• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 13, 2021

    Star Trek Online Excited for temerrow! Looks like it's gonna be a fun ship :)

    Star Trek Online Excited for temerrow! Looks like it's gonna be a fun ship :)

    Excited for temerrow! Looks like it's gonna be a fun ship :)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 06:24 AM PST

    There Are No Guarantees In Space. Even A 100% Chance Is Still Just A Chance.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 05:06 AM PST

    The Kor Cape gets very... stiff when sitting down

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 01:41 AM PST

    Some people think they can outsmart me... maybe. But I have yet to meet one that can outsmart disruptor.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 10:29 PM PST

    100 Days of Endeavor EC/Dilithium

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 07:34 AM PST

    As promised here, I continued tracking the amount of EC and dilithium that I got through Endeavor boxes for 100 days. I had much longer stretches without any dil rewards, so in the end, my EC average climbed while the dil average dropped.

    EC/day: 524,000
    Dil/day: 1,135

    If anyone is interested, the largest haul I had per box was 1,000,000 EC and 5250 dilithium. Those weren't in the same box, though, just the respective maximums while I was tracking. As before there's a tiny caveat that there was a bugged Universal Endeavor on console while I was tracking, so I was short any rewards that I might've gotten from that.

    submitted by /u/MyHammyVise
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    2780 phoenix boxes later:) it finally happened!!

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 08:58 AM PST

    Lockboxes - The ever changing probability

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 01:22 AM PST

    I will start, by stating that i have played this game since beta, used to be a bit of a whale and have VAST experience in opening lockboxes. I am not here for anything other than wanting to share my thoughts on lockboxes and how i believe Cryptic changes the odds of winning grand prizes based on how their economy is doing.

    Used to be, when a new lockbox came out, you needed about 100 - 200 keys to win a ship. I say this because i opened pretty much every lockbox until i won a ship and the average was around 100. Once i won in the first 20, once it took nearly 200. But it was nearly always between 100 - 200. Sometimes winning 2 in that amount if i didn't want to sell remaining keys. Once i even won 2 Narcine carriers, one immediately after the other which i thought was very odd.

    Another indicator in drop rate was the amount of other players you could see winning ships with the notificarion system. It used to pop up far more than it does now, especially when the lockbox first launched.

    You can note also, this was always around the time when lockbox ships were not just shy of 1 billion EC on the exchange like they are now.

    All of this can't be mere coincidence.

    For the past several lockboxes, the drop rates seem to have been far less. I have tried to win ships from 3 different ones and gave up after 200 keys.

    I see hardly any other winner notifications now either.

    Also, lockbox ships are 5 times more expensive than they used to be. Why is that? Less people opening boxes or less ships dropping in the first place?

    I believe the second option. I mean they said there have been higher player numbers now than since Victory is Life which was huge so it can't be less players.

    I used to advocate that winning ships was not impossible if you really wanted one. Based on my average which i understand is purely anecdotal but was always between 100-200 keys on average. Expensive yes, but achievable with a half decent income if gaming is your hobby.

    Now that it always goes beyond 200 at least, i no longer will be opening lockboxes and will stick to what i have and the ships i can buy without gambling. It feels like you don't even have a fighting chance now.

    I feel like Cryptic surreptitiously changed the odds and i find it massively underhand.

    Has anyone else, especially people who have opened a lot of boxes over the years felt similar?

    EDIT: Some good replies here, give me some good input to think about. Thanks for taking the time to reply, except for that one guy of course. 👍

    submitted by /u/1st_World_Problem_
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    Osler type ship pretty please?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 07:17 AM PST

    This Slave Master at Gre'thor has... other intentions for the new arrivals.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 09:50 AM PST

    I'm sorry about this cut scene -- can I get you a chair...um...recliner? Maybe a carpet square?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 08:52 AM PST

    Kinda surprised there wasn’t a discofied kelvin released, looks pretty good with Starbase Ome though.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 08:31 PM PST

    Best Way to Find a Fleet (UK)

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 01:52 AM PST

    Been playing for the best part of a year now, and the fleet I'm in has been great but is primarily American, so there's rarely anyone online when I'm playing and it would be nice to be able to actually chat with people whilst playing.

    How's the best way to go about finding an active fleet? Just look in game and take my chances?

    submitted by /u/KorrinX1
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    Sistruus, already liked the Contortrix, but this is a lot more beautiful.

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 05:31 PM PST

    ENDEAVOR NERF? With No Other Changes To My Character, My Stats Are Lower Following The Patch Expanding Endeavors... (Details In Post)

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 11:10 AM PST

    Best way to open Weapon Packs from Lock Boxes?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 04:44 AM PST

    When I splurge on keys to open Lock Boxes, I do it because I either want the Lobi for a console or a weapon, or I want something such as the weapon pack, genetic Traits, or skills in that lockbox series.

