• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 7, 2021

    Star Trek Online Dear Devs: YOU designed this game to be 99.99% combat focused, so don't act like it's the players fault if we don't like ships that aren't built to excel at the game YOU designed

    Star Trek Online Dear Devs: YOU designed this game to be 99.99% combat focused, so don't act like it's the players fault if we don't like ships that aren't built to excel at the game YOU designed

    Dear Devs: YOU designed this game to be 99.99% combat focused, so don't act like it's the players fault if we don't like ships that aren't built to excel at the game YOU designed

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:02 AM PDT

    1: YOU guys (not us) made this a 99.99% combat focused game. YOU guys (not us) made missions with endless waves of ships to fight while some lame timer counts down just to make the mission seem longer instead of designing enough real content to fill the play time. We didn't ask for that, but YOU guys (not us) did it anyway.


    Since YOU guys (not us) did that, don't you dare act like it's our fault for wanting ships that absolutely EXCEL at combat. No, not just "perform", but EXCEL at the one thing YOU designed your game to be about.


    2: YOU guys (not us) created huge expensive packs with "legendary" ships and a bunch of junk no one really wants to inflate the price.


    Since YOU guys (not us) did that, don't you dare act like it's our fault for wanting those ships to perform like they really are "legendary" and actually WORTH the inflated price you are charging for them.


    3: Finally, if YOU guys (not us) do actually design future ships to be less "special" than others, don't you dare expect us to PAY as much for them. Don't expect us to pay the same for an inferior product as we would for something that performs better. Especially if you try to inflate the price with other things no one asked for.


    That is all 😘

    submitted by /u/trekfangrrrl
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    Campaign Event III DONE! Remember that content of Campaign Choice Box is BtC

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:40 AM PDT

    Does anyone else wish cryptic went back to changing the class of legendary starships

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    To me, one of the best things about the original bundle was when they changed the class of some of the ships, intrepid became a multi-mission, odyssey became a dreadnought, defiant became a warship. it meant you could play you fav ships in a different way, however since the 1st bundle all the legendary ships have been the same class, just slightly better

    submitted by /u/alex123654789
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    Not one, not two, but THREE Roswell Grays in the same place. Didn't think there were other people who made such toons.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:06 AM PDT

    Wanted to make a canon Defiant build. Can't see the Defiant...

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    @BorticusCryptic: I am of the opinion that we must keep making ships with... ...<=4 fore weapons. ...<5 tactical consoles. ...low hull and/or shield modifiers. ...no primary specialization. ...low maneuverability (turn, speed, inertia) If every ship is special, none of them are special. (1/3)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 07:49 PM PDT

    Sooner or later there gornna realize somethings wrong

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    Interesting fact of the day:

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:24 AM PDT

    Interesting fact of the day:

    The default windows for the galaxy class and its variants, including the galaxy X.

    Have U.S.S. Enterprise written on the escape pod hatches


    submitted by /u/TheONLYHamster
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    What should Legendary ships realistically be?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:07 AM PDT


    Should Legendary ships be re-releases of current ships with slight tweaks (see: initial versions of Legendary Ambassador and D'deridex), or re-makes with actual improvements (see: Legendary Excelsior, Vor'cha, Sovereign)? Of course, both scenarios assume additional skins thrown in.

    And just to be clear: a re-release is basically copy/pasting what already exists in terms of layout--regardless of if it's good/bad--while a re-make is taking what exists and actually modifying it beyond its original design (or even just outright making it completely different (again, see: Legendary Excelsior, as one example)).

    (Context behind poll)

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Direwolf016
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    USS Minnesota, NCC 93846

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    Dilithium to Convert Your Weapons, Shield, Engine, etc… to Account Bound

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    A while back Cryptic introduced Vanity Shields that were Account Bound meaning you could trade out the Vanity Shields between your Characters without having to worry about them becoming bound to a Character. Would you be will to spend Dilithium to convert, your current Weapons, Shield, Engine, etc… to Account Bound where you could move those items between characters as well?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/tobywitczak
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    Scaling weapon visual sizes

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:03 AM PDT

    I think a really appreciated tweak to the weapons in game would be different sized visuals depending on the size of the ship you are using. No bigger than what we have currently but certainly smaller visuals for smaller vessels as with some you can barely see the ship when a weapon is firing ... Thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/Ginger_Trekkie
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    PC Giveaways that work on Xbox too

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    There's some current giveaways active right now that have some really good stuff for free. They say that they're PC only (or at least don't say they work on consoles), but they work on Xbox as well.

