• Breaking News

    Thursday, May 20, 2021

    Star Trek Online Going through old pictures and found some from when Star Trek was on Season Zero. Always remember season 1 release. Shaka.. when the walls fell...

    Star Trek Online Going through old pictures and found some from when Star Trek was on Season Zero. Always remember season 1 release. Shaka.. when the walls fell...

    Going through old pictures and found some from when Star Trek was on Season Zero. Always remember season 1 release. Shaka.. when the walls fell...

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    So 2 new missions and a couple of patrols that players could of made on the foundry, but we have another 1bil ec ship to buy(5th version)��GG

    Posted: 20 May 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Only Qo'nos Endures - Upcoming Event

    Posted: 20 May 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    In need of help

    Posted: 19 May 2021 06:44 PM PDT

    I apologize in advance if this is the wrong area to post.

    New guy here. A neighbor of mine recently passed away, and I've been informed by his family that he was very big into STO. I'm trying my best to find friends of his, or any groups he was into, before his parents allow me to go through whichever platform he used to play. If anyone is able to help, all I currently know is that his irl name was Brandon, and he lived in Florida. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/dootdootman
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    Ten Forward Weekly 19.05.2021: Crossfield Refit

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    Links: none, until Mike gives censored version, because he ohwelled loading screen yet again, but he was not supposed to share that one yet. [1:36]

    Topic: Crossfield Refit

    Guests: ship artist Donny Versiga and systems designer Jeremy Randall

    About previous week's stream: there weren't really any info-saying going on, just hundreds of elachi and then Mike spawned enough dreadnoughts and snowflakes to nearly lag the server into the halt. It was glorious to watch, but nothing to write about.

    • Cryptic actually knew that ship would be refit days before it was revealed in series by the way of reviewing the files CBS send them.
    • Actually, only hanger is same, everything else on the refit had to be remade from the ground-up.
    • Because of accumulating differences, saucer was changed into being single-piece.
    • Ship is fully kitbashable with other Crossfields.
      • Any nacelles would float while equipped on this version. In same vein, but reversed, refit nacelles would stay firmly attached while equipped on regular ones.
      • By itself refit don't come with other skins, not even original one.
    • Console spawns pet following player, but the irregular thing is that upon being disabled it despawns automatically, unlike the other pets, like saucer separation, which stays disabled. Jeremy may apply this feature to the older pets eventually.
    • Eisenberg class is coming eventually, but it's not in the plans for near future.
    • Trait applies flat crit buff, both CrtH and CrtD, upon each activation of universal consoles.
    • Initial name for lockbox was "Beyond the Burn", but because a) contents don't have anything to do with the burn and b) they wanted to keep it understandable for people who missed plot points of S3, they decided to change it into something more generic - "Far from home".
    • Upgradable versions of 32c pink tetrions would probably never become a thing.
    • Mike thinks we'd like next legendary ship.
      • (Well, I'm sure few people have issues with ships themselves, it's distribution methods that cause frustration.)
    • Bond With Life ground trait:
      • There's only select list of creatures that you can capture using it.
      • The list of captured creatures is, predictably, per-character.
      • Even if you unequip the trait, the list would be remembered and you won't need to reacquire creatures again.
    • 3189 uniform comes with new and unique colours.
    • Random trivia that happened: Mike lives 45 minutes away from office and Donny lives 2 minutes away.
    • As much as Mike liked S4 uniform's look, he had distraught "but we just finished S3 version" moment.

    ...actually finished the thing 2h ago, but forgot to push the "post" button. Sorry.

    submitted by /u/andrey_159
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    Low effort OC: new content looks NICE

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    Patch Note: Lonely Tumbleweed Edition (PC Patch Notes for 5/20/21)

    Posted: 19 May 2021 08:18 PM PDT

    Ground auto fire help

    Posted: 20 May 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    So my new toons are able to use the ground auto fire but for some reason my older toons are unable to use it. Is there any settings that i need to use to fix this?

    submitted by /u/FriendlyAide
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    Cosplaying on sto

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    Hi everyone

    Im speaking to this guy currantly and he claims a friend of his got banned for cosplaying homer Simpson and calling his character homer Simpson

    I know this will sound silly

    But can you get banned for cosplaying a character????

    submitted by /u/Stoforlife
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    Beta to now, a review with suggestions

    Posted: 20 May 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    I have had an account for STO since there was a site to make an account on. I followed development in magazines and news posts. I took pictures of concept art on my screen to text to my friends. I played the beta test every minute I could when it came out, and release the same. I have loved star trek since my dad and I watched the new episode of voyager every week together before I went to bed. (X-Files came on after and as a child in the single digits at the time it was a little too scary to want to stay up). So how is star trek online now vs the beginning?