    After I get all the weapon packs I want plus a few more, go to open them up. Now, at one time, the prevailing wisdom was always open the Weapons packs on a low-level toon (Such as a Lieutenant) to keep the opened weapon at a level II. Then you can babysit the RND gods to keep tweaking the upgrades to give you the best combination of points and quality.

    But what if you are opening a Beam weapon? Would an Omni-Directional Beam still generate if opened on a Lieutenant? Would they generate if the level of the person opening the weapon pack is below a level 12? Or would it generate as simply a standard beam?

    Thanks in Advance

    submitted by /u/TheSaltyCodger
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    New Jem'Hadar - no Doffs or Admiralty Ships

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 02:40 AM PST

    I've created three new Jem'Hadar toons today to help with my dilithium farming. Oddly only one has got full admiralty and Duty Officer access. Anyone got any ideas on the why?

    Edit to confirm I've chosen a fed allegiance

    submitted by /u/Tobar26th
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    Why doesn't anyone ever talk in TFOs?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 05:54 AM PST

    It's just weird to me. I've been playing MMORPGs solidly since the days of PSO, EQ, and Ragnarok Online. Generally speaking, in content that the community has on faceroll, people talk. It's not some nonstop running dialogue, of course, but more often than not, when you're in a dungeon (or whatever), people just communicate - if for no other reason than socialization, and for a distraction from the drudgery.

    I have never - ever - seen anyone talk in STO's TFOs. I've said things here and there - cracked a joke, commented on DPS, admired someone's ship, etc. There hasn't been a peep in reply. And nobody has ever attempted to strike up a conversation, either.

    Is there a reason why people don't talk during these things? Because, honestly, once you get past a certain threshold in terms of gear, a lot of the mobs in a given TFO die before you can even click abilities - you just attack them and they explode (this is particularly true when flying carriers - frequently, my pets kill everything before I can even move my fingers). There isn't even the barest minimum concentration involved. And that should make for a ripe environment for chatter. But, again... nothing.

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    How do you unlock some of the "Galaxy at Large" side missions?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 04:51 AM PST

    I'm leveling a "Vorta" (lol) alt. Every time I've taken a character to 65 in the past, the questlines have been a veritable jumble - I always somehow managed to do, say, Yesterday's War before Futureproof, etc. This time, I was really hoping to do some of these chains in what amounts to chronological order - and one of the big pieces of that was to do the questline where you release the female changeling from Starfleet captivity, THEN the 'Of Bajor' stuff, THEN the Delta Quadrant quest line.

    Unfortunately, I don't know how to get the female changeling mission to pop up. I completed the initial Starfleet quest chain involving the Klingon doomsday device, and played all the way through the Cardassian Struggle arc... and I've still got nothing. Does the Female Changeling sidequest have a level-based prerequisite? Thanks for any help.

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Critical Chance and Severity decreased after recent patch?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 02:42 PM PST

    Hi all! I was wondering if any of you were having a similar problem, or if you could help me explain why I lost stats out of the blue after the last STO patch. It happened right after they extended the amount of slots in each category in the Personal Endeavor System from 15 slots to 20 slots.

    My base stats before this patch were 55.3% CritC and 198.8% CritD. I logged in after the patch and lost 1.9% Critical Hit Chance, and 8% Critical Severity. I have not changed any ship equipment or any space traits. I didn't change anything at all! If anyone has any thoughts on this, or if anyone could help me explain why these stats were strangely reduced I would really appreciate it.

    *Edit* This community is FANTASTIC I have never used Reddit B4 and I am SHOCKED at how much information is already in this post. Thank you guys!!!

    submitted by /u/SnooLentils2146
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    What happened to the ZEN prize?

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 07:19 AM PST

    It like all the way up at its maximum, so about 500... why? It was waaaayyy lower a few months ago

    submitted by /u/Antilazuli
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    Did we ever find out what the deal was with the Female Changeling?

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 04:01 PM PST

    I've been playing through the story again on an alt. The Female Changeling appears to be pretty dead at the end of 'Tenebris Torquent'... except that Cryptic went out of their own way to show Dukan'Rex scan her body. And, to me, that kind of cue really indicates that all isn't as it seems. Did the Female Changeling survive impalement?

    submitted by /u/FederationRomulan
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    Thank you guys.

    Posted: 13 Feb 2021 06:24 AM PST

    Thank you everyone who has been helping me try to pick a ship for my kdf recruit. I finally picked after I hit 65 lol. I got a Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser and am starting to put spiral waves on it. I just am unsure what my deflecter/engine/shields should be.

    submitted by /u/Epyon88
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    Help finding vanity shield

    Posted: 12 Feb 2021 03:48 PM PST

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