    Here's the links:


    I got both of these to work on Xbox, and here's how I did it. There may be other ways, but this is what I did and it worked for me.

    1. Follow the link and do what it says until it gives you a unique code
    2. Download the Arc app on your Xbox, and sign in to your account to make sure it's linked
    3. Input the codes into the Arc app on the Xbox
    4. The rewards will appear in the Promotions tab on the Zen Store in game

    I don't know if these'll work on PlayStation as well as I don't have access to one. If you do and you can get it to work then let people know below.

    submitted by /u/Freemind62
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    My endeavours are showing as complete already when I haven't done any of them. Help.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    STO Content Creators on Youtube?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    Not sure if this question is allowed to be asked here due to possibly violating channel advertising or not, and if so feel free to remove - but I'm curious if you fine folks could recommend me good STO content creators on Youtube? You know, ship/content reviews, meta builds and the like. If such a thing exists. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Callahandy
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    Idea for future Legendary Bundle: Admiral's Armada 5-ship "you pick" Legendary Bundle

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    With the introduction of the new Romulan Legendary starship bundle, there are now numerous ships to pick from. A lot of players have mentioned that they wish they could buy each legendary ship individually instead of in a large pack. How about making a 5-ship "you pick" Legendary bundle? It would be half the size of the 10th Anniversary bundle but offer flexibility on ship choices. Players can pick the five ships that have the best traits/consoles for their builds or pick their favorite ships from the shows. Just an idea.

    The feds have: Defiant Warship, Walker Light Battlecruiser, Ambassador Intel Support Cruiser, Ross Command Galaxy Exploration Cruiser, Columbia Temporal Operative Escort, Verity Command Dreadnought Cruiser, Excelsior Miracle Worker Heavy Cruiser, Glenn Temporal Operative Science Vessel, Kelvin Constitution Intel Battlecruiser, Sovereign Miracle Worker Assault Cruiser, Constitution Miracle Worker Light Cruiser, Constitution Temporal Flight Deck Cruiser, Intrepid Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel, Mirror Galaxy Dreadnought Cruiser.

    Klingons have: D7 Intel Battlecruiser, B'rel Pilot Bird-of-Prey, Vor'cha Command Support Battlecruser

    Romulans have: T'Liss Light Intel Warbird, Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird, D'deridex Miracle Worker Battlecruiser Warbird

    submitted by /u/20JK10
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    Borg Ship Build

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    So I wanted one of my ships to be completely assimilated so I equipped it with XV Assimilated Plasma Dual Beam Banks 2 Forward/ Omega Plasma Torpedo Launcher/Kinetic Cutting Beam Forward. Aft weapons XV Assimilate Plasma Beams 2 and Omni Directional Assimilated Beam. I even equipped Assimlated Deflector Array / Assimilate Subtranswarp Engines/ Assimilate REgnerative Shields. I have experimental Hyper excited Ion Stream Prjoector/ Assimlate Module MK XV Cloaking device / Retrofitted assimilater/ Cutting tractor beam / Quatum warhead module / svplasma infusers three of these xv and two shield refrequencers. I wanted a good borg ship but nothing seems to be working. I have even equipped borg DOFF's for the boosts in Boff abilities. For Traits I have : Accurate / Adaptive Defence / BEam Barrage / Beam training / Crippling Fire / fleet coordinator / fluidic cacoon / operative / thrill seeker. Starship Traits - Pilfered Power / Regenerative cycle / Theta Radiation Infused Evasive Maneuvers / Unconventional Tactics. Space Rep traits - Hull repairing nanites / omega graviton amplifier / omega kinetic shearing and precision. Any suggestions on what I should switch?

