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    Saturday, July 10, 2021

    Star Trek Online Orbiting Cirini Prime when I noticed the cat continent

    Star Trek Online Orbiting Cirini Prime when I noticed the cat continent

    Orbiting Cirini Prime when I noticed the cat continent

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:03 AM PDT

    I managed to Lorca manoeuvre into earth spacedock.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    I can tell with all certainly what I have done with 4000 hours of my life.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 11:06 PM PDT

    Gravity Kills: No Anchors To Destroy, Stuck In The First Stage & Now Going To Take Another Leaver Penalty For YOUR Glitch STO -- STOP GIVING PENALTIES FOR GLITCHED TFOs

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    Tried to delete Dominion character, Main Starfleet character gets deleted instead.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I am so pissed at the moment and I just need to vent a bit.

    I wanted to remove my Dominion character I wasn't playing anyway and make a new one during the Gamma Recruitment event.

    I clicked on my DOMINION character. I typed in my DOMINION CHARACTERS name and my MAIN STARFLEET CHARACTER gets deleted.

    I have the Kelvin Dreadnought on that character armed with several Covert Beams and a lot more account-bound stuff.

    I contacted support and hope it gets solved, but I honestly fear for it.

    submitted by /u/ChaosDoggo
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    Is it me, or is "Assault on Terok Nor" by far the worst ground TFO?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:28 PM PDT

    This is a late night rant I will not apologise for, but discussion is welcome....

    The premise could be interesting, but the gameplay is hideous. I mean every single stage is bad in its own way.

    The first one is actually the best of the three: protect the techs for a set time. Not that nice of a terrain, but very doable. But it could be better, like not having enemies spawn right on top of the objective constantly ...

    The second one tried to spice it all up: we have to use our brains to find the sequence or wait five (5) Minutes. But waiting in the trench for that one poor soul that actually tries to find the sequence (which is random each time) is exhausting. And the colours of the panels is nearly unreadable on some of them. The sequence should consist of less colours.

    But oh no, we aint finished yet: Pah Wraith Leeta, the Monument to our sins, is waiting for us in room three. Here, player illiteracy and horrible game design convulge into pure terror. Yeet-a-Leeta can only be harmed when hit with a burst from the three pads in the room, which she is rarely passing over. Like, her pathing is constantly dacing around those pads. And they take forever to charge up, after you took forever to activate them, which of course got interrupted thrice from enemy phaser fire, because the room is swarming with enemies.

    Give us a break, please. Have Leeta command a smaller guard and fix those pads firing decades after she passes them.

    I try to do this TFO whenever Random queueing puts me into it, but I rarely finish it, because unlike Phase 2, Phase 3 does not end automatically. There is no forgiveness. No hope. Even on easy mode it's just too much for one TFO. Those few times I actually finished it, I felt dirty, exhausted and not rewarded or proud, just sad.

    Is this just my taste in Game Design or do others feel similar?

    Edit because someone mentioned WoW's Fixate in the comments: In the new Remain Klingon TFO (space), the boss's ships are Invincible as well, but the Kri'Stak clearly targets you and gives you time to make something out of it. Even a cruiser can reach the Targ with the target mark, at least with evasive maneuvers. That kind of mechanic would help the Leeta fight immensely.

    submitted by /u/Bumsebienchen
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    PSA: Male KDF allied Romulan Borg captains *still* suffer from "invisible body parts bug" #devs

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Distress Call: Reputation Gear for Torpedo Boats?!?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    Which Torpedo Boat GEAR is "The Best"?

    Which reputation gear is most advantageous to Raider, Escort, and even Battlecruisers? I use torpedoes up front, and omnis at aft.

    With the advent of so many more pieces of gear now available via Toothgrinder-ing\) and/or Toothgnasher-ing\) I've begun wondering if it's better to focus on a narrow band of gear and/or starships.

    So, I was wondering if any of you could share a bit of your intelligence and wisdom with me--and so too then: US--regarding the items that would be best for my current ship-building practices?

    I like torpedoes, and lots of them, as long as the launch sequence is as short as possible. I want to launch torps quickly. The more projectiles I can put downrange while taking advantage of my BoFFs projectile-weapon enhancing powers is paramount.

    Any help you can give will be very much appreciated. I wish you all Peace! And Long Life.


