• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 9, 2021

    Star Trek Online In the off-chance anyone would ever need this, here's footage of the M.A.C.O. Space Set's Heavy Graviton Beam in action.

    Star Trek Online In the off-chance anyone would ever need this, here's footage of the M.A.C.O. Space Set's Heavy Graviton Beam in action.

    In the off-chance anyone would ever need this, here's footage of the M.A.C.O. Space Set's Heavy Graviton Beam in action.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:14 AM PST

    You had one job, guys. ONE JOB. How the hell am I supposed to get up to the bridge now?

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 09:07 PM PST

    And here we see the beautiful Pahvan Anti-gravity waterfalls

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:17 AM PST

    Why did the Undine build these giant planet killer bioships? They can already pop planets with the smaller ships.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:58 PM PST

    Whatever happened to the rare branching DOFF assignments?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:31 AM PST

    Please Read Beyond the Thread Title; This isn't about "assignment chains", its something else

    A long time ago, in a galaxy map with more loading transitions than we have now, I encountered this just once. It was a regular DOFF assignment, "Transport prisoners to X". I picked it just because I had one slot left and not really much else to choose from. Anyway, when it was completed, it had ended with "Hijacked!" or something, and immediately opened up a sort of 'sequel' assignment, where those DOFFs had to survive that hijacking and I guess either get back home or finish their original mission. And I forget whether this was the case or not, but I feel like I remember the failure state would have resulted in losing those DOFFs permanently.

    Anyone else remember this happening? It wasn't like the regular chain assignments, you know, "Caitian Diaspora 2/7" or whatever. It was just a rare completion state that segued into another assignment that was only accessible in this way.

    submitted by /u/cromkaygo
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    USS Sentinel - Inquiry Class

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 07:43 PM PST

    Space Barbie - Looking for the perfect cannon.

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 07:58 AM PST

    I'm trying to find a cannon that gives a yellow visual but that is more of a bolt then a ball. Something between the Pulse Phaser Cannons and the standard Fleet Phaser Cannons. It also needs to scale well with ship size. I want yellow because I feel it'll be on Fed ships more often then not.

    If anyone has any recommendations for non-yellow cannons I'm open to those too. Just hate the cannons that fire balls, I want something I can see but that isn't too busy (makes my screen look like an exploding fireworks factory). I got the Zhat Vash disruptor cannons, sound cool but they're so low key that I can't tell if I'm firing half the time.

    submitted by /u/Lordturin1114
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    You're Going To Need A Bigger Net

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:32 AM PST

    Lukari n'kaam scout ship

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 09:42 AM PST

    Did something recently happen with this ship? I check it everyday on the exchange and grab it when it goes under 2 million (just because I like it.) Today, after the patch I check and they are going for 110 million and over? Its not just one but a bunch. I did a Google search and see nothing new about it. I guess it could be be a quirk that all the low price ones are gone but if I can get that much I will have a few to sell (but just don't see them worth that much.)

    submitted by /u/Mykawa
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    Is there any vanity shield that gives ships this kind of looks?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:27 AM PST

    No patch notes today?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Not seen any...anyone?

    submitted by /u/WoodyManic
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    Anyone knew which impulse this fellow used?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 06:10 AM PST

    He went offline after TFO so didn't get the chance to ask

    some blue and purple flame and holo effect

    submitted by /u/DarthKelvin
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    Jem'Hadar Escort (T5-U) is truly the unsung hero of the post-faction budget player's fleet

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 05:35 PM PST

    One of my minor gripes with the way we get ships in this game is that the lv 61 freebie doesn't come with a free upgrade. Yes, I realise selling things is how Cryptic gets paid. It truly is a very small complaint, especially given the low cost of a pack of upgrade tokens.

    That said, all-faction flying does away with that concern, since now all captain can fly a T-5U Escort for the low low price of 1000 dil (not counting your dil discount!).