    In some ways it is significantly better. I love the wide variety of ships as the ships are my favorite part of star trek as a whole. I love the stories, I love the message, but I major in engineering and physics so someday I can be on the team that designs the real NX-01. The down side that has come from this I must point out, is that most of my friends won't touch the game, because they don't have the same history with star trek and don't want to "Pay to win" which is very valid. I have spent WAY more than the lifetime sub I considered early on. That does come with the perk that I have a significant amount of c-store ships, however the downside that my friends when they play are significantly weaker captains than I am at the same point of progression. This has been made MUCH worse by the new scaling tier 6 ships. I can hop into just about whatever I feel like at level 1 and they are trapped in the progression. It needs to be locked again. You shouldn't be able to skip the grind to admiral ships, because you can afford to.

    This brings me to my biggest problem with STO now vs the beginning. When it launched, you paid a monthly fee or didn't play. Now with free to play, there is virtually no incentive to pay monthly which has led to an EGREGIOUS amount of pay to win, and lock box gambling. I can't keep track of where to get the ships I want because are they from paid for R&D packs? Is the ship on the Lobi Store? Is it in Mudd's market for over 100 bucks? Oh damn sorry, it was the legendary odyssey I wanted to grab but that's not anywhere unless it's a certain time of the year. There's then the argument of getting them on the market for EC, but they're up there for +600mil and the only way I can seem to think of to get money easily to do that is sell lock box keys. Buying those only furthers the company to put out more lock boxes, and the damn cycle continues.

    When Star Trek Online was new it had a dedicated player base, and most of the people I met were there for the trek. The fleet im still in to this day started as role-playing. We had honest to god, mandatory meetings at the star base. We coordinated and trained recruiters, and had a true honest to God command structure. Now there's no point in making a fleet because you can never grind all the holdings with a small fleet. Especially when they require things that cost real life dollars to blend into the holding smoothie. If you haven't noticed a pattern here I'll point it out right now.

    Free to play fundamentally changed the game. Its not worse, it's not better, but it is not the same. Some developments can be praised, thank God for queue systems and not typing into zone chat FED TAC DREAD LFG (insert stf name here). But the way that they make money now has changed the places development money is allocated. I have noticed that everytime I log in after an extended period away I receive enough accolades to level up. Heck when they went from 60 to 65 I accoladed that gap on login because someone said let's add a million accolades for doing nothing. Missions seem to be the same mission every time with different dialogue and are very predictable.

    Warp in -> kill small ship -> kill 3 small ships -> captain we need to beam down -> run around like a headless chicken with 4 friends who must stand behind you -> beam up we're done -> 3 more frigates -> oh shit a battleship -> you win claim your prize

    Let me solve this for you in one sentence. BRING BACK THE FOUNDRY. For you new players, that was a system that had ALL the assets in sto for you to build custom missions. I loved it because I had a ship test mission that was just wave after wave of different difficult enemies. Very fun. Others took it way further and made hour plus long wonderful stories. Some of the missions were so good I believe they even made it into the official game. Have a spotlight for exceptional foundry missions again, and if you find someone who does good work, incorporate their content. Suddenly you mission development team has near unlimited staff for free. I love the story that exists already but some of it can be a bit forced, or feel stuffed in because it needed to be, and again they all feel like a Disney ride on a rail. There's no choice, there's no change, it's just a ride.

    Let's talk about a few other aspects really fast. First small topic is PVP. This was actually a lot of fun until about season 2 for me. Around then people began putting thought into their ships and I noticed a significant uptick in klingon players with birds of prey refit that would just instantly kill you no matter what. Federation tactics became turtle cruisers that could survive an alpha strike from one of those and it was pretty lame once federation pilots got the defiant refit working like the BoPs.

    Next, I have been offended by this one stupid thing forever and I must voice it incase a dev sees this. WHY DID YOU PUT THE TEMBA HIS ARMS WIDE BADGE UP ON THE C-STORE! I have two things on my character that made it feel special. The Ambassador title (originally only given to accounts that were made before release) and the Temba badge given to players when the walls of Shaka fell during the first major update and the game fell to pieces for a few days. Both of these can be obtained by anyone, though Ambassador is max rank in Doff diplomacy tree and now that you don't need that to go to klingon space cause it's all one map what's the point.

