• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Star Trek Online Weekend Megathread - your weekendly "all Star Trek" thread

    Star Trek Online Weekend Megathread - your weekendly "all Star Trek" thread

    Weekend Megathread - your weekendly "all Star Trek" thread

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:19 AM PST

    Welcome to the weekend!!

    A Let's kick it off with another weekend "anything goes" thread.

    On the weekends, we've been replacing the weekly question thread with a general Star Trek discussion thread. I love everyone's focus and commitment to keep talking about STO and by all means, continue to do so here.

    But also know, you can use this as your outlet for everything Star Trek.

    Example 1

    Example B

    Example iii

    A few points of note:

    • In this thread, and this thread only, most of Rule 2 is suspended. Posted personal information is still not allowed at anytime within this community.

    • All other rules remain in place and will be enforced.

    • Weedendly is a word because I say it's a word.

    Happy chatting!


    submitted by /u/Talon_at_Middie
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    QoL improvement: Have the event journal default to the currently active event's tab

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:30 AM PST

    A minor QoL thing, but one that's a little annoying/confusing and might grow to be a lot annoying/confusing if kept this way.

    When I got the my mission journal's event tab, it opens the currently -on-hold event campaign's tab. In order to see if it is time for my Winter Wonderland daily, I have to switch to the seasonal event's tab manually.

    Why isn't this interface defaulting to showing the currently active event? It really should be. That might well help lessen the fairly widespread among newer/less involved player confusion about why the seasonal event isn't counting for the T6 coupon campaign the event tab is greeting them with like that's the one to currently pay attention to. Confused players are perfectly right to be asking about that - the journal is wrong in putting the attention focus on the on-hold event!

    So please, Cryptic, make this small change, make the tab default to displaying the currently active event.

    That should be useful in the future, too, given seasonal events putting overarching event campaigns on hold seems like it'll be the new normal (already happened with Risa and the original T6 coupon campaign, before the new interface).

    submitted by /u/RandomGirl42
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    Al Rivera says he is finally going to fix the missing MACO/HG costumes!

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 05:45 AM PST

    Starting at 51:14.


    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, I know what you're talking about. Umm, I would say that we probably ... will say that we dropped the ball on that. So I'm going to make myself a note about that, and we will get on that and fix that. I don't think we'll fix that by adding a queue, but we can give you other ways to unlock those costumes. So ... so that won't be ... that should be no fuss to take care of.... All right, you got it. See, this is how we get things done around here.

    — Al "Captain Geko" Rivera. Priority One, Podcast 231. July 20, 2015.

    submitted by /u/JackSparrowJive
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    Featured Event #3: Borg Resurgence (Jan 7-28)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:38 PM PST

    Stunning work from Cryptic Studios artist @donnyviperSTO , here recreating the Enterprise refit from TWOK.(INTERIOR)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:11 AM PST

    What's on top of the tower in Klingon Ice Fishing area

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:13 PM PST

    On the news that the Borg TFO’s are being revamped

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:21 AM PST

    I have been a member of the STO community since Season 5, and I have loved every minute I have spent in this game. I remember the first time i encountered the Borg STF's and remember the old way to get the borg gear with Roxy (cant remember the name of those items you got for completing a borg STF though).

    So here are my own PERSONAL opinions on the news that some of my favourite TFO's are being revamped, as most of us will probably miss them (these are personal opinions please don't take this the wrong way).

    When talking about all the TFO's im talking about the ADVANCED versions.

    Infected: The Conduit Please FOR THE LOVE OF ALL GORN DO NOT CHANGE THIS TFO. Since i started playing this TFO I find its still the best TFO of all of them because its actually fun and fast. Truly a test of time. Also lets not forget this is the main DPS parsing map so the majority of the top DPS players would not be very happy if this TFO did change. My only request would be to add fleet marks to the rewards but im not to fussed. Also a side note: just learnt yesterday that ISA (this TFO) stands for Infected: Space Advanced. I always knew ISA was this TFO but never knew why. There you go fellow idiots.

    Cure Found This ones OK... but could use a revamp. I like this one too but if you don't have a strong team the Kang will just end up getting blasted and the rest of the team is focusing on the shipyards. I would be welcome to change on this one but wont mind if it stays the same.

    Khitomer Vortex I really like Khitomer Vortex. The 2 gateways forces the team to coordinate which teammates go where and who has to make sure no borg reach the portal. This can also cause teams to fail because nobody cares anymore since we cant fail the TFO anymore but it doesn't matter. I would say this one does need some changes though as the dreadnought at the end cloaks way too often at the end and can be a pain in the a** to destroy... and also i think the model of the ship could use some work but i think thats just me.

    Hive Onslaught My god... this one one really needs some change. 50% of the time I find myself in a team that can storm through this TFO... but the other 50% of the time I find myself in a team that really doesn't know that rainbow builds aren't a good idea at advanced TFO level. I would very much welcome this TFO being changed, but I do also understand why people like this TFO. Unlike the others i find the optionals on this one to be quite challenging and fun, and i really enjoy it when I am in a good team. But when in a bad team it is just so annoying. My personal opinion... sorry.

