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    Friday, December 20, 2019

    Star Trek Online Event Ship Grinds

    Star Trek Online Event Ship Grinds

    Event Ship Grinds

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:07 AM PST

    I know some people hate doing these daily events to grind for a ship. My brother is one. I have skipped sometimes skipped them in the past, when I wasn't interested. I wish I had done them, in hindsight. However, be thankful that Wargaming.net doesn't run STO. They just released a new feature, called the shipyard, where you can work a project to build a special ship. And it's intended to be the process for some other ships in the future.

    What they didn't tell players though, was that the grind was set up so that only a handful of players, who had access to stockpiles of resources, would actually be able to complete this grind without paying real cash in any way. At the rate that the project advances, you would have to end up spending roughly $300 for the ship. So thanks, Perfect World, for not taking STO into the completely pay to win territory that other companies have taken their games.

    submitted by /u/millard_audene
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    Few minutes ago on Zone 25, we hit Kramps so hard (7-12seconds/kill) we ended up bugging him.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 09:09 PM PST

    I.S.S. Franconia

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 06:49 AM PST

    Fleet leader boards

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 02:53 AM PST

    I'm sure this has been asked before but will we ever get a "totals" tab on fleet leader boards? It would make life a hellava lot easier for us guys running 4 fleets at a time

    submitted by /u/king-of-the-spid
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    WTB Salvage all button..that is all

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 09:32 AM PST

    Console ability wheel mapping

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 07:50 PM PST

    I've looked and haven't found this option, but want to verify with more veteran players..

    I respec'd my main to clean up some goofs from early on, and when I did it completely changed around the location of abilities in the wheel, both ground and space. Is there any way to customize the wheel layout??

    I know I'll get used to the new locations eventually, but it's maddening right now as I've had the exact same wheel layout for the year or so I've been playing. It makes no sense why things switched around anyway.


    submitted by /u/Mav4144
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    Thanks to a little OCD, got my new toy today

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 06:44 PM PST

    Does the Plasmonic Leech console stack with drain from the Bajor Defense set?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 03:55 AM PST

    So, I've been playing casually for years and haven't taken the details of the game into any serious considerations until a friend gifted me a Marquis Raider (my first and only T6 ship). Now, I've been having a grand ol' time flying this ship around and building it to be the bane of NPCs everywhere and even winning some of my first PvPs. I'd like to improve, and since I'm already using a science toon with some decent drain skills, would these two things stack, and are there other drains that would stack too? Thanks y'all and merry Christmas.

    submitted by /u/RyanReids
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    First Contact Day 2020

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 12:28 PM PST

    Happen to be watching First Contact, figured why not.

    -AU Assimilated Zefram Cochrane Doff - Warp Theorist

    In this alternative universe, the Borg won, and captured Zefram.

    -AU Assimilated Lily Sloane Doff, Systems Eng.

    -Zeframs hat uniform option

    -Zefram drunk dancing emote, with bottle

    -Interplexing Beacon, summon reinforcements in the form of a Co-operative Sphere.

    submitted by /u/KellMG96
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    [Idea] Procured Original Series Holographic KDF Bridge Officers

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:37 PM PST

    [Idea] Procured Original Series Holographic KDF Bridge Officers

    It would be nice if there was a Procured Original Series Holographic KDF Bridge Officers pack with some of the notable Klingons from the TOS era for KDF players.

    • Klingon Male Kor from TOS episode Errand of Mercy
    • Klingon Male Koloth from TOS episode The Trouble with Tribbles
    • Klingon Male Korax from TOS episode The Trouble with Tribbles
    • Klingon Male (Altered to look Human) Arne Darvin a.k.a. Gralmek from TOS episode The Trouble with Tribbles
    • Klingon Male Kang from TOS episode Day of the Dove
    • Kilngon Female Mara from TOS episode Day of the Dove
    • Orion Female Marta* from TOS episode Whom Gods Destroy

    *I know that Marta is technically not a KDF officer, but I was looking for another female to fill out the ranks, and in current STO Orion's are associated with KDF.


