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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Star Trek Online I’ve never had the enemy attack before a TFO has even started before...

    Star Trek Online I’ve never had the enemy attack before a TFO has even started before...

    I’ve never had the enemy attack before a TFO has even started before...

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:12 AM PDT

    'An elegent starship....for a more civilized era'

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    It's true, you know

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Finally! Upgrade Weekend 9/17 - 9/21! Behold a timetable of future events. What do they call something with multiple of these again?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    We Require More Minerals - or, On Dilithium

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    Ahhh... Another upgrade weekend is upon us. I find myself musing, of late, of the history of this game. Specifically, its economic history. The Dilithium per ZEN rate is hovering around 445 last I checked. I remember a time when such a high number for the DpZ was unimaginable. Indeed, there were people that doubted that it would crest 200 before the release of Delta Rising. I disagreed. Indeed, I wrote a post about the problem. And now, here we are, six years and change on from that post... And we're more than double what was thought possible.

    The fact of the matter is... The entire Dilithium economy has been in such a state of Demand-Pull inflation for so long that serious change is needed. Particularly with the seemingly ad hoc removal of the in-game calendar preventing players from accurately forecasting what activities to prioritize, the only realistic way to progress is to spend money.

    Consider the idea of starting a fresh character. You go through the story, with its glorious peaks and questionable lows... and you hit 52. What do you start doing? Admiralty. If you don't have a lot of ships, that's slow. DOff assignments give crap for Dil anymore. But you're going to need Dil, and lots of it. Let's go ahead and assume you're an experienced and relatively wizened player. You have a ship, account-unlocked and ready to go. You have Rep sponsorships. You're still looking at seven weeks to get a fresh alt to T6, during which you're grinding Dil, mastering Ships for Traits, trying to get EC for Personal Traits, et cetera. All the while, you're trying to upgrade the gear you've got, requisition more parts of your build, upgrade them. Just getting a full ship's worth of Mk XV can cost one upwards of 100k Dil, to make no mention of Rarity upgrading, which can sometimes put the total over 300k. Then you get to go and have fun - and generate more Dil, and try to funnel that into another project. I, for example, have fourteen characters. None of them come close to my main, specifically because I found the idea of doing that kind of labor again, after my main, so boggling that I've just noped out. I do not have the real-world time to devote to such a monumental task.

    And new players feel this, too. I know several players who basically only play 1-3 characters and have decent Dil reserves. And there's a lot of old guard doing this too. The Dilithium market has... almost become similar to Germany during their Great Depression from 1915 to the 1930s - people taking wheelbarrows of money just to buy bread. Those that have no further need of it - Epic Mk XV items for every occasion, vast fleets of ships at their disposal - pool it, unwilling to commit to the daunting task of building an alt. So they buy Infinity Promo stuff - and, in the process, sell their Dilithium to buy ZEN for the items. This Dilithium goes to those players spending their money to bypass that monumental task. A swipe of a credit card and a $10 purchase is 445,000 Dilithium. Problem solved.

    Now consider you're just staring out. Or the build you want to do requires gear and Traits from Prize Ships (Infinity, Lobi, Lockbox) which don't account unlock. Suddenly you need hundreds of millions of EC to buy those ships, and one of the easiest ways to get lots of EC fast is selling tons of Master Keys - i.e., spend money or grind lots of Dilithium. A single 6.2m Master key currently costs - without sales and bundles applies - 55,625 Refined Dilithium. No Vet Refiner, but access to the Fleet Refiner. That takes 7 days of refining on a single character. A determined and veteran player? Sure, they can do it in a day with eight characters or more.

    Dilithium is a resource that is constantly in high demand, and that demand has only increased with prevailing updates... but the rate at which it enters the game has remained more or less stagnant, because you can still only refine 8000 Dilithium a day - 8500 if you're in a Fleet with access to the Refiner, 9500 if you bought the Lifetime bundle and have access to the Veteran Refiner. You can generate tens of thousands of ore in a day, but the rate at which it enters the market has remained the same. And the only way around it... is to turn STO into a day job - check in every four hours, spend fifteen minutes pushing the same buttons, log out, rinse repeat. Maybe do real content like events once a day. Punch your ticket, move along. And while a minuscule boost to the refinement rate has occurred since I wrote my original post (the Veteran Refiner used to require two Duty Officers and took two days, limiting its usefulness), the regular playerbase - the people producing the resource - has diminished by about a third on at least one PC platform. The time around my original post (22 June 2014) was a lull preceding the official announcement of Delta Rising, but even during that lull in traffic the average playerbase was in the 3500 range. January 2020 was the 10th Anniversary... and 3500 was our peak, with current average playerbase in the 2000 range. Star Trek online, at least on PC, is not attracting the attention it once was - and I know that similar pressures are felt on Console.

