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    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

    Star Trek Online So there is a CSE I thought it should only be ISE and KSE?

    Star Trek Online So there is a CSE I thought it should only be ISE and KSE?

    So there is a CSE I thought it should only be ISE and KSE?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:46 AM PST

    Risa Map Swimming Idea

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:04 AM PST

    Risa Map Swimming Idea

    So I got curious and went on Demorecord to explore the out-of-reach parts of Risa. I looked at the little islands past the boarder and a few other things.


    One thing I noticed while exploring was the water depth once I went past the map boarder.

    As soon as you go past the boarder, the water starts getting deeper and deeper.

    Water getting deeper

    Far out into the ocean

    So... I know this will likely never happen but it would be cool to add a swimming feature to the map.

    You could buy special swimming gear from the summer event store, which would open up the map a little more to let you explore the deeper parts of the water. The deep parts could have tons of coral. Maybe even fish. A swimming animation would be neat to have in the game.

    One of the new summer event activities could be something like collecting old coins or treasure at the ocean floor, and whoever collects the most wins.

    And that's about all. I'd love to see this stuff come to life someday, and I'm sure many others would too.

    submitted by /u/ISS_Astara
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    Seven of Nine - An Update to Reflect Her 'Picard' Appearance?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Not sure who flies the U.S.S. Frontier NCC-1970, but I saw them outside of ESD on December 23rd and decided to snap a quick screenshot in the U.S.S. Columbia NX-02

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Beware of catastrophic crash in Butterfly

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:25 PM PST

    I already submitted a bug report, but wanted to put this out there for the community so nobody else ends up with an inaccessible character. I was running through Butterfly in the Iconian War arc tonight, for the first time in several months, and got to the point of beaming over to the Borg Unimatrix, but instead of loading in the game crashed. Crashes happen, so I restarted the game, selected the character, figured I'd try normal login the first time and safe login if that didn't work. But I wasn't given an option, it just went straight to the loading screen and crashed again. And again, and again. It looks like I'm not going to be able to load into the character again until my bug report gets dealt with. Fortunately it was just an alt for me, don't let it happen to your main.

    Edit: I have to say, I got a very quick response from support, offering to try a map move to help me access the character again. Trying the mission again would still be a risk, but I won't be waiting weeks to use the character again, which is very nice.

    submitted by /u/thisvideoiswrong
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    Event counter bug Borg resurgence bugged?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:50 AM PST

    I've done kitomer yesterday and today with 20 hours in between but the counter for daily availability and total progress does not change. It is still 0/14

    submitted by /u/jkw0053
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    HELP: tank build (universe class)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 05:27 AM PST

    Hi Guys,
    exactly one year ago, I won a universe class ship in a giveaway . I used that ship for some runs, but I couldn't either do damage or tank and because I'd had enough of seeing my ship blown up in a few sec I decided to not use it anymore.
    But today in the spirit of recycling, I was trying to make a tankie version of this ship.
    The problem is that is not going well, and the ship suffer the previous problem again. I read on internet that make a tank is no joke, but no one show some concrete basic suggestion on how to tank, only pro build. I've searched also on reddit, but I couldn't find some useful up to date info except for a few build that unfortunately I can't copy becouse I'm a completely f2p (the most recent example is this build https://www.reddit.com/r/stobuilds/comments/eb7ogi/216k_pancake_of_doom_universe_class_fawcarrier/ that make use of attack pattern delta prime and the dynamic power redistributor module, and unfortunately I doubt I will ever have one of them).

    So here I am, asking the help of the community for some useful basic suggestion on how to tank and how to create my personal tank build:

    1. what should be my goal to make a tough ship thath can also make some dps?;
    2. what should I look for in a console or in a space set?;
    3. cestus or yukawa (are elite yukawa bugged?)? ;
    4. I've read that coalition or polarized disruptor weapon are best for tank, what are your thought? Why?

    BONUS questions:

    1. Generally speaking, I have a little problem with critH and critD (base 25% and 88% that grow up with during the fight). Is it a good base value? How can I increase them (especialli critH)? Are there some must have trait or console that a f2p can afford (actually I have around 80 mil ec)?

    Thank you for your help (and pardon moi if I made some english mistakes)


    PS. I'm a f2p but I'm a very assiduos player... I have collected over the years some endgame equipment, moreover I have all the event gadgets (except for the furiadon but it's a ground weapon) and all the related console/trait plus some zen t6 ship and the kelvin intel dreadnought (thanks again for the suggestion reddit community!). With this equipment I reach 50-55k of dps in ISA with the fleet gagarin (hope not too bad for a f2p). I know some popular strategies, like the aux2bat one or the delta prime one (as I said I can't replicate this one) but I'm sure there are a lot of strategies that I don't know.

    submitted by /u/faster7
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    How does story mission difficulty scale? (And how to make your ships stronger other than with better equipment.)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:07 AM PST

    I have a lvl 13 charachter, (Just started the game recently, I'm amazed how much of my sanity it preserves in exam season) And I wonder what determines how difficult story missions are. I mean, there must be some benefit to keeping low level ships, right?

    Is it the equipment that keeps ships up to date? (Such as, lvl 3 or 4 phasers, or higher) or what more is to it?

