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    Friday, March 20, 2020

    Star Trek Online C'mon you all know it

    Star Trek Online C'mon you all know it

    C'mon you all know it

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    You have my sword. And my bow. And my axe. And my...magic stick.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    "HANDS UP!"

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    U.S.S. Somerville (NCC-93200)

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    Here we go, NI-0064 type....

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    Apparently the Temporal Bridge comes with a sunroof!

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 02:08 AM PDT

    How is the most important thing not in the Mudd store yet?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    A permanent Artisanal Audio unlock!

    submitted by /u/unsaneasylum
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    Uhhhh, this ain't good

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Outleveled my gear during the event...best ways to catch up?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Hello, all. I am looking for advice on climbing out of the hole I've managed to dig myself into.

    I knew the missions/enemies leveled with your character, so should have seen this coming. I leveled from around 45 to 65 during the event withoutupgrading much of my gear. I am in a T6 ship, but going into missions now I am a fair bit weaker than the enemies. Some I can still beat even though it is much more difficult, but others (Borg) just melt me.

    Some of this is my lack of experience and skill, I'm sure, but some of it is gear. So now I'm looking for ways to best gear up so I have a better chance to gain that experience and skill before I blow up. :)

    Some possibilities

    • My energy credit and dilithium supplies are nothing much, but I can probably find some cheaper gear to buy if it comes to that, but I am hoping for ways to earn it.
    • Eventually I may be able to craft gear, but right now I am still working on training up my crafting schools.
    • Running missions level-matched to someone around level 50 (will my mission reward be leveled down as well?)

    Anything else I should be doing? Other than remembering to not level other captains exclusively through events?

    Thanks for any advice.

    submitted by /u/tanek_09
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    Hey Cryptic, can we get a Lobi sale on consoles?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    It's been a while for us.

    We last had a sale at the start of December for the festivities, the PC guys have had two Lobi sales since anniversary launched. Our Legendary Ship pack is still a few weeks out, and I imagine there's quite a lot of players at home at the moment like yourselves wanting some new console to try, outfit to wear, or ship to fly.

    Can we get one? I want to buy some things before I go stir crazy.

    submitted by /u/CorrisD
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    Promo pack ships are bound to account ? Or only character?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:41 AM PDT

    Ten Forward Weekly 19.03.2020: Summer Ship Design Stream 2

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Link: Youtube, Twitch, Facebook

    Theme: Summer Ship Design Stream 2

    Guests: Test Analyst Christian Griffith (drawing) and lead ship and UI artist Thomas Marrone (consulting)

    So, they had to do stream day later because reasons and in their respective homes because illness quarantine. Quality was... shaky, especially with 3 different streaming sources.

    • Having no 3D software, Chris had to use pen & paper.
    • Chris decided to just go forward, imagined a shape and started drawing it.
      • Usually, it went new concept - new page.
    • First tries were federation-like, something like Somerville, but then Thomas reminded Chris to be different.
    • There were discussions like about secondary deflectors or nacelles.
      • Chat: "Well, isn't the Risian corvette... mostly nacelles?"
    • Chris decided that as two previous ships were of different boat shapes, he would to make another one.
      • Thomas kept reminding him to be more brave with shapes.
    • Thomas showed us literal napkin sketch of Ross.
    • Chat kept being reminded of Tarellian plague ships, especially because Chris decided to keep the sphere.
      • Curiously, during previous stream, first thing Nick thought of, while creating sci ship, was also sphere, although he abandoned it quickly.
      • Another constant presence in chat was Cloud 9 from BSG.
    • There were several cat interludes from Mike's and Thomas' cats.
    • Mike: "You could draw your giant propeller here if that's the thing you wanna do."
    • There'll be someting interesting related to caitians and ferasans soon.
    • Thomas was asked how he would draw 2411 Nova. Steam itself froze at that moment.
      • Luckily, recording carried on fine, those looking at it now would be fine.
      • Hector is likely to be the one designing it if things come to that.
    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    Lobo reward extension?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Do you guys think they will extend the current event?