    Infected: Manus I remember the first time i played this TFO (or STF when i started). I had no clue what I was doing or how epic this TFO truly was. Sadly, I would add this to the "needs change" pile. Most players just don't know what to do in the final stages of the TFO, like moat of the ground borg maps, and some coordination is required. I would love to see this TFO be revamped and popular again, because it really is one of the Golden Gems of this game

    Cure Applied In my years of playing this game I only remember playing this TFO about 5 times. It's ok... but i find it a bit boring (also wasn't it taken offline a while ago because it was unstable? Might be wrong). Anyway would welcome this one to be revamped.

    Khitomer in Stasis This one needs work. It has for a while. It was fun initially but whenever it comes up in RTFO's experienced players know the best thing to do is quit and suffer the 30 min cool down because the TFO takes longer than 30 mins itself when playing with players that have no idea what they are doing. Revamp very welcome

    Into the Hive Just. No. Please. This one needs a revamp. I believe the amount of times i have completed this TFO is... 1. Yes thats right. Once. Because its just impossible if you aren't doing it as an organised team. I did it once because i got carried by a bunch of friends and i said why not. Anyway, this one definitely needs a revamp.

    As you can see I like most of the Borg TFO's, especially the space maps. Ground needs some work, so i welcome the revamp. My opinion is all the Borg TFO's could go through a revamp other than ISA. ISA is an integral part of the DPS community and I believe revamping it would cause the DPS community to revolt and it could even ruin some of the best TFO's in the game.

    What i believe is going to happen: Cryptic will release the new "revamped" TFO's and they will have the dreaded "time gates". DO NOT DO THIS. ISA is fun and quick TFO and that's why its popular. Adding time gates will simply make people angry. Instead, leave the popular TFO's as they are and change the unpopular ones to be "faster" and more fun.

    In short - Revamp Welcome but leave ISA the same. Ground maps need revamp. All personal opinions please don't hate... sorry for long post have a good day.

    submitted by /u/ReelableZulu761
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    Winter event boff missions?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Where do I find the ones that reward ornaments on console? On PC they pop right up as featured assignments among others but in console I've tried searching all the tabs for assignment type and can't find anything and yes I'm doing this in Qs WW

    submitted by /u/Race-b
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    Star Trek Loot Crate

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:14 AM PST

    I just received an email stating that the final 3 Star Trek Loot Crates are shipping soon. I was shocked, as I thought the ST crate was deader than a Red Shirt. Did anyone else get this notification?

    submitted by /u/Pacifickarma
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    Any cool iPhone XS wallpapers?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:07 AM PST

    I would really love a cool Star Trek themed wallpaper for an iPhone XS but can't really find many especially for Star Trek online I love the ones with the border notch but I couldn't find a single one of those sadly. I mean Star Trek is huge why is this a hard thing to find.

    submitted by /u/Huolihan
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    No account reclaim tab

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:46 AM PST

    Hi. I don't see the account reclaim tab anywhere in the event reputation store. I have 3 event ships, but can't reclaim them. Does anyone know why? I unlocked the ships by having the projects sitting until recently when you got them automatically completed.

    submitted by /u/MasterKamen222
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    Hey folks, anyone has a Breen uniform color codes?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:51 AM PST


    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:42 AM PST

    Enjoying the Fek’ihri vanity shield

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:18 AM PST

    What is Toral, son of Du'ras, up too?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:04 PM PST

    Think he will be in Disco arc? Maybe joining his house to J'ulas cause?

    Dont forget his nephew, Ja'rod son of Lursa, is already in game. Captain of the Kang in the Borg TFO, and ally of Jm'pok.

    Seems a shame to leave him out of the game, when he was on 2 Trek shows.

    -Can we please get new Flairs?

    submitted by /u/KellMG96
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    Hell's Retribution...

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:29 PM PST

    Ground combat overhaul?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:25 AM PST

    Anyone else feels like the ground combat or just the combat in general should get a huge overhaul,like for example,aiming at the head is insta kill unless target is armored or shielded, (vice versa)aiming today you'd actually need to aim to hit with the weapons beam/bolt,cuz I don't do ground combat anymore primarily because of this,feels to easy to say the least,just fire from the hip aiming in the general direction of an enemy and your gun beam will hit,anyone else relates to my feeling?or how would you prefer cryptic changes ground combat to be more enjoyable?

    submitted by /u/UganadaSonic501
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    Is very cold in space 1568.9 cold damage per second for 15 seconds or total?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:48 PM PST

    Winter event XP

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 01:30 AM PST

    How do you gain bonus rewards in Q's winter wonderland event?

    submitted by /u/rondiggler82
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    [Spoilers] What is the lore behind the invasion of...

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:47 PM PST

    ...Defara by the Borg?

    I know I haven't completed the entire STO episode storyline yet, but did I miss something? Last I thought, the Breen were invading and attacking Defara. The heroic captain saved the day. Then everything was peachy.

    ...that is until this particular captain had a personal endeavor to kill some ground borg and no one would sign up for a ground borg TFO which led to looking up online good places to kill borg. This is when I discovered that things did not go well for Defara after the Breen were defeated, and that Defara was now a borg battlezone.

    So, is there a storyline involved in the borg invading Defara? If there is, please just say yes and don't spoil it. If not, is there any lore about the borg invading Defara, or was it simply a planet chosen to have a borg battlezone?

    submitted by /u/pr0n-thr0waway
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    PSA: Server Restart (PC)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:56 PM PST

    Just saw an in-game announcement:

    Attention Captains: All game servers will be briefly restarted in 5 minutes. Thank you for playing Star Trek Online

    submitted by /u/pokerplayr
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