• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 1, 2020

    Star Trek Online Literally saw that and had to cry :c

    Star Trek Online Literally saw that and had to cry :c

    Literally saw that and had to cry :c

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:23 AM PST

    Shoot escaping shuttles, millions dead in TFOs...

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST

    I really enjoy the Pilot seating that comes with the Intrepid Legendary Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Ferengi Admirality is fine...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:26 AM PST

    Just wanted to say that since thursday I've already used up most of my Dilithium Pool from the Ferengi Admirality on some of my characters by only doing Admirality and some Doff missions...

    I get it that change is scarry and "nerfs" to the game economy can be disturbing, but the amount of toxicity on Reddit lately is even more sad. I'm not gonna play Cryptic's advocate, because I'm also not a fan of some of their recent practices, but I just wanted to point out that it's not gonna be anything game-breaking, like some people say. It's not gonna ruin the game economy and it certainy doesn't invalidate the game being F2P-friendly.

    The KDF campaign may have changed, but it's not worthless like some people say. For me personally it's gonna help a lot, actually, as my fleets are still struggling with the Colony T5 projects. Having 40,000 dilithium that I don't have to refine will be a huge help. Sure, that's 30,000 dilithium less for me personally, but it's still an incentive to contribute the dilithium to fleet projects.

    And if you're in a fleet that's already T5 at everything, then consider helping your armada out.

    Overall, Admirality still rewards lots of dilithium, and the new event is only helping that (2500 dilithium per TOD assignment). It's still worth doing, even if that's the only thing you do with your alts. It's still a matter of luck, but combined with some Doff missions you're still goning to get a lot of Dil. And even outside of the event I think it's not gonna be a huge problem to use that 30,000 bonus pool in 10 days.

    submitted by /u/SuavekS
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    Well, this should prove an interesting matchup.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:17 PM PST

    "Does it come in Black?"

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:28 AM PST

    Hey Cryptic

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:04 PM PST

    Since nothing came in this 10th anniversary bundle for klingons why not at least unlock the consoles and weapons from the reclaim store... Like the subatomic disintegrator or the advanced disruptor arrays

    Or is that too much to ask for

    Okay rant over 🖖

    submitted by /u/emarren623
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    Feeling pretty good about 150

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:03 AM PST

    Stargate Designed Ship

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:27 AM PST

    So I have a few questions. I'm trying to create a character that looks like it could be from the Stargate franchise but I'm having a hard time and I could use an assist. These are the things I'm looking for.

    Ship: A ship that looks/acts like it could be either an Ancient/Lantean warship or a Human/Tau'ri warship.

    Vanity shield: A vanity shield that gives my ship a skin similar to either an Ancient/Lantean warship or a Human/Tau'ri warship.

    Ground Armor: Clothing that looks like something an SG team (SG1 or Atlantis)

    Weapons: Weapons that look like human weapons or look like they could come from the Stargate franchise.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/mando212
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    Did I miss the "Love Letter"?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:26 PM PST

    Wasn't there supposed to be something cool happening with the 10th Anniversary?

    submitted by /u/voch5
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    Mom: Boy, eat your Veggies

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Something Interesting I Noticed - Xindi-Primate in the Delta Arc

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:56 PM PST

    T5 upgrade token claim broken?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Says I cannot purchase it yet because I must purchase a different product first. The hell am I missing I claimed the uniform and upgrades already and switched to a toon with a t5 ship that hadn't been upgraded yet and if it's able to traded between characters like it says that shouldn't matter anyway?

    submitted by /u/Antilles1138
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    How to get Disco Phasers

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PST

    Hi im pretty new to STO and got my lvl 10 ship and i was wondering how to get the disco phaser style phasers for my ship as i am not a big fan of the beam phaser styles.(I started as discovery starfleet and currently past the mission where the dude was an imposter alien thingy)

    submitted by /u/hmmmmmmmnmn
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    Romulan Intel Warbird Captured by Section 31.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:20 PM PST

    Romulan Intel Warbird Captured by Section 31.

    This is the Faeht Warbird with the Section 31 Vanity Shield on it. Just thought I'd make a small lore piece for it:

    Captured by the secret organisation known as Section 31 in 2256, this Romulan Warbird was to serve as vital intelligence into the technologies and methods used by the Romulans in battle. This would ultimately help the Federation gain a foothold in the Federation-Klingon War. A few months after capturing the Warbird, Section 31 began retrofitting the Warbird with the latest cutting edge technology available to the organisation at the time; this meant overcharging the Singularity Core and installing prototype armour. However, the operation was promptly discontinued as further complications occured after the retrofit.

    Frontal View

    submitted by /u/dvlx_a
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    2 Additions/Improvements for Phoenix Packs - Account Wide Ships and Up-trading Tokens

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:36 AM PST

    To begin this, I am not advocating for anything currently in the phoenix packs to change or to be removed. The long-term value of the phoenix packs is very worthwhile on the low end (green tokens for upgrades) but not as worthwhile when it comes to single character ships for the exceedingly rare epic/gold and UR tokens. I have two suggestions for improvements to be added to phoenix packs.

    1) Add in Account-Wide Event Ships for the price of TWO epic/gold tokens

    Currently in the phoenix packs, previous event ships are available only as character unlocks for the price of 1 epic/gold token (T6) or 1 UR (T5). On top of that, add in account-wide versions of all the event ships for the price of two corresponding tokens (T6 account-wide event ships for 2 epic tokens, and T5 acc-wide for 2 UR tokens).

