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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Welcome to the first Monday of March!

    Let's get the week going with another question megathread.

    Post all the questions you may have about anything STO-related. PC? Console? Everyone's welcome to post their questions here.

    Happy flying!


    submitted by /u/Talon_at_Middie
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    I Love My New Breen Ship.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:54 AM PST

    I Love My New Breen Ship.



    Chel Boalg warship with Chel Grett style hull and the upgrade material, with just a hint of a dark blue tint in the Corvus pattern to give her reflective areas a little zazz, and the Jem'Hadar combat impulse engines visual to add flavour.


    I've been using the Fleet Eclipse Intel Cruiser for a long time now, pleasantly surprised by how gorgeous an occasional change can be for someone who usually likes to stick with what they know. That said, the equipment setup is virtually identical, bar the additional science/one less engineering console.

    But I think I love her.

    submitted by /u/Capt_Xero
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    My NX class

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Birds of Prey, a proposal

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:47 AM PST

    I touched on this in a reply to another thread, but I thought it was something that warranted more discussion.

    There's 6 base classes of Bird of Prey for Klingons (not counting the DSC and Kelvin ones). The B'rel, QulDun, Norgh, Ki'tang, Hegh'ta, and Hoh'SuS. All of those, save the Hoh'SuS have C-store versions. Presumably this is because the Hoh'SuS is fleet shipyard-only.

    There is only 1 T6 (classic-style) Bird of Prey, the T6 B'rel (Kor).

    Now, we all know there's no chance in hell of Cryptic making a KDF ship to sell solo anymore, and there's nothing good to partner Birds of Prey up with on the Fed side, save maybe the Saber and maybe the Nova.

    But here's what I propose. Just open up skins for all BoPs as options for the T6 B'rel. I know it's not just a matter of checking boxes, but I think it could work.

    Furthermore, make the Bird of Prey more attractive by giving it truly universal seating, let us choose the spec seat. The existing LtC seat would allow any spec to sit there (thus still only 1 spec and 3 powers at a time). That would emphasize the flexibility of the platform and make it much more attractive to run, in lieu of a missing weapon. That, combined with having all the skins, would likely do a lot to satiate KDF players. It'd be something truly unique to KDF and be the most-spacebarieish ship in the game, surpassing even the Galaxy-class.

    Edit: clarity

    submitted by /u/BrainWav
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    Elite Federation Starter Pack available

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:22 AM PST

    I won one recently, but I already have it so I thought someone else could use it. It'd be a great start for a new player, here's what's in it:

    T6 Reliant Class – Advanced Light Cruiser

    12 Inventory Slots

    12 Bank Slots

    2 Bridge Officer Slots

    1 Borg Bridge Officer

    13 Mark II Very Rare Space Gear

    7 Mark II Very Rare Ground Gear

    Starfleet Academy Uniform

    If you're interested, tell me why you'd get kicked out of Starfleet Academy

    Keep it clean! Most interesting reason will win (I'll let the winner know 3/3/20 at 0900 GMT


    submitted by /u/a1stickleback
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    Two wish list things if devs are looking. Change clothes in your ready room, and a ship recycler/buy back.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:02 AM PST

    These aren't complaints. I just thought it would be fun.

    Changing clothes in your ready room is pretty straight forward. I just wish you could go to the bridge and pop in your office and go to a little closet and swap out. It would just be fun and convenient.

    The other thing seems like it would be more involved but basically, sometimes I buy a ship, it's fine, does what it said on the tin, but after a while it's just not for me. At that point, yeah I have an admiralty ship, but I'm not really getting anything out of it, and after a while I just have a big pile of ships that never get used.

