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    Monday, February 8, 2021

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:52 AM PST

    Let's get the week started with a new question megathread.

    Post all the questions you may have about anything STO-related. PC? Console? Everyone's welcome to post their questions here.

    Stay safe out there and happy flying.


    submitted by /u/Talon_at_Middie
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    The closest that the tailor will let me get to recreating '60s Eartha Kitt

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:27 AM PST

    [PC] Traits keep on annoyingly vanish from ships

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:28 AM PST

    The "Disaster"

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:00 AM PST

    In tribute to Christopher Plummer AKA General Chang R.I.P.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 08:32 PM PST

    One run of Rescue and Search later...

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:55 AM PST

    Elite difficulty can be hilariously fun at times.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 06:59 PM PST

    Does it feel good? Yes. Was it worth it? No.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:16 AM PST

    Anybody else like to base their toons on actors of the same era?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 01:28 PM PST

    Someone double booked the spare room

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:57 AM PST

    The mycelial rift clearly say its spawns 3 elachi rift jumpers but it only spawns 2 sometimes 0 and they last 8 seconds. It says it pulls enemies in within 5km, it doesn't pull anything after 3 seconds and just deals damage after. it says it last 16 seconds but it dosent it last 8

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:10 AM PST

    Event TFO "Synthwave" Unavailable With 5 Days Left?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:05 AM PST

    I'm confused. All the descriptions for the event list a featured TFO to use for daily progress, but the TFO isn't in the PvE menu anymore, and the option of selecting it is shaded out and can't be clicked in the Event menu:


    submitted by /u/Jeremiah12LGeek
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    A little extra benefit of all ships being cross-faction - sector speed record

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 04:35 AM PST

    Previously, speed records could only be set on Fed(-allied) characters as the fastest slipstream was the Chroniton-Integrated version, locked behind the 2-pc console set bonus of the T5 Vesta variants. Now you can claim those ships on KDF too, and I believe the consoles will go on any T6 Multi-mission Explorer (only tested the Romulan ones, since I don't have the Gorn ones). Just a little side-benefit for sector space speed-freaks.

    submitted by /u/Scurry5
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    A compilation of abilities/consoles/set bonuses that produce a giant laser beam/bolt/wave/blast

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 01:51 AM PST

    I have made a past post on this topic, though that was a bit bare and we have gotten some new toys since then. So I wanted to compile all that I have found since that time in one place and see if I have missed out on anything.

    BOff Abilities:

    1. Beams: Overload - With exceptions to Disco-era, Kelvin-era and Vaadwaur beam weaponry.
    2. Torpedo:_High_Yield - Though kinetic in nature, some HY torps could pass for a giant laser bolt in appearance.

    Universal Consoles:

    1. Refracting_Energy_Shunt - Gagarin/Qugh.
    2. Hyper-focusing_Trinary_Arrays - Recon ships. Video one and two.
    3. Spiral_Wave_Blast_Module - Cardassian Intel Escort
    4. Nadeon_Detonator - Long Range Science Vessels. Video.
    5. Projected_Singularity - D'Deridex Warbird
    6. Power_Dispersal_Channel - Vanguard Superiority
    7. Open_the_Maw_of_Grethor - Fe'rang Dread Carrier
    8. Magnetometric_Generator - Koro't'inga Battlecruiser
    9. Immolating Phaser Lance - Deimos Destroyer
    10. Mining Drill Laser Console - T'laru Carrier Warbid. Video.
    11. Amplifying_Ravager_Beam - Hur'q Strike Escort
    12. Variable_Assault_Deflector_Array#Console-_Universal-_Variable_Assault_Deflector_Array) - Inquiry-class
    13. Plasma Wave - Lockbox standalone
    14. Deconstructive_Resonance_Emitter - Lockbox standalone
    15. Delphic_Tear_Generator - Lockbox standalone

    Set bonus abilities:

    1. Weaponized Mycelium Emitter - Imperial Rift D/E/C/S set (Event reward set). Video.
    2. Quantum_Destabilizing_Beam - Quantum Phase Catalysts Console and Weapons set (Story mission set). Video.
    3. Heavy_Graviton_Beam - MACO D/E/S set (Omega Reputation)
    4. Advanced Radiant Hypercharge - Radiant Armaments Console and Weapons set (Iconian Reputation)
    5. Isokinetic Cannon - Delta Alliance Ordnance Console and Weapons set (Delta Reputation)
    6. Photonic Cascade Torpedo - Prolonged Engagement Console and Weapons set (Phoenix Prize pack)
    7. Tetryon Sniper Blast - Apex Predator Console and Weapons set (Lobi)

    Ship Restricted:

    1. Phaser Spinal Lance - Galaxy-X Dreadnought variants (built-in ability)
    2. Nausicaan Javelin - Nausicaan Guramba/Kolasi (built-in ability). Video.
    3. Juggernaut_Array - Vaadwaur Juggernaut (built-in ability). Video.
    4. Chroniton_Lance - Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought (built-in ability). Video.
    5. Plasma_Spinal_Lance - Kara Advanced Warbird (built-in ability)
    6. Gravitic_Lance - Temporal Heavy Dreads (built-in ability). Video.
    7. Phlogiston_Projector - Ships with Experimental Weapon slots.
    8. Heavy_Phaser_Lance - Phantom Intel Escort. Video.
    9. Heavy_Plasma_Lance - Faeht Intel Warbird
    10. Spiral_Wave_Disruptor_Lance - Cardassian ships
    11. Quantum_Field_Focus_Phaser - Multi-Mission Explorers
    12. Isometric_Dispersal_Array - Multi-Mission Explorers
    13. Proton_Destabilizer_Module - Dyson Science Destroyers
    14. Plasma_Destabilizer - Light Warbirds
    15. Focused_Singularity_Modulator - Tactical Warbirds
    16. Phaser Dispersal Array - Andorian Escorts
    17. S.I.F._Inverter - Vorgon Dread
    18. Heavy_Particle_Focuser_Array - Husnock Warship & Miradorn Raider (Though this can fire up to three bolts, so it's inclusion in this list might be a bit iffy)
    19. Tholian_Web_Cannon - Tholian ships. Video.
    20. Fluidic_Energy_Focusing_Array - Undine Ships. Video.
    21. Plasma_Discharge_Array - Na'kuhl ships
    22. Fragmentation_Warhead_Launcher - Sphere Builder ships

    If I've missed out on anything (or even included something that should not qualify), do let me know. I'll also see about keeping this list updated as new toys get added to the game, though no promises.


    submitted by /u/DilaZirK
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    Approaching Qo'nos teleported me outside the map

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:28 AM PST

    Year of the Klingon over (pretty much)? How about doing the Year of EXPLORATION?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 02:37 AM PST

    ... to seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before.

    Seriously: I love this game. I play it multiple hours every day (even if sometimes I'm just logging in to grab necessary reputation marks). But, IMO, it's totally lacking when it comes to about half of what made Star Trek a great idea: the "out there;" the unknown.

    I understand that the game is never going to be, like, a procedurally-generated universe, with wide, endless spaces to putter around in. But I don't know that it necessarily has to be. Making more of the stars/planets on the map able to be visited, and building in gameplay components (which don't necessarily [but can rarely] involve combat) that encourage popping into and out of systems, scanning asteroids, engaging in diplomacy with uncontacted aliens, etc. would go a long way to enhancing the 'Star Trek QOL.'

    No, I don't have a specific system in mind (although if you gave me a few days, I might be able to crack out a few good ideas). And no, I don't believe the core of the game will ever be anything but the space combat (and, hell, it probably shouldn't be). But I shouldn't always, always, always be blowing stuff up. Star Trek has never really been about that (well, until 2009) - it's more cerebral than that. I want STO to give me the opportunity to explore, rather than just rend flesh.


    Actually, I just had a random idea: how about shipswrecks we can explore? They pop up on the map, you zone into an asteroid field, or a planetary nebula (post super-nova star), and there's a wreck. You might (or might not) have to fight off a few pirates, and can board the ship and explore. There may be treasure... or half-frozen borg... or some kind of dangerous pathogen on board. Maybe the experience could open up a small chain of events that takes you to a nearby planetoid, where you rescue stranded crew... or perhaps it's all a trap, and your ship is ambushed while you're away.

    I don't think any of that would be *too* terribly difficult to write and program, and the randomness factor would encourage repeat play. Build enough systems like that into the game, and you've got a lot of additional cheap(ish) activities that fit the bill of 'exploration.'

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Vanity Shields

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 06:49 AM PST

    I am the very fortunate owner of a vanity shield, but am too afraid to unpack it and try it on in case it looks utter crap on my main ship - so it's just left boxed up in my inventory.

    anyone else like this?

    submitted by /u/TyneSkipper
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    Vanishing Fleet Chat: work around

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:59 AM PST


    I had a bug where my fleet chat vanished and no amount of restarting, ram dumping, etc would work. I have also seen a few other's with the same bug. I have found a temporary "fix" that has worked for me twice, and for every other player that I have suggested it to.

    Log off the affected character. Log onto a character of the opposing faction (kdf/fed) who is in a fleet. Have them say anything in their fleet chat. Log out and swap back to your original bugged character, and it should be fixed for awhile.

    Unfortunately this doesn't stop the bug from reoccurring, and does require you to have an alt in a fleet in the opposing faction. But, for now it works reliably when nothing else I have seen does.


    submitted by /u/Tenebrous_Savant
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    [Klingon Recruit - Unforgettable - 100000 Perk XP Reward] Still Unopenable?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:25 AM PST

    I know there were problems with it prior to last week's patch, but I can't see that it was included in the patch notes.

    Any word on when this will be fixed?

    submitted by /u/MrGeoffAtkins
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    Just a theory I had about where the current story might be going.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:02 PM PST

    What if... J'mpok is an undine?

    In Surface Tension Qo'noS is attacked by undine which gives them the opportunity for a few to disguise as normal klingons.

