• Breaking News

    Thursday, August 5, 2021

    Star Trek Online Finally, a dialogue "option" that fits my actual response.

    Star Trek Online Finally, a dialogue "option" that fits my actual response.

    Finally, a dialogue "option" that fits my actual response.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 06:12 AM PDT

    Star Trek online, Romulan faction artwork

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 01:54 AM PDT

    Legendary D'deridex stats worse than the three original three MW Warbirds

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    UPDATE: So, the Scimitar got a raw .5 boost to turn rate, and +5 to inertia, not to mention better hull, etc. The fact that the D'deridex, a ship that is literally iconic in every sense of the word, got a slap-dash copy&paste with a little bit of a Miracle Worker boost is beyond me. Like...what? Are they crazy, or trolling, or what? Anyway...whatever. They'll get their money, I'm sure, and we'll get another middle finger after begging years for a an actually-good version of this ship. I'm going to go and get a drink, now... (btw--I'm not discounting the visual updates, I think those are absolutely stunning and I love the work put in--it's whoever's in charge of spec'ing the ship out that's to blame...)

    Original Post: Overall, from what was shown last night, the Legendary D'deridex is actually outperformed by the Nijil, Tebok, and Varel is nearly every way. Which, IMO, is a problem.

    The three original MW warbirds each have a turn-rate of 6 and inertia rating of 50. The Legendary D'deridex, according to Jeremy/Borticus, will have a turn-rate of 5 and inertia rating of 30. That's...not good, even if there's supposed to be a larger hull modifier--which the originals have at 1.5, so the Legendary D'deridex would need a modifier of 1.51 or greater to beat that.

    I know that Jeremy/Borticus was saying he wanted to keep the ship "in spirit" of its original entry into the game...but, to be frank, its original entry into the game left (even then) A LOT to be desired. That low of a turn-rate and inertia score make the ship relatively unplayable, especially compared to other non-Legendary options.

    Beyond that, the fact that the Temp Op seat is under the LtC Tac pretty much voids its usefulness for DEW builds, as it'd be insane to trade away BO3 for RS1. It'd be far more useful/usable under the LtC Sci station, instead.

    So, the small but fundamental changes I'd recommend:

    Turn-rate - 7

    Inertia - 50

    LtC Sci/Temp, instead of LtC Tac/Temp

    This would still allow it to be tanky, but not make it a brick-on-ice. It would also put it much more in line with what we see in canon.

    submitted by /u/Direwolf016
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    The Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle grants you Legendary versions of two of the most iconic Romulan Starships.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Spends a fair amount on previous gamble packs and got nothing, then decides to just ignore the new ship and use some leftover Zen to get a little Lobi top-up...

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Upgrade Weekend! | Star Trek Online

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    WHAT?!? No Legendary Mogai Warbird? No Sela Tal Shiar Uniform? No ...

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:23 AM PDT

    Dont get me wrong - the new bundle is okay.

    But why they just don't do it properly? Isn't the Mogai a legendary ship? Would be great with a Command Specialisation. Didn't we wait for ten years now for new Uniforms (Tal Shair - game / Nemesis - Movie) ?

    What about new New Romulus episodes?

    They missed a perfect chance for some stuff ... just saying.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/mcmarty83
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    Petition to Cryptic: Please add two hangar bays to the legendary D'deridex!

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Petition to Cryptic: Please add two hangar bays to the legendary D'deridex!

    Andrew Probert wanted them. I want them. Everybody wants them. Even the model wants them. Already has the two big hangar doors.

    There! Are! Two! Hangars!


    submitted by /u/Applederry
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    Legendary D'deridex Miracle Worker Warbird Battlecruiser

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    Star Trek Online Promotional Klingon Metal Video: Steel and Flame by Mary Chieffo and Jason Charles Miller

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    This is what house Mo'Kai nightmares are made of

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 09:04 PM PDT

    What compromises do you make gearing up "alt" characters?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:28 AM PDT

    I'm probably somewhat of an outlier in that I prefer to have a different themed character for each ship - proper uniforms, weapons, etc. - and I've been gearing each new character up with a list of "must-haves". The problem has been that the grind of gearing each new character with full traits, locators, purchasing the extra trait slots at the research lab, etc. has been draining and time-consuming, and has eaten up all my dilithium to the point where I don't have enough to exchange for Zen to get the things I want. So for characters that aren't your "main", what compromises do you generally make? Do you stick to account-wide traits only? Leave out the research lab trait slots? Leave out locators? Thanks for any ideas to help make new characters less of a slog.

    submitted by /u/TerakRall
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    Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    USS Atlantis patrols the asteroids field in the Chulan System