    @ Theta Nine [ STO Handle: At+Theta+Nine ]

    \)Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher are the two cosmic rams that are yoked to Thor's Asgardian Chariot--These goats can be driven into deep space--Excelsior!

    submitted by /u/rRookStar
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    Star Trek Online - Klingon Civil War Story Arc [Livestream] | Stream #2 | 9th July 2021

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    A very minor space barbie request

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 12:54 AM PDT

    I think I've found the most annoying console in STO

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    Constriction anchors I hate these things thay are the case of extreme frustration am talking about the praying the weak I've just had to kill 20 of these little bastards yes you herd me 20 WTF game

    submitted by /u/Admiralkaguya1
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    How far can I get for completely free

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    Will it be possible to do all story content for free and how much of the endgame content is playable for free

    submitted by /u/Bluedreamer720
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    New player to STO: How do teams work?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 06:21 PM PDT

    I am new to the game, and what would really help me, is a better understanding of how to play as a team.

    I am level 13, my friends are level 6, so we're real beginners.

    I am playing together with 3 friends, and the dialogues, how to do things in missions and how to all go to the same mission start, is really confusing.

    1. Some things also seem to plainly not work. For example, on the S.S. Azura, during Act of Defiance in the Stranded in Space mission, we were able to perform parts of the special Science and Engineering missions, to heal crew and contain the warp core, but they would not complete and we could not figure out why. The [!] would disappear, but the green circles would stay. We could scan the first engineering console, but the second one only lit up briefly before we could interact with it.
    2. In Researcher Rescue, we got to the Ambush! near Kassae IV, but after that we first tried to mine some of those clouds before beaming down, by choosing the [Not now] option, but after that we were never able to continue, and we had to warp to space to be able to continue.
    3. We have a lot of trouble with people going though the dialogues at different speeds and things go to the next step before others have finished reading. Are there any cues when clicking if something advances things to the next event?

    Do you have some tips and pointers on how to do the missions together with friends, while we figure out how the rest of the game works?

    It was even more confusing when I didn't have the mission, but my two friends did, once I figured out I could "replay" the mission from the episodes screen, it got slightly better to keep things in sync, as I now can somewhat see where to go.

    Is there a way as team leader to see other members missions and pick one to make the active one?

    Thanks for any tips!

    P.S. Do you know of any Dutch/Flemish fleets that would allow us to join?

    submitted by /u/CCRogerWilco
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    Clarke/Fleet Malachowski - Thoughts?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 12:25 PM PDT

    How are others finding the ship?

    I'm sort of enjoying it. It's got the same hull capacity of a battlecruiser, but slightly more maneuverable than most of the battle cruisers (except the Eclipse), and with enough effort, it can be better than the Arbiter and has more console flexibility than others. I only wish it had the pilot station or another specialization instead of the command one.

    Overall, it think its a solid ship and it has some of the most customization options of any Federation ship.

    submitted by /u/molrihan
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    Jem hadar recruit wide rewards

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 11:23 PM PDT

    Hi everyone.

    Did I miss something. Yesterday I noticed there's only one wide reward with jem recruit. I filled most missions: being in fleet, 500k donate, running 100 tfos. And my other characters got nothing. I am surprised. Delta recruit, temp recruit and kdf recruit give reward for the other characters. Did I miss something?

    submitted by /u/theodiousolivetree
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    where is my lockbox ship?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    so ive opened some 32nd century lockboxes and got the ship...I wanted to sell it at the exchange so I put in on there...after a few seconds it just disapperead and I didnt got money....what should I do now?

    submitted by /u/SchockieCookie
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    Good storylines?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    I am giving STO a try for pretty much the first time. I would say after a few nights, I at least have the hang of the controls and the overall structure of the game is starting to make some sense.

    One of the things that makes or breaks an MMO for me is how engaging the storylines are. For a new player on a completely free account, what are some of the most interesting story lines I can play immediately? Is there a particularly cool Federation mission I should be on the lookout for? Should I ditch the Federation and roll a Klingon or Romulan? Any thoughts welcome.

    I like pretty much all the Star Trek shows, even Voyager and Enterprise if that helps. I am also not allergic to spending money, but I like to get my feet wet in a game like this before I decided whether to invest in it.

    submitted by /u/YeeboF
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