    Next is the map, I love the unified map over the separate sectors it used to be. However at low level going warp 5 in unacceptable on the huge map. I might as well minimize it and go move a ship in eve online at the same time to feel like an efficient space trucker.

    So here's my final word on star trek online over the entirety of its existence. It is FANTASTIC if you love star trek. I feel closer to the shows and movies with this game in my life. I feel like I can watch star trek from the captains perspective. The game is a good time sink if you want to unwind. It's very easy nowadays to just hop into a few stf's get the action you wanted and log out. A far cry from the original queue-less borg. (However please bring back the UNIFIED borg stf's with difficulty!! I miss spending 3-6 hours with a team, becoming friends [or enemies] and play through a truly frustratingly hard borg stf. The current borg fall so easy they feel like shooting people on Risa sometimes). I miss the way that sto was before their profit came from the c-store. The you don't get paid unless the content is good strategy. As is star trek is a slot machine disguised as a game, but who doesn't love going to Vegas.


    submitted by /u/Loxos_Shriak
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    How do people fly the Scimitar?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    Picked it up with the free voucher because I've always wanted one since its release and I'm trying hard to make it work. Only problem is that the thing just won't stop sliding into the middle of the next star system. I tried a few ISA runs to get acquainted only to have the run constantly ruined by its handling. Overshooting the first group of cubes, then I could never get the ship to stop in front of the transformers. Turn rate is an absolute joke unless you spend TWO console slots for the set consoles to boost turn rate. I won't gripe too much about that since the two consoles actually boost damage and firing rate so I'm gaining more than losing. What can I do to stop it drifting everywhere? How many more console slots do I need to sacrifice?

    submitted by /u/prometheus8888
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    Can I get some tips for new players or just stuff I need to know

    Posted: 20 May 2021 08:54 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Smarx_Qz
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    what happened to the typhoon class ?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    what happened to the typhoon class ?

    I remember way back in 2012 and 2013 the Typhoon battleship existed, a behemoth of a ship that would usually appear when you activate the emergency fleet support ability as a federation captain, as well as made an appearance in the ''Fluid Dynamics'' mission.

    Now its replaced by battlecruisers. what was the reason this ship was done away with ? i loved how it looked and always hoped to fly one back when I started out.



    submitted by /u/Adora_ble_
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    Has anyone been able to chain the new Tholian console?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    Does the primary target need to be locked-on or can't die? Do you think it needs improved?

    submitted by /u/DragonHEF01
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    (xbox) looking to buy an old ship

    Posted: 20 May 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    hey everyone

    as it says.. im looking to get an old ship/ lock box for the crossfield science Spearhead.. i have just under 9 million and willing to pay every cent i have to get this ship.. if you have this ship/lock box and want to sell to me for all 8.8 millon credits i have ples message my discord at Artyom#1518

    submitted by /u/boobielover271
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    Has anyone worked out how to make Loriss?

    Posted: 20 May 2021 03:10 AM PDT

    The nearest thing I've found seems to be outdated using assets from before ViL or somesuch. I know I can get a holo one for (currently) 1 million EC (!) but I'd rather have a proper one made from an alien boff, so she can be customized further (especially the uniform).

    I was also wondering, in general, if you have a holo boff, even though you cannot change their outfit, can you "save" it, which might give you something to reload? For example, a holo-Chekov would still be human, probably, so you might be able to load him from a picture/outfit. Similar with a character like Loriss if she'd be flagged as a generic "alien".

    submitted by /u/DMack97
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    Ranking: Top 5 Romulan Aligned C-Store Starships???

    Posted: 19 May 2021 02:17 PM PDT

    What are your top five Romulan aligned starships on the C-Store? And Why???

    I got great opinions and discussion on the Klingon and Federation posts I did last week and now I'll extend to the Romulan Republic. I don't fly Romulan too much but I love the Morrigu and the flagships.

    submitted by /u/mikeyp_92_
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    Do any C-store ships give weapons that are good enough to use late in game?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    I know lots of people buy ships for their consoles. Was just wondering if there are any C-store ships that make available any decent weapons you'd want to use at Lv65. I think I heard about some lock box ships having things like spiral weapons, so...any c-store weapons you'd suggest?

    submitted by /u/Bortazikstan
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    What is the most time-efficient way to earn fleet credits?

    Posted: 19 May 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    I wanted to know what is the most efficient and fast way to earn fleet credits.

    And also fleet ship module how do you get those

    submitted by /u/RujulGamer25
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