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    Monday, March 9, 2020

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Welcome to Monday!

    Let's get the week going with another question megathread.

    Post all the questions you may have about anything STO-related. PC? Console? Everyone's welcome to post their questions here.

    Happy flying!


    submitted by /u/Talon_at_Middie
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    414 is the magic number

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Don't have access to legendary ships anymore

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Since today, i don't have access to the legendary ships i bought anymore. They don't appear in the T6 tab of the c-store among the ships i bought. Is there someone in the same situation ?

    submitted by /u/Mirror_Tiamat
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    Mann.. I really want a roadmap or just for the dev team to place back those Klingon war episodes that they removed

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Are you like me? Stockpiling resources, doing daily endeavors, running the events for that day when either:

    A) the Klingon war is restored in full and perhaps the Disco villainess' (I forget her name off the top of my head) arc is completed

    B) there's a new expac or recruitment run

    Don't get me wrong, running the daily grind is more fun to me than it should be, but I want to run the full narrative with a disco captain and it feels empty without the war being fleshed out again.

    Rant over

    Here's hoping the devs get to finishing up the disco villainess story and giving us back those Klingon war missions (they were fine, btw. There was never a need to take them out in the first place)

    submitted by /u/BeyondDoggyHorror
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    Does anyone have a good Linnea costume they could share? One of my toons just runs with DQ races as Boffs (Kobali, Krenim, Talaxian, etc.) and I thought the gimmick would be great with an Ocampa.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    Idea for Quality of life increase and crafting love...craftable leveling gear.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    As I was lamenting having to upgrade most of my gear every couple of missions on an XP weekend I had an idea...

    Since we already have several choices for leveling weapons both space and ground (all C-store)...how about some other leveling gear? Give crafters the ability to craft armor, shields, engines, deflectors, etc that level with you? Make it reasonable enough to craft so as to not be to hard to bother with or too expensive to buy. Also, I would go as far as to make the leveling gear bind on character when equipped so that the market doesn't disappear after one generation. Obviously this gear would be inferior to everything at endgame, but it would get you there and allow you to start getting better.

    edit: Personally I think those advocating for it being BOA are doing so out of self interest more so than any other reason they are professing. They only want to buy one set and use it forever. Which as I previously stated would kill the market in one generation.

    submitted by /u/The_Nameless_Bard
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    Is leveling too easy? Did it get easier?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    I started playing again after several years away. Made a TOS character and started casually playing through episodes. I'm at Borg Advance now and level 62... in my 60's I hopped two levels just clicking 'OK' on two admiralty missions. I don't remember this game ever being super tough, but I wish the pre-admiral levels were a little more spread out. Anyone else? I get almost no enjoyment out of pre t5 ships because I have each one for a second.

    Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but it seemed to take longer when I made my first character 5ish years ago. Admittedly, there were fewer episodes to play back then. Is this a common complaint?

    submitted by /u/ErikRogers
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    The NX-24601 USS Thunderbird, in formation. How bad ass was this moment?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    "Surpassing Riker" Accolade strategy

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Positioning between two Metreon Gas Pockets before enemys spawn

    As I've seen many people were having a hard time getting this accolade due to the randomness of the enemy combat involved, I decided to show what method I just recently used to get the accolade.

    First, you will need to trade out all AoE attacks from your ship with other more precise attacks, or set the abilitys aside so as not to use (Torp Spread, FAW, Kemocite Weaponry, EPS corruption, Beacons, Hanger pets) You want your attacks to be precise so as not to set of the gas until you're ready. You might also want to turn off auto-attack so you don't immediately shift to targeting the gas.

    Interestingly enough, Pull abilities DO NOT set off the Metreon Gas Pockets. so Gravity Well, Forced Challenge, Tractor Repulsor (changed to a Pull with the Voth Doff), and tethered non-baryonic asteroid will all pull the Son'a Dreadnought without blowing up the Metreon Gas Pockets (you can literally target a gas pocket and drop a gravity well on it, and the gas will sit pretty waiting for you to set it off)

    With this known, it all comes down to pulling the dreadnought into the gas and setting them off on the dread before the I.K.S. Kor (who has FAW) and the other enemys AoE abilities set them off.

