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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Star Trek Online Subtle nod to Aron and Rene?

    Star Trek Online Subtle nod to Aron and Rene?

    Subtle nod to Aron and Rene?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:18 AM PST

    I'll probably get downvoted for saying this, but I logged on today and noticed that Odo is now in Quark's on DS9 and is standing with Nog and talking to him. Could this be some kind of tribute to Aron and Rene by the devs (e.g., they're together now in the afterlife or whatever. We did lose both of them in the same year.)? I'm pretty much in DS9 daily and didn't notice it before now. Maybe I'm just reading into it too much or haven't seen it until now.

    submitted by /u/Brainardman
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    Exchange and EC perspectives: 100M profit in 15 days

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    I do not claim to be any kind of Exchange savant or any true Ferengi. I only play the Exchange when I want something. It's not my main focus in STO. In comparison to the true whales and sharks out there, I'm more like a minnow. That said, I recently gave myself a challenge to generate 100M in profit using only the Exchange and Endeavors in 30 days. I was pretty comfortable I could do it, since I had generated 60M in 25 days a year ago while pursuing some Lobi gear. This time, I made 100 million in profit over the course of 15 days (upgrade weekend helps a lot), so I feel there are lessons I learned as a minnow that are worth discussing. The point is, even if it was 100 million EC generated in 30 days, if I could sustain that level of return over a year, I could have any ship in the game--even the 1.2 billion promo ships.

    Ground Rules

    • I did not use Zen items (aka keys) or giant quantities of dil to make my EC. I tracked how much dil I used and it was roughly 120,000--about how much I'd refine off of 1 toon in that time frame.

    • I did not count Admiralty EC rewards, which were probably a few million more. I only looked at net Exchange profits and Endeavors.

    • I did not do anything with a high (over 5M) overhead cost in EC. Most of my profit generators cost me less than 150K EC to produce (read: rarity boosters). I'm not good at flipping stuff on the exchange anyway.

    • I did not use methods that require 5+ toons. I used three toons to speed things up (R&D slots), but could have used 1 or 2.

    • I did not grind STO. My EC generation activities occupied between 30 minutes and an hour per day, with about double on the weekends. Logging in twice a day was useful, but not essential. Loot was a miniscule fraction of my profit sources.

    • Endeavors made about 7 million.

    • I was not doing this for any purchase of my own. I did this mostly to see if I could, and I gave away the 100M to a pair of fleetmates.

    Here is the breakdown of how I made my EC:


    Having completed my challenge, I see many posts on /r/sto with a couple of common narratives that I'd like to try and dispel.

    The first is that things on the Exchange "cost too much." This IMO is only true if one does not know how to generate EC, or does not care/like to put in the effort. Things on the Exchange generally cost what the demand is for them. If demand is high and supply is low, then the item will be very expensive and vice versa. If I just looked at Endeavors, I raised 7 million energy credits in 15 days from Endeavors and that was with skipping them occasionally (like Christmas). If you're after personal traits, most doffs, or most lockbox consoles, that means in two weeks, you'll have the EC you need for a purchase just from Endeavors.

    If you're after ships, you're going to need a larger personal economy. Some people are talented and dedicated at flipping the exchange. They know how to buy low, sell high. That's not how I did it, but that's a way of doing it. Others have an absurd number of toons that they use to convert dil to zen and zen to EC via keys or promo packs. Some people had discretionary income they can spend on keys or promo packs to flip for EC. I know how I did it--largely through crafting. The point is that you need to find a way and make it work if you're after Lockbox ships. I'm still not at the point where I'm actively pursuing them, but maybe if Cryptic made them account-wide, I'd go grind an Atlas for DPRM.

    Now, one could make the point that lockbox odds are abysmal and if they were fairer that the supply would not be so constricted and things shouldn't cost so much. I would not disagree with that, but that's a separate discussion altogether.

    This brings me to my second point. "Crafting is useless" is a common refrain I've heard around here. I personally don't believe it. Maybe from the perspective of someone who is flipping Lockbox ships for profit that is true, but at my personal economy level, I've found ways to use crafting to generate a modest chunk of change for myself. You really do need level 20 R&D in the schools you're using to generate profit and blue/purple doffs to do your crafting with, but aside from that, the startup cost was not outrageous. I've been playing for almost 4 years, so I already had the doffs and R&D levels.

    The conclusion is this: it is possible to make EC without grinding dil across 15 toons, turning yourself into a Ferengi Exchange day trader, or investing hundreds of dollars into the game (though those are all viable methods too). I am sure there are other methods out there as well that I am blissfully unaware of. The fact that it's possible is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because if you have a way to make EC, you can buy most items in the game. It's a curse because if you don't and have ambitions for bespoke items, you're going to end up gnashing your teeth at the climbing EC prices on the Exchange.

