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    Thursday, January 14, 2021

    Star Trek Online Endeavors Complete!

    Star Trek Online Endeavors Complete!

    Endeavors Complete!

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 05:15 AM PST

    "I love it when a plan comes together!"

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:19 AM PST

    Plotting nefarious intent in 4x WQHD

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:07 AM PST

    STO is like the USS Cerritos: Colourful, Fun and nostalgic- but also falling apart.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 06:34 AM PST

    Sam Rutherford might find it awesome to keep it together- because hes passionate about his Job.

    However, Star Trek Online is as unpolished as the toilets on a Klingon Ship. I´ve been "documenting" several bugs and glitches with screenshots on this sub -idling corpses, invisible character models, flailing in mid-air on DS9, textures unloading every few meters, and being able to jump out of the Enterprise-J, clipping through Windows and walking on ESD, scripted missions not giving their awards...

    I like this game. A lot. It´s my second most played game on Steam with 1067 hours. And those hours will probably increase by a lot for some time. But as hilarious as some of these bugs/glitches might be, sometimes they actively hinder you from playing.

    Granted, sometimes you have to actively provoke it- and i like to do that in games sometimes, seeing how detailed the programming is (or not). But most of the things mentioned above simply... happened. While i was playing normally. Sure, i might not have seen some bugs if i didnt actively search for them- but hey, if they are there, then they´re there. And actually, looking for Bugs is the Developer´s job, not mine.

    I will grant you that this game is already pretty old and the team may not be as big/experienced, and the focus of course is on adding new things to keep it fresh. But I´d sometimes rather go without a new T6 Ship if it means it feels less like a EA game that was just released.

    submitted by /u/NucleusBrain
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    I love the look of the T6 Verne. But the design of the T5 Wells is timeless

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:51 AM PST

    A Rainy Day at Mirror Bajor

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:31 PM PST

    Xbox: Does anyone know why this ship likes to do this? My KDF MW D7 Carrier stays "in combat" long, long after all enemies are gone. It repeatedly cycles through the abilities I have set for auto use. Other ships will do this for a little bit sometimes, but this ship *always* does it.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 07:16 AM PST

    I will never tire of Aron Eisenberg saying, "Ha ha ha! Excellent!" at the end of Romulan Imperial Minefield.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 01:23 PM PST

    Nothing much to add to that. He took a character who was little more than Jake Sisko's sidekick, and made an indelible impression on Star Trek lore. He is missed.

    submitted by /u/lotusmaglite
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    Widening Gyre, legacy tokens.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:06 AM PST

    Pretty straightforward question. Tried to apply some old featured TFO tokens to the event, only to find there's no option. I still have dozens of tokens left, would be highly disappointed if I can't use them any longer.

    submitted by /u/firkis
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    Ten Forward Weekly 13.01.2021: PS4 House Shattered

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 06:57 PM PST

    Links: Twitch, Facebook

    Theme: PS4 House Shattered

    Guests: none

    Happy new year all! (Even though it was 2 weeks ago.) We're got the first stream of the year, in which Mike fights PS4 trying to play STO. Despite the title, it was mostly Q&A stream.

