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    Monday, December 16, 2019

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Star Trek Online Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Monday Megathread - your weekly "dumb question" thread

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 06:16 AM PST

    Welcome to Monday!

    Let's get the week going with another question megathread!

    Post all the questions you may have about anything STO-related! PC? Console? Everyone's welcome to post their questions here!

    Happy flying!


    submitted by /u/Talon_at_Middie
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    Constitution Class Kitbash.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 02:25 AM PST

    The Elachi Qulash with the Breen shield makes a good poor man's Breen ship for players who weren't around during the requisite Winter Events.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:03 PM PST

    Anyone know what ability is causing the swirly green cloud? It's got me and a friend stumped.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:54 AM PST

    "Dat Aft"

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 05:02 AM PST

    I made a post about how I didn't get what I paid for, TWICE, and both got removed within 5 minutes for " trolling "

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:06 PM PST

    I made a post on the general discussion forums about how for almost two months my wife and I have not gotten the 20 account wide bank slots for buying the lifetime sub during the last sale that we should have. Within five minutes the post was remove for " trolling ". I made a post about how my post was removed and it was gone LESS THEN A MINUTE LATER.

    Now look, all I want, IS WHAT WE PAYED FOR. Asking for that is apparently " trolling ".

    For those of you who would ask, yes, I sent in a ticket, my wife sent in a ticket, also other people have the same problem. I was told, AND CAN SCREEN SHOT IT, by support, that it was a bug they couldn't fix and to make a post about it on the offical forums, I did here : https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1251866/lifetime-subscription-not-awarding-20-account-bank-slots

    THAT WAS TWO MONTHS AGO. I waited but nothing has been done, and darnit, I would like what I paid for. When I made a post on genearl, well, read the first paragraph of this reddit post.

    This is pure BS, I'm not " trolling, " I WANT WHAT I PAYED FOR. I now ask REDDIT for help, since asking for it on the offical forums just gets deleted withing 1 -5 minutes, and I FIND THAT UNACCEPTABLE.

    submitted by /u/Shayedow
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    Cryptic could learn a thing or two from casinos: good customer service makes people want to stay.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 10:01 AM PST

    The state of affairs for customer service in this game is down right embarrassing. I'm sure you've all seen the post (https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/eb97zu/i_made_a_post_about_how_i_didnt_get_what_i_paid/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) about the guy who didn't get his bank slots. However, this is just the latest example, and only from someone willing to be openly vocal about it on reddit; his story is similar to experiences I've had and highlights the problems with their customer service.

    The system currently works something like this: spend money on developing things to sell, and almost none on making sure the game works. If (or should I say when) people complain, which is bound to happen when they don't deliver the goods and services people PAID FOR, they begin funneling you down the path to nowhere. First, they insist that anything other than billing issues must be handled via ticket. Second, they respond to your ticket, but funnel you into the forums to report your bug or problem. Third... no wait there is no third; your forum post will sit unanswered for months or years and the only solace you'll find is griping with others in your same predicament. What are you going to do? Sue? Over some bank slots? Sometimes people come here to Reddit to complain in the vain hope that Kael will take pity on them.

    They do things this way because they can. However, what they don't see is the opportunity costs of this abomination of a customer service system. After my first bad experience, I went 11 months without spending any money on the game because I was pissed off at Cryptic. Then, after my second bad experience, I quit the game for 3 months. You see, when you engage in false advertising, or rip people off, they tend to not want to hang around your establishment anymore.

    Casinos know this, which is why they provide free drinks, food, and sometimes even rooms. They want your experience to be as comfortable as possible. They don't want you to leave, and put a lot of effort into keeping you there; Since this game wants to be a digital casino, they should take their queue from the pros, because the STO casino has burnt out light-bulbs, moldy cheese on the salad bar, and a backed up toilet.

    I've been fortunate that my issues haven't involved any purchases (yet), but many others like the link I posted, have involved purchases, which just makes me less likely to want to purchase things when I know there is a possibility that if it's bugged or broken or missing they will just simply refuse to ever do anything about it, even if it means they are literally defrauding me.