    Then in The Temporal Front the real J'mpok gets poisoned and the disguised undine see this as their chance, they infiltrate the klingon medical team that would take care of J'mpok after he was poisoned and then stealth kill him or send him away somewhere idk but the point is one of the undine then disguises as him and then starts running the empire as J'mpok.

    The next time we see him is in Storm Clouds Gather where J'mpok refuses to let the klingon empire assist with the whole Hur'q thing, seeing it as a way to weaken all the greater powers so the undine can more easily succeed in doing what they failed in Surface Tension.

    Then we have what has recently happened with J'mpok stealing the mycelial weapon from J'Ula and using it on Khitomer which had a double purpose, Kill J'Ula since they were the biggest threat to Undine J'mpok being deposed, and destroying the Alliance HQ as a strategic blow to Alliance forces so the undine could invade more easily. Unfortunately it didn't kill J'Ula so J'mpok had to blame the firing on us and J'Ula when everyone else showed up. After the evidence that it was J'mpok who fired the weapon on Khitomer and not J'Ula or us, the klingon high council basically fell apart making the klingon empire as a whole weaker.

    In the end if J'mpok was an undine trying to weaken the great powers I think they did a good job: the fed/rom/dom took some heavy blows during the hur'q thing which is why they arn't really doing anything during the Civil War here. The Alliance HQ was basically destroyed which sets back the fed/kling/rom/dom ability to coordinate, especially since its said a lot of delegates died in the attack. And finally the klingon empire is in shambles, NOW is the time for the undine to invade and take over the galaxy since the major powers are severely weakened and recovering and the undine also have access to one of the most powerful weapons thanks to undine J'mpok.

    Anyways that's my crackhead theory of what might happen. Its more just a fun shower thought I had that I proceeded to flush out as I was writing this.

    Any critique is welcome!

    submitted by /u/JakeRaines
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    Out of all the Klingon Recruit objectives, I like "Unforgettable" the least.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:25 AM PST

    I know, before people want to pile on, that this is completely optional. As are endeavors themselves. And I don't religiously follow endeavors anyway. But it still bugs me, because I have multiple characters that are set up to take care of certain endeavor types. I've got characters for all the damage types, space and ground, and engineers especially for the heal health and shields. It's nice, because it gives me some variety and encouragement to play more of my characters.

    But now I have an objective that is requiring me to do endeavors on just one character for 84 days, not counting universals. So any endeavor that I play another character on for the next ~3 months is, while not wasted exactly, it's at least not contributing to the goal.

    All of the other objectives are fine, as they're all character-based. But endeavors were by design account-wide, and this narrows that and makes the game a lot smaller, at least for a while.

    submitted by /u/Perrin42
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    Idea for Legendary Holo-boffs being Made more Valuable

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 10:04 AM PST

    I think everyone pretty much agrees that the value proposition of the latest Klingon Legendary Bundle is pretty unimpressive.

    I had a thought that the Holo-Worf could be make the value proposition more... enticing. Give Holo-Worf his absurd unique boff skills from Sphere of Influence!

    And that goes for any other "legendary" versions of holo-boffs. That would make the holo-characters interesting from a gameplay perspective and make them a collector's item.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/panoramicJukebox
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    Weaponized Mycelium Emitter on Bortasqu' is off-center! Gaaaah!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:38 AM PST

    Especially with the quarterly release schedule, what would you think of a season of "mini-arcs", like ENT Season 4?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 03:32 PM PST

    The release schedule is roughly quarterly, which is perfect for smaller one-off story arcs - like "Children of Khan" that's been on the docket for the better part of STO's lifetime.

    Especially since it's four "one-shots" and not a ongoing story, it could (in theory) open up a little extra time for the team to do assorted QoL and other in-the-works things, like the EV suit slot.

    2022 is Wrath of Khan's 40th (!!!!), which would be perfect timing for Children of Khan to finally see the light of day.

    Also, instead of having one story spread across the year, the self-contained "bursts" would allow them to do single-shots (like "Survivor") or two-to-three episode stories.

    Could be fun.

    submitted by /u/The_Trekspert
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    Klingon-allied Romulan Republic character cannot enter Beta Penthe system for Omega daily

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 05:59 PM PST

    My Klingon-allied Romulan Republic characters cannot enter the Beta Penthe system to complete the Omega stabilization daily mission whenever it requires me to go there. I think it's because completion of the KDF mission "Manhunt" is now required to enter that system, because my new KDF character couldn't go there, either, until I completed "Manhunt." Since Klingon-allied Romulan Republic characters cannot access that mission, I don't think they can ever enter Beta Penthe. I ask, please, that this be rectified. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/decobryl
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    Instance scaling for parties of vastly different levels?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 12:01 AM PST

    My friend, who played years ago, recently got into the game again and decided to roll a new character. I wanted to tag along on his missions because, frankly, I don't have a ton else to do. However, even though he formed the group, the missions we entered were scaled to my level 65, rather than his 10.

    According to him, there used to be some kind of a button to press to force scaling, but it isn't there anymore. So how is this accomplished now?


    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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