    • Mike isn't aware when (fixed) House Shattered it coming to XBox.
    • Fight to fix Temporal Ambassador is still ongoing. Mike is pretty annoyed with it as well.
    • XBox event schedule would be shifted.
    • Yes, there would be new legendary bundle this year - this is as much as Mike is allowed to say.
    • Steamrunner ships were supposed to be PC exclusive for now, but since they're on PS4 they'd look into adding it to XBox.
    • Exp upgrades can't be released on XBox separately from the rest of the House Shattered content.
    • Someone lovingly sent a pic of Oberth named U.S.S. Fatum.
    • Mike can't announce yet, but "Alliance ship" is right track for guessing the anniversary ship.
      • Mike's interested to see what we'd think about it.
    • Mike stumblere upon a bug when his KDF char was offered to "hail Starfleet".
    • They'd try their hardest to squeeze Eisenberg class in game.
    • Robert O'Riley never visited Cryptic because they worked with him during the isolation time.
    • Mike still lover Console contact window a lot.
    • No info about more things for those who finish endeavour campaign.
    • They may have some updates to crafting this year if the idea works out.
    • Book's ship in not in schedule right now.
    • Usually when question is "why don't we have X in the game" (cardassian hand disruptor was used as an example), the answer is "there are too many other props to model".
    • Sometime they actually can afford to do things for the art.
    • As to why Zefram Cochrane's costume is unavailable: statue was made as a single piece, so there's no costume to give out in first place.
    • Cryptic were talking about doing more Enterprise-themed content, when suddenly all modern shows happened.
    • Mike is fascinated that with things like that at its time Enterprise had reputation similar to the one modern shows have today, but now it is also often seen in positive light so the important thing is that it's not just quality of an art, but also preferences of viewers.
      • Mike hopes sometime people would stop immediately hating new things.
      • "Nostalgia isn't wrong."
    • Mike said that responding to every message on every platform will make him unable to actually perform his job, although he tries his best to at least monitor them all.
    • About free ship for new event campaign, whether it's for account or character: Mike heard both things said, but isn't aware what's final decision (or is there one already).
    • Mechanic from Champions that allows to change weapon's colour is non-applicable for STO.
    • Making new races is not as easy as is used to be, as team changed.
    • Kelvin!Spocks's volcano suit was removed from immediate schedule when original ground TFO it was made for had disintegrated because of armour/EV integration failure and then it was effectively forgotten. They still plan to make it sometime.
    • With how things are, they're likely to model Voyager-J before creating Voyager-A.
    • They try to limit power creep, but it's hard to avoid it at all, as they need to make new things interesting.
    • Mike has fond memories of putting DS9 skin on a pilot escort during the stream to showcase the updated model and them making it do a barrel roll.
      • Or when Jette made Schimitar with screen-accurate amount of weapons.
    • Mike finds it unlikely that they'll be able to afford making customizable ship interior.
    • Lower Decks, Pickard and Discovery S3 uniforms are planned to be made sooner or later.
    • Mike is glad that previously blog story-only characters made it in game for Partisans.
    • Yes, despite Mike's usual joking, they actually have plans for T6 Oberth eventually.
      • Chat wants Cryptic to name it in Mike's name, referring to U.S.S. Fatum from fan content part. Mike says that he'd have a strike from that.
    • CBS don't want people to use some canon names, like Reliant.
    • Animation and modelling people in Cryptic was scared when they saw Book's ship do its thing.
    • Current Galactic Red Alert form (long, but with experimental upgrade) would be the one for foreseeable future.
    • Mike, upon one of boffs dying to the warbeast targ: "Don't stick your finger in the targ".
    • Mike would be interested to see STO-modern Cardassia.
    • Because of how console' certification work, STO there would always lag behind the PC.
    • Mike, upon his ship exploding: "This is going well".
    • News for anniversary would start coming relatively soon.
    • Re: crossplatform: consoles weren't up to it when they started working on port, and adding that retrospectively seems too much of an undertaking.
    • To hell with honour would enter regular TFO circulation.

    Well, that was that. Quite a list.

    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    But Report: Xbox won’t allow purchases for zen yet WILL charge your account

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 08:44 AM PST

    Yep, tried to buy 5300 zen, paid my money, didn't get my zen. I'm not the only person This happened to either.

    submitted by /u/Sc0rpza
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    Half a mil for completing a Rare personal endeavor?! (NOT bad at all!)

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 05:15 PM PST

    Neat warbird design I stumbled onto last night

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:45 AM PST

    Neat warbird design I stumbled onto last night

    Just wanted to share (all credit to the artist, obviously). I feel like this is slightly less... whimsical, than a lot of the Romulan designs we see in game - kind of closer to the D'deridex than many of the very bird-like models we have. Would be nice to see something like this eventually.


    submitted by /u/RedditProtestor
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    Anyone else having loadout problems since the latest update? [PS4]

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 08:26 AM PST

    When I'm in space I can't make new loadouts or access saved loadouts. I can only do it on the ground. Tried changing maps, ships, logging out, the whole malarkey... but no luck.

    submitted by /u/lukem8899
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    XBOX gets updated patch for House Shattered tomorrow!

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:07 PM PST

    Star Trek Online will have maintenance on PC and Xbox One tomorrow, 1/14, at 7am PT. Estimated downtime is 2.5 hours for PC, 2 hours for Xbox. No patch notes for PC, but Xbox is finally getting House Shattered tomorrow!


    submitted by /u/ScubaTrek
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    Fleet Advice

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 04:33 AM PST

    Hello cadets, admirals and everything in between. Hope you're all doing well.

    I have a new fleet (a few weeks old) and I wanted to know; how do I keep it active?

    I have about 30 members but it seems that they're not massively active. Is there a way to get players more active in the fleet? Or is it just a case of numbers?

    I'd appreciate any advice regarding fleets, but this is my main concern.

    Thank you all and have a nice day.

    Peace and love.

    submitted by /u/NinjaGremlin94
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    U.S.S. Cygnus, NCC-73491. McKinley Station. Again, sorry for the terrible quality

    Posted: 13 Jan 2021 02:45 PM PST

    Hit level 11 but failed to get initial Duty Officer set?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 01:07 AM PST

    On my first Klingon alt, I hit 11 mid-battle and got a hail from Lieutenant S'stas(sp?). He said to come talk to him on the Klingon Academy. I was in battle, so I think I may have just dismissed the hail.

    Anyway, now when I go and talk to him at the academy, he just gives me the standard "Store" option, and I never got an initial set of Duty Officers.

    I don't see any in progress or available quests. TIFU :(

    I filed a ticket.

    submitted by /u/Nemarus
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    Bought out Red Alert event, dilithium rewards not increasing

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:49 AM PST

    I bought out the Red Alert event yesterday, ran the Tholian Red Alert and received 8K dilithium.