    Everyone should keep that in mind the next time they go to open their wallet.

    submitted by /u/sto_guy
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    Any tips for "Gravity kills" ?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 09:59 AM PST

    I wanted to start with how much I hate that tfo...but.. basically it's a pretty cool one.

    But one station would be enough.

    This tfo allmost keeps me away from random advanced tfos. It's allways the same, I thinking about doing some advanced random tfos for a hour or two and then the first is Gravity

    Then...a hour later, after collecting allmost all particles by myself,..it's finally finished.

    Sry for the crying...but I'm so frustrated by this tfo, it just kills the whole fun factor of random tfos for me.

    So, anybody got any tips or tricks for this tfo ?

    Thx in advance.

    submitted by /u/ModestArk
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    Some Carrier Requests

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:41 AM PST

    Some carrier requests:-

    • Have both hangers fully deployed at the start of a map.
    • Stop Scramble Fighters from putting you into red alert. It makes not being able to full impulse a real drag. I know, "boo hoo, someone with that rip off trait can't full impulse, I weep for thee." It is still however REALLY annoying.
    • Introduce a carrier specialization. Hell you can have one of the specializations abilities being to deploy hanger pets at the beginning of a map. Now, I know carriers aren't hugely popular, since most are a poor mans science ship, so give the abilities a secondary bonus. Nothing too amazing, so perhaps have it buff your away team, photonic fleet, security team and drones slightly.
    • More consoles with passives like the swarmer matrix.
    • Scale pets with difficulty. As they are now they're great in normal, okay in advanced and not really any use in elite (due to absurdly high shields).
    • Drop the price of elite hanger pets from fleet stores. They aren't worth 100k fleet credits. I'm not even sure I'd say they're worth 50k fleet credits. For the price of one hanger pet you could fully equip a cruiser with advanced fleet weapons and get a colony deflector. For two? Well...
    • Make all hanger pets universal. Sure, limit frigate pets to dedicated carriers (if only to give them a reason to exist what with flight deck cruisers), but making hanger pets mostly universal will give people more reason to buy carriers that unlock special pets.
    submitted by /u/AboriakTheFickle
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    How about, next year, some wintertime trousers?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:05 PM PST

    Seriously, it's really annoying how not only are the Q's Winter Wonderland jackets locked to one color instead of being customizable to heck the way the summer event stuff is, but there's no matching trousers. You just cannot get a good color match for most of them.

    So, could you like... Give us some winter trousers? And maybe winter boots? And perhaps, even, dare I say it, matching fur-lined kilts (sporran optional, but recommended!)

    Please? Sweaters do not excite my space barbie needs. I need some briks, and maybe a kilt, and a good, stout, heavy pair of boots!

    submitted by /u/ShadowDragon8685
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    Just tried to do sto on my tablet using team viewer and it worked (barely)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:34 PM PST

    Phased Tetryon guns

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    Does anyone have some good screenshots of the phased Tetryon group weapons? The thumbnails never give a very good idea of what they actually look like.

    submitted by /u/unsaneasylum
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    Anyone else having problems applying certain traits to their BOffs? (Some training manuals NOT working.)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:18 PM PST

    [EDIT: I meant "Skills", not "Traits", in the subject line.]

    I'm curious if this is happening to me only, or if this is also affecting other STO players on PC platform, too...

    There is a problem when applying BOff traits, despite the BOff having been promoted to correct BOff rank, enough Experience (XP) points, and correct SCI, ENG or TAC class. (Also noting I have Level 65 FED, ROM and KDF Captain toons.)

    Click the "Learn" button to apply the training manual. Nothing. Nada. Doesn't activate on the BOff.

    Example of training manuals that won't work on some BOffs:

    SCI: "Training Manual - Science - Cryonic Pulse II"

    SCI: "Destabilizing Resonance Beam (I, II and III)"

    Re-logging after trying to apply them doesn't work. Changing maps doesn't work. Waiting for events, like the Winter Wonderland Event, to apply event-related training manuals (like Cryonic Pulse II) didn't work. Filing bug reports doesn't work.