    Selling them or trading them or trading them in would be really great. Even if it permanently took it away. Like, if I wanted it back I'd have to pay full price for it again. There are definitely ships I would do that with if I got, say, a part of the zen back or refined dil or even just a metric ton of EC. That way I could take part of the value of the ship and turn it into something else in the game I would actually keep using. It would certainly encourage me to try more ships if I knew I could just recycle them into upgrades or equipment, ESPECIALLY on those occasions where I want to buy a ship for a console or a mastery. It would make that way more palatable.


    submitted by /u/NoHopeForPike
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    So I opened the 1st of my 5 free Promo Boxes

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Give the Kar'Fi the Ferang impulse visuals pretty please

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:42 PM PST

    Got the Donnie/Disco-prise

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PST

    What materials are available for the legendary bundle?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:31 AM PST

    I'm very interested if material 8 is available for the legendary bundle ships. Specifically I'd like to see what the Ross and Sovereign looks like with material 8 if anyone can show me?

    submitted by /u/jmaugrim
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    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 10:09 AM PST

    this also happened to me when I tried to do teh "To Hell with honor" TFO...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:25 PM PST

    Hey Cryptic, can we get some new stuff in Mudd's Market?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Please? Thanks! :) I'd love to see some more older event ships.

    submitted by /u/Kreyg
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    Instructions not clear - DMG vs Endeavor

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:32 PM PST

    Some art I did of Rheyla (one of my toons)!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Guys I have a new pet!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:24 PM PST

    Brand new player

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:49 AM PST

    Downloaded the game last night and wondered if anyone has any advice, what should I know? Also is it possible to get my boy Jean-lu Picard and the Enterprise D?

    submitted by /u/Joseph_F_1
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    Resource farming Post-Admiralty nerf

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:33 PM PST

    With some reacting to the Admiralty nerf as if it's the end of the world, I feel that it's time to write up an updated list of advice on how to farm resources.

    I'd like to start off by addressing the claims that Admiralty is irrelevant now.

    TL;DR: It's not. Not by a long shot

    For starters, there's still the normal Dilithium rewards from Admiralty missions, between 500-2k Dilithium. AFAIK the Ferengi boost should apply to this. There's the EC aspect of it. Some of those assignments can reward up to 200k or so, and sometimes you can hit multiples of these a day in addition to the 50k and 100k ones. Done right, you can be floating in a small Admiralty EC fortune.

    Whether or not you find the new ToD rewards useful is subjective. The Ferengi Dilithium Bonus rewards more Dilithium than the ToD actually gave before since the booster is for 30k Dilithium. So you get 30k Dilithium in addition what you're owed from the booster. So with the booster, you're getting more than 30k dil. On a dil weekend or with additional buffs, you're gonna be loaded in dil still. The KDF changes are a bit more touchy, however.

    On the one hand the Fleet Dilithium Vouchers can finally inspire people to finish their fleets, and may even entice players to start new ones of their own. This feeds into a desire I've seen expressed lately: Players want there to be more social activities in STO. I remember hearing the fleets would host PvP and shuttle events for fun, things like that. If the fleet vouchers help fuel more of that, I'm all for it. At worst case scenario if you don't need to finish off a fleet or get any Fleet Credits, you can get the Fleet Credits, convert them into common DOFFs at your starbase, and sell them on the exchange for quick cash.

    The KDF changes only end up being bad if you're fleetless, or absolutely capped on everything else. I very rarely see anyone who's not in a fleet, and rarely I meet someone who has done everything possible with fleets so this is an extreme minority of players. About 2 years later or so, people are still struggling with colonies and some don't even have their starbase maxed out and that's the oldest holding there is IIRC so I can't see how for 99% of players that this isn't a good thing.

    Anyway, enough of the Admiralty not bad preamble. Let's get down to it.


    The goal here is to get as close to 8k or above as possible without no life grinding it. The reason I say "as close to" is because nothing is forcing you to reach your absolute maximum refining capacity each day. In reality you most likely won't reach max capacity, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you're keeping up with it without burning yourself out, you'll have enough Dilithium stockpiled and it'll get to the point where you'll eventually start reaching levels of surplus where you won't have to grind for a while.

    Since some players are in a frenzy about this right now, I'll start with the admiralty methods.


    I'll start off by assuming you can hit 3k Dilithium per day from Admiralty. Hitting one of the 2k Dilithium reward missions already gives you 2/3 of this number. After that, just hit two 500 dilithium reward missions.