    This is basically the KDF version of the current TOS Holo Enterprise Crew


    submitted by /u/tobywitczak
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    Does the Combatlog not record hits to shields?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 07:55 PM PST

    I'm not talking about the torps that hit the shields. I know that most of their damage is negated by the shields. But what about energy weapons? Does it count any of their hits?

    I ask this because almost every time I PUG ISA, and there is a high DPS player, they don't event touch the spheres at all. The only thing they DPS is the generators, gate, and Tac cube. And if there are still spheres left, they just sit there after the Tac cube is dead and do nothing. Some of them actually post the teams' DPS in chat, while we are all dealing with the spheres.

    So, I figured that hits against shields don't count, and that is why they avoid helping with them, and why they cost us the optional most of the time.

    (NOTE: Please keep in mind, I am not talking about ALL of the high DPS players. There are a few that will do the TFO correctly, and help get the optional.)


    submitted by /u/Razar1
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    errrrr wat

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 06:25 AM PST

    The Kobali

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 01:48 PM PST

    Been said before, will be said again.

    Corpse humping space zombies. As assholes as they may be Vaadwaur are not nuking from orbit, or assaulting their town. The Vaadwaur just want their cemetery back. The "Culture" of the Kobali is to take peoples dead without consent and make them into more corpse humping space zombies.

    The Kobali are reaping what they sew. Let them rot. Where's a mission where I can fight the Kobali?

    Edit: The Vaadwaur are still you know like... real jerks and need to be dealt with. That doesn't change anything.

    submitted by /u/Gwydeon79
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    Endeavor Rank 100!!

    Posted: 20 Dec 2019 04:02 AM PST

    Endeavor Rank 100!!

    3 or 4 months ago I was only rank 10. I've been working my hardest and not skipping a day since. After destroying some Undine ships, now I'm rank 100.

    Don't even ask me why I don't have more crit chance and energy wep damage. It always gives me the crappiest perks to chose from. I guess that's why I can continue ranking up so I can get more perk points to get the crit chance and energy weapon damage I need.


    submitted by /u/ISS_Astara
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    Save 30% on Keys and the Keyring Bundle!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 10:49 AM PST

    Vanity Shield and Windows

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 12:30 PM PST

    Minor wish. Can we get a "no windows" option under the ship editor. I think a lack of windows would make some of these new vanity shield pop.

    submitted by /u/viewtifulblue
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    Is this actually a glitch or am I just a noob?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST

    I am very new to STO and have only been playing for about a month. My main (and only) character is a Federation-allied Romulan scientist. I recently leveled up to level 30 (Commander) and used the ship requisition token I received to get a D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser. However, when I tried to set it as my active ship, it did not show up under the ships that I owned (I was viewing them with the Ship Selector in the Shuttlebay at New Romulus Command). It also was not in dry dock; for all intents and purposes, I had never bought the ship. But when I went back to the requisitions officer, the ship was only available with dilithium, so my token was obviously used. Is this some kind of bug? Or am I just being stupid and missing something?

    submitted by /u/SamuraiStan69
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    What in the Founder's Name is this crap

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    What in the Founder's Name is this crap

    So I'm fighting a battle, every time I'm in a space battle ALL my abilities and weapons get disabled for 3 seconds randomly. It really throws me off and I cannot seem for the life of me to find the cause of it. Can anyone shed some light on this. It happens with EVERY SINGLE RACE I encounter.


    submitted by /u/Sgt_Doom
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    Field distortion Overharge Pulse comparison?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2019 11:55 AM PST

    Is the Exp. Weapon from the Jemmie Raider any good compared to the Alliance Hypercannon, the VotP, the Soliton Wave impeller and the Subatomic field disruptor ?

    I have a few discount tokens and thought about getting the Raider mainly for the Weapon but i'd have to get it to t6 by grinding Partols with Mk XII gear on that Char so i'd love to know if its worth it

    And are Exp. weapons still unaffected by skills like projectile weapon trainng or Energy Weapon training?

    submitted by /u/command88
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