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    Thursday, August 19, 2021

    Star Trek Online Happy 100th Gene! Thanks For Building The House We Play In Now

    Star Trek Online Happy 100th Gene! Thanks For Building The House We Play In Now

    Happy 100th Gene! Thanks For Building The House We Play In Now

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    PSA: It is possible to vendor a T6 ship coupon. Be careful when selling items to a vendor!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    So I recently purchased the Legendary Romulan Warbird bundle. Part of the pack is a T6 ship coupon. Obviously not the main draw, but still nice to have. I didn't go to immediately use it as I wanted to think carefully about which ship I wanted to pick up. The next day, I go looking for my coupon across all my characters, can't find it. Ended up submitting a support ticket to see it could be restored or if I was simply somehow overlooking it. Finally got the following response back:


    Thank you for the information.

    I've checked your account's logs and it shows that you sold your T6 Ship Coupon to a Store/NPC on the 13th of August. I then consulted our Lead GM for its recover, however, I was informed that we are unable to reverse the transaction. I know this is not the result you were expecting and I apologize for this outcome.

    Your understanding on this matter is greatly appreciated. Please let us know if you have any other inquiries or concern.


    support GM

    Needless to say, I'm disappointed. I'm highly surprised it's that easy to simply vendor a T6 coupon. I would think they'd be treated like a C-store ship console, in that they don't even show up in the sell item list. I'm also dubious on the idea that this couldn't be restored. It's obviously visible in the logs what happened, why can they not drop a replacement token? It was very clearly a mistake.

    I doubt that anything is going to be changed for my situation, but hopefully posting this will help prevent someone else from making the same mistake I did.

    EDIT: formatting

    submitted by /u/Gashik
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    A pretty lady. My heart will always be with the TMP Enterprise but the Kelvin is still a beautiful ship.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    If you were to add one thing to improve gameplay or immersion what would that be ?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    Seriously, Cryptic, your code is even flunking Math 101

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 01:45 AM PDT

    Remain Klingon.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Ten Forward weekly 8/18/21