    You're still gonna want to hit at least the Ferengi Dilithium Bonus because that boosts pretty much everything, including normal Admiralty missions IIRC. And TFOs. If you keep the Ferengi Bonuses coming, your job gets a whole lot easier.


    It can't get much easier than this. Acquire 5 contraband. Doesn't matter if you farm it via KDF or DOFFing, or get it from the exchange. Go to a security officer, I know there's one on DS9, one on ESD, and on K7 and Ganalda there should be one too. Turn in the contraband and wait 20 hours. That's an easy 2k dilithium. That brings you up to 5k total so far. Only 3k away from the refinement per toon cap! But I forgot how iMpOsSiBlE dilithium farming is gonna be with the Admiralty changes and pEoPlE aRe GoNnA lEaVeEeEeE. /s


    At this point, you only need to run one Advanced queue RTFO to get at to very close to refinement cap. This works by converting the marks you get from the RTFO reward box into Dilithium. This assumes that you have at least one rep that is T5 or higher.

    Assuming you get the lowest reward (70 Marks, 700 Dilithium as per the wiki), that's 700 dil + the 500 dil from turning in the rep marks + the 720 for advanced queue itself. This comes to a total of 1920 Dilithium. It's even more if you hit a higher quality RTFO box than common. I find that generally, uncommons seem to be more common than actual common boxes.

    Grand Dilithium Total:

    6920 Dilithium. Only 1080 short of the refinement cap assuming you have NO Dilithium bonus active, and assuming you get the lowest possible reward from the RTFO box. I dunno about anyone else, but I hardly call this "difficult". It gets easier assuming you get a slightly higher RTFO reward AND keep your Ferengi bonus active. Eventually you'll be getting so much dil that you'll reach a surplus and you won't have to work as hard anymore. At some point, you won't really have to work at all.

    In essence, the Admiralty changes are designed to slow the flow of Dilithium into the dilex to keep prices down. So far, it's working. This really hurts the people who are extremely lazy when it comes to Dilithium farming for Zen, those who can't be bothered to do anything but the bare minimum. I say "for Zen" because no one sets up 10+ toons just to afford rep/fleet gear. The cost simply isn't that high.

    Energy Credits:

    Some people don't realize the potential that these changes have to provide a way to make EC. I've seen new and veteran players alike upset about the lack of many efficient farming methods for EC, so here's a few.


    And again we're back to Admiralty. Some of the Admiralty missions reward between 50k-200k EC, and you can strike multiples of these. Multiply this by a couple of toons, and you have a tiny fortune. Save this up for a little bit, and you have a decent fortune. Relatively speaking anyway. On its own, it's still nothing compared to what some of the promo ships cost. Depending on how many Admiralty cards you have, it's an easy 250k-1mil a day per toon. Even more if you can cycle every so often.


    These are honestly amazing. The Elite ones alone have a chance to reward 500k or potentially more, and there's still the Advanced, Normal, and Universal ones to consider. Some of these can be tedious though, and you should save your re-roll tokens for these ones that are too hard for an alt farmer or too time consuming. These have the downside of not being a per toon reward, but it's still lucrative over time.


    Ah, how everything old is new again. Anyone notice why a certain group of 12 sectors or so is populated again? Tis' because we're about to go commit some space felonies! >:D

    NOTE: You need KDF Toons to do this

    Running your own mini Orion Syndicate Marauding is one of the oldest EC and Dil hybrid methods I can remember. In short, there's a select group of DOFF missions that reward Contraband, and this quickly stacks up. Seeing as how Contraband is in demand for Dil again, the price has gone up somewhat, and it's an easy way to make EC.

    But, it does require a few million in seed money per toon you want to farm, depending on what quality DOFFs you want, and how full you want your roster to be. You're looking to get a pretty even assortment of the best quality DOFFs you can: Energy Weapon Officers, Projectile Weapon Officers, Assault Squad Officers, Tractor Beam Officers, and Transporter Officers. You want to fill your roster with these because of the long duration Sick Bay assignments your DOFFs get thrown into after Contraband Farming. The more DOFFs you have to throw at the missions, the less Sick Bay downtime you have.