    To do this, at the start of the final section of the mission, the Enemys will not spawn until the dialogue windows have been gone through. use this to position yourself between the shown Meteron Gas Pockets shown above before activating the dialogue and the enemys. Blow up the Klingons being careful not to target the gas. once the dreadnought appears after the cutscene, use a "Strong" pull ability to pull it between the two gas pockets you are positioned between (Forced Challenge is perfect for this, especially at rank 2) hit both pockets as they should be in range to both hit the dreadnought (thats 2/3 down), Then, use the tethered asteroid and/or tractor repulsor (set to pull if you have the doff), and drop a gravity well on the Metreon Gas pocket to your far left to just overkill the pull. pull the dread in range and drop an attack on the pocket to complete the accolade.

    I hope this is helpful to other accolade hunters out there. I'm certain there is still a chance for failure just to sheer bad luck, but it should give you the best chance possible of getting the accolade with as little frustration possible.


    submitted by /u/Lord_Casselstone
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    Well redownloaded STO after a five years brief review for those in a similar position

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    Nothing changed except the story and some Barbie bits.

    To someone like me that was actually a good thing.

    To you it might not depending on why you stopped.

    For me it was life not the game that caused me to stop playing.

    That being said if you stopped over the bugs or gameplay they are largely unchanged.

    Also it appears T6 is now a must for general play as my T5 ships were struggling to do story missions when before they were just fine.

    submitted by /u/GreyFox78659
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    Just started playing and surprisingly fun.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    I just started playing this on the weekend and my thoughts wen't from "this looks old" to "this is pretty fun" after the tutorial.

    I've almost finished the Klingon War story and I finished both parts of "The Measure of Morality" last night, which were the best MMO missions/quests I've played in years.

    I have some questions regarding the game though:

    • Is there a way to increase the UI scale? Buttons are crazy small on my screen.
    • You can change the interior colour of your ship, but can you actually walk around inside it?
    • Where does a majority of the playerbase "hang out"?
    submitted by /u/dumbechochamber
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    The servers have been worse than usual ever since the event started.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    It's not even the difficulty of running the event that bothers me, though that's part of it. I created a new character specifically for this double XP weekend, but the game is nigh-unplayable for most of the day. I can either play early in the morning or very late at night, but if I go anywhere in the middle I am constantly getting disconnected from the server. There are lots of problem with the game as it is right now, but I know I'm not the only one struggling with the server. I hope it's a high priority for Cryptic to get that sorted out at some point, because if Star Trek's TV presence is really back in earnest I don't think STO will be able to handle being the "flagship" Star Trek video game. The server lag will see to that.

    submitted by /u/Chindasuinth
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    New(ish) to the game, a few questions for the pros plz.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    I have a few questions about the game in general, apologies in advance for formatting (mobile) and what are probably some serious newbie questions...

    To start, I have almost zero MMO experience. I'm mostly a single player guy. Closest thing to non single player (outside of contra as a kid) would be dark souls. If some of these questions seem like they were written by someone with lead poisoning, that's why.

    So I'm a huge trek fan for over 40 years. Started playing this about a year ago. Picked it back up yesterday and managed to get to mission 7 on the Klingon campaign but I still dont really feel like I know what I'm doing.

    1. When I try and select another campaign, like the romulan one, its locked. In fact, they all are. Do I need to buy the subscription to play the rest? Or do I just need to finish the Klingon one first?

    2. For the most part I'm still using most of the starting gear. Do I get better stuff from crafting only? Ship combat is where I'm getting stomped mostly.

    3. Can I just go spend real money on a tier 6 ship and use it right away? I'm level 19. Also, if I just wanna throw real cash at the game to get some kickass gear and a ship what's a good recommendation for the best bang for my buck if I wanna just blast thru stuff (pve... not really looking to do pvp)

    4. For the on foot combat, how do I lock on to an enemy? Seriously, I know that sounds stupid but I cant seem to do it.

    5. I really just wanna play thru these story missions. Like i said, I'm more of a single player guy. I did some kinda pve task force mission last night and I think those were other real people playing too, so i didnt mind that really. What I'm asking here is it worth it for me to keep playing? Is the majority of this game doable solo?

