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    Saturday, August 14, 2021

    Star Trek Online The I.R.W. Spectre with a wing of Scorpion Fighters and the new Scimitar skin.

    Star Trek Online The I.R.W. Spectre with a wing of Scorpion Fighters and the new Scimitar skin.

    The I.R.W. Spectre with a wing of Scorpion Fighters and the new Scimitar skin.

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    Completing the collection: Federation starships of TNG, DS9 and VOY

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    I've been playing the game for a long time - since it went F2P. One of my long-term projects was to collect every top-tier prime-universe Federation starship that was featured in the three series above, and kit them out to a reasonable level. After several years of grinding, whaling, and exchange PvP, I'm currently just a touch short of the goal of having every ship on the list that is available at T6/Fleet T6, and wanted to showcase the collection and check if I missed anything.

    A screenshot of my current collection on the toon I'm working on.

    Collection table:

    Class STO ship Ship name
    Akira Alita Heavy Strike Wing Escort class name-ship
    Ambassador Narendra Support Cruiser class name-ship
    Defiant Defiant Pilot Warship U.S.S. Sao Paulo
    Excelsior Fleet Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser U.S.S. Repulse
    Galaxy Ross Command Exploration Cruiser class name-ship
    Intrepid Intrepid Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel class name-ship
    Miranda Reliant Advanced Light Cruiser class name-ship
    Nebula Fleet Magellan Advanced Research Vessel class name-ship
    New Orleans Lafayette Recon Destroyer class name-ship
    Oberth Grissom Light Science Vessel In progress
    Prometheus Hestia Advanced Escort class name-ship
    Sovereign Legendary Sovereign Miracle Worker Assault Cruiser class name-ship

    Classes ignored due to not having T6 versions: Constellation, Nova, (edit:Olympic), Saber, Steamrunner.

    (edit: To be added: Luna, Galaxy-X, Constitution, Wells)

    And the only one I think I'm missing right now would be the Oberth. Have I missed any ships?

    submitted by /u/Scurry5
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    A Tale of Five Redshirts

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Fashion Friday 1

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    Hey guys I posted a little while ago about doing a YouTube series called Fashion Friday. It's been awhile and I have set up some perimeters. 1, please keep all outfits Family Friendly so that way it doesn't get a strike from youtube. 2, you don't have to explain on how to make the outfit (even though explaining might help people make it). 3, please at least describe what you were trying or did make. Lastly have fun making the outfits, you can be as creative as you like.

    First Fashion Friday should be this upcoming Friday. Submission should be in by Wednesday at 11:59 pm est to be in this weeks video. Please post them on here with the #fasionfriday.


    submitted by /u/KDplaysGTA
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    This may be a stupid question, but is Superior Subterfuge only available on Embassy Boffs?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    Pretend you have no T6 ships yet. You have just been given a 100% Off coupon for the Zen Store. Which ship would you take?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    My Romulan tries the TNG and TOS uniforms, “Ugh! Is this what we used to wear?! Thank the elements for the Republic’s uniform designers!”

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 09:07 PM PDT

    New Content Idea

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    **Disclaimer: I'm aware this is almost entirely fanciful and that some people (including Cryptic) aren't really going to like the idea, for 'x,y,z' reason(s). But, I just wanted to share it in case anyone else finds it fun**


    New Faction: Romulan Imperials

    Starting Zone: Romulus (shipyard, or whatever) 23c

    Starting Species: Romulans, Aliens

    Starting Level: 60


    (Spoiler Warnings for the 23c Fed storyline, as well as some other story elements from elsewhere, are in effect)

    Similar to TOS Feds, you start off in the 23c. You have some lead-up/tutorial-style missions that culminate in The Battle of Caleb IV (the final mission on the Feds' side of things). Just like on the Feds' side, the battle becomes so crazy that someone from the future transports you to 25c Rator (of course instead Earth).