    I've noticed that around 25-30 Contraband is roughly the average amount of Contraband I get rewarded from doing one cycle. The current price of Contraband at the time of writing is 33k per Contraband, so 25 Contraband * 33k is about 885k. Damn close to a million EC. Per toon you do it on. It won't be long before you recoup your investment, and eventually you'll start making big amounts of EC.

    For reference, here's a list of DOFF assignments that reward Contraband:


    And here's the sectors I usually hit for Contraband


    You can view the Contraband missions by flying into the sector you're operating, checking for them in the Current Map, and then going to Department Heads -> First Officer. Remember, only take assignments that directly reward Contraband as per the wiki list

    Fleet Credits:

    Alright, to those saying that some might not have a use for the KDF ToD's Fleet Voucher reward, here's a good one.

    Convert the Vouchers to Fleet Credits, use the Fleet Credits to buy Common DOFFs at the Fleet Starbase, and sell them for anywhere between 19k-30k depending on what everyone else is selling them for. These are in demand for fleet projects, and tend to sell within a day.

    Here's the math.

    OK, so the voucher is worth 40k Fleet Dil. And the Common DOFF box is 500 FC per box. So that's 80 DOFFs you can open. 80 DOFFs * 19000 is 1.52 million. For selling DOFFs. If you don't need to get any trait slots or fleet gear, I bet you'll still want that. And if you can get your farmers into a fleet too, that's 1.52 million per toon. If you're someone with 10 toons or so, that's 15.2 million EC every 10 days, or 45.6 million a month.

    Overall, I just wanted to highlight that resource farming is hardly impossible with these changes, and that a lot of the fear of lack of resources is misplaced. More than trying to prove a point, I hope these methods actually help people get ahead.

    Good luck farming Admiral!

    EDIT #1: u/KingRuler07 and u/JagSKX have informed me about a DOFF mission that takes 5 colonists, has a 100% success rate, and should only need about 25k EC if Colonists still cost 5k per one. It should be as simple as buying 5 colonists for 25k EC, and starting the DOFF assignment. It's a free 500dil, which can't hurt. Thanks for contributing this method!

    u/ginobaldelli2 also contributed the Ocampan Freighter Patrol mission outside the Jenolan Dyson Sphere. It's sort of like a patrol where you have to help the Ocampans gather resources for their ship and fend off Kazon. Gives 480 dil which is a decent number for such a simple task.

    EDIT #2: u/tsuyoshikentsu pointed out a big boo boo I made: I completely forgot to mention that patrols were a thing, even after the new patrol system was put into place and IIRC rewards Rep marks that you can convert to dil. If you're time pressed and/or don't feel like RTFOing, absolutely Do Acamar and the Hobus patrol as u/tsuyoshikentsu suggested. There's also the newer ones under the Queue menu -> Patrols. Great find!

    EDIT #3: I redid the math on selling Common DOFFs using the KDF Fleet Vouchers, and at the estimated price of 1.52 milliion per toon * ten toons, that's 45.6 MILLION a month, not 30 million as initially quoted. I forgot about the other half million in the number when I was doing the head math.

    EDIT #4: u/burnoutmax1981 pointed out that you can can Rep assignments to get easy Dilithium too. See his comment here:


    EDIT #5: I just remembered Battlezones. The Tzenkethi battlezone is a bit iffy, but the Voth, Terran, and Undine ones are Dilithium gold mines, and are all on normal difficulty so they're not hard. The Voth and Undine ones aren't only on normal difficulty, but also only scale up to level 50, so you can be destroying everything while taking pretty much no significant damage.

