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    Sunday, April 25, 2021

    Star Trek Online Can't Log In to Arc

    Star Trek Online Can't Log In to Arc

    Can't Log In to Arc

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Is anybody else having issues logging into Arc? It keeps saying "Login has timed out." I've restarted my pc twice and double checked my internet connection.

    submitted by /u/Jaded_Walk_5406
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    Smoked em

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    Arc problems? --> Extended Platform Maintenance Today

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    Arc Games

    Still like to play?

    Find the main exe in your install folder and run it,these should be in C:/This Computer/Program Files (x86)/Star Trek Online_En and run the main exe "Star Trek Online".


    Arc back ONLINE 😊!

    submitted by /u/RoseFlowerPrincess
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    Night of the Comet - Lounge door already destroyed, can't progress in the mission...

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    My Delta Req toon is running the Night of the Comet, and when the time comes to "destroy the lounge door", I find that the door has already been destroyed. Because of that i can't progress in the mission. Is this a known bug, and is there a workaround?

    submitted by /u/Zoxesyr
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    Singularity Augments

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    I've been giving a little thought to the matter of Singularity Core abilities. They're neat and all, but once you've used them... well, you know what they do and they don't really change all that much. Another thing to consider is that, sooner or later, we're going to get a new Fleet Holding. And I thought... "hey, wouldn't it be neat if that hypothetical Fleet Holding offered Singularity Cores that changed how Singularity abilities worked a little bit?" And so here I am. These are more "proof of concept" ideas for Singularity Augments than definitive suggestions, but it might be fun.

    For example, the old Singularity Core mods that add things to Singularity Core abilities are, for instance, [Wave] adding a 10% chance to knock a subsystem offline with Plasma Shockwave. Decidedly meh. So, here a few ideas for what new Fleet Holding-exclusive mods could do.

    • [Wave2] - Plasma Recapture Manifolds. Upon using Plasma Shockwave, you reabsorb a small amount of the discharged plasma and reroute it into your EPS grid, particularly into your Weapons. Plasma Shockwave deals 10% less damage, but also grants a +5-25 All Power Levels buff and cat1 Energy Damage buff for ten seconds.
    • [Vol] - Volatile Absorption. Quantum Absorption grants 15% less Temporary Hull, but also reflects 30% of all energy damage dealt to the Temporary Hull pool for its duration.
    • [Ram] - Shadow Ram. Your Warp Shadows will now attempt to ram your current target (or the nearest enemy ship, if no target). If you have a target selected, and its Rank is lower than your Singularity Core charge level (i.e., you'd need Singularity Level 2 to affect frigates with this), their helmsman will panic and attempt to avoid the ram, fleeing from the Warp Shadows to the best of its ability. The ram does no actual damage, as the warp shadows have no mass.
    • [Tomed] - Tomed Maneuver. If you utilize Singularity Jump while below 50% Hull, Ramming Speed is automatically applied, deals 50% Bonus Damage, and causes your Singularity Breach AoE range to double. (The idea being, you're ramming them at warp speed)
    • [KinAmp] - Graviton Charge Matrix. Singularity Overcharge now grants 10% less energy damage, redirecting the energy to charge torpedoes and mines with graviton particles to artificially increase their mass, and therefore their impact force. Singularity Overcharge now grants +2-10% Bonus Kinetic Damage, in addition to overcharging Energy Weapons.

    Thoughts on the augments? Are there any ideas any of you have for cool modifiers? Not even just Singularity Cores, mind, because I doubt a Fleet Holding would only be selling Singularities.

    submitted by /u/Lord-Ice
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    Request/suggestion: give every boff race a space trait

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:01 PM PDT

    Note - this is specifically referring to Federation characters. And if this has been discussed already, I apologize, but I still feel compelled to post.

    As I've been delving into the realm of building up my bridge crew on the new character, I've been reminded that there isn't much variety in the ability to build up a good collection of space traits. Your staples and easy to obtain choices are Humans and Saurians, with the easily obtainable Hierarchy dude and the liberated Borg lady if you have access to her as well. Outside of that there's the embassy Romulans, buithe often expensive Cardassians, K-13 folks, and if you get real desperate, Kentari or Talaxians. And the Elachi.

    Now as for our mainstay races, good old Vulcans (the wiki claims they can have efficient, but I've never seen it), Andorians, Tellarites, Betazoids, Bajorans, Benzites, Bolians, Rigelians, Ferengi, Trill, even the lifer android, none of them get anything to make them useful in a space build. It doesn't look like the Aenar or Catians do either. I think it would be cool to give every boff race at least one unique space trait, maybe even one from a random pool of several possibilities.