    She's a beaut'! Same visuals as the Recon or Strike ship, but no trait or spec seating. In my opinion, It still turns out to be a slightly better ship than the T6 M'Chla Refit since it has 11 console slots (but no cloak) meaning it's basically a fleet-grade T5U ship for a nominal fee! It's a strong candidate for an X upgrade, if you're feeling flush with those these days.

    submitted by /u/ErikRogers
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    I wish we could get a real D4 class battlecruiser

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 12:47 AM PST

    I wish we could get a real D4 class battlecruiser

    Before you proceed, keep in mind: this isn't that important a topic. It's a nit, and I am picking it. But in terms of priorities, it's back-of-the-line, and I am aware of it


    I know that Cryptic's Koro'tinga is their "take" on the almost-was-canon D4, but it's a very flawed and kind of ham-fisted effort.

    STO's Korotinga

    • The model looks extremely dated. There are a lot of sharp, low-poly, unappealing edges on the thing that cannot stand up to modern STO scrutiny.
    • I'm pretty sure it's way too big (meaning: correct me if I'm wrong, but the D4 ≠ D7/K'tinga in terms of scale - it was intended to be smaller). Attempting to stretch the ship to match the scale of the D7 has resulted in something rather gangly, as opposed to the compact design (with a much smaller 'head' section) that was originally intended.
    • The coloring isn't the best - it seems pretty clear that the original ship was going to be a deep, somber grey, very similar to the K'tingas.
    • Similarly, there appear to be way too many lights/windows for a Klingon ship of this era.

    D4 from the Ships of the Line Calendar (considered 'pseudo-canon').

    I'm not advocating for the removal of the Koro'tinga if that's your bag, but rather just the (eventual) addition of a real D4 built at a smaller scale.

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Legendary Vor'cha turn rate is supposed to be 9.5, instead of 6.5

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 11:29 AM PST

    Tour the galaxy ship loadout ?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:22 AM PST

    Tour the galaxy ship loadout ?

    Anyone who's done this recently, Could you list the combo you used on your ship please ?

    So far I have -

    -Gamma rep warp core

    -Adapted MACO engines - but read non adapted impulse engines could be better ?

    -Polaric Modulator

    -Vet ship from the lifetime sub

    -Sec speed in skill tree

    Is there anything else I can do to either up warp factor and/or lower slipstream cooldown ?

    Any insight is greatly appreciated.


    Thanks for all the input everyone, I used the below map, Worked very well, On my first try I nearly made it to the last 1 when the timer ran out, I attribute this to my internet as it is currently absolutely terrible I rubber band ALL THE TIME so I'm guessing I'll have to wait until I move up from a very unstable 20Mbps connection as currently it's simply not possible, I'll save up for the Miracle Worker Tactical and get it in a few months time all being well to give me an extra advantage.


    submitted by /u/TrekFan86
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    Unloved TOS ships I hope one day make it into the hands of the players

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 03:44 PM PST

    The D5 raptor is a design I really like - as far as I know the only places to see them right now are in the AOY mission The Battle of Caleb IV and circling around the KDF K13 holding. It's not the most beautiful ship in the game by any means, but I think it's a neat little midsized TOS ship for the Klingons that could fill the lack of a tactical ship in their 23c lineup.

    The Khenn battlecruiser - I mean, yeah, in basic terms it's a D7 with a bird spraypainted at the bottom. But I think mechanically it could be made unique from the available D7s - with a singularity core instead of a warp core, a Romulan battle cloak, and maybe even Sensor Analysis to make up for the lower power output from the singularity core. Really though, I never expect it to be made into a standalone ship, but at the very least it'd be nice to have the skin available to the D7s we have right now.

    The Gorn Kulshedra science dreadnought, the Ddriag cruiser, and the Makar escort would make a great three pack, and Gorn ships are always fun! They have unique shapes to them and so far we only have playable Gorn science ships. Would be nice to pad the roster for what I'd probably wager competes with the Orion for the most popular KDF race. They're already modeled in the game (even if they are showing age) so it seems a waste to keep them out of our hands.

    The Pioneer Utility Cruiser is always in posts about T6 ship requests, and I understand why. It's a smaller Federation ship, barely bigger than the Daedalus and it looks like a rugged little backstage hero that takes care of the grunt work so the Constitution can have the glory. Super neat and super cute little ship with possibly the best exclusive interior in the game.