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    • New infinity locbox ship: Mars class
    • Red alert was not intended to have the X upgrade token
    • Kael copy pasted the full event blog
    • Thomas implemented the wrong load screen because they have only been doing the longer version recently
    • Will look into it
    • Thomas likes the updates version of the Cerritos from S2 of Lower Decks
    • Mars class is a pilot escort
    • Has custom pilot maneuver animations like Book's ship does
    • STO lore from Jeremy Randall for the ship was that they tested non dilithium based FTL methods on the ship, which is what the fins on the nacelles are for
    • Comes with the 32nd century weapons
    • Experimental weapon: subspace pocket projector.
    • Has a left/right firing cadence. Was tricky to implement, but now that they have it, it might be used on future ships
    • Ties into Jeremy's lore about using subspace bubbles to move around using less dilthium.
    • Uses this tech to fire them out at enemies. Deals damage and slows enemies
    • Console: Subspace cavitation matrix. Creates subspace pocket in front of the ship allowing it to fly more swiftly/move better. Pops bubble into shockwave when a valid foe is in front of you.
    • Nacelles move forward to pop the bubble like a crab pinch(crab comparisons were made frequently in this video)
    • Weston put extra work into the ship to allow it to use pilot maneuvers when in bubble mode
    • Normally this sort of thing is turned off with various consoles, but they want to do it more in the future
    • Starship trait: Improved Lock Trajectory
    • Recharge time of lock trajectory set to zero. Once per 5 sec, when damaging foe with energy weapons in forward arc reduce recharge time of rapid fire and scatter volley by 20%. Reduce recharge time of BOFF abilities by 5%
    • Have not stopped putting out zen store ships. New Zen store ships are coming sooner then we think.
    • Temporal Recruit update coming sooner then we think.
    • Andre Emerson was the one who brought the recruit events back. Thought it odd they spent so much time on them only to not keep using them
    • Experimental weapon does kinetic weapon
    • Experimental weapons were designed not to use any of the cardinal weapon types so people couldn't massively power them up via consoles, and to make them not perfectly synergize so they could make them weird/cool in their own right
    • Discovery characters are not being integrated into temporal recruits. STO is a theme park so they want TOS land and DSC land to stay separate until you get to the modern day. Would make it harder to run Temporal Recruit as they would have to find places to put all the recruit objects from the TOS missions into the DSC missions
    • Might make a DSC recruit event in the future.
    • Thomas wants to do a "TMP land"
    • Thomas wants a "view your ship in drydock" cutscene ala TMP. Would require more software support for the game to be more aware of the size of the ships
    • Kael mentions he cant talk about, and may not to for literal years, what he was tweeting about in regards to the thing Thomas was getting so excited about. Kael, Al, and Bill jumped abut how excited Thomas would be about it when someone brought it up to the point Thomas went "maybe if you could just let me f*** talk!"
    • The removed Klingon War missions are near the top of the list of things they want to remaster and bring back
    • The thing Thomas wants still may not happen, but they are talking about it
    • Kael really wanted to reply to the "Cryptic has forgotten about dil sinks" meme on Reddit about how he wishes they could implement things as fast as we think they could
    • More news on dil sinks coming very soon. Jeremy writing a blog on it.
    • Dil sinks take a bit more time because they are sensitive economic features, and more people need to review them to ensure they aren't making stupid decisions.
    • Unlikely they will redo disliked shield visuals. More likely to just make a new shield visuals so that people who do like the old ones can keep them. Same thing they did with hairs
    • A complex solution is being developed for dil sinks, as are short term dil sinks.
    • Upcoming sink is a long term sink, since it doesn't go away, but isn't expected to be a major sink.
    • Vanity shield sink came out so fast because Jeremy had been working on it beforehand, unrelated to the dil crash.
    • Repeat of unlikely to get ship bridges
    • There is some under the hood issues regarding opening more bridges to other factions. Bridges are designed with the NPCs set to what they think your faction should be, so if a KDF officer goes onto a Fed bridge all the NPCs, including BOFFs, will attack you
    • Other issue is that bridge sets were set up to be assigned on a per ship basis, and there are 700ish playable ships in the game
    • Recently did under the hood changes to registries. The way that system was originally set up made it hard to add any non default registries to ships. Bridges would need a similar udpate to fix the issue
    • T2-T5 ship consoles are unlikely to be updated to have passive bonuses, since that is something that to be a focus on T6 ship consoles. Will udpate them in other ways if the console has a reason to be re-released, like with legendary ships.
    • Bridges are considered "arcane knowledge", and weren't set up to be a focus of gameplay. Hard to justify making them because people don't use them much for gameplay. Bridges in the past have sold poorly. Years ago when they did an udpate to the BOFF system to give ship interiors unique BOFF assignments, the overwhelming feedback was negative, and people didn't want to go into their ships to do them. So they changed those assignments to be available anywhere
    • They do admit that the modern STO audience may be more into ship bridges then what the data they usually rely on may indicate
    • State that if they were building STO from the ground up right now they would do player housing on your ship. be it personal quarters, or more customizable ready room. Doing it now would require months of work that would take away from other things
    • The more customization you have in this sort of setting makes it harder to do compelling cutscenes/content. Even the wide range on the height slider can make it difficult for cutscenes since they can't always guarantee that it will be focused on your character in the right way. Having customizable bridges would make doing cutscenes on bridges difficult without a whole other camera system
    • This is also why they have no way of doing content inside people's ship outside of the ready room. There is no "library" of data for all the different bridges/interiors in the game to build the interactive content around
    • Infinity lockbox update coming next week. No other updates besides the ship
    • USS Lantree variant of the Miranda class(a Miranda without the roll bar) would require making a whole new blank mission pod(since the mission pod has needed hard point like deflector/weapons) and then have those hardpoints moved to other parts of the ship to get working. Which is why they haven't done it yet.
    • Part of the problem of these simple projects being harder then they seem stems from is that when a dev goes into a simple project they see it as simple, and solve it as a simple problem, not seeing how this could cause future issues down the line because it doesn't seem like that would be a problem later.
    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    Cryptic, the animations on the new Mars class look gorgeous! So how come when I fly my smaller ships, it looks like this in combat?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Question about Lukari wrist weapon.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Hi all, is the Lukari wrist weapon modified by pistol, rifle, or melee damage? Can't find anything resembling an answer anywhere else. Help me Reddit, your my only hope.

    submitted by /u/Bobmanbob1
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    It's a column of sorts, it should be a table.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 09:47 PM PDT

    The Mars Class Comes to the Infinity Lock Box.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    The Free T5 Zen Token

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Some time ago Cryptic gave all us console players a free T5 ship 100% off token. I picked up the Dyson Science destroyer on Xbox and Vulcan Science vessel on PS. Which ships did everyone pick up and which ones were ever viable. I have T6, fleet and Legendary ships and always seem to drop back into a good old T5X.

    submitted by /u/False_Deal_4041
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    Official 'first look' images of the Mars-class (a 32nd century Federation starship seen in Season 3 of Discovery) that's coming soon to STO

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Buried lede: no more eaglemoss STO ships

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 05:23 PM PDT

    "Eaglemoss / Hero Collector program director Ben Robinson shared on Twitter last week that #20 will be the final Star Trek Online ship in the series, due to the lack of success in the marketplace.

    "We were never able to sell quite enough of these to make any money. It's a shame because there's some lovely work here. Can't thank everyone enough."


    submitted by /u/tjp172
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    New Dilithium Sinks upcoming

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    TLDR – We have at least 2 different confirmed dilithium sinks in the works, with an upcoming blog from Jeremy in the very near future detailing one of them coming to the game soon.