    And if there are fewer players to generate the resource, supply drops, even as demand continues to increase with every new Rep, Fleet Holding, Lobi Set, Prize Ship, Starship, Mudd bundle, and Lockbox released. Each new thing is that much better than the last, so it attracts buyers. The Legendary bundles and Mudd's Market are good examples of this at its extreme. There's always a new thing to buy, and gear up, and play with all the new toys. Sometimes, they're busted; sometimes, they're garbage. There is always another demand for Dilithium. But the supply of Dilithium has not changed considerably. And so, steadily up and up the Dilithium per ZEN rate has climbed, until now it nears its built-in maximum. This is the economic version of The Big Rip - inflation has reached its maximum value and the resource that has been inflated has lost most of its value to those that have it.

    The easiest and most effective solution to Demand-Pull inflation in an electronic marketplace... is to allow more generation of the resource. Indeed, this is a proven theory in STO - the DpZ drops whenever a Dilithium Weekend crops up due to the increase in the supply of the Dilithium. To reduce the rampant Demand-Pull inflation of this economy, I propose we take a few small steps back:

    • During Bonus Dilithium Weekends, Deep Space Nine has made space in its processing facilities for a Dilithium Refinery that players may access to refine an additional 2000 Dilithium a day. Hand-wave its temporary nature as it having to be re-converted into whatever it was before for the time being.

    • Lower Dilithium prices - across the board - by 5%.

    • For those popular non-Prize Ships yet to receive their T6, offer a partial discount to those that own the non-T6 version as a loyalty reward - say, 5% per tier of the vessel below T6. Many - the Luna, the Trident, the D'Kyr - would only receive a 5% discount, because the original ship is T5. But a T6 Oberth would get a 25% discount, because the Oberth is T1.

    This, I think, would present an interesting experiment with the game's economy - will ships sell more if priced less? Will players buy more ZEN when more Dilithium is available? Are current Dilithium sinks too extreme, or too numerous? This isn't a problem that can be solved in one fell swoop anymore - we're six years past that now. We need to take baby steps until such a time as a balance can be struck. We need more data before bigger steps can be made to solve this issue - but baby steps are a start.

    submitted by /u/Lord-Ice
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    Endgame crossroad

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    Hello community!

    Level 60. I've been doing all the Endgame stuff, Reps, Admiral etc. I really want a t6 ship. Should I just spend some real money and buy a ship bundle, a ship individually or keep grinding Endgame? Will I eventually earn the higher tier ships through grinding? I've read through the sub and some seem to side with "just spend some money". If that's the best and more enjoyable way to go, game wise, any ship bundle recommendations?

    submitted by /u/Reel_Coyote
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    Batteries will not stay equipped

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    I'm flying a beam-boat carrier that guzzles Auxiliary Batteries to keep the fighters flying and grav-well going. I typically have 2 or 3 stacks of 20 batteries equipped at a time. Each time I go to dump loot after a mission, most of the batteries removed themselves from the ship, and are sitting in my inventory instead.

    Does anyone else have this problem, or a solution?

    submitted by /u/scisslizz
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    Why don't Manticore/Chimera have the full list of skins?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    I just thought that as something that's a reward for lifetime members, having the complete set of materials would be a given. Galaxy, Defiant, NX and, etc.

    Somehow the "subscriber exclusive" stuff is what gets left behind in the QoL updates. Can't even upgrade the dang First Contact EV suits. Granted, the lifer sub has little purpose anymore, but you'll be hard pressed to push it during the funding drive next year if all people get are old-timey FashionTrek goodies.

    submitted by /u/cromkaygo
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    It looks to me like the Inquiry deflector is too big compared with Riker's ship

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    It looks to me like the Inquiry deflector is too big compared with Riker's ship


    Left is from Picard, right is from the game.

    To me, it looks like dimension B is significantly larger than dimension A. It also appears to me that angle X is larger than angle Y which would go some way to explaining the oversize dimension B.

    This was absolutely the best image I could get from the show and I link the original image below which hasn't been mirrored.

    Do you guys think they got it right or do you agree with me?


    submitted by /u/mattjohnsonva
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    Noob-ish question

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Ok so I've been struggling to make sense of this, please help!

    What exactly do the hull modifier and shield modifier mean on the wiki pages.