    Previous event ships being acquirable account-wide would greatly increase their inherent value for many players. If someone wanted a previous T6 event ship on only one char, they would STILL have the option to buy the char bound version for 1 epic token. If they wanted to use a ship on multiple toons, they could pay 2 epic tokens to get the T6 event ship unlocked across the account.

    2) Add in the ability to UP-TRADE phoenix tokens at a 10:1 rate

    Essentially add in the ability to trade 10 green => 1 blue, 10 blue => 1 purple, 10 purple => 1 UR, 10 UR => 1 Epic/Gold.

    Currently, players cannot acquire previous event ships from phoenix boxes WITHOUT bypassing gamble mechanics. Regardless of the nature of promo/lockboxes, etc, you can still directly buy promo/lockbox ships off the exchange, or lobi ships from the store - not to mention being able to buy cstore ships from cstore directly. With phoenix box ships, you have to gamble your way through phoenix boxes and you could open 10 thousand phoenix boxes and still not get an epic token. With the token up-trade option, players that want to acquire a phoenix event ship would be more willing to open phoenix packs because every pack would be able to contribute towards that goal even if they aren't lucky enough to directly receive epic tokens.

    So, why would Cryptic want to do this?

    I'm willing to bet that there are MORE players who don't have ALL the previous event ships unlocked account wide THAN there are players who DO have ALL previous event ships acc-wide. (I'm actually in the minority here - I was fortunate enough to have been around and have gotten all the past event ships account wide already).

    However for many newer players and people that haven't been around that long, acquiring past event ships currently would be almost feasibly impossible. Adding these two improvements would encourage many players out there to go for those previous event ships because now they would be ATTAINABLE - F2P players would have a dil sink and whales (or anyone willing/able to spend money) would buy zen to trade for dil to be able to collect their missing event ships. Ultimately more revenue for Cryptic (from people buying zen), more activity in dil/zen exchange, and phoenix boxes would have a more consistent long term impact on preventing dil/zen exchange from going too high.

    The best part about this for Cryptic is that you don't have to create new assets, just re-use pre-existing assets (previous event ships currently already in game and in phoenix stores) to generate more revenue for the company/game - hook up acc-wide versions of the ships to the phoenix store for 2 epic tokens and add in token uptrade options. Seems like a win-win-win all the way around to me.

    submitted by /u/Imasterstar
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    UI/QOL improvement request: tailor crew preset

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Wouldn't it be nice if we could save and load outfit presets for all of our crew (all boffs+captain) with one click?

    submitted by /u/Treizebook
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    so... not sure if this is supposed to happen...

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:57 PM PST

    Advice for computer running sto, pls.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:26 AM PST

    For now I have computer with 16GB RAM, i3, and low coast AMD graphic cards (no SSD). It's time to buy a new computer. I would like to know i5, 16GB RAM, SSD and Geforce gtx 1650 would be enough to run STO with graphic effects.

    Any advice is welcomed. Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/theodiousolivetree
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    Crazy Featured Episode Idea: resurrecting the Star Trek Experience

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:27 AM PST

    In the late 90s The Star Trek Experience opened in Las Vegas. I was fortunate enough to ride it in 2000 and then twice more occasions before it shut down. It was pretty much a Trek fan's Mecca and was very sad to see it go. If you don't know what it was I suggest looking up videos on YouTube (a little leery of posting the link here).

    For those who do remember, I'm thinking some crazy time travel plot on top of the time travel plot of the Experience. We already have the DS9 Promenade and the Galaxy Class interior. All it would take is building the displays leading up to the ride start and adding some shops. We have all the models of the ships too.

    More on the plot, it could turn out that the ride was in fact real. And all you're doing is verifying that events go as they're supposed to without interruption.

    All I know is since the set pieces are there it could be a fun way to bring the Experience back. Maybe even just make it a social zone where you can ride the actual ride or something...

    submitted by /u/GoingCamaro
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    What are the best/slash most fun lockbox ground weapons...NOT Romulan plasma rifles or Lobi weapons.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 07:33 PM PST

    All of my away teams on all of my characters are plasma rifles and one word...


    I have a ton of infinity weapon boxes and would like to convert a few of them to ground weapons for variety.

    P.S. also not Herald Staves, I used them a lot when they were new...also just finished the Iconian War arc on my character I'm playing now and really don't want to hear that sound they make anymore.

    submitted by /u/The_Nameless_Bard
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    Cross-Faction Intel Science Bundle code giveaway!

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 10:43 AM PST

    I have the IDW Humble Bundle CFIS Bundle key for PC, and I already have them on console, so I have no need for it, so I'm doing a giveaway!

    Today through late-night March 3 (about 11PM or so US Central Time) - the day the 10th Anniversary goes live on console - is the entry period.

    What do I ask to find the winner?

    Well, to counter some of the negativity that often pops in this subreddit, I ask this:

    What is something you absolutely love or is your favorite thing about Star Trek Online?

    From all the entries, I'll choose my favorite. Totally subjective? Sure. But it's my giveaway.

    I'll say this: you can just put two words, like "the ships", but, honestly, your odds won't be good. I'd love for you to make some nice detailed posts, tell a story or something!

    I'll DM the winner the code, and then post the winner here afterwards.

    submitted by /u/The_Trekspert
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