    Now being brutally honest I doubt we'll see any of these be playable, with the slim exception of the Pioneer which is playable at T1 but has yet to see a T6 release. I do think that there is a possibility simply due to them already existing in the game, but I'd wager they're very, very low on the devs' list of priorities with two on-air Trek shows and the content coming from them overshadowing content from the past.

    But hey, it's fun to dream, right?

    submitted by /u/MightyVanguard
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    Elachi Subspace Outpost Issues [PS4]

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 10:03 AM PST

    Hi all! You may remember me as the guy who wants a Styx! Well, now I have an issue. Actually, I've had this issue for a while, and could really use some help.

    As the title suggest, it concerns the Elachi Subspace Outpost of the Nal Shadaan System in Delta Quadrant. Every time I try to load into the location to continue a story mission, my game crashes. For those curious, the mission is "What's Left Behind: Outpost 001." It'll put me in the loading screen, get ~75% done, and then crash.

    Does anyone have some help/advice as to what I can do? I've been sending the error reports, but I've been through 2 patches with no improvement, so I'm not sure what to expect at this point.

    submitted by /u/Numorex
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    Will my away team use the set powers from their weapon and armor sets?

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 03:50 AM PST

    Would be funny to see a tac boff lunge into some borg and then use "give me some room!" from sompek's set. Some of you guys put so much dilithium into the phoenix store to get an epic drop diverting a few vouchers to get several sompek sets won't be much of an issue.

    Could i have my squad run into groups of enemies and blast them all one after another? after three "Give me some room!" attacks most groups should be sufficiently microwaved to be made into tasty and presumably crunchy Borg-ritos.

    submitted by /u/Wotzehell
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    Inactive Fleet Leader

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 08:06 AM PST

    Jolan'Tru! I'm an officer in a Fleet, and other officers and myself have invested a LOT into our Fleet, but are having an issue with the current Fleet Leader. Last year they were going to pass the Fleet Leader position to one of the other officers because they were not playing much anymore or invested. We are trying to do more with the Fleet, but due to not having the leader position is stopping us from making the changes we need to make. In the end they decided to keep the title instead of handing it over. Well fast forward, and now they haven't even been active on STO for several months.

    We are trying to do more with the Fleet and get out of the trash armada we are part of that is just using us, but I cannot find how to intact a change of leadership so one of the other officers can finally get the position. If someone could lead me to the proper channels, my fleet and I would be greatly appreciative.

    submitted by /u/Banagonist
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    Solo KDF fleet looking for a gamma spot in an armada

    Posted: 09 Feb 2021 05:59 AM PST

    Basically what the title says. I have two fleets that I started back in the day with all my friends. They've moved on from STO for reasons (coughcoughmonetizationcough) and I'm too stubborn to quit our old fleet and join a new one. I'm way into the sunk cost fallacy at this point, basically. ;p

    Anyway, my KDF fleet has been on the backburner while I focused on the Fed side, but my fed fleet is now done with everything except for the colony, so I'm looking to shift focus. The dilithium discount from my Fed fleet's armada was a big boon, so I was hoping some armada out there would be willing to accommodate me as a gamma level fleet.

    If you've got a spot, send an e-mail in game to @ Heavensrun. I'd appreciate it.

    (Edit: Oh, I'm on PC, BTW, forgot to include that, thanks to u/CaesarJefe for pointing it out.)

    submitted by /u/Heavensrun
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    Put Talaxians on the Z Store and give LTSers something cool like Synths or Augments instead.

    Posted: 08 Feb 2021 12:17 PM PST

    How am I meant to fulfil my dreams of rolling a Talaxian Tribble breeder without spending loads of money on an LTS? I could go Ferengi I suppose but they wouldn't have come all the way from the Delta quadrant with a cargo hold full of creatures that unbeknownst to them are considered pests in the Alpha/Beta quadrants. Plus I'm intrigued to find out if anyone else has characters devoted to weird endeavours?

    submitted by /u/DanMcE
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