    submitted by /u/Aromatic-Pen-4849
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    Reminder that the Risa Summer ship is great for finishing today's Uni Endeavor

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    The Uni Endeavor today is Tour the Galaxy. If you are a newer/returning player and did the Summer Event the ship you picked up features Solar Sail Quantum Slipstream which has 60 seconds of use instead of the normal 30 seconds.

    submitted by /u/WaldoTrek
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    STO Things That Make You Smile

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 07:23 PM PDT

    Every once in awhile you see something in game that makes you laugh or smile. Not toxic ESD chat, LOL but something player creative. Like the Gorn Chippendales team on Risa or something really creative. I wanted to give shout out to a player with a name that made me laugh for 5 minutes. None other than Lactose the Intolerant............. that's super creative. Great job random player guy :)

    So what are some examples of stuff you have seen in-game that is just awesome.

    submitted by /u/Cze-Skot
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    Why can't I pass Delta quadrant mission: alliances

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 10:46 PM PDT

    I feel like a hamster spinning a wheel. I have tried everything to get past this level. I have upgraded everything on my ship to mark 12 and 13 weapons Shields warp drive ECT. My weapons won't even put dent and the enemy Shields. Three shots from the enemy and my ship is destroyed. When I do manage to destroy one enemy vessel all the allied vessels explode at once. I have repeated this level 50 times I have thrown everything I have at one vessel and their Shields barely drop by 6%. I'm ready to permanently delete this game and never play it again. The game was fun until now. What TF am I doing wrong I am so unbelievably out matched. Is there something wrong with the game? And what is up with this 8 hour timer all of a sudden? One of my biggest griefs with this game has been the total lack of explanation of any nuances. Please let me know if anybody else has had an issue getting past this level And what can I do?

    submitted by /u/phenomenon010
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    Buffing the Legendary D'deridex

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    There's a lot of talk about the Legendary Big D not being worth it because of turn rate and consoles, and I agree. But, I also agree with not changing her turn rate and seating too much, simply because she is what she is- Star Trek's version of the Red October.

    She's a boomer, and that's what she's supposed to be.

    Instead, I would suggest a new unique console, that can only be put on certain Romulan ships, which gives some sort of conditional major damage boost to plasma beam weapons and plasma torpedoes. Maybe even an improved version of the ship trait, that only works on the ship it came with, such as:

    "Rapid-Emitting Armaments

    Upon reaching level 6 in this starship's mastery, you will unlock the Rapid-Emitting ArmamentsTrait for all characters on your account! While this trait is slotted, when you activate Tractor Beam, you fire 3 heavy plasma torpedoes at your target and gain bonus torpedo damage for a short duration.

    Improved Rapid-Emitting Armaments

    Only available when piloting the Legendary D'Deridex herself. This trait now also triggers on all variants of tractor beam, including Tractor Beam Repulsors. A maximum of nine heavy plasma torpedoes may be launched at once."

    So don't change what she is to match the current meta, instead add something that creates for this ship, a new meta, one that matches the shows.

    Then follow this pattern for further new legendary ships that don't follow the existing meta. This would make them both worth buying and add some variety to the game play.

    submitted by /u/Ducklinsenmayer
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    Console Not Installable?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    Can usually figure things out over the years but today was a bit of a weird moment. So I ended up with a Voth ship that I just unpacked, and while I was equipping it I tried to move the attached console to another slot and it said that I don't meet the requirements of the item. Only requirement is that it is on a Voth ship..., and I am moving it around on a Voth ship. So I removed the console back into my inventory and now I can't get it back into any slot and it keeps saying the game thing, "You do not meet requirements etc". Is there a bug that I missed, or is there a very obvious reason that I am missing because I have been playing too long today? Anyway hope that you guys can help me understand what is going on with the console.

    submitted by /u/firstpawn
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    What are currently considered to be the best ship traits in the game?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    I'm still running AHOD, EWC, Suprem, Recip and Invincible on my main from back when I was playing a lot. Are those still the meta or are there better overall traits out there? I tend to run a 5/3 broadside beam build if that matters. Cheers!

    submitted by /u/Callahandy
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