    Ran the Tholian Red Alert again today, and received 8K dilithium instead of the promised 9K (checked the event window before I queued, it said I should receive 9K).

    submitted by /u/retired_ferret
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    Xbox error. Cannot claim anything from C-Store, and $105 of Zen wasn’t added to my account.

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST

    When trying to claim a ship, it says I don't have the zen for ship's I've already bought. Everything else is greyed out. Given this is a preventing money from being spent issue, I'm expecting it fixed quickly. And yes, my money is gone out my account.

    submitted by /u/griffyndour
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    Ship load outs not working anyone else with this issue

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 10:12 AM PST

    I wish STO had a more open concept

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:23 AM PST

    I wish STO had a more open concept

    I just want to start by saying that I know this isn't happening. The game isn't getting a new engine; it's not drifting towards some massive revamp; I don't think there's even any sign that the development team is moving ever-so-gradually towards a sequel (though they probably should be).

    Having said that, I was running "Sunrise" yesterday on an alt (that mission series with the poisoned giant star, and the cute alien girl voiced by Kipleigh Brown [who I think probably everyone who has played through it immediately regretted they couldn't recruit as a BOFF?]), and I was struck by two things.

    1. On the plus side, when the devs want to, they can throw together a really impressive localized environment.
    2. On the distinctly negative side, I have never once - in all my time playing STO - felt like I was actually in space.

    IMO (and I realize that I am in a minority here), Star Trek Online's biggest overarching problem is that it has too many 'rooms.' I know why it was designed this way (it was built on the CoH engine; there were clear financial limitations in development even from the outset; instancing practically all content places a hard cap on the number of objects that servers have to render, thus reducing the infrastructure required to support the game, etc.), but I disagree with the choices made almost wholesale.

    Simply put, the defining characteristic of space is emptiness - a void; a real, natural, tangible vacuum**.** And when we're talking about space-faring adventures, that emptiness - that hollow 'nothing' - is, in the least, just as important as the pinpricks of 'something' that glide through it, dotting its mammoth entirety. But I would go even further: that barren oblivion is, in of itself, actually the quality that renders space so fantastic, overwhelming, and even haunting.

    Space is enormous to the point of being almost unfathomable. We can picture the depths of the ocean as being "so many Empire State Buildings stacked end-on-end," but the measurements used to calculate distances in space are so mind-blowing that your average layperson would likely have difficulty comprehending them. I'm someone who has actively studied space and *I* am staggered by how huge it is. S5 0014+81, one of the largest black holes ever discovered, dwarfs the solar system, yet it is a negligible object of almost farcical insignificance compared to the thunderous magnitude of space.

    This is really big. And yet, it's almost ludicrously small, too.

    Quite simply, STO ignores space itself almost entirely. We can transwarp between pretty much any important location instantly. 'Sector Space' is nothing but a cartoonish room set on a grid - it heavily skews towards a two-dimensional plane, as if the depth of the Milky Way somehow doesn't matter, and only the width is important (and not that important, since even under normal warp, we can be pretty much anywhere within minutes). Most battle 'maps' are thick with objects: asteroids, planets, moons, pulverized remnants, etc. When the game needs us to move somewhere else, we 'warp' to another room - we skip the space pretty much completely.

    I didn't create this thread to dump on STO. I love this game, and I love playing it - it feels very, very 'right' to me in terms of Star Trek most of the time. But it pains me when I line it up against something like EVE Online (a much, MUCH older product, you might recall) that at least makes an effort to get the dimensions of your average star system correct (even if it casually avoids the titanic spaces between the systems). When I play EVE, I feel almost terrified by the great, looming nothing - you can spend an hour hoovering bits of feldspar off an asteroid belt, while staring into the cavernous maw beyond and knowing that not only is that space actually 'there,' but that any given spot within it (despite being in a video game) is likely to never be visited, traversed, or potentially even glanced upon again.

    And I am absolutely NOT advocating that STO become EVE (if I wanted EVE, I'd play it [EVE fails its playerbase pretty much universally when it comes to both narrative and that ever-intangible, but all-too-important quality, 'heart']), but I most certainly do wish that the designers had at least attempted to mimic EVE's emptiness; that Cryptic had given us an opportunity to 'play in the nothing,' and not just hug objects like our captains are paralyzed by fear of what lies beyond.

    I know that I am never going to get that experience here. But I do hope - should Cryptic/Arc retain the Star Trek license for MMORPGs, and one day come to the reluctant acknowledgement that, yes, there will need to be a sequel (if you don't update/improve an MMORPG in a similar manner to what WoW [and even EVE] does, then you must eventually replace it), that they do a better job incorporating actual space and distance into that next product. I want to feel awed by space again - I want to be scared and thrilled by what I am seeing in a space-based game; I want to almost drown within its size and scope, despite never leaving my den. And I can't get that with STO.

    submitted by /u/RedditProtestor
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    PS4-Armada chat option randomly disappearing

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:05 AM PST

    Since Tuesday's update on PS4 Armada chat randomly disappears as an option. The option is still checkmarked and available in chat options but is missing completely when scrolling chat channels. Switching characters will briefly fix the issue before it disappears again.

    submitted by /u/y2j469
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