    I know, get bigger ships, but I mean for older ships

    submitted by /u/Doveen
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    PC Patch Notes for 1/8/20

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 07:48 PM PST

    Cyclical Modulation Ground Weaponry

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:45 PM PST

    Any Way To Turn The Inventory Filter OFF By Default?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:03 AM PST

    I appreciate the function of it, but it defaults to ON and awkwardly sits on TOP of the inventory (rather than in the little area it's supposed to occupy) and it resets back to it's ON state after closing the client (or possibly due to the extra patch today, hard to tell so far).

    Is there an option anywhere to have it's default set to OFF? If not, it's going to get irritating fast (like that stupid login screen, but that can be removed with a single press of the ESC key, no mouse required).

    submitted by /u/Roebot56
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    Thank you Star Trek Online for 10 great years!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:58 AM PST

    Haven't purchased the LaForge boff yet but it seems to have disappeared from Mudd's Market?

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:57 AM PST

    uncertainties concerning Mixed Armaments Synergy

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:23 AM PST

    Hello Reddit!

    I have a question about the Miracle-worker-Ability "Mixed Armaments Synergy":

    (My primary concern is strengthening my beam banks.)


    For 10 seconds:

    Activating a Beam, Cannon, Mine or Torpedo will cause you to gain +40% Bonus All Damage for the other 3 types of weapons.

    Now, does that mean...

    a) Each weapon type used in the next ten seconds buffs all others by 50% each (torpedo fired, beam bank gets 50% more, cannon fired, beam bank gets 100% more, turret fired, beam bank makes 150% more damage, etc.).

    b) Each weapon type used in the next ten seconds boosts all others once by 50% (torpedo fired, radiation bank gets 50% more, cannon fired, radiation bank stays at 50% more, etc.).

    c) the first weapon type used in the next ten seconds amplifies the others (beam bank fired, all others amplified and MAS deflagrated almost uselessly?

    Excuse me if something is formulated strangely, I had the text translated by DeepL

    submitted by /u/M-U-V
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    The new ISA/ISE is Amazing; this post is nothing put praise. 10/10. 2 thumbs up Cryptic.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:36 AM PST

    As a dps chaser I just got done doing ISA and two runs of ISE and they knocked it out of the park. It was everything they said, just a more polished experience and the new Elite difficulty is perfect. I just thought it was important to say when they do things right and not just when they do things wrong.

    Obviously I don't speak for every dps chaser but I think most would agree.

    submitted by /u/sto_guy
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    Borg Queen fell off the edge and Into the Hive stopped working

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:54 PM PST

    Art commission for a friend of mine

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    STO in Germany - 2018-2020

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 08:02 AM PST

    STO 2018-2020 - the german gamers' experience got worse and worse.

    Here we go: http://www.spieler-union-sto.eu

    From Germany, with Love.


    submitted by /u/SpielerUnionSTO
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    Unreported bug fix in latest patch

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 12:34 PM PST

    I noticed Cryptic left out a fiarly major bug in the latest patch notes.

    Specifically, this newest patch seems to have fixed the rampant "ghosting" problem STO was having during its cutscenes, where the normal gameplay versions of NPCs were still appearing as translucent "ghosts", that cut through effects and other visuals, while the cutscene versions of NPCs were doing thier cutscene stuff.

    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    In the recording booth with a VERY special guest. I couldn’t be more excited. Can’t wait for you all to see who it is and who else we have lines up for the 10th anniversary. IT’S HAPPENING!

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 09:48 AM PST

    The new Cyclical Modulation Ground Weaponry pack is exactly what I asked for! Thank you! ^_^

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:42 AM PST

    I asked for exactly this as an event prize seven months ago, and here we are:

    These weapons have standardized primary and secondary firing modes, while their unique aspect lies in the tertiary firing mode.

    • These weapons utilize a "Cyclic Modulation" ability in this slot.

    Activating Cyclic Modulation causes the weapon to change what energy type it is firing.

    • This cycle proceeds along the following cycle:
    • Phaser -> Disruptor -> Plasma -> Tetryon -> Polaron -> Antiproton -> Phaser (etc.)

    So what else can I say but many thanks! I'll knock out the event instantly with legacy tokens, claim the pack on all my characters, and probably choose one weapon to upgrade and keep it in inventory. No more buying a Tetryon weapon on the Exchange so I can do an Endeavor on this or that alt, no more getting a Romulan rep box and hoping there's a ground weapon in it. And it's a viable energy weapon to use against the Borg as well! It may not do exotic damage types, but that was a pretty unrealistic extra feature, and limiting it to the main damage types ensures that it maintains "energy weapon" bonuses anyway.

    I wonder how boffs will handle this weapon. Will they cycle to the next type as the Borg adapt? Will these weapons be "unique" like the Tommy gun or can I claim a bunch and give them to all my boffs? We'll see!

    Anyway, thanks again! :)

    P.S.: Make the next one shoot latinum, kthxbai.

    submitted by /u/Farranor
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    New Mudd's Market items have been added

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:08 AM PST

    S'Torr warship 17,000 zen, Crystal Prism 8,000 zen and the Geordi La Forge holo boff 4,000 zen.

    submitted by /u/G1_Soundwave
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