    Remember: a wise man can hear profit in the wind.

    EDIT: Formatting

    submitted by /u/Eph289
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    Another wishlist event ship: a new FED freighter.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:07 AM PST

    Fleet Destroyer after Assimilation and Upgrade Refit

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:01 AM PST

    My team left me in Khitomer!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 03:50 PM PST

    Discovery Legends Vanity Shield

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:28 PM PST

    Is there any gossip on the 10th Year Anniversary event that was on the 2019/2020 roadmap?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Mixing rep armour visuals?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:41 AM PST

    Before I invest in the delta rep armour for some of the visuals. Are you able to mix these with others like the Terran rep armour?

    submitted by /u/Jordanomega1
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    [Help] Game crashing a short time after load

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:51 AM PST

    Hi all.

    For the last few days I've been trying to debug an issue with little success. I figure that it's about time I post on here and see if someone can help me get to the bottom of it.

    After reinstalling my computer I have reinstalled STO. Upon loading the game, everything works for between 10 and 20 seconds then everything crashes. This is a full blown system crash that causes the computer to reboot.

    My efforts to figure out why this is happening have been met with failure. I've tried installing older graphics drivers via normal and clean install. My system is otherwise fully updated. I have verified the game files, no issues there. I have tested this via the Arc launcher and via Steam and both give the same result. I have checked that the memory, CPU and whatnot are all working within expected parameters. All appear to be functioning as I would expect, not overheating, no issues when doing hardware tests, etc.

    The only thing I have been unable to test is running it in non-fullscreen mode as the setting doesn't actually seem to do anything. Unsetting it always results in a full screen game being launched, unless I'm doing something wrong there and there is another way to force this. I've had an issue with another game that has a similar characteristic and that fixed it for me.

    This is a Windows 10 (64-bit) installation. 64 GB of DDR3 memory. An Intel i7-3930k processor and a Nvidia GTX 780 graphics card.

    Any help or whatnot would be appreciated.

    I've checked the windows event logs and the only indication that something even went wrong is a "system not restarted cleanly" message.


    submitted by /u/maxxori
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    Weapon Vanity Slots?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:31 AM PST

    Kinda unsure as to why this isn't a thing yet. It could be as simple as two extra slots in the Vanity tab for our ships, one for Energy Weapon Visuals and another for Projectile Weapon Visuals. There'd have to be some restrictions though to keep it from getting too confusing though, mainly;

    • Only works with same damage type visuals (so no having visuals of Anti-Proton weapons while using Plasma weapons, but you could have visuals of 23c Phasers while using Agony Phasers)
    • Vanity visuals are disabled in PvP to avoid confusion

    As for how it would work, basically you'd slot a weapon of your choice in, and any energy weapons you have equipped that are of that same damage family would take on the visuals of the weapon "series" that weapon you're using for vanity comes from. So like, throw a Pulse Phaser cannon in, and all your Sensor-Linked Phasers, both beams and cannons, now look like Pulse Phaser beams and cannons. Might just be irking some low-key OCD of mine, but it irks it nonetheless.

    I can't be the only one who'd want something like this, as often mission and rep rewards have entirely different visuals than the rest of my weapons, and I end up with the random odd-beam-out amongst the rest of my uniform beams.

    submitted by /u/ScherzicScherzo
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    Battlecloak fed

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:11 AM PST

    How to get a battlecloak for fed characters?

    submitted by /u/Dove_Agency
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    Escort tips and tricks?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 07:52 PM PST

    You'd think after playing this game for 10 years I wouldn't need to ask this, but I usually play cruisers and carriers (with an occasional science ship).

    I'm starting to give some love to my alts, and a number of them fly escorts with full cannon/turrets builds. And I find it very challenging to play them, and somewhat at a loss. I feel like I'm somehow doing it wrong. So I'm looking for some advice on how to best fly escorts with cannons/turrets.

    I have tried two basic techniques: move slowly so as to keep critters in my forward arc and just let things rip, moving out of the way only when necessary (when incoming damage overpowers my forward shields). While it usually gets the job done, it seems, well wrong. An escort is supposed to be fast and nimble, zipping around wrecking anything in its path. Sitting in one place seems counter-intuitive. It's more what I would expect a carrier to do (and any other ship that flies like a beached whale). But it seems to work.

    The second technique I've tried is the way I feel an escort should be played: full throttle zipping around critters, strafing, turning, firing at whatever is in front of me and constantly changing targets as I quickly move thru the battlefield. And while this feels like a better style of play, it also feels inefficient, as I often spend more time flying past critters and repositioning to get them in my forward arc than I actually do firing at them, with my turrets, not my cannons, doing most of the work.