    I'm not a game dev, I'll make no attempt to claim I have any awareness of how easy or difficult it is to make something like this happen, but I do know people love having choices, options, the ability to customize. And hey, the Federation is all about diversity, and I feel that should be reflected in the gameplay as well.


    submitted by /u/Starmada9801
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    Fed T5 Colony world access

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:05 AM PDT


    A few nights ago I finally managed to get one of my characters onto a T5 Colony world, and was pleasantly surprised how extremely powerful the Colony deflector and the Kentari boff are. You often see these things suggested for almost all kinds of builds, but up until recently I was happy with reputation D/E/C/S items.

    Well no more! The colony world items are really lovely, and I'd like to acquire the deflector/sec. deflector/console/boff on my other characters. However, getting access to a T5 Colony world has proven difficult. Asking in the armada chat has proven pointless. Asking in the NoP public service channel has proven fruitless as there is far too often too much nonsensical chat spam.

    Therefore I'm asking here in reddit if someone would be willing to invite my 4 characters to their T5 colony world and wait 2-3 minutes while I purchase the good stuff. Ingame handle is u/diaspar161, or we can agree on an invite time here.

    Edit: Wow, already solved. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/QuackSK
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    Tips for a ZEN T6 "Allrounder" ?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:45 AM PDT

    I currently have the Andromeda (can't even remember why\how i have it, still, it does the job).

    I have 3000 zen fom the yesteryears of me playing the game and i was looking into a more aggressive but definetly NOT an escort ship (Battlecruiser maybe ?)

    Also i do like beams way more than cannons. I'll use the ship (if i'm correct in the assumption that once i buy a ship since i have LVL 65 Fed and Kdf i should be albe to use the ship with each toon?) with mainly a TAC or ENG.

    I do like the look of the Kurak but i'm open to any ship.

    Bonus if it DOES NOT have any specific type of damage bonus (meaning that if i want to use phasers with fed, disruptors with kdf and maybe polaron with a jem adar i won't be in a less than ideal scenario).

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Ther0
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    The Vault is one of the most hated episodes, but I legit LOVE it with event gear, it's SO FUN!

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:53 PM PDT

    The Vault is repeatedly bemoaned any time a "worst episodes" discussion happens, but I kinda love it. I just played it again on my Delta recruit, and man, this episode is so much ridiculous fun!

    I have the Delta Flyer from the C-store, because somebody once recommended it here on reddit and fuggit, it was 500 zen. Gives you 2 front weapons, a science station and a generic station he recommended to use for a tac officer. Tac officer is important.

    I slotted in the plasma torpedo launcher from a couple missions prior and the beam weapon of choice (advanced phasers, in my case). Add in the 4-piece Revolutionary set of shield/engine/warp/deflector and you can fire a Battleship Yamato main beam cannon shot from your small craft. Oh yeah! Slot in the Voth Power Core from a few years back - summons a combat pet that does plasma damage, 100% hit rate on those pesky Scorpion fighters! Torpedo Spread I is also a 100% hit rate if you don't have the Voth Power Core, but I do so I slotted Torpedo High Yield I instead for crazy damage when it hits. Once again: Torpedo Spread I if you don't have an old event module. I also have the Federation Legendary Ships pack, so I got some more universal fun gadgets, but if you didn't spend the cash, these traits/consoles are almost 90% of what I did.

    And WHAT did I do? I destroyed both Mogai Heavy Warbirds outside of The Vault itself. I didn't even have the Yamato Wave Motion gun for it, I had fired that at the group of light warbirds killing 2 of them. Had to run and recharge after the killing the 1st Mogai, but then came back and killed the 2nd. Flew into the vault, Voth Subcored the flying FETH out of the scorpions, then Wave Motion Gunned and heavy Plasma Torpedo-ed the Mogai Heavy Warbird your supposed to run away from inside. Almost screwed up at the end, because the mission won't let the D'Deridect Warbird die (had it as 0% health), but made it out just a few minutes ago with no deaths. Been a LONG time since I had that much fun with an old mission, I kinda wish there was even more small-craft stuff to do, because it goes from frustrating to God-Mode with the right setup.

