• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 16, 2021

    Star Trek Online I believe I have found my "Yamato Cannon" alternative (Demorecord short clip)

    Star Trek Online I believe I have found my "Yamato Cannon" alternative (Demorecord short clip)

    I believe I have found my "Yamato Cannon" alternative (Demorecord short clip)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:02 AM PST

    Klingon Recruits - Your Endgame D7 / K't'inga

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 01:21 AM PST

    Firstly, thanks to u/The-Grand-Nagus for his idea of revisiting older KDF ships instead of buying legendary ones. With that in mind, and with the caveat that Kael has strongly hinted we're getting a Legendary D7 / K't'inga in the not too distant future, I wanted to revisit one of the hidden gems of the KDF - the Fleet K't'inga Battlecruiser.

    This is ship is what Fedside players sought for years - a cheap and readily accessible version of the iconic TOS ship. I ran one of these on my original (2015) Delta Recruit until the Promo Box version became available, so do have experience of using at at endgame. For a while it couldn't access the updated D7 skin that the promo one had, but happily with YoK this old targ can now access the new D7 and K't'inga skins.

    A lot of people are put off by the fact that it's a T5, engineering heavy cruiser. It is literally the product of a bygone age in game terms, when cruisers with more than a Lt tac seat were all but unheard of. Nonetheless, it benefits from the ability to use DHCs and a decent basic turn rate of 11, which already gives it a leg up against many other cruisers.

    So a few suggestions:

    - While recruits will be a way off T6 reps yet, those can furnish the 4 fleet modules if you don't want to spend Zen or EC on them. You will also need a T5U upgrade, which unfortunately will require Zen or EC.

    - Go with a DHC / Turret based build for best effect, using the ship's advantages to maximise your damage output. 8 energy weapons can be daunting but you have a cruiser which can run EPTWIII and use cruiser commands to mitigate that effect. More so if you have access to traits like Emergency Weapon Cycle. Worth noting that both the D7 and K't'inga sported DHCs in canon - see TOS "Elaan of Troyius" and TNG "The Emissary".

    - I strongly recommend an "Auxiliary to Battery" (A2B) build on this ship. For those unfamiliar, that means chaining 2 copies of Auxiliary to Battery - those 2 Lt Eng powers you've got - with 3 technician DOffs for cooldown reduction. Get the DOffs from running the B'tran cluster chain.

    - With your Lt eng slots taken, use one of your Lt Cdr slots for Emergency Power to Weapons III as a damage boost. The other Lt Cdr Eng and Cdr Eng should be some combination of Directed Energy Modulation and Reverse Shield Polarity - good damage and survivability boosts respectively, whose major drawback (their long cooldown) is addressed by your A2B build.

    - Your Ensign eng slots should be Emergency Power to Engines 1, paired with an Emergency Conn Hologram from the Phoenix store for added maneuverability, and Engineering Team 1 - not much of a hull heal but useful for countering debuffs.

    - Your Science slots will be rather weak thanks to A2B draining your auxiliary power, but "old faithfuls" Polarize Hull and Hazard Emitters still have value to counter holds and cleanse effects.

    Depending on your other available traits and reputations you can do a LOT more - basically anything that works with the DEW meta would work here. A combination of Entwined Tactical Matrices and Supercharged Weapons, for example, could really maximise the limited tactical seating.

    In the "good old days" (2015-6), flying this ship was always a lot of fun. With A2B in effect it often felt like I was in charge of an old ship that was shaking itself apart to keep up with newer models - but that always felt very appropriate and it held its own in advanced TFOs. Sometimes, an old weapon just needs sharpening.

    submitted by /u/staq16
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    Alliance ships should be able to use the skins of either member they rep

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:42 PM PST

    So in the case of the Temer, captains should be able to choose from both Romulan and Klingon ship skins.

    For the Khitomer the choice should be Federation or Klingon ship skins.

    Or better yet, open them to all factions skins.

    submitted by /u/cliveklg
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    Lower Decks Content Wishlist

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:15 AM PST

    With Lower Decks finally getting an international release last month I've now finished watching, and thoroughly enjoying, the show. We've already got some Duty Officers, but I'm sure some more stuff will come to STO in due course.

    So what would you like to see? It can be items, characters, outfits, ships, or even missions.