    So what am I missing?

    submitted by /u/CaptFabulous
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    First tactical build, asking for advice.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:23 PM PST

    I've played STO on and off since 2011 on pc and xbox one, currently doing my first Federation tactical character and need advice on ship, officers, and kit setups. Any help is welcomed.

    submitted by /u/chaney1027
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    Does EVERYONE of us have to start the game as a captain? (Immediately after the training levels?) Or could there have been a different path so that I'd start as an ensign?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:16 AM PST

    I would've preferred to learn how to Trek properly, by becoming an Ensign after being a cadet in training. I didn't want to become a Number One (or whatever that rank is officially called; "First Officer" is it?) and then to Captain within like 2 missions. I wanted to earn my way up properly by starting out as an ensign right after Academy.

    I chose the 2409 time-option when I created my character. I like the 2409 option best, so would there have been a way to become Ensign and slowly earn my way to Captain in the 2409 choice? Or would I have to have chosen a different time-option to start as an Ensign?

    Anyways, since I didn't feel ready to become a captain yet, I didn't feel ready to name my ship either. So I just chose a favorite song to name my ship after, therefore named it the USS Fatt Deg Pa Hjernen.

    submitted by /u/EtOyeblikk
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    Back on the game XB1

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:22 PM PST

    Back on the game and I'm looking to get back into a leadership role in a decent sized and active clan, had a good role of vice admiral rank (co leader) based off my personality and will to help newer players and to have fun with the role playing aspect of it. Till we had a rouge leader come in and start demoting people left and right till my clan fell apart :(, 2 years later I'm back looking for a clan to give me a shot !

    submitted by /u/Airboyeee
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    Section 31 Live Episode 1

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 01:58 PM PST

    Section 31 Live Episode 1



    I welcome everyone who can to catch my first episode of Section 31 Live tonight at 7:00 p.m. central time on Twitch . Tonight I will discuss the latest Star Trek Online News and then team up for another operation. On tonight's 1st episode I am giving away Lock Box Keys to a couple of lucky winners, plus other prizes at random. So you don't want to miss out.

    I streamed for 5 hours on New Years and had a lot of fun. Congratulations to the 4 winners of the T6 Ship Coupon Vouchers. Also, to everyone else who won whatever I decided to giveaway

    I invite you to watch my New Year Stream on YouTube at Section 31 Live - New Year 2020

    Catch me on Twitch every Saturday at 7:00 p.m. central time

    Catch up on past Live Streams and other content on my YouTube Channel

    submitted by /u/Agent_Sara
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    Newish player, a little overwhelmed with Boffs and Doffs! And also salvaging.

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:08 PM PST

    Hi! I've been playing for about a week and a half now. I'm having lots of fun but I feel like I'm not really doing a great job with boffs and doffs. I'm sure there's a lot of potential that I'm not making use of in these systems. I've tried to do my own research on the subreddit and the wiki but sadly it hasn't really clicked with me and cured me of my confusion.

    1. For boffs - I currently have eight slots, but I can only make use of 4 at a time on my ship and on the ground. From what I've read, the rarity (green/blue/purple/etc) of a boff doesn't matter all that much. What's important are their abilities, and so it's recommended that you have 4 boffs with good space abilities and 4 boffs with good ground abilities. The thing is, I don't really know which abilities are good yet. Is there anywhere I can look for what abilities are 'meta'? I'd like to try all of them out someday but for now it'd be good to know which ones to look out for.

    2. About training manuals - so these teach your boffs new skills, but how does it work exactly? Can a boff have multiple learned skills that he can swap around after he's learned their manuals, or do you have to consume a manual every time you want to switch? I also don't know which manuals are meta, or if it's a waste to teach a purple manual to a green boff.

    3. About doffs - I'm doing okay with this system, I think. Mainly I like getting dilithium from my assignments since I'm still kind of low level so it's challenging to cap out my 8k a day at this point. Are there any good dilithium assignments from specific places? I try to do the resettlement and contraband assignments whenever I see them, and then I usually go for the assignments that give 50+ dil - for me these are mostly things like the EVA training and that one assignment where you send a single doff to do some martial arts tournament thing. Are there any others in weird places?

    4. Lastly, a bit of a non sequitur but I'm regularly finding that some of the gear I have that says 'salvageable' doesn't give me the option to salvage. Most do, so I've been salvaging any items I have that are bound to my character or account that I no longer need, but I keep running into equipment that says it's salvageable but doesn't show the option in the right-click menu. So I've just been selling those to a vendor. Are these items bugged or am I overlooking some other way to salvage them?

    Thanks for your help. :D

    submitted by /u/rainghost
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