    TL:DR in any Small-Craft mission, use a craft with a Tactical officer seat and slot a torpedo, use Torpedo Spread I as often as you can. Use any event gear you can. Event gear is generally awful for end-game, but amazing for leveling.

    submitted by /u/Rhelyk
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    Bug ; Legendary Walker Light Battle cruiser Mastery issues

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    I have just got my Legendary Walker Light Battlecruiser Mastery to tier 6, but i have encountered a few bugs with it.

    one of the bugs is that Time of need, the starship trait has not unlocked

    another is that i only use the ensign slots on the two specialisation Boff stations, as if they were locked like when scaling.

    I have tried to dismiss the ships and claim it back again, this has not helped the issue

    Has anyone else had this issue, and if so have you found a fix for this

    submitted by /u/Vendose
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    Proper Playthrough, all content, in order.

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    So, one of my annoyances with the game is the removal of some arcs and shifting them to a different tab in the journal. I started playing STO about 6 years ago, I think just before the Tzenkethi popped up. Back then all of the missions were in the main journal. My goal is to play through all the content in the game, in the same order it was back then. I even used a bunch of the duty assignments from the exchange (and a bunch of EXP boosts from the First Contact event) to make my Fed Delta Recruit level 65 the day after the recruitment event started. Now that all the missions are available, I'm trying to remember what order everything went in. Especially some of the missions from Yesterday's War, since those seemed to pop up when you reached certain levels rather than all being one arc. Could anyone help me sort everything out so I can play through it the way it all originally was?

    submitted by /u/CaptainQuirky
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    Another minor bug that will never get fixed: Bridge officer tailor bug(xbox1)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Trying to edit a bridge officer after the initial accepting them as active is the only way to completely avoid the "cannot change species" bug.

    This hasn't even made it to patch notes as something cryptic is even aware of- so I highly doubt it will ever be fixed.

    Maybe if enough people catch it and say something the devs will eventually catch on. But that still doesn't mean it will get fixed- I mean, did they ever fix sound for ground phasers? (I wouldn't know, since the only ground phasers I actually use are the Agony and Mirror ones that weren't affected by the sound glitch)

    submitted by /u/IngloriousLevka11
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    Play time for console yet?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    So, looking back on old posts, I see a post from 2018 stating that console did not have a way to check your play time yet. I just confirmed that /played still doesnt do anything. Have they fixed this for console in some way yet?

    submitted by /u/nomad_ata
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    I am relatively new to STO (Dealing with the Iconian and Remen arc at the moment) and have never played an MMO before. My question is; am I starting at the beginning (old) content and have a lot to look forward to? Or did I miss out on stories by being 11 years too late? Pic: USS Valhalla

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 02:34 PM PDT

    Alien Anomaly

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    What's the deal with server disconnects?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 01:57 PM PDT

    I kept getting booted off, rubber banding, and freezing during my tfo's yesterday. Soooooo frustrating. Anybody else?

    submitted by /u/MingusPho
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    "This is strike team Alpha, ready for immediate transport to Terok Nor!" "Keep your britches on, we've got our own priorities. Now, let's grab us some of those sweet, sweet aux batteries ensign. Then beam up lieutenant 'I'm in a big hurry'."

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 12:26 AM PDT

    Why does it seem that people hate pilot maneuvers?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    My best character flys a Pilot Engineering Escort. I love the zoominess of it and use the maneuvers regularly to outflank opponents. It seems people in this subreddit make fun of it or find the ability annoying. Personally, I don't understand why. It's very useful for hit and run attacks, and for me, it doesn't activate randomly.

    submitted by /u/Ihaventasnoo
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    Bajor Defense Set-Better Than Romulan?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    One of my best tank/dps/support/exotic characters is a Romulan Engineer. He flys a T6-X Baratan-Class Command Warbird. I use the Bajoran Defense set, and I enjoy about 70k dps with my exotic damage and regular plasma damage. I find the shield works well, and the set bonuses fit the theme of a non-aligned romulan well, with plasma bonuses and a plasma exotic ability. I enjoy it immensely. My question is; is it worth it to get the Romulan Space Set, or should I upgrade the Bajor defense set, especially since it includes a singularity core? I have the Romulan Weapon set, so just the deflector, impulse and shield.

    submitted by /u/Ihaventasnoo
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    White Flashes

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 06:08 PM PDT

    Does anyone else see white flashes sometimes when a dialog box disappears? Wondering if it's my pc or if other know about it and how to prevent it from happening.

    submitted by /u/green_dragon527
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    Can you get the space version of "engineered soldier" on a jem'hadar bridge officer or is it just a captain ability?

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    Are you a Mizar or Ferengi

    Posted: 24 Apr 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    How many total Ships do you have? My fleet is 114 from T1 to T6.

    submitted by /u/Vulvius
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