    From there, you're toon is briefly caught-up on the last 150ish years (could be brief dialogue, or "off-camera/fadeaway"), and given the usual lay of the hub. This starting point would be post-Klingon Civil War. The missions would involve ambushing supply lines, spying from within the Romulan Republic, and general subterfuge from within the Alliance. Story arcs could include the steps to successful implanting of moles within the Republic, as well as the buildup to re-strengthening of the RSE's key assets. Instead of the now-defunct Tal Shiar being involved with things, the Zhat Vash can become far more involved (of course, as far more covert).


    Again, just what I think of as a fun idea. Cross-faction ships and TFOs can be justified as "elements necessary for subterfuge". But, in general, I think it'd be a cool way to--through actual game mechanics--actually play in a role that's opposite the Federation (instead of simply assimilating into them). Hell, there could be special patrols or optional missions that involve quelling and subjugating non-aligned worlds--especially without the Elachi being involved.

    submitted by /u/Direwolf016
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    Why no boffs on Defera?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    Why can't we bring boffs to Defera like the Voth battlezone?

    submitted by /u/MingusPho
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    Caved in and bought the Yamato. I'm in love.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    I bought it heavily because of the visuals, as I've always been partial to the galaxy class ships visually. This Yamato appearance is just sexy. A modernized galaxy. Sleek and bulky. I run a fed aligned engineer jem'hadar. Definitely decided I want to be tanky engi type. Before this I was playing around with the Jem'hadar vanguard carrier for fun. Now on this Yamato, I can use the summon jem'hadar attack cruiser ability from the carrier, as well as my drones in the hangar, and I have the summon swarmers and summon pirates items to use too, so I still have some pets to have fun with with it. I pumped it full of phasers and beams with a couple torpedoes. All my engi BOFF abilities are a treat. I love the unique ability it has as well as the extra phaser thing under the saucer.

    As soon as I saw an older post here saying it was great for tanking, I was sold, and I'm so glad I did. This thing is great.

    submitted by /u/steveosek
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    Black Screen again

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    After patching - I'm getting the black screen again. Happpens every other time - on two different PCs. This happened before the 8/5/21 Patch, fixed until the game was patched again on 8/12/21

    submitted by /u/CaptainZhon
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    How can get fleet ship module without zen

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    Legendary Romulan Warbird bundle totally broken!

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    - Level 6 Mastery ship trait "She's a predator" not working accountwide - it is available for my main char only - it is not unlocked for the rest of my chars!

    - Level 6 Mastery ship trait "Rapid-Emitting Armaments" not working at all - unlocked it yesterday and the trait is still missing on every char!

    - T6-x upgrades not working proper for the legendary Scimitar and D'deridex - i've upgraded the Scimi and the Ddex on my main char yesterday. today i've claimed both ships with another char but they have NO T6-x upgrade!

    EDIT: thx to Brilliant-Glove6695 and 2HoleDoll they told me how to upgrade the ships for free!

    - I've received only 3 Infinity Promo Doff packs instead of 4 like advertised!

    I've paied real money for this pack and these kind of bugs are really annoying!

    Please fix them asap, thank you!

    submitted by /u/Battleangel_99
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    Fleet Sech Strike Wing Escort console layout description is wrong in the ship vendor. Can I get my Fleet Ship Module back somehow?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    Jem’Hadar Swarm Completion

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 06:03 PM PDT

    I'm on Xbox and I've done 4/5 of the swarm tfos for the recruit reward but it's not being reflected in the meter as done. It still shows 0/5 is this just a bug and it's still being counted?

    submitted by /u/Race-b
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    Best option when when I missed one event in the campaign?

    Posted: 14 Aug 2021 12:04 AM PDT

    So I was on vacation and couldn't play this event.

    By playing the first two events, I already have 2000 event progress. I still have 3 days in event III, so that will be 2150 points. The last event should get me about 1000. We need 3500 points for the event campaign reward.

    What is my best (and least expensive) option here? Play the last days in this event and then use the buyout (which would be ~ 1500 Zen). Or is there another option I haven't seen?

    Edit: Thanks for your help - I did not see the scroll bar below the events in the event campaign window and so it looked to me as if there is only one event remaining...

    submitted by /u/TheHexWrench
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