM PST

    /u/ambassadorkael why is this a bug? I make a team of 2. I join a TFO with my team. We're part of a larger team. We finish the TFO. Now the team is gone.

    This is such a nuisance quality of life issue!

    submitted by /u/sleight42
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    Ahh yes, exactly how I remember film grain from TOS.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 02:34 PM PST


    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:38 AM PST

    Ive been waiting three weeks for help now for Lifetime sub problems. I havent gotten clear help. I dont care about a refund i want my damn rewards!!

    submitted by /u/FickleCurrency5554
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