• Breaking News

    Friday, August 28, 2020

    Star Trek Online I think I've seen this episode before...

    Star Trek Online I think I've seen this episode before...

    I think I've seen this episode before...

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:56 AM PDT

    STO Event Calendars updated

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:39 AM PDT


    Updated with the Red Alerts and I think the other blog items. Someone sound off if I missed anything!

    submitted by /u/CaesarJefe
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    If Lower Decks uniforms are coming soon, I hope they have the option to roll up the sleeves.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    New player and I’m stuck dying in pve

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    As I said, been playing for a week,went into a pve and I'm getting slaughtered over and over. I can't leave, I can't fight back long enough to even stand a chance. I quit and turned it off and went to bed last night. Anything I can do?

    submitted by /u/juggernaughtish
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    Year of the Klingon Allied Faction Idea: Dreadnoughts.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    The size barrier for playable ships has been broken by absolutely huge ships, now. Back when the size of the player's ship was a worry, NPC dreadnoughts like the old Jupiter dwarfed just about every ship the player could get their hands on. Nowadays the NPC dreadnoughts are pretty rarely seen due to a lot of missions where the player encounters them being removed, or being relegated to dead ques like Fleet Starbase Defense. I think the only time you reliably see some of these old KDF-ally dreadnoughts is in Gateway to Gre'thor.

    So, with the size barrier broken and these pretty neat, if old, models being sadly unused, why not open them to players? I'm pretty sure that, despite their age, people would definitely be willing to fly them if given the chance. You could even do a tactical, science, and engineering pack:

    Nausicaan Ravager as the sort of traditional 5/3 tactical-heavy dreadnought of the pack. The vertically-oriented design of Nausicaan ships is a look I've always considered pretty awesome and unique, and it's just a neat ship that I was disappointed by the relatively scant amount of appearances it has in-game.

    Gorn Balaur as the 4/3 sensor analysis science dreadnought of the bunch, seems natural for the science-combat hybrid focus of Gorn ships. It's a pretty straightforward design, nothing incredibly fancy or wild, but it still looks good for what it is.

    Orion Warbarge would make a neat engineering-heavy 4/3 dreadnought carrier. The Orion NPC faction makes liberal use of small craft and the playable ships we get from them are FDCs, so I thought rather than make it a kind of sub-par Dreadnought Cruiser which would probably perform the worst out of the three (thanks to how relatively weak engineering ships are) why not make it something similar to the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier? Two hangar bays, maybe some exclusive Corvette frigate pets - it'd still be interesting (if probably not overpowered) compared to the other two.

    I know the odds of this ever happening are extremely slim given that A) these are very old models that I'm probably sure that Cryptic would rather just forget about than revisit for any future content and B) I can't really think of anything they could be paired with Fed-side since all new ships and packs seem to be released in pairs for both factions.

    So it's all just "Wouldn't it be neat if..." talk with the odds heavily against it ever seeing the light of day. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Bolt_Vanderhuge_25
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    Alliance rep wishlist

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    So i hope at some point they will add an alliance rep, it would be nice if they took this opportunity to grab a lot of the older gear available from t1 to t5 ships and make them into rep items, not necessarily from rep projects but from vendor. For me there are some weapons i would love to be able to use on other ships.

    1. Quad cannons (non unique, and with a new alliance type proc) (yes i know the quads can already be used on any ship)
    2. Andorian Wing cannons (with a new alliance type proc)
    3. Vesta Aux cannons (with a new alliance type proc)

    These are my favorites for adding, anyone have any older gear or even consoles they would want cross faction?? post your dreams here

    submitted by /u/saiyajin15
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    New Romulus reputation

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Hey all, anyone other Xbox players here logged on recently to find that the New Romulus faction has completely disappeared from the reputation tab?

    submitted by /u/SipMaGuinness
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    [Mines] Tractor Beam mines - what's the best use?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    Are they basically purely defensive to help kite strong enemies?

    submitted by /u/Fantasy_Art
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    Is one weapon type better than another?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    Verging on a build question, but I also can't seem to find anything concrete that says "x is better than y which is better than z." Is there a consensus on what works better than others? I seem to keep finding myself in situations where I should do alright, but fail miserably for some reason.

    submitted by /u/nauticalfiesta
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    I know this pops up a ton, but when I beamed back up from Risa after dancing. The Universe-class is directly underneath my ship which freaked me out for a second. It’s still amazing how tiny everything else looks next to it.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    so i have this organic torpedo, when i spread it, the proc gone, is it "multipurposed feature" or just bug?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    Community Question - Maxing out Endeavour system - Rewards? - Thoughts and Comments?