    For me these are some of the things that I'd love to see starting small, and getting bigger:

    1. Those Tricorders with the purple stripe (kit module?)
    2. Romulan Whiskey consumable
    3. "The Dog" non-combat (or maybe combat?) pet
    4. Playable Fed Aligned Orions (or at least BOFFS with custom outfits)
    5. Exocomp BOFFS (or at least a re-do of the Exocomp model to be more like the show)
    6. "Wrath of Vindicta" A mission in the style of one of Mariner's Holodeck Programs from "Crisis Point". Your character could come across it on an old isolinear chip and you could have an over the top mission featuring some of the LD cast doing voices as themselves and their "characters" from that episode.
    submitted by /u/Freemind62
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    Remember when STO bundles/packs were better and cheaper...?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 10:40 AM PST

    Any chance of Cryptic making the Dranuur Colony SiM's open to all factions ?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:08 AM PST

    Now that we're "One Happy Fleet™" across the quadrants , flying each other's ships and everything ... -- is there any chance of Cryptic making the Dranuur Colony SiM's open to all factions ?

    KDF sims are still notoriously hard to start (relatively to Fed Sims) , and from the current game's standpoint it makes no sense .

    submitted by /u/D-Pew
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    I'm used to my traits disappearing after swapping ships, but this is something new

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 09:05 PM PST

    2 years away, just got back.....observations

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 04:27 AM PST

    Hello all, first time posting, I will try to keep this brief..(I might fail).

    A bit of background, I moved from America to the Philippines two years ago and have been unable to play the game in all that time. I literally just got back into the game a couple of days ago and will be online until I head back out into the middle of nowhere.....think dial-up speed, only less reliable.

    Anyway onto the point of my post. I have really enjoyed some of the changes, but after two years it really is a lot to process, some of the changes good, some bad, some sadness and regret. I really did have to re-teach myself a lot of the game and I have truly enjoyed some of the positive changes. I will start with the good things I have seen the last few days.

    The good: The people....still amazing and helpful as always. Hope that will never change. The fantastic ships that have come out the last two years are truly beautiful and I am seeing much more variety around ESD the last few days instead of the same few ships clustered in large groups (Looking at you Kelvin Dreadnaught) this is, I think due to the ships the last couple of years being a lot more varied and a lot more of delivering what players truly enjoy going out and running missions in. I know I love my new Fleet Gagarin, until I can get my perfect ship.....see later on. A lot of the new missions since I have been gone, I have only been doing a few a day to spread it out. I did a lot of reading on the forums and took in many of the comments, positive and negate, and I have to say I honestly thought to myself....these people can't really be serious the devs would never do that kind of thing......

    The bad: I made a mistake of playing the mission you have to run around as that stupid Klingon woman on the featured episode......I cannot begin to tell you the horrible things that came out from my very non-public approved vocabulary during that mission......it started with the fact you are forced to play as another character, (which I am horrible at) and compound the problem with not having access to any of my abilities, or an away team (I have had them taken from me a lot in recent missions which I truly despise)..in short I dropped the mission from my log, said some things I want to apologize for and moved on from a knife fight that you get hit twice and insta die during the meditation......... I hate that stupid Klingon, why the hell am I helping her again? I want to flush her out an airlock!

    The regret: The only thing I truly regret is missing the anniversary event due to not being able to play. The Federation/Klingon anniversary event ship would have been my perfect ship...(Everyone has their perfect ship, based on your personal preferences and that one is mine) sadly I was not able to participate and will be gone again soon in the upcoming weeks again and will not be back until much later this year when I return to America. Looks like I will have to buy it from Mudd's Market if it ever shows up there and yes I am dying inside to think how much it will cost based on the other ships prices there but Like I said everyone has their perfect idea of a ship and that one is mine. (close to $200 for a single ship, but no choice....)

    If you have made it this far, thank you for reading.

    Devs if you are reading this I think you have done some absolutely amazing things over the last two years and I am looking forward to coming home later this year and continuing the adventure. Please don't take my complaining about the specific mission problems as condemnation of the game I just, at my age and heath, do not have the reflexes to do a mission like that anymore at this stage in my life. (I know I am only 51 in a few weeks, but my reflexes are that of a half deaf, half bling 75 year old) you can make up for it if you give me a mission that I finally get to shove that ^&*%&^* of a Klingon out an airlock and then hit her with all my ship weapons at once. I only have a few weeks here with internet and have been choosing to spend it in this wonderful game, so take that as the true compliment that it is and continue to keep the game going for another decade to come.

    Thanks for you time and hope you have a wonderful day.