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    Ten Forward Weekly 8/4/21

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Didn't get into all the ship stat stuff since thats coming out today anyways

    • New Legendary bundle
    • Legendary Scimitar
    • Legendary D'deridex
    • New Scimitar is the Tal Shiar Adapted Dreadnought Warbird
    • New Scimitar model was done by Moe(?) who just recently came back to the STO team(possibly from Magic from what I gather)
    • Biggest problem with the Scimitar was getting the new skin to work with the moving wing panels
    • Moe possibly had to develop new tech to get the new texture to work with the Scimitar wings
    • Had to redo the thalaron pulse lights because the orginal Scimitar wing folds weren't screen accurate, but were changed for this new release
    • Only going to make a legendary ship for ships with a lineage. Wouldn't do a Legendary Vengeance because there wouldn't be much to bundle there
    • Might do alternate versions of ships with different seating. Not decided
    • They have a plan for ships coming in the rest of the year. Ship plan has changed like twice in the last week
    • New D'deridex is the Unity
    • Inspired by an old Star Trek game, Final Unity.
    • The Garidians, a race from Final Unity who were allied with the Romulans, and were Vulcanoids, had the starburst on their ships. Which is where this design for the D'deriex comes from
    • Lore written by Thomas says its a Garidian ship, captured from the Tal Shiar and repainted by the Garidians, and Garidians are now serving in the Romulan Republic
    • Completely new model for the legendary D'deridex
    • New enhanced material shader on the legendary D'deridex that adds baked ambient occlusion, and baked weathering
    • Made it to where you can change just the color of the feather pattern on the D'deridex
    • Rebuilding the model of the D'deridx was difficult because there are no canon schematics to use for the rebuild, and they had to decide on if they should use the TNG filming model, or the DS9 CGI model, since the TNG model has a lot of small differences
    • Started with the DS9 model, and massaged things to look more correct to the TNG model
    • Can't take off the RSE logo on the front of the D'deridex head, will talk to Thomas to see if they could make an alt without it
    • PWE had the idea to make a Klingon metal song for some marketing. Kael suggested they get Jason Charles Miller. and PWE suggested getting Mary Chieffo to sing it
    • *insert cool Klingon metal song here*
    • We will see L'rell in the future as Klingon mission giver when she can come into to do VA. When she can't they will get other NPCs
    • Legendary D'Deridex being a Mircale Worker was decided when the spec first came out. Jeremy had talk with Jette about it even back then
    • Legendary D'Deridex new trait is every time you use a tractor beam you get a bonus to toperedo damage, and instantly fire three high yield plasma tropedos, in refrence to NPC ships doing the same
    • Initials for the trait Rapidly Emitting Armaments trait are named after the first D'deridex we encounter, the IRW Rea
    • Scimitar trait is "She's a Predator" attack patterns give you ambush, hull heal, and recharge cloak
    • Donatra's Scimtiar isn't updated. Thomas wants to do it but it has to be done manually.
    • When doing legendary versions of ships they go back and make consoles and stuff work better. Not a difference you would see in tooltips, but small changes to things like pet AI, or the code.
    • Cryptic doesn't want to make too many dil economy changes too quickly, becuase it makes it hard to get metrics on any single thing.
    • Already looked at the results of the vanity shield deal, and how that affected the economy. They are happy with what happened.
    • More dil promos. Short time available deal with dil similar to the shield thing.
    • They already have one they are going to do that they can't talk about. Something Thomas has been pushing for awhile.
    • This is a change, not a limited time thing. Once it goes live it will be a permanent change.
    • They had been looking into new dil sinks for a few years, but kept getting pushed back due to other priories until the dil exchange capped.
    • They believe they were thinking too big on ideas in the past, which stalled any ideas in the past
    • Future legendary ships will continue to release as they have been. Either small packs like this current one, or one offs with a level 65 boost. Unlikely to do a 10 ship legendary Romulan or Klingon bundle, not that many legendary Rom/KDF ships, and was a massive pull on the team to get the Fed one done
    • Dropping the Fed/KDF sides entirely is still not likely. If they did it, it would be something that unlocks once you reach a certain part of the story.
    • No known plans for more BOFF species any time soon
    • Cryptic looking into the crashes on PS4
    • Cross faction flying has increased the amount of KDF/ROM ships being flown, making it easier to make ships for those factions. In general, the data shows the more they bring things together, the more everything get played.
    • Bringing down the faction walls has also increased the number of people playing KDF mains, or KDF allied Rom mains
    • Can't talk about the new story arc, but Kael mentioned last time he went to STLV he was talking to one of the actors and they said "hey wouldn't this be fun" and Kael told them to talk to Al Rivera about it, and now its happening.
    • Prodigy is like Lower decks in that the approval process for content will be longer due to its animated nature
    • No Lower Decks art style mission due to art/asset issues, same issues with holodeck missions
    • Might see Lower decks style duty officer missions due to fitting that tone more
    • Cryptic doesn't want things like a candy cane vanity shield/your ship weapons turning into licorice to be normal things in the game world(both a frequent requests for winter event rewards), in order to maintain the immersion of the game world
    • Making new assets is often easier then taking from Neverwitner or vice versa despite being on the same engine
    • Team size is going to stay where it is for awhile
    • Adding new items to the Phoenix store is an ongoing conversation
    • Cryptic never intended for Mudd's store items to forever remain in the Mudd store only. Are looking into retiring things from Mudds and adding them into Phoenix store.
    submitted by /u/TheSajuukKhar
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    Actual patch notes 8/5