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 04:14 AM PDT

    As many players know, on the 23rd January 2019 (PC Players - Mirror of Discovery) the Personal Endeavour point system was launched.


    Complete mission, earn points to spend on perks that would add bonuses to all captains on that account. The system has 30 seperate perk allocations with a maximum of 15 points each. Requiring 450 points to max out the system.

    Come to August/September 2020 and the front runners are either essentially on the 350 point mark or just passed it. Back when the system first launched Cryptic when asked said it would/was considering extra bonuses for reaching milestones or maxing out the system.

    Since then, we havent heard a thing.

    450 points is no small task. While alot of the individual missions are pretty easy. Sometimes only taking seconds to complete. The amount of time you need to play the system constantly is considerable.

    So, my question to the community. What rewards would you like, or maybe should be given out for maxing out the system? For you players who barely play the system, would you feel cheated or disheartened if a tasty treat was placed at the end you may never reach?

    I thought it best to ask now. As if we can get some ideas flowing or at least make cryptic aware. That some are about to reach the milestone of completing the system.

    Please be as truthful as possible. As i am genuinely curious to see what each of you think.

    submitted by /u/foxman86
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    Which ship interiors have a captain's quarters?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Is the progress gone too

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    With the romulan rep disappearance bug currently on ps4 and xbox does that mean we have all lost our progress with that rep, I only completed the romulan rep about a fortnight ago

    submitted by /u/Away_Ship_5272
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    PS4 - I bought the Vanguard Support Carrier for a dumb reason

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Its a sweet ship, i love the wingmen mechanic, and the pets are nice.

    But I fly the donnie, and now the donnie mobile battle fleet flies with four Jem escort frigates.

    Because Space Barbie is the goal!

    submitted by /u/gamerpops
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    BUG: KDF Mission 'Afterlife' (Fek'lhri Return Arc) bugged and unplayable

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:38 PM PDT

    I have tested on 2 different KDF captains on my account (and old and a new KDF captain), and a friend on his account. The beginning of this mission in the Boreth system you spawn and have to eliminate 3 groups of Fek'lhri. The group closest to the planet is un-targetable by the player ship, destructible torpedos, hangar pets, photonic fleet, mines, or by anything, however can still fire back at the player. This mission is not playable in its current state. I know Cryptic will be revamping the Warzone KDF missions however I do not know if they will revamp the Fek'lhri missions. Anyone else encountered this problem as it appears to not be account or captain specific?

    submitted by /u/deg5589
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    Is it a bug or am I missing something...?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 09:54 PM PDT

    So, I was running a patrol (Clash Above Ceron) to level up my Glenn (that's a big jump for the 6th trait).

    Twice now, when I triggered BO, it ALSO triggered BFW (I think), so it looked almost like a Phaser Lotus from the Chimera, except it was blue (Advanced phasers).

    I've been using the same general setup, geared towards as much +% phaser and then exotic. None of my equipment or traits indicate anything about triggering BFW.

    Just before this patrol, I did "Strike at Seedea" and there was no "Lotus," just normal BO.

    Could it be some buff from the Klinks I've been powering up? Not that I've seen it before... I mean, I've run this patrol more times than I care to remember.

    If it's something I'm unintentionally doing, I'd love to make it intentional.

    Nevermind... I think it's feedback pulse ii, as I used it just now and that's what it looked like, but I've used it before and it didn't look like that. Must be somehow overlapping buffs.

    submitted by /u/Undeguy
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    Star Trek Discovery outfits (my opinion (positive))

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Hi, I am a trekkie and a sci fi fan but I am also quite the Electrical engineer and tinker mechanic. From my old timer bmw (mostly mechanical) to my school robot projects (mostly electronics). And me and my crew now run the Discovery outfits because as an engineer and mechanic in real life that outfit just feels the most practical to me if I had to replace phase couplers in some crawlspace, or if I have to put out a fire on C deck or whatever. A lot of workplaces provide outfits that seem to have the same textures as the one used on Discovery and I really gotta hand em props to that because on a space ship I definitely would feel comfy wearing that, even if I had to crawl underneath my car. I have seen a lot of hate on the outfits and in a lore perspective that might be justified I guess? But from a truly practical point of view I'd wear that over the other star trek uniforms anytime. ( also a fun fact, the coloring system is based on the system they use to designate functions on aircraft carriers, look it up, real interesting to see the inspiration to that).

    submitted by /u/Powner77
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    What rom ship can stay cloaked and use ablitys?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    Can't remember it's name..

    submitted by /u/Beard_Of_Borg
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