    Is anyone else having problems like this on the PC platform?

    submitted by /u/Tucana66
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    Can we get the Winter Event Training Manuals bound to the Account and no to the Character?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 05:04 PM PST

    So Yeah tying to get all my Boff the Winter Event Training Manuals and I over purchased on some of the Training Manuals for my Main character. It would be nice if the Winter Event Training Manuals were set to account bound if not completely unbound. Most of the other Winter Event items i.e. Outfit Box - Winter Sweater are unbound, so I not sure what the reason behind binding the Winter Event Training Manual to the character that purchased them was.

    Winter Event Training Manual bound to the character.

    • Endothermic Inhibitor Beam I
    • Endothermic Inhibitor Beam II
    • Endothermic Inhibitor Beam III
    • Freeze Armor I
    • Freeze Armor II
    • Freeze Armor III
    • Let It Go I
    • Let It Go II
    • Let It Go III
    • Cryonic Pulse I
    • Cryonic Pulse II
    • Cryonic Pulse III
    • Very Cold in Space I
    • Very Cold in Space II
    • Very Cold in Space III
    • Best Served Cold I
    • Best Served Cold II
    • Best Served Cold III
    • Micro Cryonic Warhead I
    • Micro Cryonic Warhead II
    • Micro Cryonic Warhead III

    Thank you.

    submitted by /u/tobywitczak
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    [Feature Request] It feels really strange to constantly be destroying and murdering countless crews of enemies, especially as a Starfleet captain. How about disabling/surrendering?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:33 AM PST

    Endless murder and destruction as a Fed just feels wrong for the most part. Obviously during things like Borg fights, Iconian War battles, and H'urq fights, it's gonna happen - and many other instances.

    But for the overwhelming majority of Fed-player conflicts, shouldn't it be enough to disable the enemy ship, or have them surrender, or even just kick the enemy's ass until they retreat?

    Argala System patrol is a perfect example. This is supposed to be policing action, and instead we just go for the throat.

    Loads of story missions could also be solved non-fatally.

    For KDF and Dominion characters, this wouldn't be such a problem; it's a good day to die, victory is life, etc. For Rom characters, I guess it could be dealer's choice. But Feds shouldn't be turning everything into glass.

    Would this be a massive change to undertake?

    submitted by /u/sethandtheswan
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    What is your favorite ground adventure zone?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 12:58 AM PST

    Out of Nimbus III, The Borg Invasion, The Tholian Incursion, New Romulus, The Voth Battlezone, and Kobali Prime, which have you had the most fun doing activities in and why?

    submitted by /u/ThePaperShield
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    I took a leap of faith and bought a Lock Box key. I was really underwhelmed at what I got, for what it cost. These blow.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    Eye of the Storm.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 04:36 AM PST

    Best beam array to sell on exchange?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 07:05 AM PST

    I've heard that Antiproton beam arrays are generally the most valued but I think I should ask you guys first. The exchange seems to be filled with abtiproton beams mk II, very rare, at around 15 000 EC but is there an easy, more valued beam array?

    submitted by /u/Olympus_01
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    Saving Per-Character UI Settings?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 06:17 PM PST

    I know you can do keybinds per faction and even per character (I think), and the UI settings are saved locally, but does anyone know if you can *SAVE* the UI PER character? It's been bugging me for years, and now I'm fed up with logging into a character and having my space UI mashed together and overlapping for some reason.

    Yes, I know you can save the UI layout in-game. But it's across the entire account, and does not fix this. Four of my characters are fine, the fifth's UI is mangled. I reload the saved UI settings, and it doesn't budge. I have to manually move the elements. And if I save it, it screws my other ships up when I log in to them. It seems to randomly decide to move everything to the left for no reason on some ships.

    submitted by /u/Drakknfyre
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    Stupid question time.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 06:04 PM PST

    Are the doffs (Ten of Ten for example) received from the likes of the B'tran cluster support assignment supposed to be bound to character? Been so long since I slotted one I've forgotten.

    submitted by /u/OutrageousOkona
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    Ground tfos are something that I dread when doing random tfos is there anything I could to make them less enticing to take a timer

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 05:32 PM PST

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