    • #1 – a low impact dil sink(s) (coming to the game soon)
    • #2 – a "complex solution" dil sink (TBD when coming)

    Quotes below transcribed from the Ten Forward Weekly Stream today (18 Aug 2021) (filler words like uh, um, and yeah cut out). Direct clips from the stream if you want to listen to Kael & Jeremy instead of reading it. Relevant clips & transcription here for my own sanity:

    Part 1 – 49:55 to 50:55 into the stream

    Mike Fatum (Kael): STO_Grand_Nagus, "ETA on next dilithium sink": there's actually a meme somebody posted on Reddit about how we've forgotten about dilithium sinks on the subreddit – I really wanted to reply, I wish we could implement things as fast as you guys think we can. But yes, more news on dilithium sinks coming very soon. Jeremy owes me a blog about that, as a matter of fact!

    Jeremy Randall: Oh – maybe I should write that.

    Kael: Probably.

    Thomas Marrone: I'm excited to read it, 'cause I don't know what you guys are talking about!

    Kael: [talks about stuff not related to dil sink discussion]

    Jeremy: It's a new option for people to spend dilithium on it – if they like, so…

    Kael: There you go.

    Jeremy: I don't know if people understand, but there's a little bit of extra delay on that kind of a feature because it is sensitive, economic material – that a lot of people, at this point, like to review… and make sure that we aren't making stupid decisions.

    Kael: Yep, gotta make sure we don't destroy the economy.

    Jeremy: The more fingers you have in the kitchen… fingers in the kitchen?

    Kael: [talks about stuff not related to dil sink discussion]

    Part 2 – 52:35 to 53:32 into the stream

    Kael: STO_Grand_Nagus, a complex solution is being developed for dil sinks – and also short-term solutions are being developed. I would qualify the one that is coming up as, maybe more of a long term [solution] actually, but it's sortof somewhere in the middle between those two really.

    Jeremy: I would say long-term, but likely to be low impact. It's not going to be a major immediate sink, but it's also something that we intend for – once it's in the game – it'll be there forever.

    Kael: But the rule, the… it takes us time to implement anything – even "fast fixes". The vanity shield fix that came out so fast after the crash was actually because Jeremy was considering and working on that before the crash happened – and then said "Oh, crap – get it out there!" But…

    Jeremy: It was a conversation that I had actually already had with Jared prior to needing to get it live – Jared, our lead producer.

    submitted by /u/CounterYolo
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    To Cryptic/Kael, if you guys just screwed up and put up the wrong blog/ingame announcements then alright, but your silence is deafening and just screams that you don't care about lying to the players regarding the red alert rewards.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Over 24 hours later, ZERO acknowledgement from anyone on the team that the blog and all in-game announcements say this red alert includes an experimental token yet the reward says it does not.

    Now, all of us here are used to announcements being copy/pasted with wrong information. It's just part of STO at this point. If that's what this was, sucks but oh well, as people have pointed out this is a short Red Alert and not a long one.

    But the complete radio silence and ignoring of all questions about it just looks horrible. It makes it feel like false advertising, lying, and not giving a shit about your players.

    So what's going on here. Was it a simple screw up of the announcements or screw up of the reward? If it's a screw up of the reward than is it getting fixed before the event ends?

    These are not difficult questions to answer. Blogs have been screwed up enough and fixed or announcements corrected in less than a day.


    They addressed it on stream. Blog was copy/pasted and dev put wrong loading images up. https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/p76f0k/ten_forward_weekly_81821/

    submitted by /u/neok182
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    The Oatmeal did a great comic about Gene Roddenberry and he reposted it today. Happy Birthday to the Great Bird of the Galaxy.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Sooo...anything new today?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    Sales, quests, new jacket anyone?,

    submitted by /u/TheAwesomeRan
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    The guy is stuck behind the door

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Holy Crap, i Got an Epic Token. 1st one after 4 years of everyday play and mils of Dil.. Any Suggestions on how to spend it?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    Dying too fast in Sommerville Intel Science Vessel

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    I've been playing for a couple of years, but I'm trying a real space magic build for the first time.

    (I'm mostly using this as a guide: https://www.sto-league.com/science-ships-in-the-current-century/)

    The damage part of the build is coming along pretty well, but I'm dying a lot more than I'm used to.

    I've been running the new Klingon patrols and I'm dying at least once per episode.

    Any advice on how to make this little ship tankier/more survivable?


    submitted by /u/Caughill
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    Glory shot of my I.S.S. TIRPITZ

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    If STO went back to a subscription model, but New Content (Story) was both as fast and good as it used to be, would you still play?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:02 AM PDT

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