    EDIT #6: u/Peeklol pointed out that there's a Fleet Dilithium Mine DOFF assignment that let's you refine 500 extra Dilithium a day in a few seconds. The issue is that all your farmers would need to be in fleets and I'm not sure what Reddit's Fleet policy is on that. If you can do it, it's a nice extra chunk and will help you gain a surplus.

    submitted by /u/eternalpl
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    Stealth Key Sale on PC?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:11 PM PST

    I dont recall seeing a tweet or post, and I dont remeber it being there yesterday. But for those interested, there is currently a Key Sale on the C-Store.

    submitted by /u/Teve1980
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    Legendary Voyager's BOFF seating is weird

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:48 PM PST

    So, I want to start by saying I love having a version of the ship that has both Miracle Worker seating and Pilot seating. The two together on Voyager feels right in a way I didn't expect, and I'm very happy to get to play with it. But the way seating gets allocated on the ship is a little weird, at least looking at the crew on the actual show. Let's walk through the seating shall we?

    Commander Science/Miracle Worker

    Who on Voyager could use this seat?

    • Doctor is technically a science officer, and probably could be said to have a few of the Photonic bridge officer abilities. And given that he doesn't have a rank, I'm willing to give him a pass on using a Commander station. But he's most of the time not a bridge officer. (Or when he is, he's definitely specialized in Command and not Miracle Worker of the ship/machine variety.)
    • Ensign Kim often filled the roll of science officer on the ship, a dual classification we saw before with Data on TNG. I wouldn't necessarily call him a Miracle Worker, but if I squint, it works. Except as we all know, he's only an Ensign so he only gets one ability. Doesn't work.
    • Seven of Nine is probably who this station is designed for. Her abilities clearly have a scientific focus, and some of the Borg technobable she pulls out probably qualifies her to be a Miracle Worker. I have a little trouble thinking of her as using a Commander station though. In fact, most of the time she's on the bridge she using the tiny station right above Janeway's head. That looks to me like an Ensign station. But ok, let's assume the station is meant for Seven. Except...
    • Lieutenant Torres: So, if anyone on the ship is a Miracle Worker, isn't it B'Elanna? Isn't she the one holding the whole ship together with painted wire, plaster, and Christmas lights? Isn't she the one putting the ship back into perfect working order every week with basically zero supplies? But she's an engineer, so she doesn't even fit the seat.

    Ok, but that one makes sense because Seven who sort of doesn't have a rank but half the show was about her so maybe we can pretend she's a Commander. But what about this:

    Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Pilot

    So we see plenty of people fly shuttles and do even a few fancy things with them. But we all know there is exactly one character on the show who should be in the Pilots seat, one character who literally introduced us to the Pilot specialization: Tom Paris. But Paris is EVERYTHING but an Engineer. Sure, he knows about as much as any other crew member about repairing things, but he has two roles on the ship:

    • Helmsman, where he mostly executes Attack Patterns as a Tactical officer, and ...
    • Medic which would make him a backup Science officer (but probably not on the bridge)

    Unfortunately, on the legendary ship he gets to sit over in another seat and watch while B'Elanna pilots the ship from engineering. Might as well, she's not performing any technical Miracles anyway.

    In conclusion, this feels like a slight miss but the ship is still quite fun. Even if the seating is a bit off, the flavor of sending an infinite supply of shuttles to their doom without repercussions is perfect, so on the whole it evens out.

    submitted by /u/willfulwizard
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    I don't normally go for flashy colors, but...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:18 PM PST

    question about the plasma storm module

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:27 AM PST

    hello everyone, i am thinking about putting the plasma storm module, which comes from the maquis raider, into my exotic build. its description says plasma damage. but is this influenced by EPG or just normal plasma weapon damage consoles? it looks like a thing thats influenced by EPG like a tykens rift, but the description plasma damage makes me sceptical.

    submitted by /u/toao_Multiknife
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    PSA: Console Giveaway Today is 5x R&D Promo Boxes

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:31 PM PST

    Happy gambling!!

    submitted by /u/TheSnackist
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    Another Invalid AFK Penalty

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 09:48 AM PST

    Completed "Gateway To Grethor", where the objective is to disable Iconian devices. That's what I focused on, the objective, not the distraction. Guess I didn't have enough pew pew, because even though my team completed the TFO with ease, I got hit with a penalty.

    C'mon Cryptic, you're better than this. j/k you're not, but fix it anyway.

    submitted by /u/Rick-Danko
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