    I'm a healthcare worker and since this covid19 issue I've had to put in 60-70 hour weeks. Will they extend or re-run the event. I wanted to collect the LOBI to buy a starship.

    submitted by /u/Sir-Unicorn
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    Using a Catian exactly as intended by the devs

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    I got bored and tried making the Disco Rep armor look like a green-skinned android gal. Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    [BUG REPORT: PC] Game-breaking Bug Hunt glitch: Vanderveer will sometimes start following players around, softlocking the whole TFO.

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 12:51 PM PDT

    The TFO Bug Hunt is currently in a pretty bad state. Though uncommon, Vanderveer (the guy who places the bombs down) will sometimes glitch out and start following certain players around like bridge officers. This causes him to not place bombs down at rock emplacements, meaning that players will be stuck at certain points and the TFO becomes softlocked. I don't know much about what's going on with it, but I believe it has something to do with players reviving Vanderveer via CPR (the ability they would use to revive other incapacitated player characters) as opposed to using the interaction option to do it. Has anyone else noticed this in the past?

    Besides, I really don't need to discuss the unfair penalty that comes from being forced to leave a softlocked TFO.

    submitted by /u/InLoveWithAbsol
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    So I guess Promo Boxes are permanent part of the Store now eh?

    Posted: 19 Mar 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    We've had a dozen sales on these buggers over the past 4 months, and they haven't been removed from the store for the past month now.

    submitted by /u/IlIllIlIlllIlI
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    C-store Science ship that can be useful for my Tac main?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:39 AM PDT


    I'm thinking about buying a T6 C-store ship for my Romulan/Fed Science alt, but if possible, I'm looking for a purchase that could benefit my Fed Tactical (dps-beam-boat) main as well. Does anyone know of a science ship that I could buy that has a trait or a console that could be useful to main character?

    submitted by /u/marielv
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    Dilithium Exchange

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Hi hope everyones well, I have a question regarding the exchange, I'm hoping to get 550 zen so I can get just one uni for my main but I dont have an amazing amount or Dil as I bought a few Phoenix boxes, how much Dil would be worth 550? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/TheOneDQ
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    So..its 2020 - what is the best Science ship for a KDF aligned Romulan?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    So..its 2020 - what is the best Science ship for a KDF aligned Romulan?

    so far i'm seeing Annorax, Lukari N'kaam Scout (batwing), and...the old ugly Eternal?

    I'm looking for Cmdr Temp + Lt Cmdr Sci/Intel if possible - any ideas??

    submitted by /u/FastMaster001
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    Perennially Patching?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:39 AM PDT

    Had to reinstall the game yesterday. Every time I've (re)installed the game over the years, I've noticed a "Patching XX files, X bytes/sec" message in the upper left corner of the screen. This has always confused me and I'm hoping someone can explain this.
    Have I downloaded the whole game or not?
    Patching occurs once a week, so why is the game still patching?
    Any way to just download everything (Toggling "on demand patching" in the options doesn't appear to have an effect).

    submitted by /u/Rick-Danko
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    Meta vs META and why it matters.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    So dating back to tabletop gaming at least, meta-gaming has been a thing. That is to say, gaming that is self-conscious of the fact that it is gaming. And this has prompted a variety of mechanical decisions by game developers to keep people "in the game". A classic example is why you can't put a bag of holding inside a portable hole or another bag of holding.

    In recent years, folks have described meta as "More Effective Than Anything" and started using it as an acronym.

    The problem I have with this is that it changes how people meta-game. One area of classical meta-gaming WAS always calculating the most effective strategy, sure... But it used to include benign or white hat exploiting NOT JUST to chase DPS but to do weird things based on game mechanics.

    For example, in some games, polymorphing a character twice would change their gender until logged out. Combining water walking with short range teleports might allow a player to slip into maps not intended to be seen by players.

    An example in STO of meta that isn't META might be maxing turn rate and speed and using vent plasma and Metreon gas cannisters to skywrite or cage enemies.

    There's a lot of fun beyond a DPS chase. And I think figuring out how to do unintended things while not crossing fully over into "I win" exploits is essential to deep gameplay.

    submitted by /u/bardbrain
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