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:23 PM PDT


    • Resolved an issue that was causing Star Trek Online to display a black screen upon launching the game for some players.
    • Resolved an issue that prevented the Jem'Hadar and Romulan Recon Destroyers from appearing in the Ship Store.
    • Resolved an issue that could occasionally cause some Starship Traits to not correctly unlock in a timely fashion.
    • Resolved an issue on the Clarke Multi-Mission Cruiser, which was causing it to gain Crit Severity at Mastery Rank II, instead of Hull Regeneration.
    • Resolved an edge-case error in the math used to calculate damage from the "Force Translator" console that could result in it dealing much more damage than intended, when used with other abilities.
    • Resolved an issue that could prevent certain NPC starships from properly resisting, or being immune to, Repel and/or Knock effects.
    • Resolved an issue with Player Skills that was causing each point of the Willpower stat to provide +3 Control Resistance Rating, instead of the intended +2 Control Resistance Rating, resulting in players being far more resistant to control-impairing effects than intended.
    • Universal Kit Module - Bio-Essence Transfer has been updated with the following:
      • No longer be used outside line of sight.
      • Reduced damage in PVP.
    • Universal Kit Module - Agony Field has been updated with following:
      • Increased the recharge time to 60 seconds.
      • Lowered the maximum Phaser Damage Resistance debuff stack to 3.
    submitted by /u/frigate-donut
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    Crossfield refit kit bashing.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:28 AM PDT

    I just got the Crossfield refit and i haven't opened it yet. I would like to know how much of the of the other ship's pieces I can use. Specifically, can I put the older nacelles on with them attached, or will they still be free floating? I have the legendary Glenn and that came with all the prior modifications so can I use them on the ship as well. I'm kind of on the fence about the refit as I really like the Glenn and really I was opening boxes for Lobi and some other things. I'll be happy with the refit if I can at least use some of the Terran stuff I've already unlocked.

    submitted by /u/Stelarspectre
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    Had some free time today, and a thought struck me. Using a few photo editing tools, I wondered if I could somehow implement myself into the game, using my main character. As well as improving the look of my Boffs. Ended up with this. (Screenshot from XBOX)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    Klingon Civil War Achievement?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 02:39 AM PDT

    Is there an achievement on Xbox (or Playstation Trophy) for completing the Klingon Civil War arc?

    Playing with my new recruits lately I've been getting achievements for completing the faction only arcs, but didn't get anything yesterday when I did the final Civil War arc mission.

    submitted by /u/Freemind62
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    Can Jem'Hadar wear the 32c Federation uniforms?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Wanting to make a 32c themed Fed character. Thought it would be interesting to make it a Jem'Hadar. But I don't want to blow the lobi on the uniform if they can't wear it.

    submitted by /u/Romado
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    Ambassador Class Fed Ideas

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Hey I wanna fly the Ambassador Class with a new fed toon. But what can I do with it?

    submitted by /u/BratanApfel
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    Can't Buy Fleet Dinaes Warbird Destroyer

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:22 AM PDT

    Kobali BOFF

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    I remember way back when getting the Kobali Boff from the mission with the maze, and at some point I got rid of the BOFF to make room for a better one.

    Is it possible to replay that mission, go and find the Kobali in the maze again and re-aquire them?

    I know you can't with the heirarchy boff, but in that case it's specifically a mission reward where this isnt

    Update: As per comment below, you can find the boff in the maze again and recruit them again :)

    submitted by /u/j86southpaw
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    Fantastic conclusion to a great story arc! Thank you for the tale Cryptic, can't wait to see what you have planned next. :)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 06:47 AM PDT

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