    6. Inventory is full. What stuff is safe to sell or dump and can I sort my stuff to make that easier?

    7. Can I increase the font size lol? These old eyes ain't what they used to be. Theres a lot of options...

    Thanks in advance. I tried a bunch of links from the wiki and some didnt work, might be because I'm on mobile. Apologies for the super newbie questions.

    Edited for extra questions plus wording and such.

    submitted by /u/FacePunchMonday
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    Ground weapons that... don't fire.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    For weeks now, my ground projectile weapons fire only abt 20% of the time when I press the primary or secondary fire button. I've reset keybinds, rebound firing modes to different keys, tried different weapons, and nothing. I can hit the "1" key a thousand times and nothing at all will happen, then suddenly my weapon will "wake up" for a couple of minutes, then it reverts back to being inert. GM couldn't solve the problem.

    Leck's knives work 100% of the time, which is nice, but I dread any ground weapon endeavor.

    Anyone else ever have this problem? Or is my captain committing to pacifism after years of, well, committing brutal war crimes and killing tens of thousands?

    submitted by /u/WydwyrdByrnstyn
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    My main phaser build, any suggestions on how to improve? (Sorry about the poor video / audio quality)

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Returning player needs help

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    So im a returning player. I stopped playing years ago and im just now returning to the game. I already have a lvl 65 character with a t6 ship. There a whole lot of new content and honestly ive kind of forgotten how to play the game. I dont remember what most of my skills do and whenever im in games with other players it feels like theyre doing way more dmg than I am atm.

    So if anyone has any advice for me it would be much appreciated as youtube rly doesnt offer much help.

    I currently have an odyssey class science cruiser and my character is a science officer. I use tetryon beams and transphasic torps and the majority of my consoles focus on dmg res, drain expertise and exotic particle expertise

    Any help would be appreciated, especially with which skills are best. I dont mind resetting my character as I still have the free reset token :)

    submitted by /u/M0nk3yhump2
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    Can anyone tell me what color the Altamid Plasma torpedo is when it fires? I'm thinking of getting it with the Lobi sale this weekend, and was curious.

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 11:38 AM PDT

    How do I obtain kelvin constitution class

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    I cannot seem to find it on the ec

    submitted by /u/voltenic
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    Trying to figure out Jem'Hadar Attack Ship pets.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    I got a "Jem-Hadar Attack Ship [T5-U]" from a "Special Requisition Pack - Jem'Hadar Attack Ship" and I already had a "Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier [T6]". When I click on the Dreadnought's Hangar though, all it says is "Nothing available for this slot".

    Based on here and here, that sounds like it's all I needed to be able to use them in my hangar. Did I get the wrong ship? Do I need to bring the Dreadnought's mastery up to V?

    If something was supposed to pop into my inventory, it didn't, so I'm wondering what I missed.

    submitted by /u/Starmia
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    Who bought up all the sensor linked phasers?!?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    All of a sudden there are only 3 sensor linked phaser arrays on the exchange, 10/30/30 mil (for purple 12s!), and not a single discovery weapons pack to be found. Somebody with too much money is jacking with the market..

    submitted by /u/Mav4144
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    New to STO

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Hey guys! I'm fairly new to STO. I started playing a couple of weeks ago, and now I'm up to level 33, and finding my bearings in the game. I've gotten most of the basics down, but I'm looking for friends interested in playing together, and maybe helping me learn more of the advanced stuff about the game. Or maybe someone who could invite me to a fleet or something. I play on Xbox One, and my gamertag is SmudgyMcLemon36 if anyone wants to add me!

    submitted by /u/Willpleaton1214
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    Sell or equip Kelvin phasers

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 01:29 AM PDT

    so I just bought some kelvin phasers of the ec and ive always wanted these because they look so cool and now im having second thoughts on whether to bind them and equip or sell them for a higher price than i bought them fore and make a profit.

    submitted by /u/voltenic
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