    Capt Kalexia

    AKA John

    p.s. two years and the space encounter on the map between sol system and the gateway that never is actually there but shows on the map......come on, I flew all the way there thinking oh cool close by encounter, that changed to, really still bugged after two years?? :P Had to tease you.

    submitted by /u/Naaxin11
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    The Temer class has broken customization, only the outer and middle wings have custom colors applied to them (blue and red for example here), no matter which pattern is selected. The head, hull, nacelles, and inner wings remain the default gray and yellow.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Deep Space Nine / Cinematic Star Trek Online

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:12 AM PST

    "Welcome to Drozana...-You'll find it all here!"

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:03 AM PST

    Except Gamma Quadrant commodities. I mean if there's already a Dabo table there, why shouldn't I find a trader with an overstock of Tulaberries?

    Maybe for when Drozana gets an overhaul.

    submitted by /u/cromkaygo
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    Greed or Need?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:03 AM PST

    • What's the difference between Greed and Need?

    • Which should I roll in Random TFOs?

    submitted by /u/CosmicDave
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    Extra broken traits

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 12:33 AM PST

    Extra broken traits

    I've seen traits disappear lots of times, but this is the first time I've seen them get this badly messed up.

    Extra Borked Traits

    Ground traits are showing up in Personal Space Traits. Pistol Training? Fly me closer, I want to shoot them with my hand phaser.

    Personal Space Traits are showing up in my Starship Traits.

    Also, do you see that red star symbol? That's a SKILL. "Shield Penetration." From the skill tree. XD

    submitted by /u/MLira_Hrrtsing
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    what ship(s) would you recommend for a Star Wars inspired character and crew?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 09:22 AM PST

    I played a long time ago and only recently downloaded again, and after coming across this post when searching for something else I am really considering making a SW inspired character and crew. What ship or ships would you recommend for a SW vibe?

    submitted by /u/stonuplayer2
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    Gameprint 9” Mirror Crossfield has arrived!

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:46 AM PST

    Just a cool shot I took of Voyager

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Spawned in dead in sector space. it fixed itself shortly after but it was still a bit funny to me

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:14 AM PST

    Do we even know if the Boreth robes and holo-Worf are account unlocks or only for the character who opens the bundle?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 05:33 AM PST

    I know there's a LOT of bad blood over this bundle, but I can't even determine from what was written about the bundle if these items are account unlocks, or per character?

    Does anyone know? (or care?)

    submitted by /u/sloththemighty2
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    What's the meta alt leveling nowadays?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:35 AM PST

    Basically the title.

    I want to level up my alt as fast as possible.

    submitted by /u/Xecort
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    You may not like it, but this is what peak science looks like.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 03:06 PM PST

    The sad thing is, I would buy the pack were it reasonably priced

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:17 PM PST

    The sad thing is, I would buy the pack were it reasonably priced

    ... and I don't think I'm the only one in that boat.

    Like, the Resolute is a pretty bad ship (I know that there are people who enjoy it, but it's a very engineering-heavy platform with nothing about it that stands out in terms of unique gameplay), so the Excelsior is a definite upgrade. The Vor'cha's legendary skin is pretty neat, and I *really* like the addition of the Kamarag to the customization options (the idea of flying a Vor'cha with a traditional, bulbous head is appealing to me). And while the Ambassador and B'rel are both pretty vanilla (the B'rel is worse, but the Ambassador is just a weak effort as well), I'd at least appreciate the additional variant parts to mess with.

    Make no mistake: I'd pay what I believe to be an over-priced amount for these 4 ships - maybe in the range of $120 USD (which would make them ludicrously expensive when compared to the 10th anniversary pack's 20 dollars-per-ship ask). But I won't fork over $200 for the bloat... I just cannot do that.

    And, for some reason, Cryptic has decided that they'd rather not have my money. They'd prefer to swindle people out of the additional ~$80 than offer a sure-thing ships-only pack at a price that still gouges the hell out of people (just not quite as much). Instead of offering options, they build walls: you want these things? Ante up.

    And that's what I don't understand - is this a fucking business, or is it some kind of weird social experiment? Because, typically, corporations don't give a shit about stupid, pointless moral stands - why die on some hill over a meaningless point when you could be making money? You know... scratch? Green? Bread? Bucks? Capital? Dinero?

    But I guess Cryptic doesn't see it that way. So... good on you guys for being so committed to your, uh, anti-income-stream stance. There's nothing like good ol' stubbornness merged with overt stupidity. Unfortunately, I tend to be something of a stick in the mud, too. And I'll remember this.

    Happy 11th, Cryptic!

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    PSA: The Qa'Tel strike wing raptor with the Alliance vanity shield looks like a duck

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 11:12 AM PST

    I've notice that this is only happening if I attempt to switch to my Klingon Recruit on my account.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 05:38 AM PST

    The floor is lava!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:38 PM PST

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