    Let's say I have a ship with 60,000 hull at level 65 with a hull modifier of 1.20, and a shield modifier of 1.20, what does that mean?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/luftwafffle
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    Vanity shield group

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    I started a reddit group dedicated to screen shots of ships with vanity shields. Not many shots as yet. Had some amazing contributions by others. Hoping to get some more added my self this week of the inquiry and some new of the new carriers. R/stovanityshields

    submitted by /u/Jordanomega1
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    How to beat the bugged Assault on Borath?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    There is a bugged group of ships glitched into the planet, making them untargetable. Someone suggested to get a mine launcher but how can I get one?

    submitted by /u/WiseFiend
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    Currently in an Excelsior Refit playing the mission "Reunion" and can't seem to put a dent in the shields of the Malon Battleship's shields. What weapons or tech do you suggest I equip to defeat it? (Got the Malon's shields down to 95% while I'm being obliterated every respawn)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Competitive war games impulse help

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Have been told many times when able get the competitive war games impulse engine however there are 3 to choose from....which one is all the recommendations

    submitted by /u/Away_Ship_5272
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    Best Served Cold TFO - hands down shows how dumb players really can be.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Currently doing the event and doing the TFO daily, only once have I seen a set of people that could understand simple maths.

    3 defend points - 3 people. Alternative objectives - 2 people

    Every round there's 4 people at one point so the other gets destroyed or all the transports get away.

    It's not even a level design thing as it's so bloody simple.

    It's hilarious really, it's like the new gravity kills haha!

    submitted by /u/j86southpaw
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    Odyssey hidden on Nukara

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    You know, I have always known it was there, but why? Why is there an Odyssey class hidden in the caves on Nukara? Never really figured it out.

    submitted by /u/bygphattyplus
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    Epic Phoenix Prize Token - What to buy?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 05:05 AM PDT

    Just spent 880k dil in 220 phoenix boxes and the result was 121 uncommon, 73 rare, 25 very rare, 1 epic.

    I already have the Bajoran Interceptor and the Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser from events.

    I already have other T6s ships too, so I was thinking in something that could help me in the long run, but none of the traits or consoles seems better that what I already have. For RolePlay reasons, if I can't take a decision I would pick maybe the Ferengi or the Kobali ship, probably the Kobali and start a new toon... But i'm still undecided and wish some help from our community.

    submitted by /u/atavusbr
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    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    I am an absolutely new player idk anything about build or the game does anybody have any tips

    submitted by /u/Cuddycuddles69
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    Birth of a starship

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Hermes patrol escort ship. (Level 40)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:46 AM PDT

    So, I recently got my TOS main character up to Level 40 (Read Admiral, Lower half) and I am very excited. I have to complain though, I still haven't spent much time with my exploration cruiser. (Captain level Galaxy) But it's ok. I got a new shiny Hermes patrol escort. I am gunning for a Buff/Debuff build, DPS build or damage over time build. (Either is OK.) So, what should I use? Like, cannons? Beams? And is it a good ship

    submitted by /u/AIO_Youtuber_TV
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    The USS Space Whale. Rocking the Reman mission vanity shield. What’s your favorite vanity shield?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Stuck part way through loading bar

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Yesterday, the game stuck at about 2/3 way through the Cryptic loading bar. I have

    • Reinstalled the game from both Steam and standalone launcher
    • Re-installed Windows 10 from formatted C: drive
    • Have latest mobo/nvidia drivers
    • Torn out my hair
    • Tried Fast Launch and Safe options, the latter of which freezes it much earlier into the bar.
    • running without background stuff like iCue

    The PC runs other, more demanding games like MS Flight Sim 2020 with no issues. It has been running STO fine till now too.

    Anybody had anything similar who can point me towards a solution?

    FWIW I'm running an i5-10600K, 32GB Vengeance RAM, GTX 1080, Gigabyte Z490 X Gaming mobo, external sound card (Creative G6) and the game is installed on a Samsung 970 NVMe drive.

    submitted by /u/Retset6
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    Fleets for beginners?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 01:32 PM PDT

    I've been putting off joining a fleet. I've seen stuff in the arc forums and reddit how there are contribution requirements some are more demanding than others. I find the Gamepedia page to be confusing. I still don't understand what it is, what it does, and why.

    Can someone direct me to a video or page that explains "STO Fleets for dummies" that doesn't use or at least explains acronyms and the basics of what a fleet does and what the benefits are and why I might want to join one? And what the benefits are of the different types of fleet holdings?

    Any advice would be welcome, and thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/ScubaTrek
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